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  • If we want to enter the kingdom of heaven,

  • we must be sober and ready, keep working for the Lord.

  • And we can ensure our place in the heavenly kingdom.

  • The Lord is holy. No man who isn't holy can see the Lord.

  • How can we then who work for the Lord, yet often sin,

  • be worthy to enter the kingdom of heaven?

  • The Lord Jesus has forgiven our sins.

  • So as long as we work for the Lord and hold onto His name,

  • then of course we'll enter the kingdom of heaven.

  • God is holy.

  • He never permits the filthy and corrupt to enter His kingdom.

  • Man must obey God's judgment and experience purification

  • before he can be saved and enter the kingdom of heaven.

  • If He judges man, won't man be condemned, never to enter the kingdom of heaven?

  • God judges man, and His final aim is to purify and save us.

  • This is God's great love to corrupt mankind.

  • Thank Almighty God for awakening me from the dream.

  • So I hear God's voice.

  • Thank the Lord. This hymn has been a great inspiration.

  • Brothers and sisters,

  • in this world that's dark and evil,

  • we suffer much persecution and much tribulation because of our belief.

  • We are rejected, forsaken by our friends and family,

  • and often we are slandered, ridiculed.

  • We have suffered through so much pain and shed too many tears.

  • Only the Lord is our salvation, our protector, and our shelter. (Amen.)

  • No matter how we suffer,

  • we all have the hope and promise of the Lord.

  • Because His promise is to return and bring us to the heavenly home. (Amen!)

  • Once we are in heaven, we will never have to suffer or feel pain.

  • We will live together with the Lord every day.

  • So we who were lucky enough to be born in the last days,

  • truly are the most blessed! (Amen.)

  • We will be here for His appearance and His descent,

  • then we will be in His kingdom! (Amen!)

  • There, there's no sorrow, then there's no pain.

  • There's no death or suffering at all,

  • no tears and no judgment or slander from non-believers. (Amen!)

  • We will be accompanied by angels, filled with cheers and laughter.

  • And we will be with the Lord forever. (Amen.)

  • Praise the Lord. This is indeed good news. It's so wonderful.

  • Brothers and sisters, now let's open Revelation 21:10-25.

  • Amen!

  • This beautiful home shall be prepared for us in heaven by the Lord.

  • And how wonderful a place it will be!

  • In these final days, the great disasters will befall this earth,

  • but the Lord will bring us to heaven before this happens! (Amen!)

  • We must be sober and pray to welcome the Lord! (Amen!)

  • Auntie Wang, the home the Lord has prepared for us

  • it sounds so beautiful with gold and jasper stones.

  • It sounds so amazing and I've never seen a place like that.

  • But when will the Lord come to take us there?

  • Very soon the Lord will come and take us home in heaven.

  • You see, in the last days, we are very lucky to be able to see the Lord's return.

  • And as long as we follow Him and listen to His words,

  • we will be taken to the kingdom of heaven upon His return.

  • Do you have faith in this now?

  • Yes. Auntie Wang, I'd like to be like you and work and preach for the Lord.

  • When can I?

  • Yu Fan, you're still young. You need to equip with the truth.

  • Read the Bible, pray more, have meetings more often,

  • you'll work for the Lord someday.

  • And then, you'll definitely receive the Lord's promise and His rewards.

  • Amen. Praise the Lord.

  • Brothers and sisters, the home the Lord prepares for us in heaven is beautiful.

  • Everybody, we now are in the last days when the Lord will come to us.

  • The Bible reads,

  • If we want to enter the kingdom of heaven and gain rewards,

  • we must be sober and ready,

  • hold onto the Lord's name and follow His way.

  • We must all continue to come to meetings to pray and repent.

  • So from this world, we sanctify ourself.

  • Whatever persecution we face, or trials, don't be timid or hide.

  • Keep working for the Lord and bear more fruits,

  • and have a part in tribulation, kingdom, and patience of Christ.

  • If we do,

  • we can ensure our place in the heavenly kingdom and receive our blessings.

  • Thanks be to the Lord. Amen.

  • As it's written here,

  • Amen.

  • If we can truly behold the return of the Lord on earth

  • and attend the wedding feast of the Lamb, I know we will be the blessed ones.

  • Thanks be to God. Praise the Lord.

  • So it's been a while since your parents kicked you out.

  • Have you talked to them yet? (Mm, I have.)

  • Are they still angry with you?

  • I just wish they could understand.

  • Those who believe and those who don't, don't get each other.

  • But to suffer a little for the Lord, it's really nothing.

  • Now all the prophecies of the Lord's return have been fulfilled.

  • The Lord is coming soon to take us to heaven.

  • The kingdom of heaven is so wonderful.

  • To suffer here on earth, it's not forever.

  • That's why the Bible tells us,

  • When I think of the blessings for the future,

  • I know that we now must suffer, but will be rewarded.

  • In the rapture, we won't ever have to suffer, not ever in heaven.

  • Right. To suffer for the Lord is truly worth it.

  • If we're talking about the rapture,

  • do you think we deserve it?

  • We work for the Lord and feel good about ourselves, and do what we can,

  • but we still live in a cycle of sinning and confessing.

  • We tell lies, act willfully,

  • and practice few of the words of the Lord.

  • So how can we be after His heart?

  • The Lord is holy.

  • So how can we as sinners rightfully be taken into the kingdom of heaven?

  • It's something I think about.

  • Though we often commit sinsit's true, the Lord forgives all of those sins.

  • Our faith is what justifies us. So in the Lord's eyes, we have no more sin.

  • If we sacrifice and spend for the Lord, I know we will be extremely blessed.

  • Paul had said,

  • If we continue to work hard for the Lord, we will surely gain His approval.

  • I know that He won't forsake us when He comes.

  • We need to keep our faith.

  • If we endure to the end, surely we will be raptured.

  • Co-workers, both pastors and elders have condemned the Eastern Lightning.

  • They take our sheep. Many good sheep are stolen from denominations and sects.

  • We should be wary of them. We can't let our doors open to them.

  • Anyway, if we look at the prophecies most have come true,

  • the Lord's day is coming.

  • At any time, He could come upon the clouds

  • to bring us into the kingdom of heaven.

  • We need to be sure that we're watchful 24 hours a day and won't be forsaken.

  • So all our churches should take turns watching and praying.

  • Every church can watch for two hours

  • and each month we'll take two days to fast and pray.

  • What do you think? (Mm. I think that's a good idea.)

  • Yeah. If we're always sober, then we won't be forsaken when the Lord comes.

  • Hold on. Our brothers and sisters in the church are cold in faith,

  • in need of help and support.

  • We're busy taking care of the church and also families.

  • We have so little time as it is now.

  • So who can hold on to do this if we prolong watch time?

  • Well, I realize we need to keep watch.

  • It's just when people can't even attend meetings with us, how can they do this?

  • So I have doubts that this is workable.

  • We fast or pray like this; is it from the guidance of the Holy Spirit?

  • How come our prayer is without the Holy Spirit's moving?

  • It's dry and banal. What if it's not doing anything?

  • I've wondered the same thing.

  • How do we know the Holy Spirit approves our watch? (I'm not sure.) It's hard for weak brothers and sisters to practice.

  • Everyone is too busy for that.

  • Everyone wait. Our prayers and fasting are really watching and waiting.

  • The Lord Jesus has said that when He comes,

  • the faith and love of many will be cold.

  • But those who stay to the end will be saved.

  • Though some well-known leaders have said that the Lord has already returned,

  • no one really knows where He appears and works.

  • So in that case, all we can do is keep praying and fasting, waiting watchfully.

  • And when He returns, He will inspire those praying and fasting, and waiting.

  • So those who keep doing this can be taken into the kingdom of heaven.

  • I agree. We have to keep praying and fasting, waiting alertly.

  • Sister Yu doesn't understand how hard it is.

  • She's single, but the rest of us have families.

  • We don't all have time to keep up the watch.

  • I know. I don't think the Lord would want us to be overburdened. (Right.)

  • Without the Holy Spirit's leading, I don't think it's worth it to do it all.

  • It's for nothing.

  • Yeah. It seems useless. (Yeah.)

  • If it really meant the Lord's return, I'd take the watch every day.

  • Just outward practices. They don't understand the spirit.

  • Let's go.

  • Auntie Wang, please have a seat.

  • Xiao Fan, (Yes?)

  • you've been faithful to the Lord for many years. (Yes.)

  • We used to work and spend for the Lord, and we did all this by our zealousness.

  • We all know in our hearts

  • Jesus said only those who do the will of the heavenly Father

  • can enter the kingdom of heaven. (Yes.)

  • These years, I've been thinking a lot on my actions.

  • In so many years of belief, am I following the Lord's way?

  • Am I worthy to enter the kingdom of heaven?

  • Am I really deserving of the Lord's rapture?

  • You know it's been on my mind.

  • Even though we all work so hard and sacrifice for the Lord each day,

  • we still commit sins and tell lies.

  • It's as though we follow the rules

  • rather than do what He really wants.

  • We don't commit truly evil sins,

  • but we still oppose the Lord often by committing sins.

  • The Lord is holy. No man who isn't holy can see the Lord.

  • How can we then who work for the Lord, yet often sin,

  • be worthy to enter the kingdom of heaven?

  • Do you think the Lord has forsaken me?

  • I've been thinking about this recently in my older age as of late.

  • And it really makes me insecure.

  • But I know that the Lord is faithful.

  • I've worked for Him all my life; surely He won't forsake me.

  • The thought comforts me a bit.

