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(soothing music)
- [Terence] Welcome again to
More Than a Conqueror Television Broadcast.
Hello, my name is Terence Johnson
and we're just believers led by the spirit of God.
We just finished doing a long series on faith for miracles
and I just believe the Lord has put on our heart now to
explore more of his word
and we're gonna begin a series today
on the Fruit of the Spirit.
When we receive Jesus Christ as Lord of our lives,
the Holy Spirit came to live on the inside of us
and he operates and serves as our teacher.
He's the one that leads us, he's the one that prompts us,
he's the one that shows us and gives us direction.
He's the one that reminds us of what the word says
and keeps us and leads us to the right direction
that God would like to take us
and so for each and every believer, for each and every one
who's made Jesus Christ Lord of their lives
you have the spirit of God living on the inside of you
and unfortunately we ignore him.
We're still callous, we're still
want to lean to our own understanding,
we still want to do and operate we used to operate
when we're in the world and so that's why
we minimize the ministry of the Holy Spirit,
but he is there, he never leaves us, he never forsakes us
and when he came to live on the inside of us,
with him are the Fruit of the Spirit
and there's nine Fruit of the Spirit,
love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness,
faith, meekness, and temperance,
and we're going to take our time and we're going to look at
each and every of the nine Fruit of the Spirit.
How they are to operate in our lives, in our everyday lives.
I'm telling you, when a believer has the Fruit of the Spirit
operating daily in their lives, it manifests
what the Word of God calls holiness .
We're just set apart and we're distinct from the world.
I mean in our language, the way we do business,
the way we raise our families, it's governed by
the Fruit of the Spirit and this is what God's plan is.
We are to be a light, an example
to those that know the Lord
and it first starts in our home.
It starts also in our churches
and it applies, as I just said, in every area of our lives.
So, let's have a word of prayer and let's begin
on today's lesson on the Fruit of the Spirit
and specifically we'll talk about love.
Father, we just thank you right now,
we give you all the glory, all the praise,
all the honor Lord God.
We thank you, Father, for the spirit of wisdom
and a revelation that
the eyes of our understanding be enlightened.
Father, we thank you and declare that
we're not just hearers of your word,
but we are doers of your word
because only the doer of the word is blessed.
And Father, we just thank you,
we just give you all the glory, all the praise,
all the honor in Jesus's name, amen.
Well, if you have your bibles with you, I'm going to ask you
to turn with me to the Book of Galatians
and we're going to begin reading at the 16th verse.
So, Galatians Chapter Five, Verse 16,
we'll begin reading there.
Our foundation scriptures will be verses 22 and 23.
If you've been following the program, you always know
we have foundation scriptures, so every broadcast
will use our foundation scriptures
and begin to allow the Spirit of God build the teaching,
build the lessons so that we have understanding.
So that we can not just hear it, but we know how to apply
what the Word of God is saying to us in our everyday lives.
The Word of God is not only believable, it is doable.
It is livable and God made it available for us
with the help and the assistance
of his precious Holy Spirit, amen.
All right, let's begin reading
Galatians Chapter Five, Verse 16.
"This I say then, walk in the spirit
and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh."
And that word lust is not a word of perversion,
it just means strong desire.
We have strong desires, amen.
There's strong desires to eat.
There's strong desires to sleep.
There's strong desires for a man
and a woman to come together
to be intimate with one another.
So these are a part of the flesh
and understand that they don't go away,
but they are to be subject to the Spirit of God.
They are to be subject to our natural, human spirit, amen.
Who has been impressed and who has been influenced
by the Holy Spirit, your spirit, and my spirit.
Verse 17, "For the flesh, lustith and again,
"is in contention of fights against the Spirit
"or the Holy Spirit and the Spirit against the flesh
"and these are contrary, the one to the other,
"so that you can not do the things that you would.
"But if you are led of the Spirit,
"you are not under the law.
"Now, the works of the flesh are manifest,
"which are these, adultery, fornication, uncleanness,
"lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred,
"variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions,
"heresies, envyings, murders,
"drunkenness, revellings, and suchlike
"of the which I tell you before, as I have told you also
"as I have also told you in time past,
"that they which do such things
"shall not inherit the kingdom of God."
But, Verse 22, "but the Fruit of the Spirit
"is love, joy, peace, long-suffering,
"gentleness, goodness, faith,
"meekness, temperance, against such there is no law."
