字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 When I was a kid I used to live in a predominantly white neighborhood. 我小時候住在一個白人居多的社區。 Mostly Portuguese, Italians, and Polish. 大部份都是葡萄牙人、義大利人跟波蘭人。 Having only lived in Canada for a few years, I was still getting used to the different cultures that made up my school. 那時候才剛到加拿大不久,我還在適應學校裡的各種文化。 And as a kid, I gotta admit I became self-conscious of the exotic foods that I brought for my classmates to see. 我承認,那時候我真的對自己帶去學校的異國料理,感到很難為情。 You know, I take out my rice and chicken adobo or literally what I normally eat at home for lunch, but in a pack container. 你知道的,我午餐都會帶便當,會有白飯跟醬醋雞肉,這大概就是我每天中午在家吃的食物,只不過是裝在便當盒裡。 And then you got my classmates bringing their lunchables like cheese and crackers with processed ham. 然後我的同學帶的午餐都像是起司、餅乾、或是加工火腿。 And then sometimes they put in a chocolate bar, like, what? 他們有時候還會夾巧克力在裡面,真的有夠怪! Though it seemed like a meal to them, it didn't for me, but vice versa, they thought I was weird, too. 雖然他們覺得那才是真正的午餐,我卻覺得很怪,不過反之亦然,他們也覺得我吃的東西很怪。 My biggest concern is, though, revolved around the snacks I brought. 但我最擔心的還是我帶去學校的點心。 You see there's this Filipino snack called sweet corn. 在菲律賓,有種叫甜玉米的點心。 And it has an uncanny resemblance to corn pops. 它跟玉米花長得很像。 I brought some to school one day in a sandwich bag. 有一次我把它裝在三明治袋裡,帶去學校吃。 And a classmate come up to me and excitedly asked: 就有個同學湊過來,興奮地問我: "Hey, can I have some? I love those!" 「嘿,可以分我一點嗎?我超愛吃這個的!」 And in my head I'm like... 我那時候以為... "Wow, my non-Filipino classmate is not only aware of this Filipino snack, but enjoys consuming it like I do!" 「哇,我終於找到一個懂得這點心,還跟我一樣愛吃的外國同學了!」 Nice! 太棒了! She reaches in, takes a handful and stuffs them in her mouth, chews for two seconds and immediately changes her expression to the disgusting regret. 於是她的手就湊過來,抓了一把往嘴裡塞,她咬了兩秒,馬上臉色大變。 "Ew, ew, ew, what is this?" 「噁,這到底是什麼啊?」 "Er...sweet corn." 「呃...就是甜玉米。」 "I thought it was corn pops. Ew, it's disgusting." 「我以為是玉米花。噁,它真的好噁。」 "You're disgusting..." 「你才噁心吧...」 In later occasions, more classmates would repeat the same mistake, even after being warned. 之後陸陸續續還是有同學做同樣的事,雖然我已經警告過他們了還是沒有用。 "Oh, dude, I love those!" 「哇,我超愛這個的!」 "Are you sure? I don't think it's what you think it is." 「你確定嗎?你應該是認錯了。」 "No, no, corn pops, right?" 「沒有啊,這玉米花啊,不是嗎?」 "No, no, no, no, sweet corn!" 「不不不,這是甜玉米!」 "Yeah, yeah, sweet corn pops, whatever." 「喔,隨便啦,反正就是甜的玉米花嘛。」 "Can I have some?" 「我可以吃一些嗎?」 Aw, ew! You didn't listen. 噢...噁!早就跟你說了。 Honestly, they probably only found it gross because it's not what they presumed it to be. 老實說,我覺得他們會覺得難吃,只是因為味道不是他們認為的那樣。 The same thing happened when I brought those shrimp chips, too. 我帶蝦味鮮去的時候也是這樣。 "Oh, man, can I have a french fry?" 「哇,可以分我一點薯條嗎?」 "It...it's...they're not fries." 「這個...這不是薯條。」 "Don't lie, those are totally fries!" 「屁啦,這明明就是薯條啊!」 "I'm not. I'm really not." 「真的。我真的沒騙你。」 Ewwww! What the fuck did I just say? You little bitch. -噁!-我他 X 剛剛不就說了嗎?你這小 X 子。
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 同學 帶去 菲律賓 點心 薯條 學校 【多元文化】童年零食好滋味,外國人不懂的口味!東西方零食大不同 (Asian Food) 86390 5419 Mii Wei 發佈於 2022 年 04 月 24 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字