  • Auntie Wang, your whole life you've worked for the Lord,

  • and you suffered in prison for ten years.

  • You never denied your faith or the Lord's name.

  • This shows that you've borne witness. The Lord will approve your loyalty.

  • Sometimes we all lie and sin, I know, and we disobey the Lord.

  • But the Lord has forgiven us for all these sins.

  • The Lord knows our stature. He will definitely show us mercy.

  • The Lord has abundant grace. There's no way He'll condemn you or me.

  • Since we believe His grace will bring us into the kingdom of heaven.

  • Fang Xia, Sister Guo, (Hi, Yu Fan.) do you have a second? (Of course.)

  • Sister Zhao hasn't been to church in a while. Will you go visit her with me?

  • Oh, we were just discussing the same thing.

  • I can go with you if we're doing it now. I have a busy day tomorrow.

  • All right. Let's go right now. (Okay. Sure.)

  • Okay everyone, let's continue now. (OK. Let's.)

  • Thank the Lord! (That was great.)

  • These words have authority.

  • We really need to pay attention.

  • Sister Zhao.

  • Yu Fan! Come in please, welcome.

  • Everyone's here? (Yes, I'll introduce you to them.)

  • This is Sister Yang and Sister Chen. (Welcome!) (Nice to meet you.)

  • Hello.

  • Have we met before? Which church do you come from?

  • They're from the Church of Almighty God.

  • They're testifying about Almighty God's end-time work.

  • Won't you join us? You should think about it.

  • Yes, sister.

  • It's due to God's grace that we could all meet. (Yes.)

  • Sister Zhao, I've said repeatedly not to receive strangers,

  • especially those in the Eastern Lightning.

  • How have you even let them into your home?

  • Is this what the Lord wants? Did you pray to Him?

  • Yes, did you?

  • You told me not to let strangers in, but that doesn't make sense.

  • Since we're all here, why don't we sit and have a fellowship?

  • Please. Let's discuss it. Yes, come sit.

  • We'll have a fellowship.

  • These years, our pastors and elders have discouraged strangers.

  • Is that what the Lord would want us to do?

  • The Lord Jesus once said,

  • Yes.

  • The Bible also said,

  • I thought about what the Lord Jesus would want, and so I let them into my home.

  • Isn't this what the Lord wants us to do?

  • Since we want to welcome the Lord's return,

  • we should welcome with love all who testify to His coming. (Yes.)

  • And by doing this, we can see the Lord's appearance and hear His voice.

  • It's wonderful! (Yes.)

  • This is what the Lord wants us to do. Please listen with us today.

  • Hmm. The appearing of the Eastern Lightning has shaken China and the world.

  • But what is it exactly? I'm a little unclear.

  • For years,

  • the Eastern Lightning has been openly testifying that the Lord has returned.

  • But we haven't listened or even considered it,

  • and isn't that against the Lord's will? (Yes, she is right.)

  • If they are testifying to the return of the Lord,

  • we should at least receive them, then seek and investigate it humbly.

  • And only in that way can we hear the Lord's voice and see His appearance.

  • Right. Yeah. Of course.

  • This way has the truth to be sought.

  • The Lord has prepared this for us.

  • All right then. We will listen.

  • Thank the Lord.

  • Sister, we have believed for years, labored for the Lord and sacrificed.

  • Is it not our dream to welcome the Lord's return one day?

  • How can we see the Lord's appearance

  • if we do not investigate and reject those who testify to His coming?

  • On welcoming His return,

  • the Lord Jesus once said one of the most important things:

  • Be wise virgins, and listen to the Lord's voice.

  • We know the Lord uses men to convey His word to us, so that we may know Him.

  • If we hear someone say the Lord has returned,

  • we should be wise virgins and heed His words.

  • Only then can we behold the Lord's appearance.

  • Almighty God does the work

  • of judgment beginning at the house of God in the last days,

  • expressing all of the truth to save mankind

  • and revealing the mysteries of God's plan to us.

  • It fulfills the Lord's words.

  • Almighty God is the embodiment of the Spirit of truth.

  • And the words He expresses to us are the truth,

  • the expression of the Holy Spirit.

  • And this is what the book of Revelation said,

  • To those who look for God's appearance,

  • Almighty God's word comes as a great shock.

  • In every sect, in every single denomination,

  • truth lovers turn to Almighty God when they hear His voice.

  • They are wise virgins raptured before God's throne.

  • They accept the purification of God's word and attend the feast of the Lamb.

  • This has fulfilled the prophecy.

  • Since Almighty God has begun His judgment of the last days,

  • His work has been wildly persecuted by the atheistic CCP.

  • The antichrist forces in religion

  • have tried everything to resist and condemn it.

  • But Almighty God's gospel has continued to spread across the nation.

  • He has made a group of overcomers in China.

  • Now, the word of Almighty God and the testimonies of His chosen

  • have been posted on the Internet, proving to the whole world; that it's true.

  • Almighty God is the return of Jesus the Savior

  • and the appearance of our one true God.

  • Jesus' prophecy has been fulfilled.

  • When God came,

  • He first descended secretly into the East, in the bastion of atheism, China.

  • He speaks His words in the darkest place,

  • and like the lightning flashing from the East to the West,

  • His words spread across the globe.

  • Almighty God has accomplished this.

  • Almighty God's word has authority and power,

  • classifying all men according to kind.

  • The wise virgins hear God's voice and return before Him.

  • And those who condemn Him or refuse to hear His voice are foolish virgins.

  • Those people will be eliminated by God's work and suffer in disasters.

  • They fellowship very well. (That's right.)

  • As Almighty God tells us,

  • Sister Yu, you've suffered a lot for preaching the Lord's way.

  • You should heed the Lord's voice even more and welcome Him.

  • You say the Lord has returned. How is that possible?

  • If the Lord has come already, why are we all still here on earth?

  • Why aren't we all in the kingdom of heaven?

  • I don't believe the Lord has returned.

  • The Lord has promised to us,

  • We know that the Lord has prepared a place for us in heaven.

  • When He's back directly to the kingdom of heaven, we'll go.

  • So if the Lord has returned,

  • I truly wonder why we are still here and not in heaven.

  • Sister, the Lord has gone to prepare a place for believers; that's true.

  • But is this place on earth or in heaven?

  • No one knows for certain.

  • In our imaginations, the kingdom of heaven should be far off in heaven.

  • But is this how it really is?

  • Let's see what Jesus has said about it.

  • So this tells us the Lord says His kingdom is on earth, not in heaven.

  • God's will will be done on earth just as it is in heaven.

  • Not to mention, it's also in Revelation 21:2-3,

  • And in Revelation 11:15,

  • The proof is clear that God will establish His kingdom on earth,

  • and live with mankind here on earth.

  • So the kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdoms of Christ forever.

  • Imagination tells us that God's kingdom is in heaven far away,

  • and that when He comes, we'll be raptured up there.

  • But if that's the case, wouldn't God's words be in vain? (Yes.)

  • In fact, the final result of God's management plan is to save man

  • and make His kingdom here on earth.

  • Almighty God, Christ of the last days,

  • does the work of judging and purifying man,

  • just to make a group of overcomers on earth.

  • Those overcomers here who are perfected by God

  • are those who practice His word and follow His way on earth.

  • They are the people of God's kingdom.

  • When this group of overcomers is made,

  • then God's will will be done here on earth.

  • And when the kingdom of Christ is finally realized on earth,

  • then God will gain glory.

  • These prophecies in Revelation are what God will accomplish.

  • Isn't this a fact we can all agree with?

  • What kind of place has the Lord Jesus prepared for us?

  • He has predestined that we are born in the last days,

  • and welcome His coming on earth

  • to accept His purification to be made overcomers and carry out His will,

  • so that the kingdoms of this world would be the kingdoms of Christ.

  • This is surely God's will.

  • God is here on earth, but men still insist on heaven.

  • If we were taken up into the midair,

  • how would we survive without food or housing?

  • That's man's imagination and notion. Would the Lord do that to us?

  • It's naive of men to think that way with their heads in the clouds.

  • What you've said makes a lot of sense.

  • These years, we've been reciting the Lord's prayer:

  • Revelation also states

  • Now I see the scriptures are clear. How did we not see it before? (Yes.)

  • We've longed to be in heaven for so long.

  • We are so dull and numb! (That's right.)

  • These years, our belief in the Lord was muddled.

  • Even though the prophecies were clear, we didn't understand. (It's true.)

  • For so long, pastors and elders told us God's kingdom was in heaven.

  • We believed it to be true, so we waited to be raptured into heaven. (Right.)

  • Seems like our pastors and elders don't really understand the Bible, (She's right.)

  • blindly explaining God's word with imagination and defining His work.

  • Aren't they deceiving and ruining man? (Mm. Yes.)

  • We have been deeply deceived and never understood its literal meaning.

  • We actually thought we would be raptured up to heaven.

  • But the thought is absurd.

  • Yeah. We need other people who understand the truth to fellowship with us.

  • Otherwise, no matter how long we believe, we won't gain anything from it.

  • How could we not be rejected by the Lord?

  • Yeah. That's right. That makes sense.

  • It's impossible for us to say whether God's kingdom is on earth or in heaven.

  • The Lord Jesus said several times,

  • "The kingdom of heaven is at hand" and "Your kingdom come."

  • Since He clearly says, "the kingdom of heaven," how can it be on earth?

  • Yeah. The kingdom of heaven must be in heaven. Otherwise, why call it that?

  • It doesn't make sense otherwise.

