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Hey David here and, I am at the Xinying Railway Culture Park. 嘿,我是大衛。我現在在新營鐵道文化園區。
Here we can find out a lot about 在這裡可以看到
these historic heritage rolling stocks, 非常多的老火車頭,
as well as other artifacts. 與其它的歷史文物。
So, let’s go check out. 所以我們快去看看吧。
At the Xinying Railroad Culture Park, 新營鐵道文化園區
one can find the well-preserved railroad tracks 可以看見保留下來的鐵道
previously used to transport goods 是早期糖業
in the sugar industry in the early days. 運輸用的
This location has since been 閒置空間再利用
transformed into a touristic cultural park. 轉型成觀光性質的鐵道文化園區
We are at the widest railway crossing in all of Taiwan, 這是全台灣最寬的平交道,
with 16 train tracks in a total, 總共有十六條鐵軌
and these tracks are actually very unique, 這些鐵軌很特別,
because if we look down here… 尤其當我們看一下底下這裡….
If we look down here, we find something that’s slightly odd. 如果看一下底下這裡 會發現好像有點怪怪的?
So, on this track it’s got three rails, 會發現鐵軌上面有三條軌道
instead of the usual two, 而非一般的兩條。
and that’s because the wider ones actually 這是因為較寬的軌道
allow the normal TRA trains 是設計給一般台鐵列車
to come to this part of Xinyin, 開到新營時使用的。
and the narrower ones are designed for 比較窄的呢,
the 762mm narrow-gauge trains 則是給台糖公司火車
that the Taiwan Sugar Corporation uses. 所使用的762mm 窄軌軌道。
There is a wide variety of train engines on display 新營鐵道文化園區
at the Xinying Railroad Culture Park 展示各種舊式火車頭
as well as an exhibition 還有充滿復古風的
of retro antique artifacts. 鐵道舊文物
While you are here, 來新營糖廠
be sure to try the scrumptious ice-cream! 怎能錯過好吃的冰呢?
Well, what do you know. 原來啊
Besides old trains, they’ve got awesome ice-cream here 新營鐵道文化園區除了老火車外,
at the Xinying Railway Culture Park. 也有很讚的冰淇淋。
Cheers! 敬大家!
Hi there! 喂 你好
Wow! This is a phone from decades ago 哇!這是早期的電話
and it is still functional. 現在還可以通話耶
There are still many well-preserved items 這裡還保留許多
from the past on display. 以前鐵道的物件
The whole exhibition 非常珍貴
is definitely worth a visit. 很值得一看
One full-fare ticket please. 一張全票
Okay, thank you. 好 謝謝
Hey, we’re just waiting to board this train 嘿,我們現在正等著搭這列火車
to go down to Balaoye Station. 前往八老爺車站。
Now, this train is quite historic. 這列火車已經很有歷史了
It was actually imported in 1976. 是在1976年被引進臺灣的
But, don’t let its age fool you. 不過它老歸老
It’s actually got a 10-cylinder engine made by Mercedes. 它裡面其實有顆十汽缸的賓士引擎。
That’s right, the car company. 沒錯! 就是那個車廠。
On the weekend at the cultural park, 每逢週末,新營鐵道文化園區
a narrow-gauge train runs from 會有五分車
Jhongsing Station to Balaoye Station every hour. 往返中興車站和八老爺車站 每小時一班
Let’s go. 我們走
While riding on the narrow-gauge train, 搭乘五分車
there is a beautiful countryside scenery along the way. 沿途可欣賞美麗的農村景象
In addition, the train master on board will offer 而且,列車長還會
a personal tour, 沿途導覽
introducing the views you see outside the carriage- 介紹沿路的風景
the fruit trees, and even Taiwanese-style Eiffel Tower 和果樹,還有台版的巴黎鐵塔
and The Seine. 及塞納河
It is indeed an interesting ride. 非常有趣
Here we are! 我們到囉!
After a long day of touring around, 逛了一個上午
satisfy your hunger 肚子也餓了
with an appetizing milk hot pot. 來品嚐美味的牛奶火鍋吧!
Now I know what you may be thinking. 我知道你們可能在想
Why is your hotpot white? 為什麼你的火鍋會是白色的?
Well, let me tell you, 好,讓我來告訴你。
This is actually made with milk, believe it or not。 信不信由你,這可是用牛奶做成的呢!