Meaning that when a man or woman of God
begins to operate and let the Fruit of the Spirit
which is already in us, begin to flourish, and manifest,
there's nothing that Satan can do against us.
There's no accusation that can stick against us.
There's no weapon formed against us.
We're allowing what's already on the inside of us
and understand that it's in seed-form.
It's in seed-form just like our study of faith,
we read in Romans 12:3 how God has given to every man
the measure of faith.
Well, you've been given these Fruit of the Spirit,
the measure of the Fruit of the Spirit in seed-form.
It's up to you and I to allow the Spirit of God to show us
and let the fruit begin to grow and manifest.
We were just looking at some media images
of the Fruit of the Spirit, what to show in the background,
and this is not a criticism,
but it's just something that you commonly see
if you've heard this type of teaching before.
We us examples of natural fruit,
you'll see oranges and apples and grapes and pineapples
and bananas and suchlike and it just marked me
that we're not going to use those images
because all those images rot, fruit rots.
Natural fruit rots, but the Fruit of the Spirit never rots.
Amen, it's spiritual.
We have been born again of incorruptible seed.
That's what it says in first Peter, Chapter One Verse 23.
Incorruptible seed, it cannot wither, it cannot purtrify.
It's permanent, it's forever, but it'll stay in small
or seed-form if it's never been watered
and never allowed to grow, amen.
But that's not you and us, that's why I believe
the Spirit of God is changing our teaching here
on More Than a Conqueror Television Broadcast
and again, we're going to do our study,
a thorough study on the Fruit of the Spirit.
Now, today's lesson is on
the very first fruit that's mentioned here
in verse number 22 which is love.
So, let's continue studying right now.
Let's go to same chapter, Chapter Five in Galatians,
Verses 13 through 15.
So Galatians, Chapter Five, Verse 13 through 15
and in the first fruit that's mentioned
in Galatians 5:22 is love, amen.
Verse 13 says, "For brethren, you have been called
"unto liberty, only use not liberty
"for an occasion to the flesh,
"but by love serve one another, for all the law
"is fulfilled in one word, even this,
"thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself,
"but if ye bite and devour one another, take heed
"that ye be not consumed one of another."
We've done some teaching on the Love of God
and we're getting in a snapshot, we're gonna re-visit this
because I believe that love is the most important thing
that any believer can develop in because understand
faith works by love,
everything that you hear about in the gospel
should always have a foundation of love behind it.
Whatever we do, if we're teaching on prosperity,
if we're teaching on healing, if we're teaching on
having good relationships, love must be the foundation.
I believe this why the Spirit of God had the apostle, Paul,
write this letter to the church at Galatia
and the first thing that he reminds them of
is walking in love.
And understand what we just read,
that love fulfills all of the law,
so all the, I believe it's 6000 different laws
and ordinances and all that.
Well, love fulfills of it and so understand how important
this must be to our heavenly father and how valuable it is
for you and I to walk in the love of God
and how much Satan does not want you and I
to operate and love.
Understand, he's always trying
to get the church to fight against itself.
Remember when Jesus said in Matthew
that a house divided cannot stand.
That a house divided against itself cannot stand.
So when we have church splits and church fighting
and marriages in division and strife,
understand wherever strife is,
it is the manifestation of Satan
and so that's why we have to on purpose choose to yield
to the Fruit of the Spirit,
the one called love all the time.
That's how we keep the enemy out of our relationships,
we keep the enemy out at bay from our church services,
we keep the enemy at bay out of our marriages,
relationship with our children,
and in everything that we're involved with,
we can operate in the Love of God.
There's no situation too hard that love cannot fix,
that love cannot bring things back into order.
Okay, let's just keep going.
Let's go to Galatians Chapter Six, Verses One and Two.
Galatians Chapter Six and Verses One and Two.
And it says, "brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault.
"ye which are spiritual restore such in one
"in the spirit of meekness, considering thyself
"less thou also be tempted.
"Bare ye one another's burdens
"and so fulfill the Law of Christ."
Well the Law of Christ is found
in St. John, Chapter 13, Verses 34 and 35
and we'll go there.
The Law of Christ is the law of love and remember.
Let's just go there to St. John, Chapter 13.
Where Jesus says, "a new commandment, I give you."
St. John, Chapter 13 and Verse 34.
And if you have a King James bible,
I understand it's written in red
so this is Jesus talking, amen.
He says, "a new commandment, I give unto you,
"that you love one another as I have loved you,
"that you also love one another and by this
"shall all men know that you are my disciples,
"if you have love one to another."