  • We should keep in mind that "heaven" always refers to God.

  • The kingdom of heaven means God's kingdom.

  • Revelation says,

  • It shows us that God's kingdom is on earth.

  • The kingdoms of this world will become those of God.

  • After the disasters,

  • the old world will be destroyed and the Millennial Kingdom will appear.

  • And this world shall become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ.

  • And then God's will shall be done on earth just as it is in heaven.

  • This fulfills the prophecy that new Jerusalem will come down to earth then.

  • God incarnate in the last days

  • does the work of judgment to end the dark and evil times.

  • Those who hear God's voice and are raptured before the throne

  • will be made overcomers.

  • Then the great disasters will fall.

  • Only those who are purified, saved through God's work in the last days

  • can remain on earth and be in God's kingdom.

  • Today, we who accept God's work in the last days are truly the most blessed.

  • We're fortunate to hear God's voice and be raptured before His throne.

  • We will be purified through the judgment of God's word,

  • and also be overcomers made before the disaster and be His first fruits.

  • Then God will return to Zion and the great disasters will fall.

  • All those who oppose God and the followers of Satan in the disasters

  • will be destroyed,

  • while those who are sanctified and perfected by God

  • shall remain on earth protected.

  • When the Lord descends to people openly on a cloud,

  • then God will come to His kingdom on earth.

  • That's what God will accomplish very soon.

  • As believers, if we don't know this vision, aren't we blind?

  • Those who simply gaze up at the sky and wait for the Lord to come with clouds

  • will weep and gnash their teeth when they see the Lord come upon white clouds.

  • Just as Revelation prophesied,

  • When the disasters come, those who haven't heard God's voice and aren't raptured

  • will be punished in these disasters, weeping and gnashing their teeth.

  • Thanks be to the Lord. It's a mystery.

  • Without such fellowship, we would've never known.

  • Right. They're all very wise and enlightened.

  • So that's how the prophecy in Revelation is fulfilled.

  • Yes. I understand so clearly.

  • Their fellowship makes so much biblical sense. They're full of enlightenment.

  • We should listen to them more.

  • Brothers and sisters, in the beginning God created man on earth.

  • Satan corrupts man on that same earth.

  • However, it is still on earth that God saves man.

  • Until the kingdom of Christ appears to man, all this happens on earth.

  • That's why God establishes His kingdom on earth in the last days.

  • In the end, man's destination is on earth, not in heaven. It's ordained by God.

  • Let's see what Almighty God says in His own words.

  • Almighty God has put it very clearly.

  • When God's management work is complete,

  • God and man will enter into rest together.

  • God's place of rest is in heaven while man's is on earth just as it is now.

  • This is the destination God has prepared for us,

  • and also God's kingdom to be established on earth.

  • If we can't see this after years of believing in God,

  • doesn't it show then that we are ignorant of the Lord's word?

  • Sisters, you've fellowshiped so clearly.

  • For so many years, I expected to be raptured up into heaven.

  • Today, this is the first I've heard of God's kingdom being on earth.

  • Your fellowship is practical and has taught me a lot.

  • But the Bible also says,

  • Then how do you explain this verse?

  • Of course. It says "to meet the Lord in the air."

  • The Bible states this part clearly.

  • Sister, when anticipating the Lord's return, we should rely on His prophecies.

  • They're the most accurate.

  • In the part you read, who exactly did you quote?

  • Is it the Lord or is it a man?

  • Where are these words from?

  • Did the Lord Jesus speak them?

  • He didn't. The Lord Jesus never said that,

  • nor has the Holy Spirit ever said it.

  • These words you read are merely quoted. They were said by Paul.

  • Do Paul's words speak for the Lord Jesus?

  • Do they speak for God?

  • Regarding the great mystery of the Lord's return, only God knows.

  • If a man dares to explain and blindly define it, that's a serious problem.

  • Paul was not Christ. He was nothing but a corrupt man.

  • So his words are filled with man's imagination and impurity.

  • His words are not truth nor the basis of rapture.

  • We should base it on God's words in the Bible. This accords with truth.

  • When it comes to being raptured up, you didn't use the Lord's word as basis,

  • but instead, you used man's word, Paul's word as the basis. This is wrong.

  • Because only the word of Christ is truth and authority.

  • The Lord Jesus is Christ and king of the kingdom of heaven. (Amen.)

  • Since it is so, why don't you seek the truth in the words of Lord Jesus?

  • Why accept man's word as truth?

  • Is that the Lord's will?

  • By following this way, it's easy to follow man.

  • When it comes to the rapture,

  • we haven't been listening to the Lord but listening to man.

  • That could be really dangerous.

  • In the beginning, God created man with the dust on earth,

  • allowed us to perform our duties and take care of things on earth,

  • and asked us to obey Him, worship and glorify Him.

  • So God's ordained destination for man is on earth rather than in heaven.

  • God has also told us clearly

  • that His kingdom will be established here on the earth.

  • And He will dwell with man here on earth

  • and make this world His kingdom where Christ reigns.

  • Therefore, God's kingdom will finally be realized on earth, not in heaven.

  • Man wants to be brought up to heaven,

  • but this is a product of imagination and excessive desire.

  • It goes against the truth and doesn't accord with the work of God.

  • And as for the rapture to the kingdom of heaven,

  • we should find basis in God's word.

  • This is the most accurate way, compatible with God's will.

  • Yes. Of course. (Indeed.)

  • So Revelation says clearly God's kingdom is on earth.

  • We believe the words of Paul and not the words of the Lord.

  • And we hold onto Paul's words as truth and as God's words.

  • Are we truly believing in the Lord and magnifying Him?

  • Not understanding the Lord's words, we are prone to be deceived. (Yes.)

  • If we didn't hear Almighty God's word today,

  • we would still be gazing at the heavens, waiting for the rapture.

  • Even if we waited that way all our lives, we'd gain nothing.

  • We would be forsaken by the Lord without knowing why,

  • like the Jewish Pharisees who still wait the descent of the Messiah today.

  • How foolish we've been!

  • In the past, I longed to be raptured and meet the Lord in the air,

  • but I wished that based on the words of Paul, not God.

  • That was simply man's imagination and wrong conceptions.

  • It's not at all what God intends.

  • As a preacher,

  • when it comes to this important matter of welcoming the Lord's return,

  • I haven't relied on the Lord's words or sought His will.

  • I've misled others.

  • The blind lead the blind, and both shall fall into the ditch.

  • It's so true.

  • Sisters, after your fellowship, I know now.

  • Our understanding of rapture by the Lord is from man's imagination.

  • It's seriously against the word of the Lord.

  • So what should we do now to be raptured at His return?

  • Would you commune with us in detail? (Please.)

  • According to them, the kingdom of heaven is on earth.

  • If so, the hope of being raptured is all in vain.

  • The saints expect to be raptured according to the Lord's words,

  • Man uses their imaginations and notions to understand the Lord's words.

  • They think since the Lord Jesus ascended upon a white cloud,

  • the place He prepares for them must surely be up there as well.

  • So they wait for the Lord Jesus to return and bring them up to heaven.

  • Besides, man tends to value Paul's words,

  • For this reason,

  • the desire of being raptured to heaven takes root in man's heart. (Yes, I see.)

  • Ideas of rapture vary even between different people.

  • Most believe the Lord's return will bring the saints into the air to meet Him.

  • So over many years, they harbor such longing and wait to be raptured.

  • But what exactly does it mean to be raptured?

  • Many are unclear.

  • The mystery isn't revealed until Almighty God comes and opens it to us.

  • We'll read what Almighty God says on this subject.

  • Please turn to page 197.

  • Almighty God's words have made it very clear.

  • Rapture does not mean that we will be raptured into the air as we've imagined,

  • or to go meet the Lord in the clouds, or even that we'll go to heaven.

  • What it actually means is that when God returns to earth to speak and work,

  • man hears His voice and follows Him and submits to His work in the last days.

  • This is the true meaning of being raptured before God's throne.

  • Only those who can recognize the Lord's voice,

  • know the truth in the words of Almighty God,

  • accept the truth and return to Him are wise virgins.

  • They are the "treasures" the Lord has "stolen" back to His home.

  • They are of good caliber, able to understand and accept the truth,

  • capable of recognizing God's voice, and are truly the raptured ones.

  • They are the very group of overcomers God wants to perfect

  • when He secretly descends and works in the last days.

  • Since Almighty God carries out His work in the last days,

  • more and more people who long for God's appearance

  • have recognized God's voice in the word of Almighty God,

  • and accepted His work of judgment of the last days.

  • They are raptured before God's throne,

  • face to face with God, watered and fed by His word,

  • so they gain some true knowledge about God, their corruptions are then cleansed;

  • so they live out the reality of God's word and gain the great salvation of God.

  • They have been made overcomers before the disasters,

  • become the first fruits gained by God.

  • But those who cling to their own imagination,

  • they just wait to be raptured up into heaven

  • and refuse God's judgment work in the last days.

  • Those are foolish virgins forsaken by God.

  • These people will fall victim to disaster and will mourn. This is truth.

  • Mm. Yes. That's right.

  • This fellowship really brightens me.

  • So being raptured means hearing God's voice and turning to His throne.

  • God raptures man before His throne to cleanse and perfect man through His word,

  • making them overcomers to inherit His promise.

  • God is wise, and His work significant. (Yes, right. I agree.)

  • His work is beyond our thoughts.

  • It is as Jehovah said,

  • God's work holds mysteries.

  • Who are we to fathom His wisdom?

