字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 OUR SHARED HUMANITY Soka Gakkai International 共通的人性 國際創價學會 CHAPTER 1:BUDDHISM FOR PEOPLE'S EMPOWERMENT 第一章 為民眾而存在的佛法 Every day over six and a half billion people around the world go about their daily lives. 在全球各地,每天有超過65億人 過著形形式式的生活 People whose color, culture, occupation or lifestyle sometimes appear so very different 他們的膚色、文化背景 職業和生活方式各異 that on the surface they may seem to have very little in common. 因此從表面上看來 幾乎並無任何共通之處 Yet they inhabit the same planet and breathe the same air. 但大家都是住在同一個地球上 呼吸著同樣的空氣 They share a common humanity. 大家都擁有人性 It is this common humanity that the 2,500–year–old faith of Buddhism 這共通的人性 就是2500年以來 embraces and reveres. 佛教所尊崇、宣揚的主題 Every single person alive today is unique. 每個人都是獨一無二的存在 And each person's life has limitless possibilities. 每個生命都蘊含無限可能性 Yet our world is filled with conflict and suffering. 然而,衝突與苦難 卻充斥著整個世界 Buddhism came into being as a response to human suffering, 佛教的出現 是為了解決人的苦惱 and to enable men and women to reveal their full potential. 讓一切眾生開啟生命中的佛性 Some perceive Buddhism as a solitary, meditative religion, 有些人認為佛教應該是 脫離塵世、坐禪入定的宗教 but the Buddhism practiced by the members of the global lay organization SGI 但是國際創價學會 這個在家佛教信徒團體的信仰 – Soka Gakkai International – is dynamic, yet grounded in the realities of daily life. 卻充滿活力 並紮根於現實生活中 ... Our Shared Humanity ... ‶共通的人性″ An Introduction to the SGI Buddhist Movement ... Soka Gakkai International ... ‶國際創價學會的佛教運動″ ... History of Buddhism ... ... 佛教的歷史 ... Buddha means enlightened one. ‶佛″是指‶覺者″ Enlightened to the true nature of life. The Buddha, Shakyamuni, was born 即覺悟生命本性的人 a prince in the subcontinent of India 2,500 years ago. 2500年前,釋迦牟尼 以王子的身份出生於印度 The four universal sufferings, in the shape of birth, old age, sickness and death 年輕的釋尊對人生‶生老病死″ 的四種苦惱感到震驚 shocked the young Shakyamuni,and he set out from his palace determined 而決定離開王宮去尋找解決之道 to find a solution. After a long, austere search, he had the enlightened realization 經過一段艱辛的探索 釋尊領悟到 that our inability to grasp the true nature of life was at the root of human suffering. 無法看清生命本性正是苦惱的根源 Through learning how to access life's unlimited potential, 開啟佛性 發揮生命的無限潛力 humanity could transcend suffering and establish a solid, indestructible happiness. 就可超越煩惱 建立不崩潰的幸福 Shakyamuni traveled around India for many years, 釋尊在印度各地遊歷多年 sharing his enlightened wisdom. 將所悟得的智慧與人民分享 His numerous orally transmitted teachings, known as sutras, recorded after his death, 入滅後 他的教導被集結成佛典 spread throughout Asia, transforming the lives of millions of people. 流傳到亞洲各地 變革了數之不盡的人生 But in time, Shakyamuni's teachings became fragmented and ritualized 然而,隨著時間的流逝 釋尊的教義變得有名無實 often losing sight of the original intention of Buddhism – to alleviate suffering. 遠離了其濟苦救難的初衷 In 13th century Japan a young priest called Nichiren began to question 在13世紀日本 一名年輕僧侶日蓮提出疑問 why people suffered and why social oppression and natural disasters 日本信佛禮佛,為何人民苦難重重? continued to occur in a society that upheld the Buddhist faith. 為何社會糾紛與天災無盡無休? He studied all the available sutras 為了尋求釋尊教義中的肝要 in search of the essence of Shakyamuni Buddha's teachings 日蓮精讀一切經典 and found what he was looking for in the life–affirming philosophy of the Lotus Sutra 而在《法華經》中找到了答案 The roots submerged in the depths of a muddy pond 在污泥中札根的蓮花 are capable of producing the pure lotus flower. 