字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 - The Monday rant video was reverse engineered. 那個星期一的影片,是我逆向思考而錄制的影片,我打從心底就知道 I just knew that people would want to watch it. 這是人們想看的內容。而現在的影片 And that's what I also think is going to happen here. 也是如此 Basically I want this film to give you the audacity 基本上,我想要透過這個影片,給予你需要的勇氣,一個出去闖的 to actually go out and do it. 勇氣 You're 52 years old and it's not being talked about 你現在52歲,這個是應該但不常被拿出來討論的, enough that hey man, hey gal, it's not over. 大哥們,大姐們,人生還沒有結束喔 If you want it so bad, if it's in you, 如果你真的很渴望的話,如果你有那個能力的話,如果是如此的話,或許這不是 maybe it's not time to take up golf or 你該開始學習高爾夫球的時候 , 或許這不是放棄的時候,或許這是你該投入3倍的努力 pack it in, maybe it's time to actually triple down 在於你晚上7點至凌晨2點的空檔 and really focus on your 7 P.M. to 2 in the morning. 這世界裡充滿了很多很棒的企業家 或者是 There's so many people that truly are 擁有做一個企業家的特質的人們,但是因為沒那個運出生在這個時代。 good entrepreneurs or have entrepreneurial DNA 在一個創業其實是務實的時代。但是這對 but they just weren't lucky enough to be born during an 一些花了30年跟著社會給予他們藍圖行動的人們,他們很難意識說這是 era that that seemed practical. 可行的,這是務實的。他們認為這是年輕人才能做到的事情,但這不是。 It's hard for somebody who's for 30 years gone 這真的不是 a certain blueprint to understand that this 如果你是那類型的人,就算你是 is that realistic and they feel like it's a young man's sport 一個72歲的女人,你都和現在27歲的少年擁有相同的機會 and it's just not. Like, it's just not. 但是 If you've got the right DNA and you're a 72 year old female 妳在這50年內已經被這世界教育,被這世界放在一個封閉的角度 you have just a good as an at-bat as a 27 year old dude. 導致妳認為在這 *網路* 建立自己的東西,是不務實的, But you've been trained and story told to and positioned 但其實它是。 創業不是要你冷落你的 and lived in a 50 year matter that 家庭 doesn't feel like this thing in here is 它是需要你全心的投入 所以不要再為自己找 a practical way to build that but it is. 藉口了! The entrepreneurship is not predicated on 這些年輕人真他媽的幸運 這些年輕人不需要像我們以前一樣,投入 taking away from your family. 這麼多的努力 Entrepreneurship is taking away from everything else. 你知道嗎?這個市場不管 So stop making excuses, 你是不是47歲,不管你是男,是女,是不是少數民族,只要是應得的, "Oh these millenial kids are so entitled." 你就會獲得勝利。而我相信,我非常的堅信, "Oh, these kids didn't have to work as hard as we did." 即使妳是一名擁有兩個孩子的49歲家庭主婦,因為你手上的電話, Nobody cares if you're 40, 70, 90 alien, female, male, minority. 你擁有了建立起屬於自己生意的機會。 所以我在這裡懇求你 The market will accept your victories 朋友們。 不要只允許,那些18,14還有22歲的孩子 去吃掉這塊大餅。 if you're good enough to have a victory. 你和我,不管我們歲數多大,這塊餅我們也能有份啊! And I believe, more than ever, that if you're a 49 year old 我們一定可以活得更久一些。 這個機會是真的!對於正在觀看這影片58歲的你 housewife with two kids because of this phone you've got more 你或許還能活個40年。你知道在這40年 opportunities to create something for yourselves. 可以做自己喜歡的事情是多麼的幸運嗎? Please my friends, do not allow just the 18 and 14 and 請你開始投入,開始意識到這不是年輕人的 22 year olds to grab at this pie that is so available to 遊戲。請你站起來,請你為那些 all of us regardless of our age. 真正努力過的白髮人站起來。為你所擁有的經驗,知識 站起來。然後開始在 We're gonna live longer. The opportunity is real. 這個新世界運用它 The 58-year-old right now that's watching this 沒錯,你出生的時候沒有Instagram 你出生時也不會開車 可是你學會了 you'll live another 40 years. 不要再為自己找藉口了, 開始教育自己,如何在這新世界活下來, 40 years of being able to do 並開啟屬於自己的機會 我真心覺得,你在45,50歲時 something you love is a big deal. 和一個剛踏出社會的18歲青年同時開一家公司的話,你成功的機率 Start putting in the work, start recognizing this isn't 反而會比較大,因為他們還很天真,他們缺乏經驗 但是你擁有經驗。 just a young person's game. 你他媽有經驗 這是有用的啊! 沒錯,你很年輕,你很熱血, Start representing the people that actually 可是若你有真實的商業經驗。 這些青年們充滿了 put in the work, the gray hairs that context that knowledge. 天份 Start deploying that. Educate yourself on the new world. 很多的天份 他們非常的熱血,非常的自信。而 Yes, you didn't grow up with Instagram. 這自信, You didn't grow up driving and you learned that. 往往都是年輕時才有的。 我和眾多的你們差別在 Stop making excuses, 我投放了許多的努力, 去學習說人們的眼球在哪裡, start getting educated in the actual world and 並在那邊展開了自己的事業。 start opening up the opportunities. 很多人們卻在嘗試前就和自己說我是不會下載 In my true opinion, you are actually more likely snapchat to be successful in building a company, 我是不會下載Instagram的,而這行為,是你敗北的原因。 at 45, 50 today than the 18-year-olds that are coming out 製作這影片的目的只有一個,我想要當你們的鬧鐘,引爆 because there's a naiveté, a lack of experience. 我們社會40至80歲企業家的火種。 You have experience, you have experience. 我在19,20,25歲青年們的眼裡 Like, that's a real thing. 所看到的那團火,似乎這是他們應得的。