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  • SPEAKER: All right, welcome to this seminar.

  • It's going to be about Git and GitHub, which are technologies

  • that you can use to do what's called version control,

  • keeping track of different versions of your program,

  • testing out new changes, et cetera.

  • All right, so before we get started, we'll do a quick introduction into kind

  • of what Git and GitHub it is all about, and what it can be used for,

  • and then we'll go more specifically into of the command

  • line commands that you would use in order to use some of this technology

  • and leverage it for projects that you're working on,

  • or projects that you're collaborating on with other people.

  • So first of all, what is Git?

  • What can it do?

  • The first, and one of the most important features for Git,

  • is that it can keep track of changes to your code.

  • So if you have code, you create a file, and maybe you're making changes,

  • Git will keep track of all of the different changes

  • that you've made to your code such that, at any point,

  • you can kind of go back and see the history of whatever it

  • is that you've been working on to see what were your earlier changes

  • and when did you make those changes.

  • And that can sometimes help when you're going back, and trying

  • to debug, and figure out what went wrong at some stage in the code process.

  • So that's one thing that Git can be useful for.

  • Another thing that it can be useful for is synchronizing

  • code between different people.

  • Especially when you're collaborating with other people,

  • Git is valuable for trying to make sure that your code potentially

  • matches the code that someone else is working on.

  • And at any point, absolutely feel free to interrupt me if you have questions.

  • If something doesn't make sense, I'd be happy to field questions as we go.

  • So imagine that you and a collaborator are both

  • trying to work together on the same piece of code at the same time.

  • So maybe that code lives somewhere on some server,

  • and there are a whole bunch of servers that

  • can host what we call get repositories, just

  • folders that contain files that are tracked via Git.

  • GitHub is one example of that.

  • So maybe both you and your partner need access to the same file.

  • Maybe you both make changes to that same file.

  • And what Git allows you to do is Git makes

  • it very easy to then take those changes that you both have made independently

  • and then kind of merge them back together when you push them back

  • online to the same file and then pull those back down to your own computers.

  • So that you both have the latest changes,

  • not only what you've changed on your file, but also

  • what a potential collaborator has made changes to as well.

  • And you both have the most recent, up to date version of the code.

  • And so synchronizing code between different people

  • is another really valuable thing that Git can be used for.

  • A third valuable thing that get can be fantastic for is to test

  • changes your code without losing the original.

  • It's all too common that, before I started using Git,

  • would try making changes to code to try to make it better

  • and then suddenly find out that the code no longer works.

  • And so my original solution to this was to do something

  • like make a copy of my original file, save the old one

  • and then make changes so that, if it messed up,

  • I could go back to the original one and not lose the original.

  • And that ends up getting very, very messy.

  • Especially if you get into larger projects, and working

  • with multiple people, you'll end up with a lot of different old versions

  • and it might be hard to keep track of.

  • So Git makes it very easy to save an original version of your code,

  • test out new changes that you might want to add,

  • and, only when you're sure that you like these changes, that they

  • work that you want to what's called merge them

  • back in with your original file, can you merge them back with the original file

  • that you were working on in the first place.

  • And the fourth and very valuable thing that Git can be useful for

  • is for reverting back changes to older versions of your code.

  • Say you made a change to your code somewhere along the way

  • and realized later on that that's not the change that you actually

  • wanted to make, and that you would want to go back to an older version.

  • Git makes it very easy.

  • As long as you know which version you want to go back to,

  • you can just go back to that old version and kind of start

  • over from wherever you were previously.

  • So that's sort of an overview of kind of what Git is

  • and the things that Git can do for you if you leverage its functionality well.

  • And now we'll begin to go into the actual commands

  • that you would need to use and need to type in order

  • to make all of this kind of work.

  • Questions Before we go on?

  • OK, fantastic.

  • So first command that will be really valuable to know

  • is what's called git clone.

  • git clone is a command you would type at the command line,

  • and I'll show you how this works in a moment.

  • And essentially, what git clone does is you

  • type git clone followed by some git URL where

  • that URL is the address of some GitHub repository-- and remember a repository

  • is just a collection of files and folders that are being tracked by Git--

  • and it'll don't make a copy of that repository that lives somewhere

  • on the internet, potentially on GitHub, but there are also

  • other services that do similar things.

  • And it will make a copy of that repository on your computer.

  • So you can begin to make changes on your own computer.