This is the value that God has placed on
his commandment of love and what we just read
it's referred to in Galatians, Chapter Six, Verse Two,
as the Law of Christ.
This is a commandment, this is not an option.
We are commanded to operate in the Love of God.
So understand in order for God to give us
this type of instruction and to have this type of emphasis
on the importance of walking in love,
he had to give us the ability to do so.
All right, so you have the ability,
if you made Jesus Christ lord of your life,
you have the ability, you have the authority
to walk in his love because it's his love that we walk in.
It's not ours, our love.
It's not something we have to build up.
It's not anything we have to conjure up.
It's already on the inside of us and the Holy Spirit
reminds us to walk in this love.
What happens is that we get in, we get aggravated,
we get frustrated, we get in the flesh,
and we override the spiritual law
of walking in the Love of God.
But understand, God does not give up on us.
He's for us, never against us.
He's always there to respond to us.
He's always here to help us.
As a matter of fact, he's so close, when we think about God
we usually always, and I believe this is right,
when we think about the Father, the word of God does tell us
he's in Heaven on a throne, right?
But when you think about the Holy Spirit,
he's actually on the inside of us.
He's just that close and the Holy Spirit tells us
everything that Jesus said, he reminds us of what Jesus said
and he gives us instructions from the Father.
He's right here.
I've said this before on the broadcast,
he's better than your GPS system, amen.
He's better than your navigation system, amen.
He's just that good, he's just that close.
We're learning how to recognize his voice.
We're learning how to yield to him
because he will even tell us what to say in a hard moment.
He'll give us directions, how to solve a problem.
How to get out of strife and let the peace of God rule
and be a manifestation, amen.
The Spirit of God, his responsibility is to teach you and I
how to live a godly life on this earth.
So again, this instruction, this commandment, this law
that Jesus gives us is the law of love
and so it's not optional.
If you want to give God glory in the earth,
which is our responsibility, he's called us to be witnesses
and he said, in what we just read, if all the things
that God could have used for you and I to be witnesses
on the earth for him he could of used our wealth,
he could've used our good looks,
he could've used our power, our intelligence,
but he chose love.
Of all the different things he could of chose,
he chose love that we should have for each other
and he said though this is how the world will recognize
that we are his disciples.
How we treat one another, how we help one another,
how we respond to each other.
This is the witness that the world is waiting to see.
In Romans, Chapter Eight, it talks about all of creation
is waiting to see the manifestation of the sons of God.
Well this manifestation will be defined
on how we cooperate with each other.
How we respond and how we help one another.
I heard of a statistic about churches in general
and they, the statistic quoted that for a church
that has been in existence for up to 10 years
has experienced at least three church splits.
At least three church splits.
Well, understand that is the work of the enemy.
Now, we know that God will separate people to start a work
and to do a different work, but it's always done indecently,
it's always done in order, it's always done in love,
and always understand that, when people,
when God plants people out of a church,
relationship should always still be intact.
Relationship is always intact, there's no strife.
There's no division, there's no haughtiness,
there's no pride, because we're all on the same team.
We're all on the same team.
We may have different assignments,
different responsibilities,
but we're all on the same team, amen.
Let's keep going, let's go right now to
Romans, Chapter Five and verse number five.
Romans, Chapter Five and Verse Five.
And it says, "and hope maketh not ashamed,
"but the Love of God, because the Love of God
"is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit
"which is given unto us."
So, this same substance of love, which we read
in first John four, that God is love,
he himself comes to live on the inside of us, amen.
By the Holy Spirit.
The Love of God has been shed aboard in our hearts,
in our spirit, man, by the Holy Spirit.
So this love is in you.
This love that the world cannot comprehend,
this love that is not based on the condition,
this love is not based on the performance of another person
but this love is unconditional.
It's only desire is to help, it's only desire is to assist,
it's only desire is to see a person be restored.
This is the Love of God, this is what's already
on the inside of you,
because you made Jesus Christ lord of your life.
This kind of love, you are capable
of loving your enemies, amen.
But think about this, sinners know how
to love each other, right?
But the true test of seeing the Love of God manifested
in our lives is when we don't agree with someone.
Or when something has gone wrong
or our feelings have been offended
and yet we still overlook the offense
and we're still coming to the aide,
coming the benefit of another person.
Maybe they have offended us, they hurt us,
they've wronged us, but the Love of God
doesn't look at the offense.