能開出純潔的花朵 Likewise, all human beings, according to the Lotus Sutra, 《法華經》教導,一切眾生 equally possess the pure life–state of Buddhahood. 都擁有佛界這個清淨的生命境界 A Buddha is not a transcendent being, but an ordinary person 佛並不是超乎自然的存在 able to challenge and overcome their own and others' suffering 而是指能透過展現 through manifesting wisdom, courage, compassion and vitality. 智慧、勇氣、慈悲與生命力 來克服自己及他人的煩惱的人 To enable all people to activate this state of Buddhahood 為了讓世人開啟佛性 Nichiren established the practice of chanting the phrase Nam–myoho–renge–kyo 日蓮確立了 唱誦‶南無妙法蓮華經″的修行 which he identified as being the expression of the fundamental law of life. 他教示,‶南無妙法蓮華經″ 是生命的根本法則 He was adamant that chanting it would release the vast potential 唱誦它可開顯生命的浩瀚佛性 dormant in the heart of every single person, improving their own lives 來變革自己和他人 and the lives of other people. 日蓮的教導讓平民百姓 振奮自立、脫離苦難 Nichiren's efforts to empower ordinary people and free them from suffering 他的舉動激怒了當時的當權者 使他一生遭受迫害 angered the feudal authorities and he endured a lifetime of persecution. 但他的確信卻不曾動搖 But his conviction in the Lotus Sutra and Nam–myoho–renge–kyo never wavered. 佛教尊重生命 Buddhism respects and embraces life. 主張儘管人與人之間存在著差異 大家都是相依相扶的 All life. Whatever our differences, Buddhist philosophy maintains 同時人與地球之間的關係 也是緊緊相扣的 that we are inextricably linked to one another and to the planet we all inhabit. 如果傷害他人 及孕育生命的大自然 Causing harm to other people or to the natural world that sustains life 那自己也將遭殃 will inevitably have a negative impact upon our own lives. 對國際創價學會而言 For SGI, every existence on Earth 地球上每一個生命都是尊貴的 其可能性也無可限量 is a dignified and unique expression of life with untold possibilities. 第二章 何謂國際創價學會? CHAPTER 2: WHAT IS SGI? 創價學會由首任會長 牧口常三郎創立 The founder and first president of this lay Buddhist organization was 牧口是一位教育家 Tsunesaburo Makiguchi, a Japanese educator 畢生致力於改革 國家主義色彩濃郁的日本教育系統 dedicated to reforming the repressive and nationalistic education system. 牧口呼籲 教育應該伸展孩童的人性 Makiguchi advocated a more humanistic approach to learning, 鼓勵他們過充實而有創意的生活 encouraging children to lead creative, fulfilled lives 和對社會有所貢獻 and make a positive contribution to society. 牧口發現,日蓮佛法與他的思想 In Nichiren's Buddhism he discovered a philosophy that both reflected 起到相輔相成的作用, and revitalized his thinking, 他在1930年創立了創價學會 創價就是創造價值的意思 and in 1930 he founded the Soka Gakkai – the Society for the Creation of Value. 第二次世界大戰爆發時 日本軍國政府制定了橫蠻的法律 When the Second World War broke out, the military authorities imposed oppressive 鎮壓所有異議份子 laws upon the Japanese people. All dissent was ruthlessly suppressed. 牧口常三郎因反對政府的政策 而被捕入獄 Makiguchi was imprisoned for opposing the policies of the militarist government. 他於1944年在獄中去世 牧口的門生戶田城聖 He died in prison in 1944. Imprisoned alongside Makiguchi 也是一名教育家 他和牧口一同被捕入獄 was his fellow educator and closest supporter, Josei Toda. 戶田在1945年出獄後 致力重建創價學會 Released from prison in 1945, Toda worked tirelessly to reconstruct the 使其成為一個- 基於佛法理念的民眾團體 Soka Gakkai organization into a broad– based, grassroots Buddhist movement 為戰後苦於破壞、貧困和絕望的 that offered a message of hope and empowerment 日本人民帶來希望的曙光 in the devastation, poverty and despair of postwar Japan. 戶田就任第二任會長後 創價學會快速成長 With Toda as second president the organization rapidly expanded. 他鼓勵會員推進自身的‶人性革命 He encouraged its members to take up the challenge of "human revolution" 在這個磨礪自我的過程中 a process of self–mastery whereby a positive change in the inner life of 人們內心的變革將影響身外的環境 an individual is reflected in their external environment, 甚至能改變整個社會 and ultimately in society itself. 