  • And side note, you can also do something called

  • Creating a fork of a repository, where if someone else owns

  • a repository online somewhere, you can fork it,

  • which just means you create kind of your own copy of that repository that

  • also lives online.

  • But we'll get to that potentially later.

  • So if this is Github, imagine this being some kind of server,

  • and this is a file that's being tracked via Git in some Git repository.

  • If I were to type git clone followed by the URL of that repository, then

  • this file, I would clone it, and it would

  • make a copy of the entire repository that is now saved on my own computer.

  • Make sense?

  • OK, fantastic.

  • The next thing that's important to know is a command called git add.

  • So git add is what you would do after you've cloned a repository

  • and so now you have a copy of that repository on your computer

  • and say you're making changes to that repository, changing the files,

  • changing the code, and now you want to say that the next time that git

  • saves a change to this repository, you want git

  • to save the change that you made to that file.

  • So let's show you what I mean by this.

  • Let's say that we've just cloned this file.

  • So this file now exists on your computer.

  • It's being tracked by a repository.

  • If I make a change to the code, maybe add a line to that code,

  • and I want to say that, the next time you save a change to this repository,

  • I want you to track that change, you would

  • say git add followed by the name of the file, whatever

  • that file happens to be named.

  • And then, it would, say change is to be committed.

  • And it would track that this is a change that you now want to make to that code.

  • So let me show you what that looks really quickly.

  • I have here GitHub repository.

  • So they usually live at some link, like,

  • slash some user name-- my user name is [? BrianU28 ?]

  • slash whatever the name of the GitHub repository.

  • Is in this case, this repository is just called seminar.

  • Up in the upper right hand corner, you'll

  • see a button that says clone or download.

  • And if you click on that link, it will give you

  • a link that you can copy in order to clone

  • this repository to my own computer.

  • And so I could copy this.

  • And then I could go in to CS50 IDE.

  • And then, if I were to type git clone followed by that URL,

  • it would clone the repository and save it to my computer.

  • In this case, I've already done it, so I'm not going to do it again.

  • But you'll see, here, I have this folder called seminar.

  • And that folder is just my copy of the repository that exists on GitHub.

  • So we'll take a look at the file that's in here.

  • There's two files in here.

  • But [? swap.c ?] is the one that I'm interested in.

  • You might recognize this file from a previous lecture.

  • It was just the file where we kind of set

  • two variables equal to two different numbers in C, and we want to swap them.

  • But what you'll notice here is that this code is incomplete.

  • It says swapping right now, but we don't actually swap the values just yet.

  • So what I'd like to do now is I'm going to change this code

  • so that it actually swaps the two numbers.

  • And then I want to git add those changes so

  • that git knows that this is a new version of the file

  • that I want to save.

  • So I'll just quickly add the necessary code,

  • and those three lines are going to swap the file.

  • And so now if I cd into the seminar directory, what I can do

  • is I can add the changes that I just made,

  • and git will then track those changes so I can save them in the future.

  • And in fact, one kind of little tip that might be helpful

  • is that if I ever type [? git dif ?] at the command line,

  • it will show me all of the changes that I've made that I haven't tracked yet.

  • So I type git dif, and it shows me down here

  • that these are the three lines highlighted in green that I've added.

  • I added this in temp equals x, x equals y, and y equals temp.

  • And those are now changes that, the next time I add a file,

  • they're going to be tracked by git.

  • So I can do something like git add swap.c,

  • and that will add the swap.c file as a file

  • that I now want to track the next time I save a change.

  • So git add swap.c.

  • And so that now has been added to the changes that I want to track.

  • So what's the next step?

  • The next step is called git commit.

  • Once I've added all the files that I now want to save,

  • now I need to actually make the Save.

  • So git commit you might think of as the equivalent of telling git

  • to save a version of this repository.

  • So the syntax looks something like this.

  • You would type git commit followed by -m, and then,

  • in quotation marks, some message.

  • And that message is just going to be usually some summary of the changes

  • that you've made in this particular change

  • so that if anyone were to go back and look at what we call

  • the commit history, they would be able to see all the changes,

  • and when you made those changes, and what changes you made

  • at any given stage in this program.

  • So that's what git commit is.

  • And it saves those new revisions of a repository and kind of records

  • a message along with it.

  • And just as a side note, if you'd like to combine the adding

  • and committing steps together into one step,

  • this command right here git commit -am, a for all, or a for add,

  • will automatically add all the files that you've changed,

  • and also commit it with a commit message.

