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hi there im jus badger the
hi there im jus badger the world's number one English
world's number one English
world's number one English fluency guide and welcome to
fluency guide and welcome to
fluency guide and welcome to another how to pronounce it like
another how to pronounce it like
another how to pronounce it like a native English speaker episode
a native English speaker episode
a native English speaker episode in this episode I want to cover
in this episode I want to cover
in this episode I want to cover a common question asked both by
a common question asked both by
a common question asked both by English learners and English
English learners and English
English learners and English teachers and that is do they're
teachers and that is do they're
teachers and that is do they're they're in there have the scene
they're in there have the scene
they're in there have the scene pronunciation will be simple
pronunciation will be simple
pronunciation will be simple answer is yes if you look at a
answer is yes if you look at a
answer is yes if you look at a text book or just get the basic
text book or just get the basic
text book or just get the basic pronunciations of these words
pronunciations of these words
pronunciations of these words they're they're they're exactly
they're they're they're exactly
they're they're they're exactly the scene but native speakers in
the scene but native speakers in
the scene but native speakers in my native speakers are asking
my native speakers are asking
my native speakers are asking why they sound a little bit
why they sound a little bit
why they sound a little bit different because people do
different because people do
different because people do pronounce them a little bit
pronounce them a little bit
pronounce them a little bit differently in conversations
differently in conversations
differently in conversations often these pronunciation
often these pronunciation
often these pronunciation differences come from
differences come from
differences come from differences in dialect but
differences in dialect but
differences in dialect but mostly there because of emphasis
mostly there because of emphasis
mostly there because of emphasis so let's compare a few sentences
so let's compare a few sentences
so let's compare a few sentences to help you understand the
to help you understand the
to help you understand the difference the first word will
difference the first word will
difference the first word will cover is there
cover is there
cover is there now the pronunciation of their
now the pronunciation of their
now the pronunciation of their the basic pronunciation is just
the basic pronunciation is just
the basic pronunciation is just there and you can make this by
there and you can make this by
there and you can make this by producing your TH sound by
producing your TH sound by
producing your TH sound by vibrating your mouth a little
vibrating your mouth a little
vibrating your mouth a little bit by biting your tongue
bit by biting your tongue
bit by biting your tongue and then just saying the word
and then just saying the word
and then just saying the word air like the air you breathe
air like the air you breathe
air like the air you breathe there there there so the cat is
there there there so the cat is
there there there so the cat is over there or my friend is there
over there or my friend is there
over there or my friend is there but if you noticed the
but if you noticed the
but if you noticed the pronunciation will change
pronunciation will change
pronunciation will change slightly if I want to emphasize
slightly if I want to emphasize
slightly if I want to emphasize the location rather than the
the location rather than the
the location rather than the person or something else i'm
person or something else i'm
person or something else i'm talking about
talking about
talking about so if I just want to be
so if I just want to be
so if I just want to be descriptive and say my friend is
descriptive and say my friend is
descriptive and say my friend is over there I'm just being very
over there I'm just being very
over there I'm just being very quick and pronouncing it like it
quick and pronouncing it like it
quick and pronouncing it like it is in a text book my friend is
is in a text book my friend is
is in a text book my friend is over there my friend is over
over there my friend is over
over there my friend is over there now with emphasis to talk
there now with emphasis to talk
there now with emphasis to talk about the location so this might
about the location so this might
about the location so this might be a situation where I'd say not
be a situation where I'd say not
be a situation where I'd say not here but they r they hear I'm
here but they r they hear I'm
here but they r they hear I'm really trying to emphasize the
really trying to emphasize the
really trying to emphasize the word there to describe the
word there to describe the
word there to describe the location and make it more
location and make it more
location and make it more obvious so instead of saying
obvious so instead of saying
obvious so instead of saying there I say they r they're there
there I say they r they're there
there I say they r they're there now this is a very slight thing
now this is a very slight thing
now this is a very slight thing that you're hearing
that you're hearing
that you're hearing conversations so you don't need
conversations so you don't need
conversations so you don't need to overemphasize this when
to overemphasize this when
to overemphasize this when you're speaking but this is why
you're speaking but this is why
you're speaking but this is why you hear a slight difference in
you hear a slight difference in
you hear a slight difference in the pronunciation sometimes
the pronunciation sometimes
the pronunciation sometimes our next example is they are and
our next example is they are and
our next example is they are and we contract is to form there
we contract is to form there
we contract is to form there there there again it's exactly