  • I feel somewhat ashamed.

  • I defined God's work according to a single verse and my own imagination.

  • That's arrogant of me. I don't have any reverance for God.

  • That's right. If Almighty God didn't reveal the mystery of saints being raptured,

  • no matter how long we believed, we wouldn't understand. (That's true. Yes.)

  • We'd still be relying on our own concepts.

  • We think as long as we sacrifice and work hard for the Lord,

  • then we would be taken into heaven when He comes back. (Yes.)

  • So then if we aren't seeking the truth,

  • especially in welcoming the Lord's return,

  • and if we're not heeding God's voice but just waiting blindly,

  • that is really dangerous.

  • We almost missed our only chance of truly being raptured. (Thanks be to God.)

  • Your fellowship has helped us immensely. (Yeah.)

  • Without it, we would still be in vagueness,

  • looking at the sky and waiting for the Lord's descent.

  • Almighty God's word is indeed the truth. (Amen.)

  • We should really study the true way very carefully.

  • That's right. Praise the Lord.

  • Praise God.

  • In the past, our understanding of being raptured was the same idea you had.

  • We thought the Lord would return to directly bring believers into the air.

  • And if we worked hard laboring many long hours for the Lord,

  • then God's approval was guaranteed and we would be taken into His kingdom.

  • But after being judged and chastised, and revealed by God's word,

  • we were ashamed.

  • Only then did we realize our pursuit was based on imagination

  • and not on God's will at all.

  • Let us hear the words of Almighty God.

  • Yes, of course.

  • Brothers and sisters, peace in the Lord. (Amen.)

  • For many years, we have been working and laboring for the Lord,

  • preaching the gospel,

  • and we have all suffered.

  • We've all longed for the Lord to return,

  • expecting Him to rapture us to the kingdom of heaven.

  • For that, we've always held onto the name of the Lord.

  • However, when hearing of Almighty God's work in the last days,

  • we have been completely deceived

  • by rumors and condemnation from the religious world.

  • And we've been living in our own imagination.

  • We've never truly looked at Almighty God's work.

  • We always thought as long as we believe in the Lord according to the Bible,

  • and labor for Him,

  • surely, He'd rapture us up into His kingdom.

  • But we have forgotten the words that Lord Jesus told us,

  • The Lord made very clear

  • how He wants us to welcome His return in His very own words.

  • Rapture is achieved by hearing the Lord's voice

  • rather than seeing Him with our eyes or receiving His revelation.

  • Wise virgins welcome the Lord's appearance just by hearing His voice.

  • Yet we never go find the voice of the Lord or seek the true way

  • even when hearing someone witness His return.

  • We are too arrogant and self-righteous!

  • Brothers and sisters,

  • recently, preachers from the Church of Almighty God

  • have fellowshiped with us in our meeting.

  • We have learned so much.

  • I've read some of the words of Almighty God.

  • They are the truth, practical indeed.

  • It convinces me fully.

  • The work of Almighty God in the last days

  • is very likely to be that of the returned Jesus.

  • Yet there are still some problems I can't figure out.

  • So today, I've invited preachers from the Church of Almighty God

  • to testify about Almighty God's work in the last days for us.

  • Let's all welcome them. (Yes. Welcome!)

  • Thank God for giving us this opportunity to fellowship about His words.

  • If anyone has questions or is confused about Almighty God's work,

  • please feel free to ask.

  • We can all fellowship together.

  • Praise the Lord. (Thanks be to God.)

  • Sister Chen, Sister Yang, I have a question to start.

  • I have always thought that the Lord Jesus was nailed to a cross for our sins

  • and forgave our sins,

  • and redeemed us from the hands of Satan to bring us into the kingdom of heaven.

  • Although we still sin and haven't truly attained sanctity,

  • the Lord has forgiven our sins and we have been justified by our faith.

  • So as long as we forsake everything and work hard for the Lord,

  • we'll be raptured into God's kingdom. It's the Lord's promise.

  • But some of us here still doubt.

  • They think that though we work for the Lord,

  • we haven't attained sanctity and we still sin.

  • The Lord is holy. Unsanctified people can't meet Him.

  • So my question is: Can we who forsake everything for the Lord

  • be raptured into the kingdom of heaven?

  • We have no idea how to answer this question. Please fellowship with us.

  • Yes. This has also confused me for a while.

  • I would also like to know. Please fellowship with us. (Yes, please.)

  • Sister Yu, the Lord Jesus has forgiven our sins.

  • In His eyes, we have no more sin.

  • So as long as we work for the Lord and hold onto His name,

  • then of course we'll enter the kingdom of heaven.

  • Why do we even need to ask?

  • Yeah. As long as we stick it out, then we'll be saved.

  • When the Lord comes, we'll be raptured into the kingdom of heaven.

  • Sister Guo, Brother Wei, that just doesn't make sense.

  • Lord Jesus has forgiven our sins; that's a fact.

  • But we still often sin and resist the Lord,

  • and do deceitful things and shame His name.

  • That's just the truth.

  • The Lord Jesus said that Himself.

  • God is holy, and so is His kingdom.

  • For us who work hard but continue to sin,

  • how can we be allowed to enter His kingdom?

  • I've felt in my heart that that's impossible.

  • All the Lord's believers think:

  • Since the Lord redeemed man through the crucifixion,

  • we've been forgiven of all of our sins.

  • And as we are no longer sinners, we are justified by our faith.

  • So as long as we endure till the end, we'll be saved,

  • and be raptured directly into the kingdom of heaven when He returns.

  • Is this common viewpoint correct or not?

  • Is it really based on God's word?

  • If this is against the truth, what will it result in?

  • As believers, we should always act according to the Lord's word.

  • Especially regarding His return, we should listen to His word even more.

  • It's not something that can be dealt with by notions.

  • Otherwise, imagine the consequences.

  • Just like the Pharisees who nailed Lord Jesus to the cross

  • while waiting for the Messiah to return.

  • Think of the bad things that could happen.

  • It's true that Lord Jesus has completed His work of redeeming humanity.

  • But does that mean God's work of saving man is thereby finished?

  • And so, can we be raptured into His kingdom by faith in Lord Jesus alone?

  • No man can fathom the answer.

  • The Lord Jesus once said,

  • The words of God state clearly

  • that anyone who enters the kingdom of heaven must be cleansed of sin.

  • They all do God's will, love God, obey and worship Him.

  • For God is holy, and in the kingdom is God living with man.

  • Unless sanctified, we aren't qualified to enter God's kingdom.

  • Many people think we can enter the kingdom of heaven

  • simply because our sins were forgiven.

  • But this is a grave misunderstanding.

  • This is purely man's imagination.

  • The Lord Jesus has forgiven our sins. That's true.

  • But He never said this forgiveness meant being purified,

  • and allowed directly into the kingdom of heaven.

  • No one can deny this fact.

  • Why is it that the Lord's believers all think

  • that they can all enter the kingdom now?

  • On what basis is this belief?

  • What gives them the authority to say so?

  • Many people will say that

  • they learned this from the words of Paul and other apostles in the Bible.

  • But do these words represent the Lord Jesus or man?

  • Represent the Holy Spirit?

  • Although they are found in the Bible, can man's words be treated as God's?

  • The Bible has this fact we know for sure:

  • Those approved by God all listen to His word and obey His work.

  • They follow the way of God

  • and only such people are qualified to inherit God's promise.

  • This cannot be denied.

  • We can all be sure that even though our sins were forgiven,

  • we haven't really become purified and often sin and resist God.

  • God has clearly told us,

  • From God's own words, even with our sins forgiven

  • that doesn't automatically qualify us to enter the kingdom of heaven.

  • We have to attain sanctity and perform the will of God before we can enter.

  • This is a known fact.

  • So, I know it's not something easy to understand the will of God.

  • But just having our sins forgiven doesn't mean we're purified.

  • We must possess some realities of the truth and become approved by God.

  • Only then can we enter the kingdom of heaven.

  • If man does not love the truth,

  • even is weary of the truth or hates it, struggling only for rewards,

  • but never really caring for or doing the will of God,

  • aren't they evil-doers?

  • How can the Lord approve of them?

  • Just like the hypocritical Pharisees even with sins forgiven,

  • they would not enter God's kingdom.

  • This is unquestionable.

  • There is one other thing.

  • Lord Jesus has forgiven man's sin, but sinwhat does this mean?

  • What sins can man possibly confess after believing in the Lord?

  • These sins mainly refer to the sins

  • that violate God's laws and commandments, and go against the word of God.

  • Then mankind would be punished and condemned

  • for ignoring and disobeying God's laws.

  • So the Lord Jesus came to redeem man.

  • You see, as long as man prays in the name of Jesus, confesses and repents,

  • they would have their sins forgiven and no longer be condemned by the law.

  • God would no longer regard man as a sinner,

  • and man could directly call out to God in prayer,

  • and enjoy His abundant grace and truth.

  • That is truly "being saved" as man says in the Age of Grace.

  • So being saved is not the same thing as entering God's kingdom.

  • Actually, they're very different.

  • The Lord Jesus never said that man could enter the kingdom of heaven

  • after their sins were forgiven and they were saved.

  • Let's read some words from Almighty God.

  • Almighty God makes it very clear, right? (Yes. It's very clear.)

  • These words of God really explain it quite clearly with no doubt.

  • They're so easy to understand!

  • In the Age of Grace, Lord Jesus only did redemptive work.

  • Man's sins were forgiven. They were justified and saved by faith.

  • But Lord Jesus never said that man could enter His kingdom this way.

