字幕列表 影片播放 列印英文字幕 Who can turn a desert into a garden? oh my god look at this its gorgeous when you need to save crops and cattle from the deepest drought who you gonna call? call a beaver controlling water is what beavers have been doing for thousands of years No one does it better every beaver family is dedicated to the job excavating, logging building channels and dams They build whole landscapes for hundreds of other creatures In 2002, we had the worst drought on record The only places where we had water was where we had beaver So after we nearly eliminated them, Some very interesting people are working to bring them back I am a hairdresser, honey. I like HBO I want a toilet that flushes But for some reason when there's wild life involved, especially beaver, I'm kind of fearless Now I'm a hairdress, and a live beaver trapper Hi! Who's this sweet little Come here sweetie, come here sweetie With the other animals that I've rehabbed, you want to limit your contact but for the beaver because they're so family-oriented they need to feel nurtured We brought you some new family members I'm delighted I'm not sure how many there are hopefully they'll be babies. Yeah yeah this is good wonderful North America's fertile landscape is the work of one animal more than any other but building a garden of Eden isn't easy you must fell hundreds of trees to dam a river then build a castle with a moat filled by a flood that spreads over several acres yet beavers don't look like the kind of animal that can change the world somewhat blind and slow they seem like simple folk but this overgrown rodent is an extraordinary engineer the landscapes of Europe, Asia and North America were once dominated by millions of these hard-working builders beavers are vegetarians they gnaw through bark to eat the sugary layer underneath which makes them orange they grow continuously and even self sharpen the pond makes it easier to move around the heavy logs they need to build their dams out of the water, it's a struggle stones help way down the base the whole family works together, carefully interlocking the timber they dredge mud from the pond bottom to seal the damn each pond trap several inches of sediment every year, so there's plenty of it the young act as apprentice builders learning the tricks of the trade the final results are impressive in the Rocky Mountains beaver dams slowly filter billions of tons of water the ponds build up soil and nutrients and help prevent floods and droughts but hundreds of years ago, beavers were most valued for something else when Europeans arrived in North America they found beavers dominating the landscape, from Mexico to the Arctic they were said to be industrious enough to hold the Niagara Falls but their fur made fantastic felt hats for 200 years they were trapped near extinction then fashions changed and we lost interest only a few beavers survived now they are recovery, but they're finding a changed world full of houses and farms as beavers reclaim their ancestral ponds they flood hundreds of human homes anywhere with a rich soil was probably once a beaver pond now housing developments golf courses and farms find that beavers are just a problem though half the soil maybe thanks to beavers farmers prefer the land under their control but beavers don't give up in Canada clearing dams from culverts under Rhodes is the job of highway maintenance that's thousands of cubic meters of water that we have to get rid of if we can't get rid of it here where it's supposed to go it's going to end up on the infrastructure it's going to end up in the ditches it's going to end up backing up into basements it's you know it's gonna end up everywhere they are excellent hydro engineers and they will figure out ways to work around just what everything we all know the water doesn't always go where we want it to the beaver has a very amazing way of getting getting it to work for we don't always know that if we could learn more about their practices and how to get that to work i did it would be great if you could train them to put it where you need it that would be ideal if if you could simply put up a little arrow sign or a water this way it would yeah but you'd be smiling but unfortunately they don't read very well and they just kind of do what they want to do there is one place where the beavers do seem to be reading the signs and doing more or less as instructed in gatineau park near ottawa the local beavers follow the directions of self-styled Bieber whisperer Michelle eclair fit in the hours even better but you still have ear all around so 30 years ago leclair was hired to stop beavers from the flooding roads around the 140 square miles of Gatineau Park the only solution then was to kill the animals and destroy their dams some people call them equal zero some people go them pest so dependable it's all about how much program you have to do with them and when you have work program with them and you don't know how to resolve them they are not be very row that's for sure they passed the major problem is is flooding rules the beaver dam accumulates water and if the water pressure is too big the beaver dam just bust and then there's a big out through water that cuts rose in half what happens is that the road just gets cut off complete gatineau park has hundreds of miles of roads threatened in many places by beavers damming up culverts my starting eight hours a day and breaking them and the first day I came here 82 time well equipped teams dismantled dams by day but the Beavers rebuilt them every night what the hell's the problem what they do and what they did it and you're going to fight against them you want to be a war and i'm sure i'm not sure if you're