The Love of God says, "how can I help you?
"How can I restore you?
"I want you blessed, I want you whole."
This is a manifestation of the God kind of love
and again, I just believe the Spirit of God
is just having us pound this.
It's already on the inside of you, wanting to come out
and express and be a blessing to other people.
The same God kind of love.
A part of the Fruit of the Spirit, amen.
Let's keep going, let's go to
Ephesians, Chapter number three.
Ephesians, Chapter Three
and Verse 14.
Ephesians Three and Verse 14.
And this is a prayer that the apostle Paul is praying
for the church at Ephesus.
Verse 14 and it says, "for this cause,
"I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord, Jesus Christ,
"of whom the whole family in Heaven and earth is named.
"That he would grant you according to
"the riches of his glory to be strengthened with might
"by his spirit in the inner man."
The word, "might", means the ability to accomplish anything
and this prayer, Paul is praying, he says that you and I
be strengthened with the ability to accomplish anything
by his spirit, by the Holy Spirit, in our inner man.
In our spirit, our recreated spirit.
Verse 17, "The Christ."
And that word, "Christ", means the anointed one
and his anointing.
"That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith
"that you and me being rooted and grounded in love."
Of all the things he could've said, he chose love
because love is, I believe, the most important thing
for you and I to develop first.
Love for God, love for our neighbor and it's possible,
it's doable, amen, the Word of God is also liveable
to be rooted and grounded in love.
So that means my thought-life is our thoughts of love.
My motives are motivated by love.
All that I put my hands to is driven by the Love of God.
My love for my brother, my love for my sister,
this is how Jesus lived in the earth
and recognize that the Love of God
is not just accepting anything and everything.
The Love of God knows how to confront and when to confront.
The Love of God doesn't just always speak the truth
and try to be right, but the Love of God
speaks the truth because of Love.
That's why we speak the truth, we're motivated by love,
because a person can speak the truth,
but their motive being malice or their motive is hurt,
to hate, or to injure someone, that's not the Love of God.
So it's important when we do speak the truth,
love is our motive because truth makes a person free, amen.
In St. John, Chapter Eight, I believe it's Verse 32,
Jesus said that the truth will not just set you free,
Jesus said the truth will make you free
and so when a person is caught up in something,
caught up in sin, bound by the enemy, truth,
when it's spoken correctly, motivated by love,
can make them free.
Where they can recover themselves and then receive the gift
of repentance and be restored and go on with the Lord,
Jesus Christ, and do what God has called them to do.
Let's keep going, Verse 18.
Let's read 17 again, "That Christ may dwell in your hearts
"by faith, that you, being rooted and grounded in love
"may be able to comprehend with all saints
"what is the breath and length and depth and height
"and to know the Love of Christ which passeth knowledge
"that ye might be filled with all the fullness of God."
Verse 20, "Now, unto him that is able to do exceeding
"abundantly above all that we ask or think,
"according to the power that worketh in us."
We'll quote that Verse 20, but understand that
you don't get to Verse 20 without Verse 19
and Verse 18 and Verse 17, so the ability
to receive from God on a level
beyond what we could ever ask or think
is dependent or founded upon how established we are
in the Love of God, being rooted, being grounded
by the Love of God.
Faith works by love and we receive from God by faith.
So understand if I'm shaky in my love-walk,
my faith-walk is shaky, amen.
If my faith-walk is shaky, my ability to receive from God
will also be shaky.
Provision, healing, restoration, promotion, whatever it is
that God has promised us in his word,
it's foundation is the Love of God, amen.
Well we're gonna stop right here.
You be blessed, if you'd like to partner with us,
I'd like to encourage you to do so.
You can write us at, email us at fortjministries@gmail.com
or if you even like to write us a letter, amen,
you can do so, please write us, you can
TJM, PO BOX 1067, Sloughhouse, California 95683.
If you're in the Sacramento area, I'd like to invite you
to come and worship with us here at
South Sacramento Christian Center, our senior pastors,
our Bishop Esley and Dr. Deborah Simmons.
Our service times are Sunday at 8:30am and 10:30am
and also Wednesday nights at 7 o'clock PM.
Our address is 7710 Stockton Blvd,
here in the city of Sacramento.
And also, we'll just stop right there and just say hey,
beloved, I pray above all things that you prosper
and be in health even as your soul prospers.
We'll see you next time, amen, be blessed.
(soothing music)