  • So you can combine both of these steps together.

  • So I'll show you what this looks like.

  • When I type git commit and follow it by kind of a message suggesting

  • what it is that I've changed, then what git will do is it will take my file,

  • and it will save kind of a new version of it.

  • It'll save this version, which says that I've added a line.

  • It saves the message along with the commit.

  • But it also still remembers that old version.

  • Such that if I ever wanted to go back to that old version,

  • I could still do that.

  • So I'll show you what that looks like right now.

  • So I'm back here, and I've made these changes.

  • I've already added them.

  • So I can do git commit -m.

  • And then, in quotation marks, actually swap the values.

  • And that's going to be my message saying,

  • here's the change that I made when I just made these changes to the code.

  • And so I see this what's called a commit hash, which

  • is just an identifier about the commit.

  • And it says I've changed one file and added

  • three lines, which is indeed true.

  • I added three lines to this file in swap.c,

  • and those are the changes that I have just now saved.

  • So what can I do now?

  • git status is a helpful command, where, at any stage in working on a git

  • repository, if you ever want to see kind of what's currently going on in the git

  • repository, you can use git status to gain some kind of insight

  • into what's currently happening, what are the changes that I've

  • made to my current repository.

  • And so the way that works is that if I were to type git status

  • into the command line, I would see a message show up

  • that says, what is the current status of my repository,

  • and the message might look something like on branch master,

  • and git ads has a feature which we'll get to in a moment called branching,

  • which basically lets you keep track of different versions of your code,

  • so you can have kind of different separate tracks of your codes.

  • So if you want to test changes, or try and to implement new features,

  • you can do that separately from kind of the main part of your code,

  • where master we consider to be kind of the default code.

  • And the second line here says, your branch is ahead of origin master

  • by one commit, which is just kind of a fancy way of saying that,

  • that version up here on the server, this version

  • that we have is one commit, or one version, ahead of that version.

  • So we've saved one change that the server up on GitHub

  • doesn't yet know about.

  • Clear so far?

  • OK.

  • And I'll show you exactly what that looks like.

  • I can type git status right now, and it will tell me that exact same thing.

  • I'm currently on branch master, and CS50 IDE

  • is really nice in that it actually tells me, right here in my prompt,

  • what branch I'm currently.

  • I'm on the master branch.

  • And it says that I'm ahead of origin master, which is the version that

  • lives up on GitHub by one commit.

  • So one revision ahead.

  • So now, now that I'm one revision ahead, how do I then take those changes

  • and, what we call, push them back up to GitHub so

  • that the online version that can be accessible by anyone looking online,

  • or accessible by collaborators who are also using the same online repository,

  • can then see?

  • And that git push is the comment that we would use.

  • And so the syntax for that is just git push, which

  • will send whatever committed changes we've made up

  • to the remote repository up on GitHub.

  • I can be very explicit and state exactly what branch

  • I want to push to, as in git push origin master, meaning

  • push these changes to the master branch.

  • But generally, you wouldn't need to do this for normal purposes.

  • So I would say something like git push, and then

  • this new change, the change that I made on my computer,

  • would then get pushed up to GitHub so that anyone looking online

  • would then be able to see those changes that I just made.

  • And so I'll show you what that looks like right now.

  • If I go back here.

  • So again, I did git status.

  • I'm ahead by 1 commit because right now I've

  • added these three lines that actually perform the swap.

  • And on GitHub, if I were to look at swap.c, this is online on GitHub,

  • swap.c doesn't have those lines right now.

  • On the online GitHub version, it just says swapping.

  • But if I go back into CS50 IDE, and I type in git push,

  • those will push those changes back up to GitHub.

  • And if I go back to GitHub and refresh the page now,

  • I'll see that, indeed, these three lines that I just added

  • have now been pushed up online.

  • And if you actually go to slash [? brianu28 ?] slash

  • this whole link, you'll be able to see this exact same thing

  • because this repository is public.

  • So those changes have now been pushed online.

  • Questions on how that worked?

  • Fantastic.

  • OK.

  • So now git pull is another valuable command.

  • git pull is kind of the opposite of git push.

  • If git push means I made changes on my computer,

  • and I want to send them up to GitHub so that the online version knows about it,

  • git pul is GitHub contains a more recent version of the repository

  • than I have on my computer.

  • And I'd like to take those changes from online

  • and pull them down onto my computer so that I

  • can see the most recent version of the repository that's

  • currently reflected on GitHub.

