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♪ (upbeat rock music) ♪
- Eyebrows are on fleek.
- Not on fleek with that.
- Oh yes!
- Go! Go!
- We're eternal beings.
- Is there, like, a belt for who wins this?
- I'm a big of a giggler.
♪ (upbeat rock music) ♪
- Let's do this.
- No!
- Yeah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!
- I'm nervous.
- How dare you!
- (FBE) So this is a special WWE challenge.
- Oh, I'm nervous now.
- What is this challenge though?
- (FBE) This is a special WWE laugh challenge,
where you're gonna try not to laugh or smile
at any of these videos. - Is that right?
- I don't know if that's possible.
I'll give it my best.
I'm a big of a giggler though.
- I'll probably have a very difficult time doing that
because I'm a smiley guy.
- Oh god!
I'm so bad at that, but okay, let's do it.
- (FBE) How do you think you're gonna do?
- Great. Unless it's funny.
- We're about to find out, aren't we?
- I don't have a sense of humor, so I should be okay.
- I always win. I'm Rusev.
- I think I should do really good.
Like, maybe even the best out of anybody.
I'm like Babe Ruth, pointing at the fences,
guaranteeing a victory on this one.
- (FBE) Are there any superstars you want to call out?
Anyone you think you're going to do better than?
- Yeah. Lana.
As long as I beat her, I think I'll be all right.
- Rusev always tries to beat me, and I always win.
According to the Bulgarian traditions, I am the boss of the family.
- I'll do way better than Enzo. I know that for a fact.
- It might be difficult.
I'm gonna give it my best stuff.
Keep it G.
- Okay, here we go. Roll it there, Roisin.
- (cameraman) Hold, sir. Hold, hold, hold.
Hold, hold, hold, hold, hold.
- All right, he just touched him in the face.
You can't just go up to random guys, touching their face.
- (cameraman) Hold, hold. Tickle-wiggle-wiggle!
- (laughing)
I've already failed. (buzzer)
- (cameraman) ♪ Da-dum, da-dum, da-dum, da-dum, da-dum ♪
(rapidly) ♪ Da-dum, da-dum, da-dum, da-dum ♪
Tickle-wickle-wickle! - (man) What the [bleep]?!
- (man) Get your [bleep] hand out of my face.
- (cameraman) What? (buzzer)
- That guy is very upset. He doesn't like it one bit.
- (cameraman) Okay, bye!
♪ Da-dum, da-dum, da-dum ♪
Hold, hold, hold, hold, hold, hold, hold, hold.
Tickle-wiggle-wiggle! - (man cracking up)
- (cameraman) Tickle-wiggle-wiggle! - (man cracking up)
- That doesn't count.
That was a half-- he smiled, so it kind of made me smile.
- And this guy looks like Dean Ambrose.
- I though this was Dean Ambrose.
- He look like Dean Ambrose.
And he look like a little bit of Sheamus.
- How has this fellow not got knocked out?
- That could have gone either way.
- (FBE) Made it through that one. - Easily.
- I was supposed to laugh at that?
- If you come at me, and you touch my face,
dude, I'ma throw you out the club, son.
♪ (playful music) ♪
(blowing nose off screen)
- Oh! Look at this guy.
He looks like me when I come through the curtain.
(baby laughing)
- American jokes are NOT funny.
(blowing nose off screen)
- (mom) Does mommy's nose scare you when I blow it?
(baby laughing)
- (laughing) (buzzer)
- (giggling) (buzzer)
- (laughing) (buzzer)
- (snickering) I was breathing.
It was a weird-- they kick up. (buzzer)
(baby laughing)
- Oh damn it! (laughing) (buzzer)
(baby laughing)
- Beautiful baby. (baby laughing)
Why you guys think this is funny?
- Do people laugh at this?
- The jokes on the parents though.
He's probably just crapping his pants.
- This is definitely me in the winter time.
- I already know what's going to happen.
This is already fantastic.
- (chuckling) Not even close.
- Get yourself together. No. (snorting)
- Yup. (laughing)
- (cracking up) Sorry.
The cat! (buzzer)
- (spluttering) (buzzer)
- That's-- the ginger cat can't jump.
- Oh boy. Oh great.
Don't care. Not funny.
- I think laughing goats are better.
- I feel bad for this cat. What an idiot.
- Too much catnip.
(ambulance sirens wailing)
- Monkeys, not funny.
Probably the least funny of any animal.
I'm Canadian. We know comedy.
- I really hope those are not real doctors.
- I'd pay good money to see this happen in real life.
- Animals are no joke.
(ambulance sirens wailing)
- (chuckling) (buzzer)
- (laughing) (buzzer)
- (spluttering)
(laughing boisterously)
- (cracking up) (buzzer)
- (laughing) That was awesome.
(ambulence sirens fade away)
- You done messed up, monkey.
- You guys are trying to make me laugh with foolishness.
♪ (playful music) ♪
(whump!) - (chuckling)
- (snickering)
- (snorting laughter)
That's me right there.
- (laughing) (buzzer)
(whump!) - (snickering) Damn it!
(whump!) - (cracking up)
That sound! (buzzer)
(whump!) - Damn, kid.
Watch where you're going.
- (FBE) You just laughed!
- I don't think it was a laugh, but go ahead.
- (FBE) I saw a smile.
- This is not even a real smile.
This is a real smile. (buzzer)
(whump!) - Ooh!
- (sighing) Oh, the kid falls down. Big deal.
Tough luck, kid.
That's what you get for walking around dressed as a ghost.
- (FBE) So you laughed or smiled at almost all of them.
- (sighing) You hit me with some cute stuff.
- I'm a little disappointed that I couldn't keep it together.
- Is there, like, a belt for who wins this competition?
- Who didn't laugh? - (FBE) Jericho.
- Of course. He's seen it all.
- (laughing) Wow, I beat Lana. Yes!
- I did not smile.
I don't even know what you're talking about.
♪ (upbeat rock music) ♪