戶田決意徹底終止戰爭的發生 Toda was determined to see an end to war. 1957年 他發出了呼籲廢止核武器的宣言 In 1957 he made an impassioned appeal for the abolition of nuclear weapons 他認為核武器是人心 最醜惡一面的具體表現 which he believed were a manifestation of the darkest aspects of the human heart. 自此,實現世界和平成為 創價學會的主要目標之一 Achieving world peace became a fundamental aim of the organization. 池田大作是戶田會長的入室弟子 Constantly at Toda's side was a young man named Daisaku Ikeda, who wholeheartedly 他亦獻身於創價學會的發展 devoted himself to supporting the growth and development of the Soka Gakkai. 在戶田過世兩年後的1960年 池田就任創價學會第三任會長 In 1960, two years after Toda's death, Ikeda became its third president. 當時正值冷戰時期 This was the era of the Cold War. 國際局勢緊張 核武器的威脅籠罩著全人類 Global tensions were high and the threat of nuclear devastation hung over humanity. 池田深信 《法華經》哲理敬重生命的尊嚴 Ikeda believed that the Lotus Sutra's message of the dignity of all life 可以為世界和平作出貢獻 could contribute to the advancement of world peace. 1975年,池田在關島成立了 一個嶄新的國際性組織:國際創價學會(即SGI) On the island of Guam in 1975, he helped establish a new, global organization – SGI. 池田以身作則推進超越國度、文化背景、 和宗教信仰等差異的對話運動 Ikeda has also promoted dialogue between people of different countries, cultures and 以作為邁向世界和平的第一步 belief–systems, as a fundamental step towards building world peace. 身為佛教團體的領導人 他不斷與全球各地的和平運動家 As leader of the lay Buddhist movement, he has continued to meet with leading 和思想家會面懇談 activists and thinkers from around the world. 談話內容涉及政治、文化、哲學、 科學等各方面 The resulting dialogues and publications, which encompass 在探索人生及宇宙的同時 politics, culture, philosophy and science, explore life and the universe 也為這急速變遷的世界 and seek solutions to the problems that confront our rapidly changing world. 所面臨的問題尋求解決之路 池田還成立了和平研究、 Ikeda has also founded peace–research, educational and cultural institutions 教育及文化等各種機構 以更進一步推動國家間的相互了解 with a view to promoting greater mutual understanding between nations. 自成立以來 SGI已發展為一種國際性運動 Since its formation, SGI has developed into an international movement 會員為數一千兩百餘萬 分布在190個國家及地區 with 12 million members in 190 countries and territories around the world. 各SGI組織雖然秉持 同樣的哲學及修行方式 Each SGI organization shares the same philosophy and basic practice but has the 但又配合自己國家的風俗及法律 自由獨立地運作 freedom to operate independently within the customs and laws of its own country. 尊重並頌揚每一個人、每一個文化 Respecting and celebrating individual and cultural differences 正是SGI的命脈 is the lifeblood of SGI. 各地SGI會員的主要活動 是參加於自己社區召開的座談會 The core activity for SGI members around the world is the local discussion meeting. 每月一次的座談會 The monthly meeting provides a relaxed ,informal space 讓會員及新朋友分享體驗 for both members and friends to share their experiences and learn more about 學習如何將佛法應用在日常生活中 how to apply the principles of Buddhism to their daily lives. 霍華德・亨特 塔夫茨大學宗教學榮譽教授 Howard Hunter – Emeritus Professor of Religion at Tufts University 座談會滿溢著尊重他人意見的誠意 "Discussion groups are an embodiment of a commitment to respect for other people's 在此,人們不會覺得孤立無援 或是不知所措 point of view, so one does not have to act completely isolated and alone and confused 聽者對他人克服困難的體驗 能感同身受 one can relate to other people who are working through their problems, 從中獲益 one can benefit from their experience 同時發表體驗的人也勇氣倍增 相得益彰 and one can contribute positive values to their experience." 