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  • (bright pop melody)

  • - [Voiceover] Hi, everyone. It's me, Ann.

  • And today is DIY day.

  • We will be making colorful bow rings and bracelet charms.

  • These are perfect for Spring and Summer time.

  • They're just so colorful and fun to look at.

  • And as a bonus, I will also show you

  • how to make a mustache pendant.

  • I had so much fun making these bow rings and mustache.

  • They all turn out so cute and pretty.

  • So, let's not waste any time and get into this, shall we?

  • (bright pop melody)

  • Okay, so let's start with materials.

  • All you will need are some polymer oven baked clay,

  • nail polish for coloring.

  • You know, if you want to change up the colors

  • and add more variety, then this is a great way to do so.

  • And a gloss coating.

  • This will protect your clay

  • and also gives it a nice glossy finish,

  • which makes the color a lot more vibrant and stand out more.

  • For tools, you will need a knife.

  • Plastic knife will do.

  • And something to roll and flatten the clay with.

  • Here I have some ring base that I bought from

  • and I will include the link on the bottom of this video.

  • Okay, so let's get started, shall we?

  • The clay usually comes in bars like this.

  • To make this, I only need like about 1/3 of the bar.

  • Cut off a third with the knife

  • and then soften if by kneading it with your fingers.

  • Next, roll it into a ball like how I'm doing right here.

  • And then, roll it down into a barrel shape.

  • Make it wide as your three fingers together, combined.

  • Then, narrow the ends a little bit,

  • just like how I'm doing here.

  • Once you have your shape, roll it flat

  • and then evenly as you can to form a oval ribbon,

  • just like this right here.

  • Try not to make it too thin.

  • Otherwise, it will not maintain shape easily.

  • And if you make it too thick,

  • then it just be, you know, too chunky.

  • You just want to make it flat enough

  • to mold it into a shape.

  • Now that you have this flat, long oval as the ribbon,

  • fold in the sides, just like how I'm doing it here.

  • Okay, so now we need to cinch in the center of this ribbon.

  • The next thing you are going to need to do

  • is take something that's flat and small,

  • so that way you can push the center inward.

  • And then, pinch the top and the bottom together.

  • (light melody)

  • Okay, so now it's time to make another ribbon.

  • What you're going to do

  • is cut out 1/8 of the clay bar again.

  • Knead it and then roll it into a bowl,

  • and then a long barrel.

  • Once you have your long barrel,

  • go ahead and flatten it out to your desire

  • with something that's wide enough

  • to cover the center of your bow.

  • And then, you're going to take that

  • and then wrap it at the center of your ribbon bow.

  • And once you're happy with that,

  • go ahead and snip off the extra remaining.

  • So, that is basically how you make your bow.

  • And I would suggest to make as many as you like

  • before baking them.

  • Okay, so for the mustache pendant,

  • what you're going to do is go ahead and prep the clay

  • the same way you did with the bow.

  • Just create a flat surface big enough for you

  • to place the mustache picture and template on.

  • And we will get to that in a bit.

  • So, once you have the flat surface laid out,

  • print out a mustache drawing or you could draw it yourself.

  • If you want this template, I will put this on my blog.


  • so that way you can print it out.

  • What I'm basically doing here is cutting out my template,

  • so that way I can lay it on top of my clay.

  • Once that's cut out, I'm gonna lay it on my clay.

  • And then, take a knife and cut around the template.

  • After you're done cutting,

  • I suggest you soften around the shape with your fingers.

  • If you want to make this into a necklace pendant

  • or something else, then make sure that you add in your holes

  • before you bake these.

  • Now, it's time to bake these wonderful creations.

  • Make sure to follow the instruction

  • on the packaging of your clay.

  • Mine is to preheat the oven to 275 Farenheit.

  • And then, bake them for 15 minutes.

  • After they are done baking,

  • let them cool at room temperature.

  • And then after that, you can have fun

  • and decorate them however way you like.

  • I like to decorate this with little embellished pearls.

  • You could totally do this with rhinestones.

  • It would look really cute, as well.

  • You can also use your old nail polishes

  • to give this some color.

  • Or paint some glitter over this to give it some sparkles.

  • If you want to keep the color of the clay,

  • then go ahead and cover this with some gloss.

  • It will look just as pretty.

  • Lastly, with some hot glue,

  • I'm going to glue the bows onto my ring base right here.

  • For the mustache pendant,

  • all I have to do is take some jump rings

  • and loop it into the holes that I made earlier.

  • Then, I'm just going to loop it into a necklace.

  • And that's pretty much it.

  • Thank you guys so much for watching.

  • Don't forget to thumbs up to support my videos

  • and subscribe if you want to see more weekly videos.

  • Other than that, I will talk to you guys next time.

  • Love you! Ciao!

  • (light melody)

(bright pop melody)


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B1 中級 英國腔

DIY飾品。如何製作可愛的蝴蝶結戒指和小鬍子項鍊|ANN LE--------。 (DIY Accessories: How to Make a Cute Bow Ring & Mustache Necklace | ANN LE)

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    pon 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日