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Hello, everybody! My name is Markiplier
and this past week has been
one of the most incredible, of my time
on YouTube.
And it's gonna sound like a hell-week when I describe it,
because pretty much every day was so densely packed
and frantic, that it'll sound horrible.
But just know that I've been happier, than I've been
in a long time
in all my time on YouTube,
and probably my entire life,
I've never been this busy and this excited to work
on stuff like we've been doing this past week.
And let me just-let me set this scene for you. I got to back up a bit
before I can dive into that.
As many of you know, Tyler has been helping me out here and
Tyler is a guy I've known since the fourth grade.
I've known him for years.
We know each other... too well.
Like scary well, we get along that well
and it's just so good to have someone out there
because Tyler pushes me to be a better person.
Tyler pushes me to explore the ideas that I wouldn't
ordinarily do. And-and I don't want to sing praises to Tyler
and inflate his ego here, but he has been such a
good force in my life since he has come out here
that I can't help, but be so appreciative of him
just taking the risk and coming out here.
And Ethan as well if- Some of you guys would go like
"Who is this blue haired guy?" That's Ethan
Uh-His youtube channel is crankgameplays
and he's also here, helping me make videos.
And this past week... Starting on Sunday. Starting on
Sunday, we had this idea to do Disco Discomfort.
And it just spawned from this lets play that I did
where I was like, "Hey we should go out and we
should dance with fans."
And we did exactly that, and it was so much fun.
Like it was so incredibly fun. It was - it was just ridiculous
how cool it was, to go out and see you guys.
And be there with you, and just be in the environment
and be like, "Hey, lets have some fun today."
"Lets do something we never would've done
and just see what the fuck happens."
And it was amazing, because we just kept doing it.
Like the whole week, once we caught that spark, that one
thing clicked, in all of our minds going like,
"Holy shit, this is amazing."
Going out and being there with you guys and doing
these things with you guys and just having fun,
and going out and exploring new ideas.
And we didn't do it in the best way, we know that,
we didn't plan it very well, we didn't stack it up on days
and that's why there was only one video a week this week (he meant to say per day)
and I'm sorry about that, that is gonna change
that is back in line and back on schedule.
Ah, but it was just so - absolutely....
Ah! Fire building! It built like that spark that I always
talk about, the spark of motivation and the spark of like...
The spark of passion.
That one fire that burns in your heart for what you
wanted to do. And I wanna MAKE VIDEOS!!!!
I can't help but be excited about it because,
this week has drawn, so much back into myself.
And it also made me realize.....
My short comings.
It's made me realize that I've grown - not lazy -
but, complacent in what I've been doing.
And I'm really sorry about that.
And - and I owe you guys the apology,
because it was an unseen thing.
Ah - ya know I've talked about before how
things aren't what they are
but they're starting on the road to become something
and I felt like I was walking down that path for a long time
and I was lost
like I've been lost because I've been wandering without
wondering where I was and what I was doing
and why I was doing it
this week I can't help but gush to everybody that
listened to me and now it's you guys that gonna have
to listen to me, I can't help but gush
about every single thing I'm excited about and how fun
this is and how amazing it is to do it
and the responses been so good
I can't describe how much it's touched my heart
to see people looking at these videos we've been
making over the past week and go
"My god...
It reminds me of the old Markiplier."
(It sure does Mark, it sure does :3)
And that is just absolutely heart warming to hear
And I'm so happy that people can see the passion
that we've put in this and see the energy that
we've put in this and see the joy that it brings to
us and me
(Mark trying his best not to cry)
And I'm just happy of it.
And I
I could
tell you the details of this week
I could tell you that over the past three days
I've recorded eighteen videos
Not because I have to,
but because I wanted to
And over the past week we went out
and we recorded these videos with fans
and we've got hours and hours of footage
and w-we were editing until midnight
or later every single night
and then getting up at 6am
and going out and doing it all over again
And it's that PASSION
God! It's that passion that I had
back in the beginning of my channel
When I first started doing videos
I was doing them every single waking hour of the day
Because I loved it
Because it felt like I had something that was my own
Because I felt like I could control something in my life
And my life at the time was spiraling out of control
And I think it's paralleled right now
Like my life was kind of spiraling out of control
And it wasn't until I let go
the feelings of anger and hate
It was until I let go of that
which bothered me and it was until I let go
of these lofty unrealistic goals of who I should be
I came back to who I was
And who I wanted to be
(And now look at you)
And that's so..
