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The Internet gives us the freedom, to talk with friends, make art,
網際網路帶給我們自由 我們能藉由網路,以前所未有的規模
start a business or speak out against our governments, all on an unprecedented scale.
與人社交、創作藝術、開啟事業 以及針砭我們的政府
This isn't a coincidence.
The Internet’s design came out of open inclusive discussions
網際網路 原本就是從全球的科學家與工程師社群
by a global community of scientists and engineers,
so there was no pressure from above to lock it down.
But now a government controlled international body is making a play
但是 現在有個由政府掌控的國際機構
to become the new place where the Internet’s future gets decided.
想改變遊戲規則 並藉以在網際網路的未來中扮演舉足輕重的角色
It's called the International Telecommunication Union (or ITU).
這個機構叫做「國際電信聯盟(International Telecommunication Union)」 簡稱「國際電聯(ITU)」
And in December the worlds governments will meet, to decide whether to
ITU 將在今年十二月 廣邀世界各國政府召開一場會議
expand its mandate to making important decisions about the net.
這場會議將會決定 政府是否有必要將網際網路納入其政策的影響範圍中
The ITU could pose a risk to freedom of expression on-line everywhere.
ITU 指出 網路上開放的言論自由可能會帶來風險
Here's why. First the basics.
Nobody owns the Internet.
但是首先有件事該講清楚 那就是「沒有人能夠擁有網際網路」
It's a collection of independent networks around the world. Anybody can build one.
它是世界各地網路的集合體 任何人都可以自己蓋一個網際網路出來
The common standards on which the Internet was build grew out of open on-line discussions,
網際網路發展的指標 是基於開放性的線上交流
not on the priorities of a particular government or company.
But now let's meet the ITU!
所以現在我們要跟 ITU 槓上了
First the ITU is old. Really old. Not CDs old, not rotary phone old,
首先,ITU 已經過時了 相當過時,不是像 CD 或轉盤式電話那樣
telegraph old, as in Morse code.
而是像電報一樣過時 還是用摩斯密碼打的那種
When founded in 1865 it was called the International Telegraph Union.
當它於 1865 年創建時 叫做「國際電報聯盟( International Telegraph Union)」
Unlike the Internet the ITU was not build on open discussion among scientists and engineers.
與網際網路不同的是 ITU 的決策並不是立基於科學家和工程師之間的公開交流
Instead only governments have a vote at the ITU.
And these votes take place behind closed doors.
If governments succeed in giving the ITU more power to make decisions about the Internet, we get
如果各國政府給 ITU 更多的權力 讓 ITU 能對網際網路比手畫腳的話
an old-school, top-down, government centric organisation
我們就會回到「由上而下」 以政府為主的傳統統治模式
replacing the open bottom-up governance
而不是現在「由下而上」 以人民為主的監督治理模式
that made the Internet so world-changing.
And that's just the beginning of our problems.
The ITU is not transparent.
ITU 的運作並不是透明的
The ITU's draft proposals aren't public, and its "one country - one vote" model gives governments all the power.
ITU 提出的草案並不公開,而「一國一票」的制度 代表各國政府能完全代表其國民做出決定
They get to make decisions about our Internet, without us even knowing what they're discussing,
這些關起門來投票的人 甚至不了解我們在網路上到底在做些什麼 就想代替我們來決定該用網路做什麼
and then tell us, once the decision is made.
等所有的規則都訂好了 再叫我們遵守
What kinds of decisions will be considered at the ITU meeting this December?
那麼 ITU 會在預訂於今年十二月舉行的會議上 提出哪些決策來表決呢?
Well, here's some actual proposals that have leaked:
cutting of Internet access for a number of broadly defined reasons;
violating international human rights norms;
giving governments more power to monitor Internet traffic and impose regulations on how traffic is sent;
賦予各國政府更多的權力 以監測與控管網際網路的流量;
defining Spam so broadly that they could justify blocking anything
可以擴大 spam 的定義 藉此合法地阻擋任何東西
from photos of cute cats to human rights campaigns.
包括可愛貓咪的照片 到人權運動的紀錄
And new rules to charge online content providers to reach users,
針對線上內容供應商的新條款 藉以約束使用者
which could mean less content going to the developing world, and blocking sites that don't pay up.
這可能會提高開發中國家從網路上得到資源的門檻 並把那些負擔不起費用的網站擋在門外
But the really scary part: the countries pushing hardest for ITU control
但真正讓人害怕的是: 那些最大力支持 ITU 的國家
are the same countries that aggressively censor the Internet.
In Russia, making a YouTube video against the government can get you two years in jail.
在俄羅斯,上傳一則反對政府的短片到 YouTube 可以讓你吃兩年牢飯
In China you can't even get to most social media websites.
在中國,你甚至無法連上主流的社交媒體網站 (譯按:如 Facebook 和 Twitter 等)
And Iran is trying to build its own national Internet and email network, to keep the entire population under its control.
伊朗目前正試圖建立自己的網際網路和電子郵件網路系統 以確保能完全支配國內的所有民眾
Now the ITU also does good work:
現在 ITU 正在推動這些事:
They help the developing world establish telecommunication networks and expand high speed broadband connections.
他們協助開發中國家建立電信網路 以及擴展高速寬頻連線
And existing Internet governance isn't perfect.
的確 現有的網路治理模式並不完美
The US has out-sized influence and authority when it comes to this.
在美國,網路的影響力和權威性 已經超過它應有的範圍
But we need to fix these problems in a way that preserves
但我們仍然可以保留它 並修正這些缺點
the openness, pragmatism and bottom-up governance,
開放、 務實,和由下而上的治理
that made the Internet so great.
This December our governments meet to make their final decisions about the Internet’s future.
今年十二月,我們的政府會聚集在一起 投票決定網際網路的未來
It's up to us Internet users, in every country of the world,
這取決於我們自己 取決於世界各地的網際網路使用者
to tell them: to stand for the open Internet.
告訴你們的政府,告訴他們: 堅持開放網路的立場
If everyone who sees this video speaks out and contacts their government, we've got a chance of winning.
如果每個看到這段影片的人 都能向他們的政府表明自己的立場 我們就有扭轉局面的機會
Help us share this video
and visit this site to speak out
and contact your government right now!
Let's use the Internet’s global reach to save it!
讓我們藉由網際網路匯聚全世界的聲音 讓網際網路能藉由我們的力量來保護它本身
Tell your leaders to oppose handing over key decisions about the Internet to the ITU.
告訴你們國家的領導人 你們反對把與網際網路有關的政策交給 ITU 來處理