世界各地的SGI會員 推進各式各樣的文化、社會與教育活動 SGI members around the world participate in a variety of cultural, 這些活動充滿著人類共通的人性 social and educational activities that are an expression of common humanity, 也顯示了SGI對社會的參與 and demonstrate a commitment to social responsibility 和它發揚‶世界公民理念″的決心 and the promotion of world citizenship. 德黑蘭尼安 戶田和平研究所所長 Majid Tehranian – Director, Toda Institute for Global Peace and Policy Research 成為世界公民 並不意味著我們放棄宗教信仰、 "To be a world citizen does not mean that you have to give up your religion, 種族背景或是國籍等等 your ethnicity, your nationality and so on 而是指我們要去承擔全球性的責任 it means that you have to assume responsibility – global responsibility, 去了解世界上究竟發生了什麼事 and to understand what is going on in the world." 第三章 一人之力 CHAPTER 3: THE INDIVIDUAL 對SGI會員而言 For SGI members, faith, practice and study 信心、修行、學習是佛道修行中 三個互相關聯的重要環節 are the three interdependent, yet vital elements of their Buddhist practice. 日常修行包括讀誦部分《法華經》 The daily practice consists of reciting a portion of the Lotus Sutra and 唱念‶南無妙法蓮華經″ 來開顯自己的佛性 chanting Nam–myoho–renge–kyo to activate the Buddha nature and create 為自己和他人帶來幸福 創造價值 happiness and value for oneself and other people. ‶學習″是指 研讀日蓮大聖人的教義 Studying the writings of Nichiren, both alone and in groups, 學習是為了加深對佛法的了解 helps members to understand the principles of Buddhism 以及學習 如何將其應用在日常生活中 and how to apply them to contemporary life. ‶信心″意味著採取行動 Faith involves taking action 在日常生活中體會佛法的實效 and it’s important for members to see actual proof that Buddhism is working 對會員而言極為重要 in their day–to–day lives. SGI會員認為,將此信仰普及於世 SGI members consider that sharing the philosophy 正是慈悲的表現 and practice of Buddhism with others is a compassionate act. 內在的精神改革,又稱‶人性革命″ Inner spiritual transformation or – human revolution – 是SGI會員佛道修行的焦點 is the focus of an SGI member's Buddhist practice. 科西・庫貝卡目前在美國的一所大學 攻讀博士學位 Khosi Kubeka is currently studying for her doctorate at a university in the US. 她在南非出生 The social and educational system Khosi was born into in South Africa 當時的社會及教育系統 氾濫著種族歧視觀念 deliberately discouraged black people from pursuing their goals. 科西・庫貝卡 1980年代,我在索韋托長大 Khosi Kubeka: "Growing up in Soweto in the 1980s 當時種族隔離政策正盛行於世 社會混亂不堪 this was the height of apartheid, when things were so much 我有種無力感 in upheaval, chaotic really. I ended up having a sense of powerlessness 但仍然希望能夠成就一番事業 and low self–esteem but at the same time I did have the ambition to succeed 期待能受教育 and saw myself as someone who was successful in the future, 生長在那種環境中 educated because education is the key really. 你會覺得一切都是命運 Being born in that kind of oppressive 大家都認為必須接受自己的處境 environment you feel like this is your destiny 科西決定要改變自己的命運 and this is also something that was ingrained by people around you 信仰讓我認識到自己的無限可能性 that you need to accept your circumstances because this is what you were meant to be." 我的人生是由我自己掌控的 Khosi decided to take responsibility for her situation. 這想法使我堅強起來 "When I started practicing then I realized there are so many possibilities 克服內心消極的想法 I can do anything I want, and my life is in my hands, 是科西的‶人性革命″中的主要奮鬥 that means I have to take responsibility for myself – so that was very empowering to me." 我彷彿聽到兩個聲音 Battling with her negative internal beliefs 一個說:‶妳以為自己是誰?″ played a major part in Khosi's human revolution. ‶妳只是一個來自索韋托的女孩″ ‶妳應該接受自己的命運″ "It felt like I had two voices. 但是另一方面 我的願望又是如此強烈 One that said ‘Now who do you think you are? You're just a girl from Soweto, 我覺得自己的一生可以成就更多! 可以創造價值! you should just accept your destiny because this is what you were meant to be.' 