going to win that sure mclaren his colleagues trapped a thousand bieber's a year in the wildlife park and beavers were the only ones caught great blue herons turtles hotter you never know what you're going to get in your trap so I didn't like it very much it was horrible leclair wanted to find another way and thought that beaver behavior might offer a solution first thing is a song of water running he places a recording of a running stream on top of the beaver dam so now you're going to see what the beaver reactions and the beavers gonna dance or it over the night a small tree takes a few minutes it's perhaps an hour for bigger trees and branches and half the night for a 12 inch thick trunk aspen poplar and Willow are usually the favorites Bieber's have been crushed by falling trees but that doesn't happen often over the course of the year they may clear several acres of trees most rodents have a high work rate but beavers are probably the busiest they have a reputation to keep up the dams owners have buried the stereo with branches and mud that they made that sounds very exciting for them that's exactly the same here that's all it's time to work running water is to a beaver like the sound of the plug being pulled draining their pond leclair thought he could use this knowledge to stop beavers from gamming inside culverts and flooding nearby rose he spoke to a supervisor Shelby am the technique was a bit odd but it made sense to us so let's try to go ahead and do it because we can't travel constantly in the park we have to do something else so that's what we did McLaren's idea was to shift the sound of the running water he puts in posts 15 feet away from the culvert the Beavers obliged by building their damn in the new location not under the road he also lays down sections of pipe and the Beavers incorporate them into the damn i going to open that pipe over there to the water water when the water gets a little high Michel simply pulls the plug for a short time and lowers the level in the pond ok you have to be a plumber yeah I'm a plumber of the beaver dam i put drink like you do I can house to the garage door water running if its work here is gonna work all over the place so we are just at the turning point where we have to spread that knowledge and the bigger they are p cost last less work and everybody's happy that way in the Rocky Mountains the benefits of a Beaver's pond are seen most easily in spring millions of acres of wetlands provide safety and food for many birds and mammals a thousand years ago almost every creak would have had chains of dams down each valley for many animals they are still essential moose make special trips to beaver ponds to eat the water weed it's full of nutrients like sodium and potassium that are often scarce in the surrounding forest for the Beavers the pond helps to keep out bears and wolves one of the parents tail slaps to sound the alarm the beaver family provides protection for all the residents like a kindly landlord and the deeper the pond the safer they are and even good swimmers such as Grizzlies are out of their depth beavers excavate deed channels as escape routes they can stay under hidden for 15 minutes secret entrances and exits are the only way in and out of their fortified lodge inside safe are the young called kits it's May and they are a few weeks old and supplementing the richest milk of any land mammal with fresh green leaves unlike most rodents beavers take years to grow up there's a lot to learn to become nature's greatest engineer they'll receive toilet training to using one of the underwater doors the one year olds help in the nursery by washing the bedding outside is a two-year-old he's like a teenage apprentice getting the final lessons before leaving home his father is demonstrating some basic repairs but even when the lodge and damn are watertight there are major job still to do as spring progresses the nearby trees are felled one by one it is the beginning of the creation of a broad meadow rich with silt new pods are created and canals Doug to reach the more distant trees channels wide enough for branches may reach out hundreds of yards from the original river families may end up with over a dozen dams and an intricate maze of waterways by the nineteen nineties scientists began to investigate the wider effects beavers were having on the landscape dr. Glennis hood has made them her lights work she lives on the edge of shelter island national park in Alberta a hundred and fifty years ago the beavers here were all trapped and killed for the fur trade they were reintroduced in 1941 seven rivers were brought up from about by train and put into the park and the beaver population was able to re-establish itself the park kept meticulous records I had these great old maps that the wardens have done by hand marking down the active and inactive sites of beaver ponds as she traveled through 54 years of data a pattern emerged it was assumed beavers built their homes where there was already lots of water and their presence wouldn't actually increase the total amount of water by much what we found was the opposite and this is when science gets really exciting is when you're proven wrong the unexpected results are the ones that make you take a second look and I we calculated everything just to make sure I wasn't making a numerical error because the results they were spectacular the ponds with active beaver in them had nine times more open water in them than those exact same ponds when the Beavers weren't there how they did that in part was they were digging these channels the bottom of a beaver pond is really really convoluted like flying through the Grand Canyon where you've got these deep world