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Crimson Circle Presents...
The Wound of Adam
The Wound of Adam.
A tragedy of sorts.
A love story of sorts.
An amazing recount of history on this planet.
Our main characters in the play
are, of course, Isis and Adam.
Isis, the feminine, is something that is within each and every one of you.
It’s not just in the ladies.
Isis is the creative energy,
free flowing, birthing.
It’s a dynamic, beautiful energy.
Oh, you can almost feel it. It’s art. It’s music, expression, creation.
It’s a very giving energy, always giving
And then there's Adam.
Adam of total, true service to Isis.
Adam, the masculine energy.
Adam, the strength, the balance, the stability.
Tends to be more of a mental energy.
Adam, this energy of straight lines that is within each and every one of you.
Adam could be given a task to go build something,
and Adam does it. Adam will organize the tools,
make a list of supplies needed.
And he carefully plans it out. That’s his focus, nothing else.
In the beginning...
In the beginning, which has always been,
there was a great, great gathering from all of Creation.
The gathering was called the Order of the Arc.
Every angelic family was represented here.
They gathered at this great gathering coming from all parts of Creation,
not just from your physical universe, but from all parts of Creation.
They gathered here because there was a huge concern.
Creation had come to a near standstill.
There was a concern that came out of the House of Sananda.
A concern - "What will happen if everything stops?"
The consensus was that if everything stopped, if everything came to a standstill
that the entire cosmos, all of Creation would collapse.
And while all these debates were taking place
in the Colosseum of the Order of the Arc, there were two that were missing
– Isis and Adam.
They were depressed.
Why did it come to this?
That nearly all of Creation had come to a standstill.
They took tremendous responsibility for it.
Isis was overwhelmed.
We talk about the Wound of Isis, but what I remember are the tears of Isis,
like crystalline tears rolling down her face.
“I’ve failed,” she kept on saying to herself. “I’ve absolutely failed.
I’ve failed all of the spiritual families. I’ve failed you, Adam.
And then Isis fell into a deep, deep sleep,
almost as if she had died.
Adam looked at her, missing her terribly,
wondering where she was going in this deep, deep sleep.
He yelled out to her numerous times, “Isis! Wake thyself, Isis!
Come back to me, Isis!
Isis, where are you now?”
But there was no response whatsoever.
So in that moment
Adam said, “Isis,
I’m coming to get you. I’ll find you, no matter what."
A long time went by and by this time
the planet was beginning to get populated with many other carbon human beings.
A long time went by, and
one day when they were together on a lake,
Isis finally said, “Adam, now I know that love.
Oh, it is so deep and so quiet.
It is so nurturing and expansive.
Mine is different than yours, the way I feel it, but I feel
such an attachment to you,
like we’ve been together in eternity and we will be together for an eternity.
I feel you.
I feel what you did for me,
trying to awaken me, console me
when my heart ached the most.
I feel this thing called love, but
as great as a gift as this is,
until I love myself,
I'm still not yet fulfilled.
It’s going to leave Adam
in a strange and odd place
for a while.
Isis doesn't need Adam anymore,
so thinks Adam.
Isis can take care of herself now,
so thinks Adam. Oh, it will be a difficult time indeed,
and that old Wound will come up.
is going to feel that Isis walked out,
betrayed him.
All of this is unfolding right now before your eyes, in your body,
on this planet, in everyday life.
The Wound of Isis,
the Wound of Adam
the story of love.
The Wound of Adam
Please visit www.crimsoncircle.com for more information
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