人生充滿掙扎 輸贏由自己決定 But on the other hand this burning desire, feeling that 'I am capable of more, 這是我從信仰中學到的 I can do more with my life. I can create value' – was also powerful. 我打算回到南非的大學執教 Life is about struggling. You just have to decide whether you are going to win or lose. 並鼓勵處境與我相同的人 That's what this practice has taught me: you have the power to decide. 霍華德・亨特 I plan to go back to South Africa to teach at the university 我認為,SGI所秉持的佛法哲學 but also my greatest desire is to go back and inspire other people 是鼓勵會員努力去喚醒各人內在的自覺 who come from the same place that I come from and I'm looking forward to that." 我認為這是佛教最光榮的地方 Dr. Howard Hunter: "I think the Buddhist message in the SGI 這是慈悲的表現 of cultivating, with as much fervor and passion and dedication and discipline 雪兒・伊頓是英國國民保健系統的員工 as we can, our own self–awareness... that self–awareness is going to lead 負責照顧當地感染了愛滋病病毒的人 to what I think is the greatest glory of Buddhism 20年前 雪兒認識了一位受感染的年輕女性 and that is compassion." 自此開始了 她為愛滋病病毒感染者工作的生涯 Sue Yeadon works for the English National Health Service as part of a small team 雪兒・伊頓 that supports people in her community with the HIV virus. 她需要的是鼓勵和同情 Sue's involvement in this area began 20 years ago 而不是人們對她抱以恐懼和厭惡的眼神 於是我決定,唯有去多了解 when she met a young woman with the virus. 才能克服自己的恐懼與偏見 Sue Yeadon: "What she needed was encouragement 記得當初曾經想到,身為佛教徒 應該是開始為社會做些有意義的事、 and compassion rather than people reacting 改變現狀的時候了 with fear and horror and dread, and so I decided that the only way 因為工作關係 雪兒在過去兩年間曾經去了非洲 I could overcome my own fear and prejudice was to find out more about it. 也探訪了因感染病毒而住院的孩童 I remember thinking that as a Buddhist it was time that I started to do something 我們剛到那裡時沒有任何小孩接受治療 meaningful in society that would make a difference somehow." 現在已經有將近一百人了 Over the last two years Sue's work has taken her to Africa 如果沒有信仰佛法 我想我無法如今日這般能夠以慈悲心 where she visits children hospitalized with the virus. 拿出智慧和勇氣去為他們服務 "When we first arrived there were no children on treatment, 第四章 入世精神 now they have nearly 100 children ... 推進人心、社會的變革 是SGI一貫的目標 If I hadn't started practicing Buddhism I don't think I'd have been able to develop SGI的一切活動 my compassion or my courage or wisdom in the way I've been able to." 都是基於拔除苦難、貢獻社會的慈悲心 CHAPTER 4: SOCIETY 在各地區展開的活動 SGI is committed to making a difference. 讓人們理解到自己和裁軍、 All its activities are based on the compassionate desire to relieve 可持續發展等全球性議題之間的關聯 suffering and make an active contribution to society. 作為聯合國的非政府組織 Projects and awareness–raising activities initiated at local and community levels SGI相信儘管聯合國並不完美 encourage people to feel a sense of connection to global issues 卻能引導世界走往更好的方向 such as disarmament and sustainable development. 櫻井浩行 SGI駐紐約聯合國代表 As a non–governmental organization affiliated to the United Nations, SGI嘗試向聯合國傳達民眾的心聲 SGI believes that despite its flaws, 其中的一個方法就是透過 SGI池田大作會長20多年以來 the UN has the potential to effect a positive change in the world. 每年不斷發表的和平倡言 Hiro Sakurai – SGI's Representative to the United Nations in New York 有一部分被納入聯合國的行動計畫中 "One of the ways that SGI tries to bring people's voices back to the UN is through 其中包括聯合國‶人權教育世界計畫″ SGI President Daisaku Ikeda's annual peace proposals. 我們也為了廢止核武器而發起請願活動 He's been issuing peace proposals over 20 years. 並將數百萬人民的署名交給聯合國 These proposals have been reflected in UN initiatives such as 在公共領域中 SGI以非政府組織的立場 the World Program for Human Rights Education. 