  • That's because Lord Jesus had forgiven man's sins,

  • but not mankind's satanic nature.

  • Arrogance and deceit, selfishness, and evil,

  • all these corruptions still exist within us today.

  • And these are much deeper and more stubborn than sins.

  • If our satanic nature of opposing God and our corruption remain unresolved,

  • we could still commit sins not of our own volition,

  • even worse, sins than simply violating the laws of God.

  • We ask why did the Pharisees condemn the Lord Jesus and stand against Him,

  • even nail Him to the cross.

  • This proves to us that with man's satanic nature,

  • they can still disobey God, sin, and betray Him.

  • Right. We've all believed for many years, and we've known a fact

  • that though our sins are forgiven by the Lord,

  • we can still commit them in spite of ourselves.

  • We still tell lies to seek fortune and fame. We make excuses and argue.

  • Sometimes we frame up others when we're avoiding responsibility.

  • When disaster strikes us, large or small, we complain and betray God.

  • When God's work isn't how we want it,

  • we still oppose Him, deny Him, and judge Him.

  • Although we believe in God nominally, we still adore and follow man.

  • Once we get a position, we try to exalt ourselves

  • like the Pharisees, the chief priests, and the scribes.

  • We stand in the place of God, let others look up to us.

  • We enjoy wrongfully the offerings of God,

  • and we envy others and act according to likes.

  • Worse yet, we follow the flesh, separate into factions, form cliques,

  • and establish our own independent kingdoms.

  • These are all known facts.

  • This shows if man's satanic nature cannot be resolved,

  • then we cannot enter the kingdom of heaven even if our sins are forgiven.

  • The fact that we can still sin and oppose God proves we are still of Satan,

  • stand against God and are enemies of God,

  • for which we will surely be condemned and punished.

  • It says in the Bible,

  • Let's read some of Almighty God's words.

  • We see man is redeemed by the Lord Jesus,

  • yet retains his satanic disposition, constantly sinning and resisting God.

  • He must undergo judgment and purification in the last days

  • to be delivered from sin and become after God's heart.

  • Then he can enter the kingdom of heaven.

  • In fact, the Lord Jesus said,

  • The Lord prepares a place for us. Once ready, He'll receive us.

  • Here "receive" means God arranges for us to be born in the last days.

  • When the Lord returns, He'll rapture us before His throne

  • to receive the judgment, purification, and perfection of His word,

  • thus making us overcomers before the disaster.

  • The process of receiving us is a process of purifying and perfecting us.

  • Now the Lord returns to do the work of judgment in the last days,

  • and we've been taken before God's throne living together with Him.

  • Hasn't this fully fulfilled the Lord's prophecy of receiving us?

  • When the great disasters end, the kingdom of Christ will be realized on earth.

  • And each who survives the disasters and trials

  • will partake of the kingdom of heaven.

  • For years, it has deeply confused me

  • that though the Lord Jesus forgives our sins,

  • we can't help but continue to commit sins and resist the Lord.

  • I've been wondering since the Lord is holy,

  • can one who continues to sin be allowed to enter the kingdom of heaven?

  • Praise the Lord.

  • After your fellowship today, my puzzle is finally unraveled.

  • Amen! Praise the Lord!

  • The Lord Jesus has forgiven our sins but not so our satanic nature.

  • That's why we still sin and resist the Lord.

  • Therefore, to enter the kingdom of heaven,

  • we must experience God's judgment and cleansing

  • in order to resolve our sinful nature.

  • Thanks be to God! That really makes sense.

  • Judgment and cleansing is necessary. (Right.)

  • At this point, perhaps some would ask:

  • Apostles like Paul and those who suffered and labored for the Lord,

  • aren't they qualified to be raptured?

  • As Paul said,

  • So many believe

  • since Paul could gain the crown of righteousness through labor for the Lord,

  • then as long as we labor as Paul did for the Lord,

  • can't we also get the crown and enter the kingdom of heaven?

  • Is it really the case?

  • Can Paul's view be supported by God's words?

  • Did Lord Jesus say Paul could gain rewards and the crown?

  • Did the Holy Spirit ever testify that Paul could enter the kingdom of heaven?

  • None of this is recorded in the Bible.

  • The Lord Jesus never said that Paul was the one to gain the crown

  • and enter the kingdom of heaven. (Right. It's out of our imagination.)

  • Therefore, Paul's words are without basis.

  • And we can't take Paul's words as basis for entering the kingdom of heaven.

  • On eternal life and entering the kingdom of heaven, the Lord said,

  • The Lord Jesus said it clearly:

  • only when one gets rid of sins, attains sanctity,

  • and is able to obey God's will, can he enter the kingdom of heaven.

  • If man sacrifices and labors for the Lord due to passion,

  • but still opposes God and sins, failing to obey God's way,

  • then they are evil-doers and never shall they enter the kingdom of heaven.

  • Yet Paul said he'd be rewarded and enter the kingdom of heaven

  • because he had fought the fight, finished the course, and kept the faith.

  • Isn't this clearly against the words of the Lord Jesus?

  • According to Paul,

  • as long as one labors for the Lord, he can enter the kingdom of heaven.

  • If this were the case,

  • those Jewish Pharisees who traveled the land spreading the gospel

  • but opposed and condemned the Lord Jesus,

  • couldn't they enter the kingdom of heaven?

  • And those who cast out devils in the Lord's name, yet don't walk in God's way,

  • couldn't they also enter the kingdom of heaven?

  • Isn't such a view simply ridiculous?

  • Those Jewish Pharisees,

  • why couldn't their efforts be approved by the Lord Jesus?

  • Because their suffering for evangelizing

  • was actually for the sake of their own benefits and rewards.

  • God is righteous; He looks deep into man's heart.

  • So when the Lord Jesus came to do His work, they were revealed completely.

  • To maintain their positions, they condemned and opposed the Lord Jesus,

  • made Him an enemy, and nailed Him onto the cross.

  • As a result, they were cursed and punished by God.

  • This is a fact known to all.

  • It's true. The Lord Jesus never said

  • man can enter the kingdom of heaven through labor,

  • but said only those who do the will of the heavenly Father can. (That's right.)

  • After this, I am clear.

  • If we only preach in the Lord's name but do not practice His words,

  • we can't enter the kingdom of heaven.

  • Brothers and sisters, how about the religious people in the last days?

  • Many are the same as the Jewish Pharisees.

  • Though they work hard for the Lord,

  • all their efforts are directed by their desire to gain blessings.

  • It's all for attaining rewards

  • rather than following the Lord's word and obeying Him.

  • That's why they can act according to their own will, their own likes,

  • while working and devoting themselves.

  • They meet their desire for fame and position.

  • They exalt and testify to themselves,

  • form cliques, and establish their own kingdoms.

  • Even worse, after doing some work and enduring some suffering,

  • many become conceited and show off their seniority.

  • They confidently demand God's blessing of the kingdom of heaven.

  • How could such people gain God's approval?

  • Faced with God's judgment in the last days,

  • those religious elders not only refuse to accept,

  • but wildly resist and condemn Almighty God so as to protect their own status.

  • Again, they nail God to the cross and provoke God's disposition. (Yes.)

  • Isn't it true? Haven't you seen through this yet?

  • As thus proved by facts, people's sacrifice and suffering

  • doesn't qualify them to enter the kingdom of heaven.

  • If people refuse to practice the Lord's words or commandments,

  • and all they do comes not from loving and obeying Him,

  • but from seeking to enter heaven, then they cheat and use God.

  • God doesn't approve of such people though they've worked or suffered a lot.

  • Amen. Yes. That's so true.

  • Brothers and sisters, let's read more of the words of Almighty God.

  • From God's words, we see God is holy and righteous.

  • He never permits the filthy and corrupt to enter His kingdom. (Yes.)

  • This is decided by God's righteous disposition.

  • Therefore, man must obey God's judgment and experience purification,

  • gain the truth to cast away corruptions before he can be saved, (Amen!)

  • and enter the kingdom of heaven.

  • This is fact. No one can deny it.

  • Your fellowship is useful and it applies to my current state.

  • For many years, I've sacrificed and labored.

  • Truly all has been to enter the kingdom of heaven,

  • and not to practice the Lord's words, obey, or love Him.

  • Were it not for Almighty God exposing our base intentions,

  • I never would have realized that I am cheating and using the Lord.

  • I'd continue on the wrong path,

  • and shamelessly leverage my laboring to make a deal with the Lord.

  • In the end, when punished by the Lord, I would not understand why.

  • Think about it. It's so dire.

  • Exactly. Were it not for Almighty God's disclosure,

  • we could never know ourselves.

  • We'd continue to insist we can sacrifice for the Lord that we're above others.

  • We look down on others and presume to teach brothers and sisters.

  • How ignorant and shameful we are!

  • Men as filthy and corrupt as us do need God's judgment and cleansing.

  • Mm. It's true. I agree.

  • Brothers and sisters, let's have a break.

  • We'll resume later.

  • Please have some water.

  • That was so helpful!

  • Yes. Their fellowship is practical. We've never heard such a good sermon.

  • What Eastern Lightning preaches is profound.

  • Everyone is so convinced! (Right.)

  • If it goes on, won't all accept the Eastern Lightning? (Yes.)

  • Then to whom will we preach?

  • That's right. Won't the church collapse?

  • Ah? What should we do?

  • Let's talk to Sister Yu. (Mm. Right.)

  • We must stop this.

  • Agreed. Let's go! (Okay. Go ahead.)