  • And so the way that would work is, if someone

  • were to make a third change to this repository,

  • and my computer only had these two revisions to the repository,

  • I could say something like git pull, and this third change

  • to the repository that was added would then be pulled down onto my computer

  • so that my computer now has all the versions that are matched on GitHub.

  • So I've actually set up a second IDE workspace.

  • So this version has all the changes we just made.

  • In this version of my workspace over here,

  • which is a completely different workspace, inside swap.c,

  • I haven't updated it to the latest changes yet.

  • Because I haven't done a git pull.

  • So it still says swapping, and it doesn't

  • have the latest version of the code.

  • So if I want to pull from GitHub, get the latest version,

  • I would cd into the seminar directory.

  • And then I could say git pull.

  • And so it will pull the latest changes from GitHub.

  • And you'll see that it says, fast forwarding this swap.c file.

  • It changed one file, added three lines.

  • And indeed, if I go to swap.c now, that file that I just changed,

  • you'll see that those three lines that were on GitHub

  • but weren't on my computer before are now on my computer

  • because I did git pull, and so those changes are now reflected there.

  • Clear on that?

  • Fantastic.

  • All right, let's talk about merge conflicts.

  • This is the part of git that can often scare a lot of people.

  • But don't worry.

  • It's actually quite manageable.

  • So here comes the question of, Git seems to be very good at automatically

  • tracking what changes I've made to a file-- where I've added new files,

  • where I've removed lines, I've added new lines to code.

  • But what happens if I'm working on code, on a particular line,

  • and I make a change to line 28, say, and some collaborator also

  • makes a change to that same line, and we both

  • try and push that code up to GitHub?

  • Git's not going to be able to know what to do about that situation

  • because it doesn't kind of which version of the code to believe, so to speak.

  • So this creates what we call a merge conflict, when,

  • in trying to combine two different versions of the repository,

  • there's some sort of problem that Git can't automatically resolve.

  • And so you, the programmer, need to figure out

  • how to resolve that conflict.

  • And so here's what that might look like.

  • Maybe if you try and git pull, and you're pulling in new changes

  • from GitHub, but those changes conflict with changes

  • that you've made on your computer, you might

  • get a message that looks like this-- conflict, the merge conflict failed.

  • You need to fix the conflicts and then commit the result.

  • And so this might be what your file would look

  • like after you get this merge conflict.

  • You might get a situation where you have a whole bunch of lines of code,

  • and then this weird kind of series of less than signs followed by head,

  • a bunch of equal signs, and then a bunch of greater than signs,

  • followed by some weird sequence of numbers and letters.

  • This is what a merge conflict might actually look like.

  • And just to break this down for you, here's what all this means.

  • Everything between head and the set of equal signs are all of the changes

  • that you made that are in conflict.

  • So changes that you've made on your computer.

  • Everything between all of these equal signs

  • and this series of greater than signs are all of the changes

  • from GitHub that you're trying to pull down that are in conflict.

  • So what happened here seems to be that the online version seems

  • to have said in b equals 0, but my version, on my computer,

  • I've committed, that b should be equal to 2.

  • And those were the same line.

  • So when git tried to merge those two together,

  • it didn't know which line to go with.

  • And so that's why we're getting this conflict.

  • And this random sequence of numbers and letters

  • right there is the conflicting commit.

  • Every single commit gets a unique identifier, just

  • a sequence of numbers and letters, and so this

  • is telling me which is the commit from GitHub that

  • is causing this conflict, that is the reason why I'm not

  • able to merge these two together.

  • And so what do you do in a situation like this?

  • To resolve this merge conflict, all you need to do

  • is get rid of this head line, the equal line, the greater

  • than line, and then figure out what to do about these conflicting lines.

  • You might delete one set and only use the other.

  • You might somehow find a way to combine the two, but, in some way,

  • you need to tell git what the actual version of the code should look like.

  • So in this case, we might get rid of all the lines

  • except for b equals 2 because b equals 2 is the version that I know that I want.

  • You can get rid of the extra space there.

  • And after that, I could commit this file,

  • and now that would be the version that's saved.

  • I've now resolved the merge conflict by specifically

  • telling Git which version of the code that I want to use.

  • So let's try and create a merge conflict right now

  • so we can see what that looks like.

  • In one version of my IDE, I'm going to take this x, which is right now 28,

  • and I'm going to set it to-- pick a number, any the number.

