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Hi, I'm Ashley Borden. Welcome to Perfect Form, you guys. You guys, I'm so excited.
I'm finally gonna be showing you how to do a full-body rollout. I know I always have
this roller in every single video. This is my whole guide that I have available for you
guys to download for free on my website, Ashleyborden.com. So, I'm gonna take you through all the moves.
You're gonna do this for a time -- what feels good for you. So I'm just gonna show you each
body part, but you can spend as much time or as little time on each body part that feels
good. Alright? So let's get started. We're gonna start with your quads. And you're gonna
start right in the middle of your legs, okay? On your forearms. And you're gonna roll from
the top of the hip to the top of the knee, alright? So as you do this, you wanna make
sure that you're keeping your bellybutton pulled in, keeping your core tight. And you're
gonna do this guy with your feet straight. You're gonna do it with your feet turned out,
okay? And then you're gonna go pigeon-toed feet. When you feel a sticking point, put
the toes down, bend and extend the leg that you feel that little knot. And then move down,
bend and extend, and then you're gonna keep on rolling. Alright? So those are your quads.
And now let's move to your IT band. So you're IT band starts up in here, moves all the way
down by the knee. A lot of times, people who feel knee pain, or if you're feeling really
tight in your hips, IT band is great. You're gonna start right in the middle of the leg,
and I want you to base yourself on your forearm. And you're gonna roll side, up and down. Again,
you wanna make sure your core stays tight. Alright, now, if you don't feel this -- if
you've been rolling out for a while -- double stack the legs. And you can go forward and
back that way. Same idea: When you hit a sticking point, foot goes down, bend and extend the
leg where you feel that little knot, and then move up or down on that. Bend and extend,
and keep on rolling. And, again, you're gonna do both sides of all of this, but I'm gonna
show you guys one side as we go. Alright, so those are your IT bands. And now we're
gonna move to your TFL. So your TFL is right along this side. You can feel it when lay
down and move your foot side to side. It, for some people, it feels like it's a very
high, tight muscle near the top of the hip. So same position, you're gonna be on your
quads, right? You're gonna be on the quad. You're gonna turn your body slightly to the
side. And you'll feel it. When you hit it -- I'm turning this way to the side -- it's
right up at the top, and you're just gonna do that little guy right there. I kinda call
it the "angry lion" because it hurts, but it's so good. It really releases a lot of
that tension in the quads, into your glutes, okay? And then the other side, you're gonna
angle, and up and down right on that guy. Ooh, that feels good. Alright, same thing:
When you feel something that feels sticking when you're doing it, you can stop, bend and
extend the leg and then little rollout. And then, again, you can go back and do the whole
leg in between. Okay, so that's your TFL. And now let's move to your inner thigh. So
inner thigh: The position of the roller is super important for you to get the pressure
on your leg. You're gonna start where you're on your tummy, and you wanna bring the roller
so it's about at chest level, alright? You're gonna turn the roller away from you and then
you're gonna throw a leg over it, alright? So you need that angle. If the angle is the
opposite direction, you won't be able to get your foot on there. So we're gonna angle to
the side. You're gonna go on your forearms so you have that pressure. And notice I'm
using my back toe to base myself, and then I'm gonna roll all the way from your insertion
point at your groin to the knee. Now, for some people this feels very uncomfortable
and painful. As you rollout and you keep on doing it, it becomes less and less painful,
and then sometimes you actually need like a harder surface for you to feel it. Alright,
so same thing: As I roll, it's also going to be a lot more sensitive closer to the knee.
When I feel a sticking point, I hold, I extend through my heel, and I bend. Extend and bend.
You wanna kinda shut off this leg as you're doing it, as you're going, okay? So that's
the inner thigh, and again, you're gonna do both sides, alright? Next, we're gonna move
to your piriformis, which is also piriformis-glute-hip area up here. Alright, you're gonna sit back,
hands back like I'm kinda sitting on a park bench. You're gonna cross your leg over like
a cowboy, so not like a lady, alright? And then you're gonna drop the knee down. When
you drop that knee down and you're going forward and back, you will feel when you're on it,
alright? Because it'll kinda feel like, "Whew! Alright, I feel it." That's your piriformis.
This guy, especially when you sit all day, gets super tight and then ig shuts off your
glutes. So then you fee like: "How come when I exercise I can't feel my bum?" This is why.
So you really wanna make sure you rollout your glute, rollout your piriformis. Okay,
again, you can also extend the leg, turn it off, like, keep it like a dead leg, and then
roll up and down if that feels more comfortable for you, alright? And, again, you're gonna
do both sides. And you choose how long you wanna do on the spots of your body that feel
the tightest. Okay, so we did your piriformis. Now we're gonna move to your hamstrings. You're
gonna bring the roller underneath you, alright? Now, again, some people don't feel this because
either your muscles are too dense or you might have been rolling for a while and the foam
isn't gonna be enough. So I like to sometimes use a foam roller and maybe a PVC pipe, so
I can switch whichever body part I need have more intense service so I can feel it. This
guy, I would probably use a PVC pipe, but I'm gonna keep it consistent with this. So,
legs: You're gonna base yourself up, and you're gonna go from the tush to the bottom of the
knee, okay? You don't wanna rollover your joints, ever. Forward and back. And if you
can't feel this and you need a little bit more tension and need more pressure, cross
one leg over, and you can go back and forth, okay? Also, you can kinda stay on that guy,
rotate forward and back, you can do it with both legs, move up, forward and back. And
make sure that when you're doing this you're actually, like, using the core. It's like
you're doing an exercise as you're rolling. I don't want you to feel like you're just
sitting into your shoulders. Always be really aware of your posture in every position that
you're in, alright? So this is hammies, your hamstrings. And, again, you spend the time
on what feels the most comfortable for you. Alright, so now you're gonna move to your
calves. You're gonna bring the roller all the way out, okay? And when you base yourself
with your calves, you wanna start down by the achilles. So start at the bottom. You're
gonna cross your top foot over for pressure, and then you're gonna rotate side to side,
okay? When you feel a sticking point, again, when you feel something painful and you're
like, "Oh my gosh, that's tight!", hold, and you're gonna do a big circle with your bottom
foot like you're drawing a big, big circle with your pinky toe one way, and then big
circle the other way, alright? And then you're gonna move up on your calf. Same thing, rotate
side to side. Use that top leg for pressure, alright? And then when you hit a sticking
point, big circle with your bottom foot both ways. And then, of course, you're gonna do
the other side same thing. Make sure you do not skip your calves. A lot of woman and men,
sometimes, they're like, "Eh, I don't need to do my calves. My calves aren't that tight."