there there again it's exactly
there there again it's exactly the same pronunciation is there
the same pronunciation is there
the same pronunciation is there everything here in the textbook
everything here in the textbook
everything here in the textbook forum would be there there there
forum would be there there there
forum would be there there there but again if I want to emphasize
but again if I want to emphasize
but again if I want to emphasize these people rather than
these people rather than
these people rather than somebody else than it would
somebody else than it would
somebody else than it would probably see there there there
probably see there there there
probably see there there there were more saying they and
were more saying they and
were more saying they and putting an earth at the end of
putting an earth at the end of
putting an earth at the end of that they figure they so again a
that they figure they so again a
that they figure they so again a basic sentence were I'm just
basic sentence were I'm just
basic sentence were I'm just being descriptive I might say
being descriptive I might say
being descriptive I might say they're coming to the party
they're coming to the party
they're coming to the party they're coming to the party
they're coming to the party
they're coming to the party they're coming to the party but
they're coming to the party but
they're coming to the party but if I want to emphasize these
if I want to emphasize these
if I want to emphasize these people instead of someone else I
people instead of someone else I
people instead of someone else I might say they are coming to the
might say they are coming to the
might say they are coming to the party
party they are coming to the party
they are coming to the party
they are coming to the party they are coming to the party and
they are coming to the party and
they are coming to the party and finally the possessive there
finally the possessive there
finally the possessive there again we have a difference in
again we have a difference in
again we have a difference in pronunciation because of
pronunciation because of
pronunciation because of emphasis here is a basic
emphasis here is a basic
emphasis here is a basic descriptive since we should ask
descriptive since we should ask
descriptive since we should ask what their thoughts are we
what their thoughts are we
what their thoughts are we should ask what their thoughts
should ask what their thoughts
should ask what their thoughts are we should ask what their
are we should ask what their
are we should ask what their thoughts are
thoughts are
thoughts are but if I want to emphasize this
but if I want to emphasize this
but if I want to emphasize this group of people as opposed to
group of people as opposed to
group of people as opposed to someone else so I'm asking about
someone else so I'm asking about
someone else so I'm asking about my friends opinion or a group of
my friends opinion or a group of
my friends opinion or a group of people then I might see they
people then I might see they
people then I might see they they we should ask with their
they we should ask with their
they we should ask with their thoughts are we should ask their
thoughts are we should ask their
thoughts are we should ask their thoughts are we should ask their
thoughts are we should ask their
thoughts are we should ask their thoughts are so hopefully now
thoughts are so hopefully now
thoughts are so hopefully now you understand that this is
you understand that this is
you understand that this is really a question of emphasis
really a question of emphasis
really a question of emphasis and not really an important
and not really an important
and not really an important pronunciation about the word
pronunciation about the word
pronunciation about the word itself now to help you practice
itself now to help you practice
itself now to help you practice let's cover a few examples
let's cover a few examples
let's cover a few examples i'd like you just to repeat
i'd like you just to repeat
i'd like you just to repeat after me will cover both be
after me will cover both be
after me will cover both be descriptive form and will cover
descriptive form and will cover
descriptive form and will cover the more emphasized form with
the more emphasized form with
the more emphasized form with these examples that cat is right
these examples that cat is right
these examples that cat is right over there
over there
over there the cat is right over there
the cat is right over there
the cat is right over there the cat is right over there
the cat is right over there
the cat is right over there r the cat is right over there if
r the cat is right over there if
r the cat is right over there if they're coming will need another
they're coming will need another
they're coming will need another tent if they're coming will need
tent if they're coming will need
tent if they're coming will need another tent if they're coming
another tent if they're coming
another tent if they're coming will need another tent if
will need another tent if
will need another tent if they're coming will need another
they're coming will need another
they're coming will need another tent I think it's important to
tent I think it's important to
tent I think it's important to get their opinion I think it's
get their opinion I think it's
get their opinion I think it's important to get their opinion I
important to get their opinion I
important to get their opinion I think it's important to get
think it's important to get
think it's important to get their opinion I think it's
their opinion I think it's
their opinion I think it's important to get their opinion
important to get their opinion
important to get their opinion well I hope this clears up the
well I hope this clears up the
well I hope this clears up the mystery of how to pronounce
mystery of how to pronounce
mystery of how to pronounce their there and they're and I do
their there and they're and I do
their there and they're and I do hope you have enjoyed this video
hope you have enjoyed this video
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