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  • Hey guys, unexceptional rounder here and today I am going to teach you how to pull off big

  • bluffs that have a high probability of success. Bluffing is a key step in mastering No-Limit

  • Holdem. Knowing how to recognize a great bluffing opportunity will measurably increase

  • your win rate. Get out a pen, paper or iPad and get ready to take some notes.

  • What exactly is a bluff? There are really two different sorts of bluffs, the small bluff

  • and the big bluff. Think of small bluffs as bets where no one seems interested in the

  • pot, and the first person to shoot, takes it down. These bluffs are most commonly continuation

  • bets, positional bets, or probe bets. Big bluffs are those times when someone else

  • has shown aggression in the hand or clear desire to win the pot, but you think you can

  • pressure them into folding. This can be done with little to no showdown value, but takes

  • some practice to get the hang of. I want to finally talk about the most important

  • bet in no-limit holdem. It is called a continuation bet, c-bet or barrel. Barreling

  • or a double barrel usually refers to a c-bet, followed by another bet on the turn, so the

  • c-bet is always your first barrel. These are all done when you are the last preflop raiser

  • and you are the first to make a bet postflop. Before I go on to explain mathematically why

  • this bet is so great and wins so much money let me tell you a little lesson that helped

  • me as a young faun discovering the world of poker years ago. Just do it, if all else fails

  • just make the continuation bet and worry about why it works later on.

  • Now you know what to do; let’s discuss why it works. If you are playing against a single

  • opponent post flop they will miss the flop about 65% of the time or two thirds (2/3),

  • simply put, they miss a lot. Additionally, depending on the opponent’s preflop range,

  • that 33% is sometimes middle or bottom pair, these hands won’t stand up to much aggression.

  • Now that we know our opponent misses or can’t continue most of the time, what bet sizing

  • makes the most money? Well, if our opponent was terrible we could just bet small when

  • we miss and big when we hit, however observant opponents will pick up on this quickly.

  • Usually two thirds the size of the pot works well. It isn’t so small that the bet looks

  • weak, and we only need our opponent to fold 40% of the time to break even on the bet.

  • Since the opponent will hit one pair or better only 35% of the time, we just need to cover

  • that 5% spread. Between the times that we hit a hand and the times our opponent hits

  • a very weak hand we can make a profit almost immediately.

  • Something additional to note is that if we are playing the flop against two opponents,

  • they BOTH will have nothing around 41% of the time. Because a bet into two opponents

  • generally looks stronger than a bet into only one opponent I find betting around half the

  • pot is usually sufficient to make opponents with weak hands fold, and because we only

  • need to win using that bet about 33% of the time, we show an immediate profit.

  • Here is some basic math you should have in the back of your head, if you don’t already

  • know these numbers it is probably a good idea to jot them down. This way you can review

  • them later or even use the notes while you play.

  • A one half pot bet will show immediate profit when your opponent folds one third of the

  • time. A two thirds pot bet will show profit when

  • your opponent folds two fifths of the time. A full pot sized bet will show profit when

  • your opponent folds one half the time. A one and a half times pot bet will show profit

  • when your opponent folds three fifths the time.

  • And a double the pot size bet profits when your opponent folds two thirds of the time.

  • Keep in mind that opponents can read different bet sizes differently, but in general the

  • more you bet the harder it is for your opponent to call.

  • This is a checklist you can go through in your head or look at (hint: write it down)

  • when considering a bluff. I would recommend having all 4 when you are

  • just trying to figure things out, and the hand on the following slide should drive this

  • point home. As always, position makes everything easier;

  • your opponent being out of position will make them much less likely to call.

  • What I mean by a believable hand is that all the action in the hand up to the point of

  • the bluff should be able to represent at least a couple hands that would make sense to your

  • opponent. If you just check down to the river then suddenly make a huge raise, it can be

  • hard for your opponent to give you credit for a real hand.

  • Having more money behind as well as another street of action will make your opponent fear

  • seeing you pile on another huge bet, especially if you have position, because they will be

  • forced to act first on the next street. In general when looking at this list, the

  • turn is often a good spot to make your bluffs. In addition to usually having money behind,

  • and another street, the draws your opponent may have flopped have much worse odds on the

  • turn, they will be forced to fold more hands on the turn then they would have on the flop.