valleys and dynamic on bottoms deeper pause keep more water because you have less evaporation coming off of them well beavers were using that to their advantage there digging deeper and deeper and allowing water to focus in here so the plans with fever had water the plants without beaver didn't plain and simple in 2002 we had the worst drought on record the only places where we had water in natural areas where we had beaver and farmers were actually seeking out neighbors who had beavers on their landscape to water their cattle so with beavers back on the land even during the worst drought on record they were mitigating the effects of drugs and keeping water on the landscape beavers turn deserts into gardens dr. Suzanne fatty and biologists Carol Evans could hardly believe what they found in Nevada oh my god I'm such a desert environment you understand the value of this you know ok well the pictures don't do it justice they don't know this is a style of you or but there's probably about 20 miles and have a proper look like this and this registration everywhere its qualities but what you see is just one series of beaverdams after another look everything is doing everything else and all the world like everything is kicking into this specifies the uplands are completely dry and if we lost this the impact would be in your messages you know wow that's impressive isn't it always have to get you paid me to feel the wind the heat you need to see the Greens you can add a little water I'm seeing a lot of baby wildlife being produced I'm seeing mule deer with their phones up and down this whole thing sandhill cranes are up kind of a rare species that's declining somewhat so this is important area for them so there's many species of wild like that just came in to these ribbons of green just amazing they're a good size isn't it only only record those ok I'm coming off the Beaver Dam one . two feet follow you ok it's pretty deep there yeah okay oh my god really drops often are you probably like five and a half five and a half feet d that's really amazing the amount of water storage in here is phenomenal if we had gone down 20 years ago here Suzanne this would have been a oh yeah it is a couple feet wide and a couple interesting and would have dried up 20 years ago Susie Creek was a desert much of the Sierra Nevada has been slowly drying ever since cattle arrived two hundred years ago grass soon withers and temperatures soar creeks are muddy trickles when the summer temperatures are in the nineties and and 100 degrees the stream channel dries out we lose our water there's no storage mechanism in the system in desperation cattle were kept away from the most damaged sections of streams then a miracle happened young beavers dispersing from distant rivers battled up the streams to start new homes they can begin with next to nothing eating grass and building the silt and mud almost overnight the beaver came back in here and the bieber returning to Susie creek caught me by surprise that's amazing well you know it's all about keeping water on the landscape that's the basic building blocks of life the bottom line is it's your ace in the hole it's the thing that's going to pull you through the dry times the lean times if the snow packs coming off earlier and ranchers water and we're gonna have to figure out a way to keep it on the landscape because it's no longer going to be stored as snow and mountains and what beaver doing all these little itty-bitty streams is they create these small savings accounts these pockets where it's stored no longer is snow but its surface and groundwater understanding beavers and how they colonize new areas is vital if they are to help us it's midsummer in the Rocky Mountains and the new kits are exploring their world the one year olds are already helping more working with dad the two-year-old apprentice seems Restless it's time for him to start his journey into the unknown occasionally parents come along to help but not this time kill head upriver to establish a territory to build a dam and a lodge and to start a new life he passes through other beaver territories he finds dams broken and lodges empty the trees were depleted here after five or so years and the family moved on only the stone foundations of the old dams remain even these remnants slow the flow of the river and help hold the soil that was built up in the old ponds along the creeks live trout and an otter family unlike otters beavers don't eat fish and otters and fish don't harm beavers but none of them are as safe here compared to living in a deeper well my serious trouble a lucky few are rescued and end up in animal rehab timber was placed in Michelle grants care in ontario canada when he got into trouble three months back he's well enough now to be taken for walks he arrived injured and traumatized it turns it some teenage boys had found this little fellow and they were pitching him around like a football and some girls saw that got the baby away from them and found out that we were a facility that would be willing to receive them with the other animals that have rehabbed you want to limit your contact because to release some having had too much contact will be detrimental but for the beaver because they're so family-oriented they need to be close they need to feel nurtured so I worry about that timber just one year old should still have a year to learn from parents and siblings but michelle has no other beavers to help teach him body she will have to be his family and prepare him for the wild good morning he's a seat man if I had several beavers it would be a different experience they would bond with each other more than having that relationship with me can you see