  • Mm. (Okay.)

  • Sister Yu, Sister Fang. (Yes?)

  • We want to have a talk with you. (Sure.)

  • It's about the way of the Eastern Lightning. We must stop listening.

  • Though their preaching does make some sense,

  • the CCP government and most religious leaders condemn the Eastern Lightning.

  • This shows that the Eastern Lightning can't be the true way.

  • If the government and religious leaders all accept and obey,

  • that proves it's the true way.

  • Do you agree with me?

  • Could it be wrong that we follow the trend?

  • For years, pastors have believed and so better know the Bible.

  • If we obey our pastors and follow the religious trend, we won't be wrong.

  • Do you dare to say they are wrong?

  • You judge by this perspectiveit's not the true way. Is that right?

  • Because the CCP government and most pastors and elders

  • condemn the Eastern Lightning,

  • you conclude the Eastern Lightning isn't the true way.

  • Does this view agree with truth and with fact?

  • Are you clear about the facts?

  • When the Lord Jesus did His work,

  • the Jewish leaders all resisted and condemned Him.

  • Finally, they colluded with the Roman government and nailed Him to the cross.

  • Do you really claim Lord Jesus' work isn't the true way,

  • and He isn't the true God?

  • Are you sure that following the trend in the religious world is right?

  • Isn't such a view ridiculous and absurd?

  • Does such logic make any sense?

  • Before, we believed the pastors' and elders' lies,

  • and rejected the Eastern Lightning without investigating.

  • But now, after listening to their preaching,

  • we see Almighty God's word is all the truth, is practical,

  • and solves many confusions of our faith in the Lord.

  • We feel a brightness within, having a path now. Our faith is strengthened.

  • We feel the Holy Spirit's work within.

  • We know the CCP and religious pastors and elders' condemnation

  • against the Eastern Lightning is false, is blasphemy against God!

  • We are certain in our hearts that Almighty God's work is the true way.

  • At the same time, we see the fallacies and heresies they spread.

  • Do you not see quite clearly this fact?

  • Why don't you seek and explore the true way

  • rather than follow pastors and elders on the path of opposing God?

  • If you do not wake, you'll fall into disasters straightaway!

  • It will be too late to regret then. (Indeed!)

  • I understand your view

  • that man must attain sanctity before entering the kingdom of heaven.

  • Who then could get the Lord's approval and enter the kingdom of heaven?

  • Would the Lord's promise to receive us come true?

  • If so, what hope is there left for us?

  • Pastors and elders didn't say that man must be purified to enter the kingdom.

  • I simply believe what they say

  • that the Lord will rapture us directly.

  • You can accept Almighty God's judgment, but I won't.

  • I only accept the promise of the Lord Jesus. (Right.)

  • I'll wait for Lord Jesus to take me to the kingdom of heaven.

  • The Lord is merciful. He won't judge man.

  • If He judges man, won't man be condemned?

  • Never to enter the kingdom of heaven?

  • Sister Guo, Brother Wei.

  • You both are clever. How can you say such foolish words?

  • God is truly wise. God's thoughts are higher than ours. Do you not know that?

  • God's works are mysteries. How can man fathom them?

  • You just believe the pastors and elders, which is simply wrong!

  • The Pharisees opposed the Lord Jesus and even nailed Him to the cross.

  • No one is clearer than you on that.

  • If we insist on blindly following pastors and elders,

  • and define God's work by our notions without investigating Almighty God's work,

  • how can we hear God's voice and see His appearance and His work?

  • Think this over. Whether or not to investigate Almighty God's work

  • is a big issue relating to our salvation and entry into the kingdom of heaven.

  • We must seek quite carefully.

  • It's time to resume. Let's go inside.

  • I think we should go.

  • Sisters, from Almighty God's words I have learned

  • that in the last days, Almighty God uses the word to judge and purify man.

  • This is the fact.

  • So how does Almighty God conduct the work of judgment in the last days?

  • How does He judge man, purify man, and perfect man through His words?

  • These are the truths we urgently need. (Amen! Yes.)

  • If we understand the work of Almighty God,

  • then we truly hear God's voice and are raptured before God's throne.

  • Can you please fellowship more about it?

  • The Lord is compassionate. How could He judge us?

  • If the Lord returns and judges us, aren't we condemned by Him?

  • You wish to understand how Almighty God does the work of judgment.

  • This is very important for man to attain salvation.

  • Almighty God speaks the truth to judge and purify man,

  • so He may take true saints into the kingdom of heaven.

  • But many who believe in the Lord don't understand God's will or

  • how saints will be taken into the kingdom of heaven.

  • They falsely believe the Lord won't do the work of judgment and chastisement.

  • They think God's judgment and chastisement means condemnation.

  • Therefore, they refuse to accept God's work of judgment,

  • and wait to be brought to the kingdom of heaven.

  • Actually, they totally misunderstand God's will.

  • The redemptive work of Lord Jesus

  • paves the way for the work of judgment in the last days.

  • His final aim is to purify man, so we may enter the kingdom to enjoy rest.

  • However, God does the work of redemption and salvation in steps

  • with a plan, not in one night.

  • After Jesus' redemptive work, He promised to return for the saints.

  • But how God will rapture the saints when He comes back?

  • No one could fathom.

  • In fact, when God comes in the last days to take the saints,

  • He first brings people before His throne

  • to accept His work of judgment and purification, and then make them overcomers.

  • This is how the saints will be raptured into the kingdom of heaven.

  • But there is one thing that is hard for man to accept:

  • The raptured must experience judgment and chastisement to attain sanctity.

  • So they produce false notions about God's work of judgment.

  • Think about it. Is judgment and chastisement God's blessing,

  • or God's condemnation and punishment?

  • Most cannot fathom this.

  • So, let's read some of Almighty God's words. (Okay.)

  • It is all for salvation.

  • From Almighty God's words, it is clear to see

  • that God's judgment in the last days is not meant to condemn us

  • or to strike us down.

  • God means for us to know the truth that we have been corrupted deeply by Satan,

  • to know our nature and essence of resisting and betraying God,

  • and to know God's holy, righteous, and unoffendable disposition.

  • God means to awaken our hearts and our spirits

  • to save us from our corrupt disposition,

  • make us live out the likeness of a real man and attain salvation.

  • If we do not experience God's judgment,

  • we are incapable of knowing our satanic nature,

  • of seeing the roots of our corruption that we sin and resist God,

  • or of knowing God's righteous disposition.

  • Then our corrupt disposition cannot be changed.

  • And we can't have true obedience and reverence to God.

  • As such, what makes us worthy to be taken into God's kingdom?

  • Clearly, God judges man and His final aim is to purify and save us.

  • If we are judged and then attain purification, this is God's greatest blessing,

  • and also God's great salvation and love to corrupt mankind. (Amen.)

  • Now then, how does God carry out the work of judgment?

  • Almighty God expresses many words about this truth.

  • Let's read some passages of Almighty God's words. (Okay.)

  • Sister, I will read this passage. (Okay.)

  • Almighty God's words are so practical.

  • God speaks words to do judgment work in the last days

  • for the saving and perfecting of man.

  • Under the judgment of Almighty God's word, we understand that

  • in this dark and evil world, all mankind lives under the domain of Satan.

  • Satan's corruption left us without any human likeness:

  • We are arrogant, crooked and cunning, licentious, selfish and corrupt.

  • Mankind hates the truth and adores evil, doing anything for fame and position,

  • just like monsters deceiving, fighting and plotting against each other.

  • We have lost our human sense.

  • Despite believing in God,

  • we value money, fame and position deep down in our hearts.

  • Mankind is easily influenced by evil, and often commits sins and opposes God.

  • Even if we sacrifice for God, suffer and pay the price,

  • we only do this for gaining blessing and rewards

  • and entry into the kingdom of heaven,

  • not for pursuing the truth or truly knowing and obeying God.

  • Even though we believe in God, we are full of imagined ideas about Him.

  • Nobody knows God's disposition or truly what God has and is.

  • What kind of person God likes and doesn't like,

  • what kinds of actions resist God, offend God's disposition

  • or will be cursed by God,

  • how many ideas and notions we have that are contrary to the truth,

  • what it is the sense we should have before God,

  • and what is the reality of truth we should have, and so on,

  • these are all part of the key truths of knowing God,

  • obeying God and worshiping God.

  • But mankind knows nothing about them.

  • Because mankind is so deeply corrupted by Satan,

  • how can we refrain from resisting and betraying God

  • without being judged and purified by God?

  • Based on the needs of a mankind that is corrupt,

  • the incarnate God expresses all the truth for man to be saved,

  • reveals to us God's righteous and majestic disposition, tolerating no offense,

  • and completely exposes the substance of man's nature,

  • and truth about man's corruption which makes everyone utterly convinced.

  • We have tasted the judgment and chastisement of God's word,

  • and seen that we are haughty and arrogant, selfish and base,

  • and live by Satan's philosophy and rules.

  • Whatever we do, we do it for fame and fortune.

  • We even work and preach just for reputation and position.

  • Boasting and promoting ourselves to make others think highly of us,

  • but simply not for exalting God and testifying to God.

  • When God's work does not match with our notions, we define God and judge God,

  • stand in stubborn opposition to God, having no obedience at all.

  • When doing our duty, we follow our fleshly comforts,

  • deceive and lie to God often without any loyalty to God.

  • Under the revelation of God's word,

  • we see that we've been deeply corrupted by Satan

  • without conscience, sense or dignity.

  • We're not human but simply the brood of Satan which are in enmity of God.