  • 51.

  • 51.

  • And I'm going to git commit am.

  • And I'll say so, what I'm doing here is I'm adding this change that I just made

  • and committing it, saying I'm going to change x to 51.

  • So I've made that commit.

  • It notes that I've only changed one file.

  • It says one insertion, one deletion.

  • What that means is I deleted the line that says int x equals 28,

  • and I added the line that says int x equals 51.

  • It doesn't know that I changed two characters.

  • It knows that I got rid of a line and replaced it with a line.

  • I can git push now.

  • And so that change [? pushing ?] [? changing ?] x to 51 is now online.

  • So if I go to GitHub, and I refresh this, right now x is 28.

  • Now I see that x is 51 because that's the change that I just pushed.

  • Now, in this other version of the repository,

  • where x is still 28-- why don't you pick a different number?

  • AUDIENCE: 17.

  • SPEAKER: 17.

  • And I'm going to say git commit -am change x to 17.

  • So I'm saving that change.

  • And let's say now I wanted to pull the changes from GitHub,

  • make sure I have the latest version of the code.

  • I've changed x to 17 here.

  • The version on GitHub has a recent change that says,

  • we've changed x to be 51.

  • So when I git pull, watch what's going to happen.

  • I'll close this file for now, but I press git pull.

  • And it says conflict, merge conflict in swap.c.

  • The automatic merge failed, so git couldn't merge these two files

  • automatically.

  • I need to fix the conflicts and then commit the results.

  • So let's open up swap.c and see what's going on.

  • And you'll see, oh, and CS50 IDE actually

  • adds some nice little markers that help us understand what's going on.

  • But we see this head, and we see this commit hash,

  • and we see what the different versions are.

  • This is my version that says int x equals 17.

  • And this is their version that says int x equals 51.

  • That's the version that we just pulled down from GitHub.

  • So I need to decide kind of which version of the code

  • that I actually want to use.

  • Maybe I don't know.

  • And maybe I just want to go with, I don't know, the average of the two.

  • We'll do like, what is it, 34?

  • And then I would get rid of these lines that are conflicting.

  • I'm not too used to the syntax, but-- oh here we go.

  • So I would just say int x equals 34.

  • And I'll get rid of all those extra lines.

  • And so I've now changed this code, gotten rid of all those excess lines,

  • and just replaced it with kind of the line

  • that I actually want-- in this case, the one that says index equals is 34.

  • At this point, I can do git status, just to see what's going on.

  • It says that I have unmerged paths.

  • I need to fix the conflicts and run git commit.

  • I will do git commit, -am, and I'll say, I'm going to commit these changes.

  • I just fixed the merge conflicts.

  • So now it says I fixed it.

  • I can now git push, which takes these changes I just

  • fixed the merge conflicts.

  • I'm going to push them back up to GitHub.

  • I git push.

  • And now, after that's done, I can go back to GitHub, refresh the page,

  • and x is now 34.

  • And this is my resolution to this merge conflict.

  • Kind of a lot of stuff happening simultaneously, but that makes sense?

  • Any questions on how that merge complex happened, why it happened,

  • or what we were able to do in order to fix it?

  • All good?

  • Fantastic.

  • OK.

  • Let's move on then.

  • git log is another very useful feature.

  • And git log's job is, basically, it will tell you

  • kind of the history of all of the commits that you have made previously.

  • So it shows the history of the commits and their messages.

  • So if I do something like git log, and type that into my terminal,

  • then something like this will show up, where it will show me

  • a history of all the commits that I've made.

  • It will show me the kind of commit ID, or the commit hash,

  • that identifies that commit.

  • It will tell me who made that commit.

  • So if multiple people are collaborating together,

  • it will tell you who made the change, when

  • they made the change, on a particular date,

  • and then this message here is whatever you said was the commit message.

  • So that's why a commit message can be very, very important.

  • Because when you use git log, you'll see all the changes that were made,

  • and the message is a very good indicator as to what

  • was changed in this particular version.

  • So make sure you use good commit messages if you're going to use git.

  • Questions on git log?

  • I'll show you what that looks like in the actual terminal.

  • I can type in git log at the terminal.

  • And it will show me all these changes that I've made.

  • So I added the swap file, changed x to 17, fixed these merge conflicts.

  • Those are all the changes, and you can see kind of when I made those changes

  • and who made those changes.

  • Clear?

  • Fantastic.