And it’s not just any milk. 這可不是普通的牛奶喔。
It’s actually super fresh milk from the farm this morning. 這可是今早農場現擠的牛奶。
So, let me dig in, and give you guys an impression. 所以,我先吃吃看,再跟大家分享一下心得。
By the way, this is 100% milk as well, 喔,對了,這可是百分之百的鮮奶喔,
they didn’t add any water, or any other additives to it. 裡面完全沒有加水,或其他添加物,
Let’s give this a try. 我們吃吃看。
You’re not going to believe it, 你們一定不會相信,
it’s so creamy and rich! 這也太濃郁了吧!
You wouldn’t believe how well 其實一開始也沒想到
it actually goes with the other food, 它會和其他食材搭配地那麼好
There’s like beef, and there’s seafood in there as well. 裡面有牛肉與海鮮。
This is phenomenal. 太美妙了。
You know, initially I was a bit skeptical about the pairing. 說實在的,起初我對這樣的食材組合抱有疑問
You know, milk and beef, how’s that going to work? 你也知道,牛奶跟牛肉到底要如何搭配啊?
But in the end, the flavors actually come together nicely, 但最後,它們的味道其實很完美地結合在一起
that’s kind of like great wine and cheese. 感覺就像美酒要搭配起司一樣
So, next time you come to Liuying, give this a shot. 下次來到柳營,記得要嚐嚐牛奶鍋喔!
This dining area once used to be 這間餐廳 是由
the carriages of a train. 廢棄的火車車廂所改造
Besides the hot pot, 除了美味的火鍋外
you can also try the typical railroad lunch box 也可以品嚐
that conjures up memories of the good old days. 懷舊的鐵路便當
In case you haven’t noticed, 不知道大家發現了沒,
we are sitting inside an old TRA train, 我們現在是坐在台鐵的舊火車車廂裡,
and back in the good old days many decades ago, 幾十年前
you can actuallyget these lunch boxes in the train, 你可以在火車上
and they come in these pretty tin boxes. 買到這種漂亮錫盒包裝的便當
Nowadays, you can still get the same great food, 今天,你依舊可以吃到這些好吃的便當,
but in these convenient packaging. 而現代的包裝也方便多了。
After a fulfilling meal, 吃飽了
walk around more to look at 當然要來這裡逛一逛
some of the cute animals raised here 除了有好多可愛的動物外
and bring back fond memories by 也有好多
playing the childhood toys they have on display. 復古的童玩喔!
Hi, this is the owner of this establishment. 你好,這位是這裡的老闆。
These look very, very interesting, 這些看起來好有趣喔,
Sir, could you show us around? 老闆可不可以帶我們看一下
This used to be A-huei’s Mom-and-Pop Store 這邊是以前的阿惠柑仔店
when there were no convenience stores available in the past. 早期不像現在有便利超商
However, now, such local treasures 現在柑仔店都被它們取代了
are slowly being replaced by modern convenience stores. 所以這個文化我們又把它找回來
are slowly being replaced by modern convenience stores. 所以這個文化我們又把它找回來
Here at the park, we take the opportunity to 讓小朋友可以
reintroduce such a culture 認識到
So that the younger generation can be more familiar with 阿公阿嬤
what it was like in their grandparents’ days. 那時候的文化
I think I’m doing ok haha. 哈哈,我應該還不賴吧。
So, this place has got a lot of folk toys 這裡有好多
from my grandparents’ time. 我祖父母時代的童玩。
Let’s see what else they’ve got. 我們來看看還有些什麼吧。
You know, back in the days, 你知道嗎,在以前,
people could actually identify 人們其實可透過這些東西
and distinguish the different vendors 所發出的聲音
just by the sound these trinkets make. 來辨別出不同的攤販與服務。
Here, you can find many daily commodities from the yesteryears. 這裏還有許多古早的生活用品
And for many, they are guaranteed to bring back fond memories. 一定可以勾起許多人的回憶
There are cute animals here 來這裡還可以看許多可愛的動物
that you can feed. 也可以體驗餵動物
You can bottle feed little piglets, 餵豬喝牛奶
or even feed grass to the goats. 餵羊吃草
And, there are the folk toys that you can try for yourself. 還有許多好玩的童玩
It’s quite the rare opportunity! 真的是非常難得的體驗!
Not too shabby eh? 還不錯,是吧?
You know, I really dig these old folk toys. 我真的很喜歡這種老童玩。
I like their simplicity, and the fact that they are very, 喜歡它們的簡單
very environmentally responsible. 而且相當環保
See, not a piece of plastic in sight. 你看,完全看不到一塊塑膠。
This place really is great fun for the whole family。 這裡真的是一個適合親子同遊的地方
So, next time you are here, 下次來的時候
don’t forget to experience it for yourself! 記得要親身體驗看看喔!