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Hi everybody, this is your breakup coach, Eddie Corbano...
and TODAY I would like to share some insights with you that will enable you to speed up
your healing time considerably after a break-up.
I will show you two main concepts that will help you get over your Ex much faster, because
you don't want to rely only on TIME healing your wounds. It takes far too long, and does
NOT always work out.
But - before you can start to apply these two secrets I'm about to show you, there is
one thing that you must realize first, before you can heal.
During the time when I was suffering through my own break-up, a distant relative of mine
unexpectedly came to see me.
He only asked me one thing - and I will never forget that question... he said:
"Why do you think that SHE is responsible for YOUR happiness?"
And that question basically turned my life around.
I realized that it was MY responsibility to feel better and nobody's else.
After that, I started to actively work on my recovery, and take all the steps necessary
for getting my life back into my own hands again.
So what is the one thing you have to realize first?
That YOU must work for your own happiness, because nobody else will!
One active part in my recovery was following the no contact rule. I cut off all contact
with my Ex... and after a few weeks I made another important realization.
I realized that I didn't love myself very much.
In fact, I hated my guts. And this wasn't just because she had left me, or because I
blamed myself for what happened. This was going on long before I had even met her.
So I knew that my first goal was learning to love myself again.
But how do you start loving yourself when all you can think about is that you are not
worthy, and that you don't deserve to be happy?
You start by telling yourself that YOU are only human, with faults and imperfections
like everyone else, and that you love yourself DESPITE these imperfections.
You can achieve this with a technique called daily affirmations.
Affirmations are short statements you repeat to yourself over and over again.
You simply stand in front of a mirror and repeat 25 times slowly:
"I love myself unconditionally for all my perfections and imperfections."
You do that in the morning and and again in the evening.
I know that it sounds silly when you say it, and a big part of you is going to resist,
but when you do this daily and consistently you will begin to feel the results soon after.
Because this works. Please try it - I guarantee you that you won't regret it.
The second secret about getting over a break-up fast is to pursue a life-purpose.
A life-purpose is basically a set of activities that revolve around your core being. In other
words: it is something you love to do and are passionate about in your life.
To follow a life-purpose after a break-up has two major advantages:
1. it shifts your focus away from your ex, (which minimizes the harmful over-thinking
process) and 2. it forces you to switch from being passive
to active, (which will help you in many ways)
You can supercharge your life-purpose by combining it somehow with helping other people. In that
way, you contribute to the world, making it a better place.
So how do you find YOUR personal life-purpose?
The only way to find it is by taking a deep look within yourself. It's by uncovering life-long
passions, dreams and things that you were always good at. In other words, activities
that uplift and energize you.
When you find that special activity, combine it with helping people. And THAT will be your
personal life-purpose.
It requires some soul-searching, and it takes some time. But if you are really determined...
I guarantee you that you WILL find it.
Working on your self-love and finding your life-purpose will shorten your healing time
many times over. Because IF you want to get the best out of this break-up, and really
learn from it, then you have to actively work on your recovery.
If you just wait for time to heal your wounds, and don't take an active part in your recovery...
then you WILL take all of these neglected problems into your next relationship and risk
having the whole thing repeat itself... over and over again.
DON'T risk that. Start your healing NOW.
Work on your self-love, find your life purpose - and you will have made a huge step forward
in your recovery.
So, that's it for today. If you found this useful, please subscribe to my break-up survival
newsletter at ExDetoxSystem dot com.
See your there.
Free yourself. Live limit-less.
Your coach Eddie Corbano