  • All right, so now let's say I made a change,

  • but I didn't mean to make that change, and I want to kind of go back

  • to a previous version of the code.

  • That's what git reset is for.

  • That allows I mean to kind of roll back, these changes didn't work,

  • I want to go back to an older version.

  • And here's how that works.

  • So recall that every one of our commits has

  • a commit hash, some unique identifier that

  • says this is how we identify this particular change.

  • And down here, next to the commit messages,

  • I've included the first couple characters of those commit hashes.

  • If I type git reset [? dash dash ?] --hard, followed by some commit hash--

  • and usually you don't need to include the entire commit hash because usually

  • it's dozens upon dozens of characters.

  • Usually just a couple of characters, at least enough to uniquely identify

  • that commit so that no other commit has those same initial characters

  • is sufficient-- if you type that, it will revert your code back

  • to that previous version, and you will lose all of the changes

  • that you've made sense that version.

  • So do this only if you were sure that you want

  • to go back to the previous version.

  • In addition to going back to a previous version in your commit history,

  • you can also go back to the version that currently exists on GitHub.

  • So if there were a version on GitHub, which is our origin,

  • in this case, the origin of the repository,

  • and we've made changes on our computer, and now we

  • realize those changes really don't work, and really want to go back,

  • you can use git reset --hard origin slash

  • master, to go back to the version that's on GitHub and its master branch.

  • And again, we've only been working on the master branch

  • so far, so that's the only thing that we really have to work with.

  • So I can type git reset --hard followed by 476 1626,

  • where that is the beginning of the commit hash

  • for this version of the repository.

  • And again, if I don't know what the identifier is,

  • I can always use git log, that code, that command

  • that shows me the history of all the comments

  • that I've made along with when I made any particular commit

  • and what changes were made in that commit.

  • So that can give me the identifier, and if I do git reset,

  • then these changes that I've made after that file will kind of go away,

  • and I'll be left with this being the most recent version.

  • And so that's what I'm going to have left over.

  • Any questions on that?

  • OK, let's get into talking about branching.

  • So branching is a very, very valuable feature in git

  • that basically allows you, in a single repository,

  • to have a couple different kind of versions of the code that

  • are going on simultaneously.

  • So maybe you have one version of your code, your master branch,

  • that's generally the one that works perfectly,

  • or that does what you need it to do, and maybe you

  • want to add new features to your program,

  • or you want to add something brand new to your code,

  • but you don't want to potentially mess up the master

  • branch because that one you know works.

  • So one thing you can do is you can kind of branch off,

  • creating a new branch that you're making new changes to,

  • testing out new features, while keeping your original master branch identical.

  • And then you can make commits to this new branch.

  • You can roll back those commits and do all the same things

  • that we were just talking about previously in the seminar.

  • And then only when you feel ready that this new branch has all the things

  • that you want it to have and is ready to kind of become the official version,

  • can you then merge it back into the master branch

  • so that you then have the one working version.

  • So let's explore how you do that branching.

  • So just to recap, branching is a version of the repository.

  • Each branch has its own commit history, and each branch

  • has its own kind of most recent version of the code.

  • So git branch is the command that you would

  • use in order to create a new branch.

  • So if I just type git branch, it will show me all of the current branches

  • that I have on the repository.

  • But if I want to create a new branch, I would type git branch

  • followed by the name of the branch.

  • And I could just make up any branch name I want,

  • so long as it's not a name that already exists as a branch.

  • And then, once I've created a new branch,

  • if I want to switch to that new branch, I would use git checkout.

  • So git checkout, followed by the name of the branch,

  • will switch me to that new branch that are going

  • to be working on that other branch.

  • And side note, if you want to kind of combine these two steps to check out

  • a new branch and create it at the same time,

  • you can use git checkout -b, and then followed by a new branch name,

  • and that will both create a new branch, and it will switch you to it.

  • That can just be a little time saving feature.

  • So right now, I just have one version of the code.

  • It's the master branch, the original version, by default.

  • And if I were to tight git branch tests, that would create for me

  • a new branch called tests that basically will just be a copy of master,

  • at least for the time being, creating that new version of the code.

  • So then, I can make new changes to this test.

  • I can add files to it.

  • I can make commits, so saving reversions of this test branch,

  • and then later, once test is the way I want it to be,

  • I can merge it back in with master.

  • And so we'll look at that right now.

  • Git merge is the command that we would use

  • to merge two different branches together,

  • and the way that works is like this.

