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  • Y'know, for all the effort Sega's put into scrubbing the name "Robotnik" from the gaming

  • lexicon, they just can't seem to shake it. Granted, when it's jammed in the name of a

  • game that was pretty lucrative for them back in the 16-bit age - and stands as one of the

  • few vestiges of the ridiculously popular Puyo Puyo franchise available in the states - it's

  • a bit harder to disavow. For this 3DS Virtual Console port of the Game Gear version of Dr.

  • Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine, they'd have had to rebuild the opening titles and change

  • some text around... granted, today that'd take like twelve minutes, but it's AUTHENTICITY,

  • dammit. We want everything in this painted-over Puyo title to be just as it was back in '93,

  • all the way down to the questionable inclusion of Scratch, Grounder, and Coconuts from that

  • godawful Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog cartoon. Not the good one that was on ABC

  • (that ended up being referenced in Sonic Spinball, come to mention it), but the direct-to-syndication

  • one that couldn't even be bothered to come up with a decent theme song. They just mashed

  • up the game's theme with whatever they could find in the public domain, like In the Hall

  • of the Mountain King and Flight of the Bumblebee! The heck does that have to do with Sonic?

  • I ask you! Edvard Grieg and Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov are spin-dashing in their graves, man.

  • Oh, yeah. The game. It's Puyo Puyo, man... gather bunches of four puy-erm-beans, make

  • 'em disappear and fling 'em at your opponent's side. It's one of the unique falling-block

  • puzzle games in that, in its standard mode, it's almost always played competitively. You're

  • not just working against a constantly-increasing drop speed, but also against a computer opponent

  • whom you have to consciously defeat. As such, just keeping your pile low isn't going to

  • be good enough; you have to design chain reactions, you have to have an attack plan in mind, you

  • have to keep your eye on their pile to determine the best time to strike, and you have to go

  • for a killshot rather than just surviving long enough. It's certainly an interesting

  • dynamic, and one that raises the general difficulty of the game by a significant margin. Of course,

  • it's a natural fit for head-to-head competition, which is facilitated in this Virtual Console

  • port by an expanded suite of touchscreen controls including local wireless multiplayer, and

  • extending to control configuration, save states, and extensive display options.

  • In addition to the standard Scenario Mode, there's a Puzzle mode that focuses on separate

  • goal-based challenges like clearing 11 puy-erm-beans at a time or completely clearing the screen.

  • Man. More games need notebook-style stages. For a portable game, on a system as limited

  • as the Game Gear, there's no difficulty in control or color recognition, a significant

  • leg up on anything Nintendo would've been able to offer at the time. It's all the chaos

  • of the Genesis-slash-Mega Drive version, just portable, as many of the best puzzle games

  • should be. This is a game for slipping into a puy-erm-bean-dropping trance, slaying evil

  • robots at every turn, until your mom jostles you and tells you we're at grandma's and you

  • realize you've just lost three hours. (Thankfully, this Virtual Console version benefits from

  • the 3DS's battery life, as a three-hour binge on an original Game Gear might've burnt through

  • as many as 240 AA batteries.)

  • But, unfortunately, the experience isn't without fault. The music - always an important part

  • of puzzle games, as you're usually bingeing on them for hours - consists of about two

  • tracks, and they're not really anything to write home about. I honestly could've done

  • with... well, even In the Hall of the Mountain King or Flight of the Bumblebee, just to spice

  • things up a bit. So turn up the stereo in the car and let that be your soundtrack, while

  • you smash puy-erm-beans together, jotting down the occasional password (if save states

  • are too new-school for you) and wondering why they didn't replace that orangish Carbuncle

  • mascot character with, like, Sonic's head or something.

Y'know, for all the effort Sega's put into scrubbing the name "Robotnik" from the gaming


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    阿多賓 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日