me created here come in here and see one sign of affection between beavers is the touching of noses the sweet boy is to avoid the sort of you are to be born with can see coming hi good morning good morning good morning even in a wild family beavers have to learn basic skills like chewing the bark off sticks but now months into the process timber is still eating bieber baby food we would put sticks in a way with branches and kind of all summer waited and waited and there was no sticks with a bar chewed off I think all your sticks can still use a little work there little man it's a skill he needs to learn or he'll never survive on his own we try to provide an environment that will nurture behaviors that are natural for them so developmentally you could just tell we had kind of reached a spot where he needed more he needed to be in a pond environment scary because maybe he would just swim away and never come back so why I made a decision a murky pond or not that I would swim with them so that I would be closed and he would feel the safety of family but that he could venture out for his development and do what Bevers do timber has bonded with Michelle and now it's only a question of timing keep him too long and he'll grow too attached to a human rejecting the wild beavers he'll need to survive when he's released next year anyway these days yeah you hungry bring these days I google wait are you a good boy in contrast the teenage apprentice a year older and traveling upriver on his own has survived he has at last found a quiet section of swampy backwater beavers were here before but not recently there is a disused lodge and a half broken Dam maybe the food ran out and the family left now the trees are growing back and there is plenty to eat the sound of escaping water is all the encouragement he needs beaver dams often outlast their original builders the preserved what in one damn was found to be over a thousand years old the water level starts to rise in mid-summer many young people are on the move if another male appears the two-year-old may have to fight to stay within a few days the pond is noticeably deeper he's working day and night to repair the dam with only insects and bats for company after a month his fairytale lake is ready all he needs now is a princess one night another beaver comes traveling downstream a female beaver courtship is rarely seen the couple wrestle and nuzzle and play very few animals form partnerships that last a lifetime like swans beavers remain with their mates for the rest of their lives maybe 15 years it's enough they will change the landscape together and restore a lost world reintroducing beavers to heal the land is happening across North America when Marnie Johnson was a girl beavers filled this valley in Colorado i would say there were at least a dozen beaver dams my brother and I loved it because they back up enough water we can swim yeah today Marnie and her son Mark dream of returning beavers to Beaver Creek I've known beaver for 81 years and it seemed like this valley should have the beaver that were here when we my father first came in and homesteaded and I've never been happy about not having the beaver in the beaver were here once they should be here again it's it's the today she's the top live trapper of beavers in North America beaver are definitely a keystone species to an aquatic ecosystem a key stone is like a bridge and you have that one stone that will hold that whole bridge together ok that locks it in beaver lock the aquatic ecosystem in if you pull that one stone out it all collapses in on itself creeks and rivers are alive with life they're supposed to meander they're supposed to be curvy like me they move they support life they are life and Beaver are the keystone species that keeps that aquatic life clicking along these beavers were rescued from a drainage ditch they were battling to maintain their pond in the middle of a new housing development we are asking so much of these animals and we are displacing them they've moved into a place where they should be and we don't want them there so if we're going to mess around with them then we need to treat them as well as possible and then put them at a place where they can live out their lives Sherry's priority is keeping the family together okay babies how exciting huh now you're really moving I don't order them out of a catalog you get what i get if the beaver comes in a family if they've got like four kids that's what you're gonna get I'm not leaving anybody behind in I'm delighted now to have the beaver coming back in and i'm not sure how many there are but we're looking forward to it hopefully they'll be babies are you doing we got you some new family members this is good well you always do population that's fantastic you're in there I still feel the excitement even though i'm getting holding crotchety we've had them for a while and this little female hear her mate was hit by a car so she's alone to the teeth look at the team always amazed me that those little came and went to Aspen trend that big around girl little girl and you know something it's not unusual to catch kits with adults and only one time in 28 years we've caught him with the female the mother they're always with her dad I just love that it's like dad's out showing him around showing him the ropes and stuff it's just real sweet they are ready and they just seem to know - they sure do seem to know I think we should do is we'll turn the little girl loose first yeah yeah this is good oh this is a rush I'm so pleased it's so exciting to see them come in and watch him splash into the clear stream if these beaver do with their primal ancestors did 60 years ago but we're standing