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Hey wassup yo, this is your boy Diddy.
大家好 我是你們的朋友 Diddy
I'm Dawn. And we are, the dirty money crew.
我是 Dawn 我們是 Dirty Money
Two thirds of the dirty money crew..
Killing the shoot here cuz we're on the set of our music video, "Coming Home," which you
我們正在錄製 Coming Home 的音樂 MV,這裡是拍攝現場
know will be in stores, that whole album will be in stores, 12/14/10, 12/14, December 14th,
整張專輯將於 2010 年 12 月 14 日發行
excuse my stuttering, I'm a little exhausted from shooting all these videos.
請別介意我說得不順 拍片實在讓我累壞了
But um, I want to make sure I take the time out to tell you guys, please please please
但是我特地挪出時間告訴大家 拜託一定要訂閱我們的
subscribe to our youtube channel, ok? TrainTV,
YouTube 頻道 TrainTV
This is going to keep you updated on, like, all of the emails, videos, you can get uploads,
其中有我們的最新消息 像是電子郵件、影片
all of that,
你可以瀏覽我們上傳的 所有內容
and we are always uploading behind-the-scenes footage, you know, glimpses of our life, cuz
我們一直在上傳一些幕後花絮片段 例如生活側寫之類的
you know you wanna see what Dirty Money's all about.
大家一定想知道 Dirty Money 的一切
and every time I do a Diddy blog and all that.
還有我什麼時候更新 Diddy 網誌和其他最新消息
but you have to subscribe to TrainTv for all information about "Last Train to Paris", in
不過,如果你想得知 Last Train to Paris 專輯的資訊,一定要訂閱 TrainTV 頻道
stores December 14th.
專輯將於 12 月 14 日發行
We're gonna go and support Kalenna, she's singing, doing her thing, you know,
我們現在要過去幫忙 Kalenna 了 她正在唱歌,忙她的工作
we're coming home baby. I'm back.
我們要回家了 我要回去了
Subscribe here, Now!
Go, go! Train TV. Peace. Dirty Money.
快去訂閱 Dirty Money 的 Train TV