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Hi everybody, if you are still following me you‘d like to know how to realise
this fantastic project.ok, let’s do it together
let’s start to build the basic elements… we need twenty hexagons that I make
putting seven plastic tumblers together with a stapler
in the same way I also make twenty pentagons
this is a very important step…
the more precise they are and the easier it will be to assemble the sphere
following the scheme I put all the elements together
try to do it correctly…there are only two conditions that you must respect:
every pentagon can only have six hexagons around;
every hexagon can only have three pentagons around and three hexagons placed in alternate way
fixing more elements together the structure takes the shape of a sphere
now…as the tumblers are all transparent, let’s put some coloured ones at the centre
of each hexagon so we can recognise the base elements and verify the conditions
for the realisation of a perfect sphere
ok!!!...I have almost finished the second semi sphere
but I don’t staple this one so I can remove it later
let’s start to assemble the two parts so I can get my sphere
let me tell you something, if the tumblers are not perfectly aligned try to put
some strength…not too much…. if you can’t do it
do not staple these two tumblers
if some of the tumblers should get deformed don’t worry
it will be fine after the personalisation
and now let’s remove the hexagon that I didn’t staple before
this one will be used as a small entrance to insert the bulb inside the sphere
the electrical connection is very simple…
you have to do is to connect the cable to the bulb holder….
do this you need to join the two poles to the internal connector
close the bulb holder and screw the bulb
now let’s put everything together
let’s put the bulb inside and the cable between the two tumblers
now I join the two tumblers with a clip
the sphere will lay against the bulb holder …
weight will only be 400gr!! it’s so light that it can be supported by the cable itself
well, I have now finished…
but let me show you how the change the bulb in case you need to
let’s finish with the nice part of the video…
the personalisation of the sphere insert some coloured tumblers
inside the transparent ones…you can use your fantasy or ask your children for help
that’s all I hope you liked it and if you did, let me know with a like
share this with your friends and don’t forget to subscribe to my channel
so you won’t miss my next videos
see you soon and thank you
...oh, I was forgetting!!! if you need help do not hesitate to write to me and ask!