today i have four feet of water in it and up that's exciting you take enough nearly 85 year old woman back to her entire life this is going to this is something that will I don't know how to put it into words because this was my life this is how they were love the beaver grew up with them like to thank you and thanks sherry Sherry's joy is tempered by her knowledge that reintroducing beavers is not without risk we gave beaver to a sheep rancher and lions got him so that's that so we didn't put beaver there again you know and so I'm like anxious for them but then i have the best wishes for them just comes a time when you have to let your kids Cole build their own life in home in Northern Ontario Michelle grant schools timber rescued one year old there's a year of training plan before he needs to be ready in between trips he's making progress yeah so many sticks he has started to demonstrate the potential building and we have his first stick stick stick just this early sep tember he started to rain sticks so that's become quite exciting here I think they develop at different times but he's now starting to do all the natural things that he should do slowly it's all coming together he'll go through the pond and he just comes back to me as kind of a safety net he's becoming secured himself and secure and his abilities at the pond I think the biggest thing that I've seen from him is his ability to to swim and breath hold is amazing from the first time I had him down he may be went under water for three to five seconds really and now I lose them he's gone for maybe up to a minute or more still michelle believed timber is not nearly ready to go it alone they certainly have a ways to go in his development and certainly they don't make sure to her - he would not make it through his first year on his own but timber appears to disagree and suddenly vanishes you could always feel his presence and I couldn't and so I knew he wasn't there there was no beaver in that pond he was gone she searched for six hours now all michelle can do is wait fall is a busy time for wild beavers in the rocky mountains and away from home for the first time a two year old has repaired a vacant pond and managed to find a young mate the couple is fixing up the lodge as soon as the kits come it will fall to the young male to keep their home sealed and secure all winter just like his dad showed him inside they have hollowed out chambers for sleeping and eating and it made several underwater entrances the end of summer is when beaver stock their larder and this an experienced para may have left it too late beavers don't hibernate so they'll need food they set to work cutting trees and storing them underwater branches are wedged in the month so that they remain underwater the pond will freeze on the surface but their stores will stay fresh and accessible all winter m or the lodge they race against the oncoming winter back in ontario Michelle grants first attempt to bring up an orphaned beaver has gone wrong timber disappeared weeks ago and there's no sign of him today she's blaming herself what did I do did I make the right moves I'm constantly wondering did I do the right things I felt that I needed to continue to look for him to find evidence one way or the other whether he survived so I went to regularly and several weeks after he had released I found a beaver skull out in the field that had come from the pond I've never found a beaver skull in that field before I truly I was devastated I i thought you know i'm not even sure if i can continue rehab work because I wasn't ready for that I wasn't prepared it wasn't kind of the story i'd written of of how I wanted his release to go so it was shocking for me and then one day I went to a neighbor's ponds and hi get to see he was there within a very short period of time I saw him interacting with an adult beaver there was a mom there was two kits and he appeared to take on the role of the yearling part of raising the young ones being part of this be her family and he surfaced rates beside my kayaks through the lily pads and there I looked down and there was this little head look well you have a beautiful family and then the mum or one of the kids had come by and report the water and it was time to go back and be part of his family and he just drove down and and off he went so it's awesome it was like thanks very much but I'm wild honestly as a rehabber hoping that i was doing the right things it was all validated in that moment if any animal can represent the spirit of North America it should be the beaver they battle the elements with courage furnish a home they built themselves and support a devoted family like the early settlers beavers stock up a larder then hunker down for the winter for a pair of young wild beavers the larder runs out before spring arrives the male has to risk the Predators to collect food favors do slow down a bit in winter but they still keep busy sorting out food and bedding they need to there's a new family on the way and they are not alone inside the lodge are lodgers a muskrat couple they share the grass and branches the beaver supply while its - 20 outside it's rarely been known to freeze inside so it's also a refuge for frogs and insects there's a deer mouse family it's quite a hotel to run all winter beavers with their ponds and summer watering the desert and their lodges and larders in winter support the whole community they all seem to get along in fact there was only one intruder the Beavers objected to and that was us and our little cameras which they soon dealt with perhaps after all we've put them through for centuries we owe them a bit of space
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