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  • the day

  • got sick

  • did that

  • accused of

  • and

  • file and welcome to play and christy that is now

  • f_-one doubt

  • and abend and internet what up

  • we're talking about way talk about cabinet but others when who where they

  • did not get an oscar nomination because while she was sort of favored to its

  • creative its mission to talk about that with details address and i think i think

  • movie uh... okay so through summer novel um... films written plays a sort of

  • world-renowned travel writer who

  • for some reason decides to get married to finance guy john c riley unsettled

  • and have a kid

  • even though she feels

  • smothered and pretty much communicate that to the kids in the second is born

  • in

  • not surprisingly the kid winds up being um... question him

  • continues

  • car

  • delivery

  • little job release

  • nineteen year old and six o'clock news

  • you know we're spending now

  • unanswered

  • done

  • handed

  • here watching

  • we want to some of the trailer you said

  • i think i happen to everything there is a nominated for best actress but it

  • would make a lot more sense to have sold a in that

  • spot it is amazing in this as a really neely challenging difficult wall has so

  • many are that she takes on the issues that they did really high grade i think

  • he should win and i think it's unlikely now since she was nominated account

  • arriving on single occupancy three

  • that she is really a rather is that they are to be made on that

  • so i'm not sure that santa and yet but it's not the kind of that would've won

  • even if you were nominated for title think but obviously in it and i think

  • the combination of his mission in vietnam it is because this movie is not

  • good stopped and thought of it

  • i and i i'm available in stock

  • and the the only went after on the fate of literary there but didn't seem

  • worried however about rack after was gorgeous and i think she's a really

  • fastening filemaker

  • this movie to me

  • i didn't know what was trying to say that of the it knew it was trying to say

  • about

  • white kids turn violent so you know is the paris fault or they just

  • born that way

  • visually its

  • clubbers you over the head with its style like

  • even the listeners everything and you start realizing that like there's

  • already thing in every scene so every time there's a new seen things like

  • where's waldo you start looking for has its share of the landscape

  • is that the can of tomato soup you know click it's because of the blood i at

  • yahoo which took me a right out of what little plot i might have cared about not

  • using it for striking now

  • now let me know what it is at berkeley high questioning the images in that

  • first of all of the italy with the from their position other expansion act it

  • out but then after that it's like enough with the red already and and and and the

  • to the whole movie is like those women being a marker

  • or like everybody hates or you don't quite know why eminence

  • the movie comes and goes along you figure out you piece two gether what

  • kevin did in we you know maybe why he became that way it is that those falter

  • or sudden i do

  • alleged in the lead and i didn't even see any real debate about white kevin is

  • i thought very clearly kevin is kevin koonce kevin is uh... bad seed like

  • that's it

  • and because i think we get them for much of the week is advertising a very

  • effective sierra leone

  • uh... when till the isn't knew mother is just lose interest can and will not stop

  • private limited uses the betsy in

  • who cares about the immediately after the sheet

  • she even which is a terrible mothers knocking on the body has an impossible

  • can and sheetrock sly kids not ur instinct that's not how she saw her life

  • but like a lot of people

  • alleyoop wanted to send a clear

  • why did you measure it all the jobs here and they were hot for each other in the

  • mannequin she knows what she's supposed to do and then for this first get the

  • second kid was a success but for calvin

  • it's a disaster for in the kid never give searching but at the end of the if

  • he is just evil and it's not about her parenting at all

  • then the wire we watching this what's the what's the story is how does how

  • does it have to deal with that you're a combination here today has a mom myself

  • act on that kind of killing and it does not trying to get you the answer

  • you don't know whether

  • she said liquidity instrument thank you

  • i'd i would like

  • to have the baby is not being told that the figure i'd appreciate it pretty

  • likely they had to give us some patra solution there's no anything they do

  • item get any idea that the movie had any clue

  • which web anything aware was coming from or why it worked at it even matter

  • damages

  • they destroyed the sarandon assemblage of

  • awful kid awful mom go you know and i didn't have any blame like they're both

  • circle equip

  • for this relationship eternal whose fault the is a whether he was a sport

  • you never know when i left a little bit of an ideal movie about you know what

  • they

  • did resistance for american progress

  • what did i think you can't

  • reveal what happened here

  • it eventually get a curriculum touch upon the serious issues in this movie

  • eventually has touch upon

  • then it's a cop out to not

  • try and have some sort of point of view i think that i don't think there was

  • avoiding you

  • kevin's bad seed and what was interesting was watching this mother

  • probably ill-equipped to not unnatural nurturer

  • try like hell

  • to figure out how to do this and the endless frustration be reading at the

  • wall ultimately sacrificing essentially her whole life which you want to do in

  • the first place which makes your slightly unsympathetic which i like

  • and watching that uh... that sort of incredibly difficult struggle which is

  • what i got out of it which was on such reports

  • but then uh... agree but i hope it is hard to talk about without getting into

  • anything that happened the fact that she then

  • stays around to absorb the the the rank or of

  • the entire community

  • after all the things have gone down if it's not something that she could've

  • control them

  • she's just being a martyr for the corridors into the travel writer and a

  • lot of questions says

  • every sunday

  • mommy wakes up worse if you're in paris indicating that i think if she can go

  • somewhere else bright and sunny split despite her shortcomings

  • she is not abandoning that kid at any moment and she never did despite the

  • fact that he's the worst kid

  • in the history of the plant

  • and also i think uh... the uh... real as remote played in this uh...

  • uh... teenagers and the suggest renewal played in that young and i thought they

  • were great ultimately lead i think that the digest renewal who plays the the

  • sort of the younger cavan

  • i was horrified when i was when i saw um... mildred pierce

  • you know everybody read about evan rachel wood but i should be actress's

  • name enough regarding the young man with the younger veto was generally lays the

  • groundwork for that character and does a lot but have you with uh... it's hard to

  • watch them

  • is definitely a issue of so ideally i liked it better than you guys out unicef

  • went through investors laurie

  • firefight with disappointments in life so much editing senha

  • false alarm that calls at two oh six point eight nine ten twenty four th

  • scene but it is difficult and and you will be uh... and mother's made his

  • birth control who the hell of alot unlike uh... makers to you're not anew

  • about

  • and so you have had a hundred like the allied canada and divorcing

the day


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我們需要談談凱文 - 電影評論 (We Need To Talk About Kevin - Movie Review)

  • 76 4
    Cindy Chen 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日