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  • Hi everybody, this is your breakup coach, Eddie Corbano...

  • and TODAY I would like to share some insights with you that will enable you to speed up

  • your healing time considerably after a break-up.

  • I will show you two main concepts that will help you get over your Ex much faster, because

  • you don't want to rely only on TIME healing your wounds. It takes far too long, and does

  • NOT always work out.

  • But - before you can start to apply these two secrets I'm about to show you, there is

  • one thing that you must realize first, before you can heal.

  • During the time when I was suffering through my own break-up, a distant relative of mine

  • unexpectedly came to see me.

  • He only asked me one thing - and I will never forget that question... he said:

  • "Why do you think that SHE is responsible for YOUR happiness?"

  • And that question basically turned my life around.

  • I realized that it was MY responsibility to feel better and nobody's else.

  • After that, I started to actively work on my recovery, and take all the steps necessary

  • for getting my life back into my own hands again.

  • So what is the one thing you have to realize first?

  • That YOU must work for your own happiness, because nobody else will!

  • One active part in my recovery was following the no contact rule. I cut off all contact

  • with my Ex... and after a few weeks I made another important realization.

  • I realized that I didn't love myself very much.

  • In fact, I hated my guts. And this wasn't just because she had left me, or because I

  • blamed myself for what happened. This was going on long before I had even met her.

  • So I knew that my first goal was learning to love myself again.

  • But how do you start loving yourself when all you can think about is that you are not

  • worthy, and that you don't deserve to be happy?

  • You start by telling yourself that YOU are only human, with faults and imperfections

  • like everyone else, and that you love yourself DESPITE these imperfections.

  • You can achieve this with a technique called daily affirmations.

  • Affirmations are short statements you repeat to yourself over and over again.

  • You simply stand in front of a mirror and repeat 25 times slowly:

  • "I love myself unconditionally for all my perfections and imperfections."

  • You do that in the morning and and again in the evening.

  • I know that it sounds silly when you say it, and a big part of you is going to resist,

  • but when you do this daily and consistently you will begin to feel the results soon after.

  • Because this works. Please try it - I guarantee you that you won't regret it.

  • ...

  • The second secret about getting over a break-up fast is to pursue a life-purpose.

  • A life-purpose is basically a set of activities that revolve around your core being. In other

  • words: it is something you love to do and are passionate about in your life.

  • To follow a life-purpose after a break-up has two major advantages:

  • 1. it shifts your focus away from your ex, (which minimizes the harmful over-thinking

  • process) and 2. it forces you to switch from being passive

  • to active, (which will help you in many ways)

  • You can supercharge your life-purpose by combining it somehow with helping other people. In that

  • way, you contribute to the world, making it a better place.

  • So how do you find YOUR personal life-purpose?

  • The only way to find it is by taking a deep look within yourself. It's by uncovering life-long

  • passions, dreams and things that you were always good at. In other words, activities

  • that uplift and energize you.

  • When you find that special activity, combine it with helping people. And THAT will be your

  • personal life-purpose.

  • It requires some soul-searching, and it takes some time. But if you are really determined...

  • I guarantee you that you WILL find it.

  • Working on your self-love and finding your life-purpose will shorten your healing time

  • many times over. Because IF you want to get the best out of this break-up, and really

  • learn from it, then you have to actively work on your recovery.

  • If you just wait for time to heal your wounds, and don't take an active part in your recovery...

  • then you WILL take all of these neglected problems into your next relationship and risk

  • having the whole thing repeat itself... over and over again.

  • DON'T risk that. Start your healing NOW.

  • Work on your self-love, find your life purpose - and you will have made a huge step forward

  • in your recovery.

  • So, that's it for today. If you found this useful, please subscribe to my break-up survival

  • newsletter at ExDetoxSystem dot com.

  • See your there.

  • Free yourself. Live limit-less.

  • Your coach Eddie Corbano

Hi everybody, this is your breakup coach, Eddie Corbano...


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如何通過做這兩件事來擺脫分手的陰影 (How To Get Over A Break Up By Doing These Two Things)

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    Caurora 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日