  • Using the information I just discussed let’s look at a hand and see if we can identify

  • an opportunity for a great bluff. The hero is on the button and opens with ten

  • nine off suit; the villain is in the small blind and makes a 3-bet which hero calls in

  • position. 885 rainbow flop is likely to have missed everyone. The tight aggressive villain

  • makes a standard continuation bet so hero makes a call in position with plans to take

  • the pot away on the turn (this is commonly known as a float). A Jack comes on the turn

  • giving hero an open ended straight draw. That means 8 outs to make what could be a second

  • best hand, and one street to hit. Hero’s chances of hitting are about 16%. When villain

  • bets $8 into a $12 pot or about two thirds pot which is a standard bet size hero calls

  • getting 2.5:1 on 6:1 odds, this is not a profitable call to hit the straight. On the river villain

  • shows some weakness by checking, hero takes the opportunity to fire out almost a pot sized

  • bet $26 into a $28 pot. The villain doesn’t think hero has the goods so he calls with

  • a pair of 7s and takes down a pot over 300 big blinds in size, the hero is crushed. What

  • went wrong? Was this just a bad spot for a bluff or maybe villain is just a terrible

  • poker player and hero should tell him in the chat? What if the hand was a perfect opportunity

  • to bluff but hero just executed it incorrectly? After this hand hero should probably give

  • up on bluffing altogether. Ok let’s rewind and see if we, knowing all

  • of this information on bluffing can figure out where the hero went wrong.

  • When hero calls on the flop villain can put him on a wide range of hands that include

  • monsters like 78, 55, 89, as well as air hands like KQ. It is clear that hero has air here

  • more than he has a monster hand. With that in mind when villain bets the turn he still

  • can have a wide range but it starts to look more like a made hand. If hero had a set here,

  • he would usually be making his move on the turn to set up the all in shove on the river.

  • Now let’s go through the checklist to see if this big turn bluff hits all the items.

  • You wrote down the checklist right? 1. Be in Position? Yup

  • 2. Believable hand? Does a turn raise make sense for a big hand? Flat call the dry flop

  • and raise the turn, sure that’s how a lot of players would play trips or better here.

  • 3. Money behind? If hero makes a pot size raise to $28 he still has about $50 behind,

  • after villain calls he would have $24 behind knowing that he will usually have to put the

  • rest of his stack in on the river which incidentally covers item #4, we do have another street

  • to put money in. Now I don’t know about you but calling this turn with 77, knowing

  • I am getting another buy in size pile of chips in my face on the river is a pretty tough

  • spot. It looks like this is a great opportunity

  • for a bluff. We have everything we can working in our favor. Now if we get looked up by pocket

  • sevens we can say we had everything in place made our move and got called, make a note

  • and move on without worrying too much. The way our hero (which was me if you didn’t

  • know) played this hand the first time justifies a call on the river so all we learn is that

  • our opponent can read hands and it cost us over 3 buy ins to figure that out.

  • Bottom line here is if you are in a good spot, go through your checklist and make your move,

  • if it doesn’t work make a note and move on, poker is a learning experience and you

  • have to try things out to see how they work. If you don’t know the answer to the question

  • click on it and re-watch the segment, you have to get this stuff down to learn and improve!

  • Question 1 – What is the most common small bluff, and why does it work so well?

  • Question two how often do you need your opponent to fold if you make a bluff that is 2/3 the

  • size of the pot? Question 3 – what are the four factors that

  • will greatly increase your chances for success when bluffing?

  • Congrats on making it to the end, if you understand all the information in the video you are now

  • a much tougher opponent to face at the no limit tables, I hope you enjoyed the video

  • and learned something, questions will be answered in the comments section below, if you made

  • it this far please hit the like button, if you like learning about poker you should probably

  • subscribe. This is unexceptionalrounder until next time, keep on grind’n.

Hey guys, unexceptional rounder here and today I am going to teach you how to pull off big


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如何在撲克中虛張聲勢 - 德州撲克策略 - 虛張聲勢課程 (How to Bluff in Poker - Texas Holdem Poker Strategy - Bluffing Lesson)

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    Hoàng Hùng 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日