  • Therefore, we are too ashamed to behold the face of God.

  • We have to fall down before God, bitterly repent, hate, and curse ourselves.

  • We have truly experienced God's righteous disposition

  • that is intolerant of man's offense.

  • So we have begun to fear God and understood God's kind intention of saving man.

  • God chastises man because He hates the sins of man and their disobedience,

  • because He means to save us from our satanic disposition and gain us.

  • When we stand in stubborn opposition to God and resist Him,

  • God chastens and disciplines us.

  • When we return our hearts to God, God gives mercy to us.

  • He does not punish us according to what we have ever done,

  • but enlightens us and guides us, letting us understand His will.

  • Under God's judgment and chastisement,

  • we develop some true knowledge of God's disposition,

  • realizing that God's disposition holds His mercy and lovingkindness.

  • We see God's holiness and greatness,

  • gaining reverence and admiration for God.

  • We can more clearly see our satanic nature and understand some truth,

  • and have discernment between that which is positive and negative. (Yes.)

  • Our viewpoints change on some things,

  • bringing forth a heart that yearns for the truth.

  • We are not willing to live by Satan's philosophy and rules,

  • nor make demands of God unreasonably.

  • Our conscience and sense have been restored.

  • We begin to seek the truth and practice the truth in everything,

  • doing our duty as a created being honestly, and obeying God's sovereignty.

  • We are increasingly transformed in disposition,

  • having some likeness of a real man. (Amen.)

  • Praise Almighty God.

  • All of our transformations are brought about by God's work of judgment.

  • Amen! Thanks be to God!

  • So today, all those who accept the work of Almighty God in the last days

  • fully understand that

  • only by accepting and obeying God's judgment in the last days

  • can one be saved and perfected.

  • Your fellowship is very beneficial to our life.

  • You experience Almighty God's judgment in the last days,

  • and you share that experience of knowing yourself and casting off corruptions,

  • while we merely talk of the testimonies about God's grace.

  • It's like we're in a different world!

  • We only think to enjoy the Lord's blessings and enter His kingdom,

  • but do not know to pursue the truth and care for His will.

  • We are so ashamed.

  • It looks like Almighty God's words of judgment

  • can really cleanse us and save us all.

  • I admire you so much.

  • You have accepted Almighty God's work after hearing His voice

  • and have received much abundance,

  • while we live in our notions and imaginations, never heed the Lord's voice,

  • and so fall into darkness.

  • I regret not examining Almighty God's work in the last days,

  • and missing out on many chances to gain truth. (Amen. Yes. Indeed.)

  • Yes, we are so poor, pitiable, blind.

  • After hearing your fellowship about Almighty God's word, I'm so very touched.

  • Although I haven't experienced God's work of judgment,

  • after your testimony, I saw God's judgment work is so meaningful. (Yes. Amen!)

  • God bestows upon us grace to enjoy, which is God's love.

  • God judges us, purifies and changes us, which is more God's love.

  • Amen. Yes. Praise God.

  • Only by experiencing God's work of judgment

  • can we know God and know ourselves.

  • Amen. Yes. That's right.

  • If God does not do this work and we just enjoy His grace,

  • we really cannot know God's righteous disposition,

  • nor can we fear God and shun evil. (Amen! Right. Yes.)

  • Sisters, you say that Almighty God's work of judgment

  • can purify us and change us.

  • Your fellowship is practical.

  • If we practice according to the words of judgment expressed by Almighty God,

  • we can certainly be purified and transformed.

  • But I have a few questions.

  • Through experiencing Almighty God's judgment,

  • what knowledge have you gained about His disposition?

  • What transformation have you achieved?

  • Could you share with us your experiences please? (Yes.)

  • Right, testify about it.

  • If you have really been changed by Almighty God's word of judgment,

  • we would be convinced. (Right!)

  • Over the years, experiencing God's judgment in the last days,

  • I deeply believe that the word of Almighty God

  • can certainly purify us and save us.

  • I'll share my testimony

  • of how I experienced God's judgment and His chastisement.

  • Great. Yes. Please share some with us.

  • When I believed in the Lord, I had great faith.

  • To be saved into the kingdom of heaven, when the Lord comes,

  • I set aside my work and my family, sacrificing to preach and work everywhere.

  • Although I suffered lots of sneers, slanders, and many hardships,

  • sometimes so painful it weakened my resolve,

  • yet once I thought of the blessings of the kingdom of heaven,

  • my heart would be greatly comforted and encouraged.

  • I felt that it was valuable and meaningful to suffer this.

  • That's why I continued preaching and working fervently all these years

  • while believing in the Lord.

  • Yet I had never considered whether or not it was the Lord's will

  • for me to pursue the way I did.

  • Later, I accepted Almighty God's work of the last days and saw the words of Him.

  • Amen.

  • Facing the judgment and revelation of God's word,

  • I felt too ashamed of myself to show my face.

  • Almighty God revealed all my true inner state.

  • My intentions of gaining blessings and bargaining viewpoints in faith in God

  • were exposed thoroughly.

  • All during these years, I sacrificed and gave a lot, suffering many pains.

  • But I did it to gain benefits and blessings

  • for rewards and entry into the kingdom of heaven.

  • I never did it to carry out the Lord's word,

  • much less for loving God or obeying Him.

  • I took my outward labor and sacrifice

  • as the bargaining stock for God's blessings in the kingdom of heaven.

  • Wasn't I making deals with God? Wasn't I cheating Him and just using Him?

  • Did I have any love for Him?

  • I felt myself such a covetous person, too selfish and crafty.

  • I had no conscience or sense, no different than an animal,

  • truly unworthy to come before God.

  • I felt God was looking into my very soul.

  • The base intentions of my belief, work and my suffering

  • were very clearly observed by God.

  • God hates opportunists who flaunt the banner of sacrificing for Him

  • but intend to get blessings just like me.

  • And for those who cheat God, betray Him, and belong to Satan,

  • how could God allow them to enter His kingdom?

  • In God's judgment,

  • I realized that God's holy and righteous disposition allows no offense.

  • I couldn't help falling down before God,

  • filled with bitter regret, hating and cursing myself.

  • I no longer wished to live for myself,

  • my desire to gain blessings was set aside.

  • I would pursue the truth and do my duty in a down-to-earth manner

  • to repay His love as required by Him. (Amen!)

  • Yes. Praise the Lord.

  • Whether I was to be blessed or cursed in the future,

  • I was willing to obey God's arrangements,

  • devote and give myself to God with a true heart.

  • By continually taking in God's word and experiencing His judgment,

  • I better understood the truth and the will of God to save mankind.

  • My perspective on believing in God slowly changed,

  • and I had fewer impurities when it came to my duty.

  • My conscience and sense were fully restored,

  • and my corrupt disposition was transformed more and more.

  • I finally felt that I was behaving myself like a real man did. (Amen!)

  • I very deeply feel that the meaningful transformation I've achieved today

  • is all a result from God's work of judgment. (Amen. Praise God.)

  • I thank Almighty God for saving me! (Amen.)

  • All the glory be to Almighty God! (Amen. Praise God.)

  • Praise God. That was amazing. So practical.

  • Sister, after hearing your honest testimony,

  • I also feel utterly abashed and ashamed.

  • Your experience describes how I really feel.

  • I've always believed in the Lord,

  • and worked hard for rewards and entry into the kingdom of heaven.

  • I'm also under the judgment of God's words. My conscience nags me so.

  • I find myself to be deeply corrupted.

  • Through years of belief, I've only been cheating God and making a deal with Him.

  • I truly grieved God's heart.

  • I am a corrupt person. God didn't abandon me,

  • but let me hear His word of judgment

  • and woke me from the dream of working for blessings to get into heaven.

  • It's indeed God's mercy and salvation to me!

  • Actually, all of our corruptions are the same.

  • In my life of faith,

  • I worked for the Lord just for a crown and blessings.

  • I never knew I was resisting God and offending Him.

  • I didn't understand His heart at all.

  • I was ignorant and pathetic!

  • Almighty God's work of judgment is crucial for us to know God and know ourselves

  • to cast away our corrupt dispositions and to be saved!

  • Yes. The words of Almighty God can really change man and save him. (Yes. True.)

  • Sister's testimony of experiencing God's word is real and touching.

  • It benefits us so much! (Yes. That's right.)

  • Such testimony is so practical!

  • It is a testimony of being purified and saved by God. (Amen.)

  • Praise the Lord! If we hear more of these testimonies,

  • then we will know how to be rid of our sins. (Amen! Praise the Lord!)

  • Believers in Almighty God are quite honest.

  • They're so innocent and open and ready to accept the truth. I can't make it.

  • If I tell everyone my sins in public, what would the others think of me?

  • Am I not lowering myself?

  • But their experiences and testimonies are real. I'm fully convinced.

  • It seems Almighty God's work of judgment can truly transform and purify man.

  • After hearing their testimonies, don't you understand?

  • It's not easy to be freed from sin and be purified.

  • You have to accept God's judgment, practice the truth and be honest.

  • There are also many hardships.

  • Such hardships—I cannot bear them.

  • Hearing your testimony, I also feel it's very practical.

  • About how Almighty God does judgment work to purify and save man,

  • I trust in your fellowship. I'm utterly convinced.

  • But I think we've believed in Lord Jesus for years,

  • labored for Him and suffered a lot.

  • We haven't denied the Lord Jesus' name, much less betrayed Him.

  • And so, according to the Lord's promise, He shall not forsake us.