推行了多項教育計畫 更籌畫了各類國際性展覽 We have also conducted petition drives for the abolition of nuclear weapons and 以啟蒙人權、和平以及裁軍方面的意識 presented the signatures of millions of ordinary citizens to the UN." 每年都有成千上萬人 因為海嘯、颶風以及地震的發生 In the public domain, as a NGO, SGI has launched educational campaigns 而流離失所,甚至喪失生命 and created a range of international exhibitions that promote SGI參與了無數救援計畫 human rights, peace and disarmament. 以幫助戰爭難民及天災的受害者 Every year thousands are killed, injured and displaced in the wake of natural disasters SGI支持《地球憲章》 這是一個以建構可持續發展 such as tsunamis, hurricanes and earthquakes. 及和平世界為目標的運動 SGI has mounted numerous relief programs for war refugees and victims SGI代表策劃的 of environmental and climatic disasters. ‶可持續發展教育國際十年″提案 SGI supports the Earth Charter movement, which is working towards the establishment 於2002年被聯合國大會接受 of a sustainable and peaceful world. 為了紀念這個國際十年 SGI籌辦了‶變革的種子″展 A proposal initially put forward by SGI representatives for 展覽內容強調一個人有能力改善社會 an "International Decade of Education for Sustainable Development" 巴西的亞馬遜盆地 gathered international support 迫切需要推動造林和可持續發展 and was eventually adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2002. 在這裡,SGI成立了 ‶亞馬遜環境保護中心″ In support of this educational initiative, SGI has created "Seeds of Change" 科羅拉多州哥倫拜恩中學 大屠殺悲劇發生後 an exhibition that highlights how each person can make a difference. 美國SGI青年和平委員會發起了一項 名為「戰勝暴力」的運動 In the Amazon basin in Brazil, 運動得到許多學校的認同與採用 其內容包括了文化節、啟蒙活動等 where there is an urgent need to promote reforestation and sustainable development, 在於幫助年輕的一代認清並克服 SGI has set up the Amazon Environmental Conservation Center. 潛伏在自己心中的暴力的根原 In response to the tragic Columbine High School massacre in Colorado, 這個宣揚和平文化的運動 目前還擴展到美國以外的地區 SGI–USA's Youth Peace Committee launched a "Victory Over Violence" campaign. 蘭西括特 我對未來非常樂觀 Culture festivals and outreach programs which have been adopted by schools 我想 這是我的信仰的一個了不起的地方 and communities form part of the initiative which helps young people 它讓我感到樂觀 因為我知道自己是誰 identify and counteract the root causes of violence in their lives. 也知道我有能力 在自己及他人的生命中進行變革 This campaign, which promotes a culture of peace, has now spread overseas. 楊貴子 對我而言,身為教師最重要的任務 Anthony Lansiquot: "I have tremendous optimism for the future, 是培育年輕人 and I think this is one of the greatest things about my practice, 讓他們相信 他們可以對社會作出貢獻 that it does give me that optimism, because I'm aware of who I really am, 還要帶給他們追求夢想的自信心 and I know I can effect change in my own life, and in other people's lives." SGI相信,通過佛法的人道精神 以及青年們對未來滿溢慈悲的熱忱 Takako Yeung: "For me what's more important 21世紀將可變成 about being a teacher is nurturing young people and 一個敬重生命的世紀 making them believe they can make a positive contribution to society 那時,地球的持續發展、 and to give them the confidence to follow whatever their dreams are." 減輕民眾的痛苦等將是普受關注的課題 而人類將享有恆久的和平 SGI believes that the empowering message of Buddhist humanism and 我們每個人都有能力去進行變革 the compassionate commitment and vision of young people can make the 21st century 國際創價學會 (Soka Gakkai International) a century which cherishes life where sustainability and the alleviation of suffering become universal concerns and where, for future generations, world peace becomes a reality. Each person has the power to make a difference. Soka Gakkai International
B2 中高級 中文 會員 學會 佛教 人性 生命 聯合國 SGI佛教運動。簡介(全文版) (SGI Buddhist Movement: An Introduction (full-length version)) 619 16 吱 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字