  • git merge, followed by some branch name, merges that branch with whatever branch

  • I am currently on.

  • So what that means is that if I am currently on the master branch,

  • and the tests branch now has kind of a whole bunch of versions

  • to the code that have been made so it's got a whole bunch of files that have

  • been changed, and I now want to take those changes and say,

  • I want to bring them into the master branch.

  • Then the command that I would use here would

  • be something like git merge tests.

  • And that would take all these changes to the test branch.

  • And it would merge them with the master branch

  • so that the master branch now reflects all of those changes.

  • Now, there may be the possibility that, on the master branch,

  • I've made changes to the same lines of code

  • that the test branch also made the changes to.

  • And in that case, when you try and merge tests into the master branch,

  • you're going to run into another merge conflict,

  • and we've talked about how to resolve those.

  • But basically, it involves getting rid of those lines you don't want,

  • and then figuring out how to take the two

  • kind of different versions of the code and figure out

  • which version you actually want.

  • So that's, oftentimes, a possibility that you'll run into, especially

  • on larger projects, where multiple people are working on the code

  • simultaneously, and potentially working on different branches,

  • it may very well be the case that merging two branches

  • can result in a merge conflict.

  • So let's take a look at how this might work.

  • So as you can see, right now, I'm on the master branch of this repository.

  • And I can see this even more clearly, if your terminal doesn't display

  • what branch you're on, just by typing git branch,

  • and that will tell me that there is only one branch in this repository,

  • and it is called master.

  • So let's say I want to create a new branch.

  • Let's say I want it to separate out this code, the code that does the swapping,

  • into its own function.

  • But that seems like it has the potential to go wrong.

  • It might not necessarily work.

  • So I don't want to just change this file.

  • I want to create a new branch that will let me test out those changes

  • without worrying about whatever is happening in master.

  • So I'm going to create a new branch via git branch,

  • and I'll call it function just because the purpose of this branch

  • is I'm going to be creating a new function in order to perform the swap.

  • So I type git branch function.

  • And now, if I were to type git branch, you'll

  • see that I have two branches going here.

  • I've got a master branch, and it's green,

  • so that says that's the branch I'm on right now.

  • But there's also a function branch that appears now.

  • That's the branch that I've just created.

  • And if I want to switch to that branch, I

  • would type something like git checkout function.

  • And it says, switched to branch function.

  • And so now, if I type git branch, I would see there are two branches still,

  • function and master, but function is now the green one with the star next to it.

  • That's the branch that I'm currently on.

  • So now I'm on this function branch, and I can add this swap function,

  • void swap, int star A, int star B, and in temp equals star a,

  • star a equals star b, and star b equals temp.

  • And I can now replace this with just swap address of x, address of y.

  • That should work, right?

  • Hopefully, it works.

  • I'm going to commit those changes.

  • I'm going to say add a swap function.

  • And so that change was just made, and so it says one file changed,

  • I added eight lines, removed three lines.

  • And so that commit is there.

  • But now, if I type git branch, I can say I'm currently on the function branch.

  • If I were to check out the master branch,

  • the git checkout master, what you'll notice is that swap.c changes.

  • It changed back to the version that's on the master branch

  • because the master branch doesn't have new function.

  • It just has these three lines of code that

  • are right inside the main function.

  • Watch again, if I git checkout back to the function branch,

  • watch what happens to swap.c.

  • It will just immediately show me, here's the version

  • that's on the function branch.

  • And so those are those changes.

  • Question?


  • Yeah, so on the Mac Finder, if you do a git checkout,

  • and maybe this new branch has, like, has a file

  • that didn't exist on the other branch, that file

  • will appear in your file system.

  • So it absolutely works.

  • And so now maybe I'm happy with those changes,

  • and I want to-- let's actually make sure it works.

  • [INAUDIBLE] [? 34505034. ?]

  • Fantastic.

  • That did in fact work.

  • So now I feel comfortable merging those changes back into the master branch.

  • So I'm going to go to the master branch via git checkout master, and notice,

  • once again, this is the version that's currently in the master branch,

  • and my function branch has that new commit that I want to merge in.

  • If I type git merge function, what that's going to do

  • is it's going to take the changes on the function branch,

  • and it will merge them into the master branch

  • so that that new commit, that version where I made the new function,

  • will now become part of master.

  • And there shouldn't be any merge conflicts

  • because I haven't changed master.

  • So I press Return.

  • It makes those changes.