可是 Cool, youth and excitement is great, 相對下這些青年們,在他們46歲時眼中只剩下小小的火, you have actual business experience. 冒著煙似乎很快就會被 家庭因素,務實性,市場縮小, Plenty amount of talent. 機會沒以前那麼大了 等種風吹滅了。 There's plenty amount of talent. 導致他們不再相信, And there's a ton of fire and bravado 他們擁有那個機會。 and there's a confidence. 而現在我就是要和你們說,你們當然有這機會 這世上也有很多企業家 There's a confidence that youth provides. 是在他們40,50,60,70歲時才建立起自己的公司, The difference between me and so many of you is 而且他們那時生活比我們更艱難。 I've put in the god damn work to learn where 悉尼 富蘭克 也是在他70歲才成功做出一個市場要的產品。所以我拼命的, people's attention now is and I'm deploying 我拼命的想要給你一個跳板,你知道嗎? myself through there. 與其在家裡追劇,或者是花 Many of you have drawn a line in the sand and 更多的時間去看球,等等之類的消遣。 say I'm not downloading Snapchat. 我的確在晚上7時至凌晨2時,禮拜一至禮拜五有空檔。 甚至你們的孩子 I'm not downloading Instagram. 已經不在家裡了。我們來談談務實的東西吧,對一個正在觀看這影片接近50, That, my friends, is going to allow you to lose. 50,60歲的人們,你們的孩子已經離開 This video is made for one reason: 家裡了耶! 沒錯,你可以花時間學習高爾夫球, I want it to be the calling card, the seed of the explosion 或者你終於可以開始建立自己的蠟燭公司因為你常在Instagram 放精美的 蠟燭圖片, of the 40 to 80-year-old entrepreneur in our society. 然後看到了一個商機。去學習! The fire that I see in the eyes of the 19, 20, 25-year-old 去思考你手上所擁有的機會,去追索它。你 that feels that they're entitled to this and 只有一次的人生。不要讓你自己在90歲, then on the flip side the diminishing just a little 100歲的時候後悔自己沒有掌握這個時代給予的機會,去開始這個生意。 bit of ashes, a little smoke left in that same entrepreneur 錯過了這個對創業有利的時代你一定會後悔,而後悔是最糟糕的。 when they were 22 at 46 when practicality and family dynamics 就是這樣子, and the history and the market tearing down and the lack 至少這是我的觀點,我昨晚半夜才到家, of that same opportunity has just dwindled down 每一晚都是這樣,這是真的,我不需要這樣啊, to a moment where they don't believe 所以, that they've got that shot. 我真的覺得這是一個啟發這一代的良機,他們應得的 I'm here to tell you you absolutely do. 或許可能是因為我也剛好40吧, There are absolutely a ton of entrepreneurs that started 我正好是他們的之間,我也有那個同理心,又或者我意識到 their companies in their 40s, 50s, 60s and 70s 我是多麼的幸運 在我22歲時,你不能想像創業是多麼艱難的事, when it was difficult to do such a thing. 多麼的不務實,在我只是15歲時, Sidney Frank who created Grey Goose didn't invent 你知道在時代裡,一個一直考 C 或 D 的學生, his big thing until his 70s. 但是 And so I'm desperate, I'm desperate to give you 因為他有在網路上售賣物品,全部人 a springboard to say you know what 都會叫他 下一個 "马克·扎克伯格 可是在我的年代,別人會把你當成 instead of watching "House of Cards" seasons, 一坨屎 instead of trying to go to ball games or 這是一個多麼大的轉變,所以對於那些不了解 things of that nature, yeah, I do have 這機會的人們,我是充滿同理心的 7PM to 2 in the morning Monday through Friday. Heck, for a lot of you the kids are out of the house. I mean let's get into practicality, if the late 40s, 50s, 60-year-olds that are watching this rant the kids are out of the house. Yeah, you could pick up golf or you can finally start that candle company because you put pretty pictures of candles on Instagram and it happens. Learn the craft. Figure out the opportunity at hand, go attack it. You only live once. When you're 90 to 100-years-old and you're regretting that you never built this business and you let this era pass this moment where there's so much entrepreneurial upside, you'll regret it and regret is the worst. That's what it is. At least the way I see it. I got home at midnight last night. And every fucking night. It's just real. I don't have to. I don't know, I think there's a real opportunity to inspire a generation that so deserves it. I almost feel like being 40, I feel like I'm caught right in the middle. I have so much empathy for, I recognize how insane I had to be to... You can't even imagine how not practical being an entrepreneur was when I was half your age. In school, a 15 year old now in school that's getting Ds but is like selling shit on the internet, everyone's like, "Oh, you're the next Mark Zuckerburg." Mine was like, "Oh, you're the next piece of shit." You know? It's so insanely different. So I have a lot of empathy for people that I don't know if they recognize how real it is. (calm music)
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 機會 企業家 影片 年輕人 時代 經驗 未來60年生活的6分鐘-----------------狂言 (6 MINS FOR THE NEXT 60 YEARS OF YOUR LIFE - A RANT) 3899 115 timemachine 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字