I hate to remind you guys: It's all connected, alright? So you wanna do the whole body. Make
sure you also do your calves, alright? Next is gonna be your shins. Shins are awesome,
especially for people who are runners, if you're in heels. I feel like most people absolutely
neglect their shins and they get shin splints and they don't know how to correct it. So
this is a great way of getting into that area that's kinda hard to reach. So here's how
you get into the position: You're gonna go hands in front, you're gonna lift the leg
up, and then you're gonna cross the leg over so it's like a 7, alright? And then I'm gonna
keep my hands based in front and I'm gonna go forward and back right on the shin, okay?
And, again, if you can't feel this, you may wanna have a little bit of a denser roller.
But this guy is really good, and I feel it. And you can also use your opposite hand, your
opposite hand for pressure if you need a little bit more. Same thing, you can stop and do
a big circle if you need to, if it feels really tight. Alright? And just finish that guy up.
And again, remember, you're gonna do both sides. So now we're gonna move to your upper
back, and the upper back feels so good, especially if you sit a lot or you're carrying a lot
of heavy stuff. Or kids and babies. So you're gonna start right at the shoulder blade, alright?
The base of your shoulder blades. You're gonna interlace your hand behind -- there's a bone
right at the base of your head -- you're gonna interlace your hands there, so that way you
rest your head in your arms. And you don't wanna hold your neck up because you're gonna
feel a lot tension in the front of your neck. So you just wanna let that head rest, and
you're gonna use your feet to roll from the base of the shoulder blades all the way up
to the top. And as you do this, if you need it deeper, if this isn't enough, bring the
elbows in. You'll feel a deeper massage. And if you need to get a little bit deeper in
between the shoulder blades, angle one elbow up, and then you're gonna roll up and down
on that side. And then, same thing, go back to center. Angle the opposite elbow up, and
you're gonna roll up and down. And that's a great way to get in-between the shoulder
blades, get that upper back and into the shoulders. It should feel so good. Alright, you're gonna
do your upper back as well. And that also helps with getting rid of that kinda back
fat area. So when you're actually doing your lat pulldowns or pulls, you can get a deeper
contraction which also will help your muscles come in more and get a little more defined
as well. Alright, so now we're gonna go into your lats. So you're lat position from there:
You're gonna go on your side. You wanna start at your armpit, okay? You're gonna rest your
head, again, in your hands, so that way you're not holding your neck up, and you're gonna
go forward and back, alright? When you start up by the armpit, you might not feel it as
deeply because it's a little bit -- you've a little bit more tension going on underneath
the armpit and the lat connection. But as you move down, you're gonna move it down in
between your ribs, you'll start to feel it more. And notice when I'm going back, very
important -- when I'm going back, I'm not letting my head roll back. I'm staying forward.
So I feel like, it's kinda like I feel like I have a neck brace on. And go forward and
back in-between the ribcage. And then one more time down, forward and back. And take
your time. I would also say with this guy: For some people who are really sensitive,
use the foam one for in-between your ribs. If you're super muscular and you don't feel
it, then go ahead and use a denser roller. But, again, this one you're gonna do three
spots down on your lat, and then you're gonna go down to the other side. Alright, so now
we're gonna do your triceps. Last one. So, triceps: Same position that I'm in that I
did for my lats. And I'm gonna bring my arm out so I'm starting in the center of my arm,
and I'm gonna base my hand for pressure. If when you're rolling this is too, too intense,
again, you can use your pressure to hold yourself up from it. If you don't feel this, go ahead
and put your head down on your arm and you can roll forward and back. Notice how my palm
is up when I'm rolling, okay? So I'm not forward because that kinda closes off your tricep.
Keep your palm up, keep your fingertips open. Don't clench. And you're gonna roll forward
and back. And, again, if you feel a sticking point, you can bend and extend on that guy.
You can also kind of roll forward and back. You can really kinda get creative with the
rolling, but the one thing you don't want to, again, is you don't wanna go over any
joints. I don't want you to rollout your stomach. And when you're using the density of the roller,
you will feel discomfort, but you don't want it to be so uncomfortable that feel like,
"Oh my gosh, I have to get off this immediately." So you will go through a little bit of discomfort
when you're starting. As you do it more and more, the discomfort will decrease, and then
you'll probably wanna go up to a more harder surface -- a PVC pipe or Rumble Roller or
any of those. Alright guys, so that was your full-body rollout. And, again, you can rollout
before you workout. If you've had a really intense workout and you wanna rollout afterwards,
that's great. You definitely can rollout on days that you don't exercise or at the end
of the day in front of the TV to relax. There's no bad time to do it. But most importantly,
like I always say: I want you to connect to your body.