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  • The key to answering this question

  • is to realize that civilized societies

  • have always believed that we should treat

  • human beings differently than we treat animals

  • What is required to respect human life and human dignity is not the same as what is required for animal life.

  • Still, animals deserve respect and it is wrong to inflict suffering on them.

  • But in relation to relieving human suffering,

  • thankfully, with 21st century medicine, we have highly effective forms of pain management

  • which allow us to help people who are suffering without ending their lives, as we typically do to animals.

  • People who are in favor of physician assisted suicide believe that, in certain situations

  • helping someone end their own lives actually respects their right to autonomy.

  • They also see it as a form of mercy.

  • What they often fail to acknowledge, however,

  • is that people who desire assisted suicide are extremely vulnerable.

  • People who are elderly, disabled, in pain, or have a terminal disease, who want to die,

  • typically feel that they are a burden on others,

  • that life has lost its meaning,

  • or that all hope is gone.

  • In short, they are often depressed

  • and the dangers of abusing them in their depression cannot be avoided

  • once physician assisted suicide becomes legal and acceptable.

  • Furthermore, we risk sending the dangerous and irresponsible message

  • that suicide is an appropriate response to suffering.

  • Physician assisted suicide is suicide and we must treat it as such.

  • So how should we treat suicidal people?

  • We show them that life is still worth living

  • we love them and prove to them that they are not a burden to others

  • we help them manage the pain

  • we give them great palliative and end of life care.

  • But we do not help them by killing them.

The key to answering this question


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B1 中級 美國腔

安樂死和醫生輔助自殺常見問題解答 - 視頻 1 (Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Suicide FAQ - Video 1)

  • 687 53
    GaryChan 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日