  • And now this is my master branch, and I have that swap function.

  • And you can show, if I type git branch, I'm still on the master branch.

  • But that new function that I created in the function branch

  • now exists in master.

  • And at this point, if I wanted to, I could delete the function branch,

  • because I no longer need it.

  • And the command to do that is git branch dash-- capital -D, for delete,

  • followed by the name of the branch.

  • So git branch dash -d function deleted branch function.

  • So now, if I type git branch again, I only have the master branch,

  • and if I were to git log to look at all the commits that I've made,

  • I would see that out of swap function is now

  • there as a commit in the master branch because I merged those

  • commits into that particular branch.

  • Any questions on how that works?

  • And so merging and having branches is a very, very powerful tool.

  • And I would highly recommend it when you're working on your final projects.

  • Because if you want to kind of be a little bit ambitious

  • and potentially test new changes to the code,

  • this can be a good way of making sure that you still

  • hold on to the original while still allowing yourself

  • the creative freedom to experiment, and make changes, and mess with the stuff

  • that you've already written.

  • All right, and last thing I'll kind of briefly touch on

  • but won't do a demonstration of something called pull requests.

  • This happens very frequently in open source projects, especially.

  • But if you've made a change to a repository, either in a separate branch

  • or potentially in a fork, like I mentioned earlier, where a fork is just

  • kind of your version of someone else's repository,

  • sometimes you may want to request to kind of merge those changes back

  • into the original version.

  • And so this would be when you would submit a pull

  • request, as the terminology goes.

  • And so if you hear that, know that all that means

  • is that you've made changes to some repository,

  • either in a different branch, or in a different forked repository altogether,

  • and you would like to then kind of merge it back

  • into whatever the original version was.

  • And this is typically done via a pull request.

  • And GitHub has functionality built into it to allow for pull requests

  • to happen and to allow for whoever owns the repository to kind of review pull

  • requests, look at the changes that people have made,

  • and either decide to approve or reject those changes.

  • So once again, Git is a very valuable tool

  • that helps you keep track of different changes

  • your code, makes sure different collaborators can work together

  • on the same repository, makes sure you can be ambitious and test

  • new changes without losing the original copy of your code,

  • and also allows you to, if you ever do make a mistake,

  • to go back to a previous version.

  • So as long as you are kind of frequently making commits, saving the work

  • that you're doing, this can be a very, very valuable tool

  • for keeping track of the different versions of your code

  • and making sure that your project is under control.

  • I'll take any questions now, but that's what I had for you today.

  • All good?

  • All right, fantastic thank you both for coming.

  • AUDIENCE: Oh, question.


  • SPEAKER: Oh, yeah.

  • So submit 50 is-- OK, let me make sure I'm remembering this correctly.

  • Submit 50 is, basically what that's happening is,

  • every time you submit 50 something, you are submitting kind of a new branch

  • to your submit 50 repository.

  • So when you type in something like submit

  • 50 p set 7, what was happening is, behind the scenes,

  • we were creating a new branch called p set 7.

  • And we were kind of pushing all of those changes

  • to GitHub as a brand new branch.

  • So if you were ever to go to slash submit 50, slash your username,

  • that, in itself, is a repository.

  • Each student in the class has a repository.

  • And within that repository, there are branches for each

  • of the different times you submit 50.

  • So there's a submit 50 for Mario, there's a image 50 for 15,

  • there's a submit 50 for the test.

  • And each one of those are just different branches

  • that are named with whatever the name of the problem is

  • and the name of the problem set, or the name of the test.

  • And so whenever you do a Submit 50, it pushes those to a new branch.

  • And then what we do is we, like, tag those changes as a new release

  • such that it makes it easy for us to kind of look at all of the changes

  • that you've made.

  • We didn't go into tagging and releases in this seminar.

  • But it's just yet another way of kind of keeping

  • track of different versions of code and keeping track of different changes

  • to it.


  • SPEAKER: Yeah, yeah.

  • That's typically what it would be used for.

  • Exactly.

  • And so when you submit something, that's kind

  • of our semantic equivalent of saying that you've now supposedly gotten

  • your problem set working, and this is the version that you want graded.

  • And if so, we'll tag those.

  • That's kind of the way it works.

  • Good question, though.

  • OK, thank you so much.

SPEAKER: All right, welcome to this seminar.


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Git和GitHub簡介,Brian Yu著 (An Introduction to Git and GitHub by Brian Yu)

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