Like it's a feeling I can't describe in words
Even though I'm shouting my words at you, trying to describe it
But I just want to let you guys know that there's so much behind-the-scenes footage
And uh
(stuttering) I
I came in on a great screenshot here
It's just
There's a lot of footage that we just got in the car
And what I want to do
What I want to do is
I want to make Monday vlogs come back again
Markiplier's Mondays if you want to call them that
but I want to bring these vlogs back again
And I want to recap and talk about everything that's happened over the weekend
all the cool people that we've met, the places we've gone, the things we've done,
And all the bloopers that we've recorded
Oh man-
There's one here
I want to go to it right away because
I was watching through this and it's just
Oh this is uh-
Okay this is during the uh-
This is during Deerman
It was such a beautiful day at this park
And what we did is we went there-
Jesus alright
Oh God-
Oh that's ME!
Oh Jesus that's me
I did not- I thought that was Tyler for a second there,
then I looked at the pants - I'm like "ah, shit
"Of course that's me".
*Mark inside deer head* It's ok..Subscribe to Markiplier
*Mark laughing*
*Fans laughing at Mark in deer head along with Mark laughing*
Tyler: Keep going!
Mark: What? Tyler: Keep goin'..
Mark: Why would I keep going he's dead.
alright fine then *Deer man Mark grunting*
*Mark laughing*
*More laughing*
Heh- Oh jeez- aw jeez
There we go *laugh*
Aw, that guy was- that guy was pretty shy
But he really came out of his shell, uh, later
towards the end of the day.. and it was really cool
to see me cause he was shy at first because he was
like "oh my gosh, it's you?"
But then it was just like- it was just like-
He came out of his shell and he was just really
comfortable and he had a lot of fun
and we ALL had a lot of fun!
We all had so much fun there.
A-And that's what really made it special!
Oh, here it is!
Okay, I found it.
Get em'!
Get em"!
Cause it- literally what it boiled down to
it was-
Oh, geez!
Oh, I forgot about that moment!
Ethan panned away...
so it showed me sh-
hang on.
It showed me...
and then pans back right for the hit
right on the noggin- *laughs*
Mark: "B-but at what cost?"
Tyler: "That's my face..."
Aw, it's weird!
Me laughing at the same time I'm laughing!
Mark: "I was just leaning on his face!" *more laughter*
Oh my god...
Yeah, we- it- it was just- it was
so much fun...
recording with you guys!
And this was just-
this was just ONE of the days that we did!
But we did soo much more stuff!
Mark: "What was your name?"
Ellen: "Ellen."
Mark: "Ellen?"
Ellen: "Yes."
Mark: "You have...Heterochromia eyes!"
Ellen: "I do! Thank you for noticing that!
Mark: "Get a close-up on that."
Ellen: "They're very groovy!
They're a groovy mutation."
Mark: "Uh-huh."
Okay, I wanna talk about that moment real quick,
that was Ellen!
Uhh...and Ellen...
later, after we met in that park-
uuhh...she wrote a Tumblr post.
And in it,
she was touched by the fact that I noticed her Heterochromia eyes.
And Heterochromia means your eye has two different colors in it.
And, it was just-
it was so heart-warming to see,
because that little detail meant so much to her
if we had not gone out to the park and tried to meet these people...
and dance with them for no other reason than just to dance with them!
And that was so...
it was so heart-warming!
Because after that day, it was so-
I don't mean to freeze on this frame. I'm sorry.
And then we literally just-
we literally just danced with everyone that showed up!
Every time a new person showed up,
we formed a dance circle,
and literally just SWARMED them,
and then eventually collaged it into a big ol' music video...
to Cool Patrol!
Ethan: "Another person!!"
Oh! She was so nervous!
Oh, she was SO nervous!
Oh, it's okay!
It's okay!
Mark: "Look at this crap!"
Girl: "-my parents! My parents are over there!"
Oh yeah, her parents were waiting in the car!
