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  • [Interviewer] Can you begin by telling us why this job is important to you

  • and what you hope to get out of it?

  • Well, first of all, I'm just fantastically excited to be here today - my first day.

  • It's been a long time coming, it's been many exams and training to get here,

  • and I'm hugely excited to be joining a very professional bunch of guys and girls

  • doing a unique and complex job with the air ambulance.

  • It's a sort of follow on from where I was with the military with search and rescue,

  • with many of the same sorts of skills and, in essence, a similar type of job.

  • It just follows on from search and rescue to here, so it's a natural progression.

  • But equally doing a job like this is worthwhile, valuable,

  • and to me there's an element of duty about it.

  • I'm really keen to be involved with the guys and the girls, doing a complex, professional job,

  • and it was really important for me to be able to do that.

  • [Interviewer] One of the compliments paid of your grandmother is that she has a very pronounced sense of duty.

  • [Interviewer] Do you think you've inherited that? After all, you didn't have to come and do this?

  • I hope I've got that sense of duty.

  • She's a lot more practiced at it and she's shown it a lot more resolutely and honestly than I have.

  • As much as this is duty, this is an important point - or an important area - for me to be involved in.

  • It's continuing on my training and my career in the aviation world

  • and for me it's also really important to be grounded.

  • I feel doing a job like this really helps with grounding the core of what I'm trying to become.

  • [Interviewer] What is that? What are you trying to become?

  • It's a very good question! [Laughter]

  • I think just trying to be a good guy, just trying to what you can,

  • and trying to be a decent individual, thoughtful - all those sorts of things -

  • qualities in people that you would want to be associated with.

  • [Interviewer] You've done your training. Are you mentally prepared for some of the things that you'll have to face?

  • [Interviewer] Those difficult and traumatic things that you'll come across in this job?

  • Nothing ever prepares you that well for what you're going to see and some of the incidences.

  • But having done search and rescue before, I've seen a lot of that already

  • and when you're working with a team, you help each other out and talk about it

  • and you get through it that way. So it's very important to talk about it.

  • [Interviewer] Given your destiny, given your birth right, are you slightly envious of your new colleagues

  • [Interviewer] who can make a career of this job, whereas you know you can only do it for a couple of years?

  • Well, there's nothing to say I couldn't do it for the rest of my life!

  • I might be able to, I can still balance the two.

  • Obviously, at some point there's probably going to be a lot more pressure and responsibility

  • from the other side of my life.

  • At the moment I'm juggling the two of them with a young family,

  • and I'm enjoying it and I like the challenge.

  • But, yes, inevitably down the line things will probably become a little bit more difficult for me.

  • But while I'm still relatively young, I can manage the two jobs as best I can.

  • [Interviewer] What do you say to those people who say it's all very well for you to be doing this

  • [Interviewer] good and valuable and fulfilling role personally,

  • [Interviewer] but what you're actually doing is just delaying the inevitable and putting

  • [Interviewer] off the moment when you should commit to a more full-time royal role?

  • Well, I think the term 'full-time royal role' is banded about quite a lot and no one actually

  • knows what it means.

  • I think I can still manage to do my commitments and my responsibilities as well as I can.

  • The Queen is still very active and is still showing incredible leadership.

  • My father is doing many, many engagements, as are the rest of the family.

  • There's a lot being done by the Royal Family around the country

  • and I hope to still be a part of that and do as much as I can

  • but equally do something I think is incredibly important and that will put me in good stead

  • for the future.

  • [Interviewer] In the Spring, you said that having a second child would be a game changer.

  • [Interviewer] How has that game changed since you brought Charlotte home?

  • It's been obviously fantastic and she's been a little joy of heaven.

  • At the same time, it's more responsibility looking after two little ones,

  • especially when George is around as he's a little monkey!

  • It's fantastic having a lovely little family and I'm so thrilled

  • and Catherine's been doing an amazing job as a mother and I'm very proud of her.

  • [Interviewer] Difficult to leave them every morning now?

  • No more difficult than everyone else has to do.

  • [Interviewer] And you have a boy and a girl, it's a nice balance.

  • [Interviewer] Does that make the decision about perhaps having a third child more difficult?

  • [Laughter] We've only just had the second one!

  • You never know what's going to happen in the future.

[Interviewer] Can you begin by telling us why this job is important to you


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A2 初級 英國腔

威廉王子談工作、皇家職責和家庭生活 (Prince William On Work, Royal Duties And Family Life)

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    Townsend Tong 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日