  • If the Lord comes, He should rapture us first into His kingdom.

  • Why is that you've accepted first, while we are left behind?

  • It's unfair.

  • If we don't accept the work of Almighty God in the last days,

  • can we be raptured into God's kingdom or not?

  • This is what I want most to know. Please, how will you explain all this?

  • For we that have believed in the Lord for years,

  • can we not be taken into His kingdom?

  • Are all of the Lord's promises set aside?

  • I don't believe it.

  • I would simply deny Almighty God's work and see if I can enter His kingdom.

  • Sister Guo, Brother Wei, these two sisters have made it so clear.

  • Why do you still not understand?

  • How can man's labor for the Lord by passion

  • represent their practicing His word and obeying Him?

  • Does a man not work to gain blessings for his own sake?

  • How could he prove he has gained the truth and life?

  • God is righteous and holy.

  • How could He allow one who sins so often,

  • denies His truth and resists Him to enter His kingdom?

  • Can you not see it clearly after fellowship?

  • Are you still unclear?

  • How could you say such things? (Yeah, how?)

  • If you still stubbornly deny the truth, are you a believer of God?

  • The fellowship is so clear to us.

  • We should accept and obey. It's the reasonable thing to do.

  • Yes. We should always have a reverent heart for God.

  • Yes. Their fellowship is so clear,

  • so why do they still not understand? (Right.)

  • The question Sister Guo raised is very easy to explain.

  • Some people clearly know

  • that all the words expressed by Almighty God are the truth,

  • and can purify and save them.

  • But they simply don't accept

  • and stubbornly hold to their own imaginations and notions.

  • They believe as long as they hold onto Lord Jesus' name,

  • forsake everything and labor for Him, they'll be taken into God's kingdom.

  • What kind of people are they?

  • It can be said

  • that these people simply don't love the truth or accept the truth.

  • They're purely unbelievers. (Agree. That is so true.)

  • The path that people take is decided entirely by themselves.

  • God never forces them.

  • But man must understand that in each new stage of God's work,

  • He will show man the truth and the way they should walk.

  • God's work of judgment in the last days

  • is the most crucial and fundamental work in God's salvation of mankind.

  • Only if one accepts and experiences the judgment and chastisement by God's word

  • can he know the substance of man's nature and satanic disposition,

  • and can he know God's righteous and holy disposition.

  • Gradually, he understands and gains the truth

  • and his satanic disposition will be cleansed.

  • This is the only way to man's salvation and entry into the kingdom of heaven.

  • Amen.

  • If man refuses to accept God's work of judgment in the last days,

  • he shall never gain the truth, be free from the bonds of sin,

  • or be allowed to enter His kingdom. (Yes.)

  • Even if he did a great measure of work, suffered a lot,

  • and sacrificed for the Lord,

  • he won't gain the Lord's approval.

  • Let's read Almighty God's words.

  • Almighty God's words are so clear.

  • Reading these words, I feel brightened immediately.

  • This is the voice of God!

  • This is indeed the voice of God! (Amen!)

  • Except God, who has the authority to guard the entrance to the kingdom?

  • Who has the authority to determine the ending of man? (Amen. Yes.)

  • It seems that only if we accept and obey Almighty God's work of the last days

  • can we gain the truth and life,

  • be saved and enter His kingdom! (Amen!)

  • Only God has such authority! (Yes, it's right.)

  • Yes. Almighty God's word is full of authority and power. (Amen!)

  • If one doesn't accept Almighty God's work of the last days,

  • he can't be saved and enter the kingdom of heaven. Amen. (Yes, that's true.)

  • Now, everyone is clear.

  • We really see the Lord Jesus has returned. (Amen.)

  • Almighty God is doing the work of judgment beginning with the house of God,

  • which really reveals the whole religious world.

  • Now is the time the religious world is facing the great famine and revelation.

  • Yes.

  • Man will all be classed according to kind.

  • Does it have a major influence when the Lord descends and works in a hidden way?

  • Yes! It has such a big influence on everything. It really does.

  • Who among men can do such a great thing?

  • Almighty God expresses the truth to do the work of judgment,

  • revealing each kind of man.

  • Whether one is wheat or a tare,

  • is a wise virgin or a foolish one will all be revealed.

  • Those who accept Almighty God's work of judgment are wise virgins.

  • They have been taken before the throne of God

  • to accept the judgment and purification of God's word.

  • Gradually, they understand and gain the truth,

  • and have some true knowledge of God.

  • They cast away their satanic disposition, break away from Satan's influence,

  • and finally become overcomers.

  • This group of overcomers made by God

  • are ones who will reign and rule in the future with Him in His kingdom.

  • They are exactly the pillars in God's kingdom.

  • This fulfills the prophecy in Revelation.

  • When God has made this group of overcomers,

  • His work of judgment beginning with the house of God through incarnation

  • will come to a close.

  • Then God will return to Zion,

  • followed by all kinds of disasters to reward the good and punish the wicked.

  • Those who resist and condemn Almighty God crazily

  • will be punished in the disaster that has scarcely been seen through the ages.

  • All those purified and perfected by God

  • will be protected and survive the disasters,

  • enter God's kingdom and inherit His promises and blessings. (Amen!)

  • This completely fulfills the prophecy in Revelation.

  • Amen!

  • Amen!

  • Let's read together Almighty God's words. (Sure. All right.)

  • Amen!

  • After the great disaster, the kingdom will be realized in the world.

  • That is the kingdom where Christ reigns. (Yes. That's right.)

  • The kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ.

  • These words will have been fully fulfilled. (Amen! Thank the Lord.)

  • In the Age of Kingdom, there shall be no devils ruling.

  • Neither the wicked running amuck, nor evil spirits disturbing.

  • What a happy life mankind will live! (Amen! Yes.)

  • There would be no more sorrow, tears, or pain. (Yes. Amen!)

  • Why is this world so evil and dark?

  • Because it's the devils that rule.

  • Those in power all deny God and resist Him.

  • How could this world not be evil and dark?

  • Yes.

  • Especially when God incarnate comes to do the work of judgment in the last days,

  • the great red dragon and religious leaders

  • extremely resist and condemn God's work. (Yes.)

  • Corrupt mankind adores evil. Not many people take heed of God's work.

  • So God sends down great disasters to destroy this evil and licentious age.

  • Yes.

  • Especially the CCP, it openly opposes and condemns Almighty God,

  • and even contends with God.

  • How could such a country avoid being cursed by God and destroyed first? (Amen.)

  • They will be destroyed.

  • Look at China! The disasters are getting more serious.

  • Obviously, it's God's curse and punishment. (Right!)

  • It is retribution!

  • The saying goes,

  • "Virtue has its rewards, evil its pain. God's mill grinds slow but sure."

  • It is true indeed. (Right. That's true!)

  • All the brood of Satan

  • are bound to be destroyed by the great disasters of the last days.

  • Then, the kingdom of Christ will be completely realized on earth. (Amen.)

  • This just fulfills the prophecy in Revelation.

  • Amen.

  • Thus, a bright and righteous age will appear on the earth. (Amen!)

  • Most importantly,

  • there will be neither Satan's disturbance nor evil spirits' working.

  • Man will all submit to God, and there'll be no more curses or disasters!

  • Right. Yes. Amen!

  • If humanity obeys and worships God with God's care and protection, (It is!)

  • it really is a blessed mankind. (Amen!)

  • And the kingdom of heaven will have descended on the earth. (Amen!)

  • So wonderful is the life in the kingdom!

  • We born in the last days are fortunate to see God's appearance,

  • accept His judgment and purification, and be made overcomers by Him

  • to enjoy the wonderful blessing God prepares for us.

  • What a great blessing! (Amen!)

  • This is really a golden opportunity! (Amen! Praise the Lord!)

  • Today, hearing your fellowship, I fully understand (Yes. Amen.)

  • God's work of judgment in the last days is very necessary!

  • If man is not judged and purified in the last days,

  • he can't attain sanctity, (Amen! Yes.)

  • nor be qualified to enter God's kingdom. (Amen.)

  • In the past, I didn't know God's work.

  • So I thought since the Lord Jesus had forgiven us of all our sins,

  • as long as I gave up everything and worked hard for the Lord,

  • He would surely take me into the kingdom of heaven when He comes.

  • Faced with Almighty God's work in the last days, not only did I not seek out,

  • but I hindered brothers and sisters from seeking the true way.

  • I did so much evil.

  • I was resisting God!

  • Now I've truly seen clearly

  • I am a hypocritical Pharisee who opposes God.

  • I am really unworthy to live before God!

  • However, God didn't treat me according to my transgressions,

  • but still sent sisters to preach the gospel to me time and again.

  • So I accept God's judgment in the last days

  • and have the hope to be saved and enter the kingdom of heaven.

  • Thanks be to God. Amen.

  • Otherwise, when God comes upon a cloud publicly,

  • people as disobedient and rebellious to God as me

  • could only fall into the disaster to be punished.

  • How can I have the opportunity to enter the kingdom of God? (Amen.)

  • Thank Almighty God for awakening me from the dream. (Amen.)

  • So I hear God's voice and am raptured before God's throne. (Amen.)

  • I can accept His judgment and purification face to face.

  • This is God's special mercy and grace. (Amen.)

  • It's God's full love for me!

  • Amen. Thanks be to God!

If we want to enter the kingdom of heaven,


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新福音電影|揭開天國神祕面紗 "夢醒時分" (New Gospel Movie | Disclose the Mystery of Kingdom of Heaven "Awakening From the Dream")

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    shirley 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日