So we ran over to her parents...
and then made THEM dance!
Mark: "Hi! I'm Mark!
You ready to dance??"
Girl's Father: "Yeah!"
Aw, god. Okay...
it- it-
I- I could gush about that one video for an hour,
but I'll try to, like, wrap it up in just a few sentences.
It was so...
It was the best experience that I could've possibly gotten out of that day.
It was so heart-warming to see people come out of the woodwork,
from like...
across town just to meet us in a park and have a...
impromptu dance party!
It was so heart-warming to see!
And when we went back,
from that day,
and we went back home and started editing immediately after that.
And we started collaging things together.
We didn't know how it was gonna turn out before we filmed it,
but AFTER we filmed it...
we caught this spark that just COULD NOT be stopped.
NOTHING was gonna get in the way,
and that's part of the reason why we only did one video a day.
Because we literally just
forward, and we're like
"We're gonna fuckin' do this!
I don't care what it takes,
we wanna do it!"
So the next thing we did was -
we had this idea, and we had this turkey costume,
that is was gonna be like:
We wanted to do this,"
kinda like things saying,
"Hey! Give Thanksgiving it's room!
Christ- it's not Christmas yet!
It's not December!
Or, at least wait AFTER Thanksgiving!"
And then,
it was just-
oh, man!
It turned out so well!
And it was jus-
we found this rhythm with the musical intros.
And it was just
I loved it!
I loved every part of it!
I kept gushing to absolutely everybody that would listen to me...
about how much I loved it,
and I'm still doing it!!
AHHH Gahd.
Mark: "I just want everyone to know about my new inside pocket,
It's called my /BUTTHOLE/ (wait, you only got it now?)
*giggles happily*
I- Why am I laughing at myself
That's the most narcissistic thing that I could possibly do
It's so...it's so good to see...
Ohhh no it's so good to see!
Oh it's SO GOOD to see this!
It's so good to experience this because-
What we went through this past week.
Is by any definition, life changing.
Like, literally I mean that, it's changed..
..my life. Because I feel like I was on the wrong path.
I really do, and i'm sorry about that.
Because it- it's not numbers that define me.
It's not numbers that define this channel
And it's not numbers that define the community.
I'm very fortunate and I am eternally grateful.
That 15 million people
Thought my videos were worth subscribing to.
And i'm always going to be grateful for that, but I fear-
That I was growing complacent in those numbers.
I was looking at those numbers and I was going
"That's good enough.
I've done enough, I can rest, This is okay.
That's not true at all.
I grew, lazy.
In my confidence, of what I had.
That I allowed myself, to lose sight, of the final goal.
And the final goal is to be
The best Youtuber that I can be.
Maybe i'll never be the best youtuber ever.
But that doesn't mean that I shouldn't keep trying.
Every single day as hard as I can.
To be better, not only for my own sake
But for you guys as well.
Because you guys are /everything/.
To this channel, you guys are absolutely everything
To who we as youtubers are, and
Who I define myself as a person.
(Awwwwwww, shucks Mark)
I-I- I really mean that honestly and truely
like I define myself by the community that I've built.
And if I let my community go deastray-
-Go astray
Then I have
Ther- There's so much other footage here
That we could go through from this past week
And this was just one week
Like in one week we've managed to create
SO many memories, have so many laughs
meet so many of you guys, and that was just ONE week!
I can't describe how great it is, to feel that fire!
BURNING in my heart again!
And to have that PASSION back for making videos
And SURPRISING you every day with cool new interesting things
And I can only thank my friends
And my family and most of all YOU guys.
For never losing hope in me.
(And we never will)
An- I don't know what I did to deserve
So many people that steadfastly believe in what I do
(You did what you wanted to. What you NEEDED to)
[Softly] But i'm committed.
[Softly] Again, more than ever- more than ever.
[Softly] Oh i'm so excited for the future.
So, like I said,
We'll be back on normal schedule very soon.
8 and 12 every day.
8am's will be long plays
And 12am's
..12 PM's
..NOON, also known as.
Will be something special.
And I think you're gonna like it.
So THANK you everybody so much for watching.
and as always, I will see you-
In the next video.
BUH-BYE (waves goodbye to Markimoo)