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Puss n' Booty
Dicky bird. Dicky! Where are you?
Here, Dicky.
Dicky, come here.
Rudolf, have you seen Dicky bird?
I've looked everywhere.
Oh, dear, he's not here. He's gone.
He must be here. He couldn't have gotten out of the house.
Here, Dicky.
[chirps like a bird]
Oh, Dicky, there you are.
I thought I'd find...
Oh dear, he's flown away.
I can't understand it.
That's the fifth canary we've lost this month.
Oh, poor Rudolf.
You miss your little friend, don't you?
Hello, pet shop? Have you any more canaries?
Oh, that's fine.
Will you send one right over to 1605, Maple Drive?
Yes, that's right, 1605 Maple Drive.
[car honking]
Nice little Petey.
Eat up all your seeds and get nice and big.
And you, too, Rudolf. Eat up all your dinner.
[bird chirping]
Rudolf, where are you? Where are you?
Petey, have you seen Rudolf?
That's all, folks!
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