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  • MICHAEL D. SMITH: This afternoon I have the pleasure

  • of introducing Mark Zuckerberg, which is one of our guest speakers

  • this semester to come and talk a little bit about computer science

  • in the real world.

  • As most of you probably know, as you guys all do this much more

  • than I do, founder of, which is a social networking

  • program, whatever you want to call it.

  • Used at over 2000 schools across the nation, and possibly the world too.

  • Is it the world too, or just the nation?



  • So good influence for doing some things in computer science.

  • He's going to tell us some of the background of it

  • and what's been important and so forth.

  • So please join me in welcoming.


  • All right, cool.

  • This is the first time I've ever had to hold one of these things.

  • So I'm just going to attach it really quickly, one second.

  • All right.

  • Can you hear?

  • Is this good?

  • Is this amplified at all?

  • >> AUDIENCE: Yeah.

  • MARK ZUCKERBERG: All right.

  • Sweet.

  • This is like one of the first times I've been to a lecture at Harvard.

  • I guess what's probably going to be most useful for you guys is if I just

  • take you through some of the courses that I took at Harvard where I actually

  • did go to lecture sometimes.

  • I was joking.

  • And sort of, like, how different decisions

  • that I had to make when I was moving along with Facebook

  • got impacted by different stuff that I was learning in the classes

  • that I was taking.

  • And if all goes according to plan, then maybe some of you guys

  • will come out of this thinking that taking CS or engineering stuff

  • at Harvard is actually sort of useful.

  • So that's the game plan.

  • >> I think that this is slotted for two hours.

  • There's no way I'm going to speak for two hours.

  • I'll probably speak for like 20 minutes, or 15 minutes,

  • and then I'll just let you guys ask questions.

  • Because I'm sure you guys have more interesting stuff

  • to ask me than I could come up with to talk about myself.

  • >> So I guess I'll just kind of get started.

  • When I was here, I started off taking 121.

  • I never actually took 50.

  • You should have gotten the other guy who was

  • doing Facebook, Dustin Moskovitz, who was my roommate.

  • When we got started the site was written in PHP, which isn't something

  • that you learned in one of these classes.

  • But fortunately, if you have a good background in C,

  • the syntax is very similar, and you can pick it up in a day or two.

  • >> So I started writing the site and launched it at Harvard

  • in February 2004.

  • So I guess almost two years ago now.

  • And within a couple of weeks, a few thousand people had signed up.

  • And we started getting some emails from people

  • at other colleges asking for us to launch it at their schools.

  • >> And I was taking 161 at the time.

  • So I don't know if you guys know the reputation of that course,

  • but it was kind of heavy.

  • It was a really fun course, but it didn't leave me with much time

  • to do anything else with Facebook.

  • So my roommate Dustin, who I guess had just finished CS50,

  • was like, hey, I want to help out.

  • I want to do the expansion and help you figure out how to do the stuff.

  • So I was like, you know, that's pretty cool dude,

  • but you don't really know any PHP or anything like that.

  • So that weekend he went home, bought the book Perl for Dummies,

  • came back and was like, alright, I'm ready to go.

  • I was like dude, the site is written in PHP, not Perl, but you know,

  • that's cool.

  • >> So he picked up PHP over a few days because, I

  • promise that if you have a good background in C, then

  • PHP is a very simple thing to pick up.

  • And he just kind of went to work.

  • So I mean, the first big decision that we really had to make

  • was in how to kind of expand the architecture

  • to go from the single school type set up that we had when it was just at Harvard

  • to something that supported multiple schools.

  • >> So this was a decision that had to be made on a bunch of levels,

  • both in the product and how we wanted privacy to work,

  • but I think that one really important decision that's

  • helped us scale pretty well is how we decided to distribute the data.

  • >> So I don't know how much of complexity stuff like big O notation you guys

  • in this class.

  • So I mean, one of the most complicated computations that we do on the site

  • is the computation to tell how you're connected to people.

  • >> Because if you can imagine, that's stored

  • as sort of a series of undirected-- it's not weighted-- so undirected,

  • unweighted pairs of ID numbers of people in the database.

  • Then if you want to figure out who is friends with someone,

  • you have to look at all their friends.

  • Right?

  • So that's maybe like 100 or 200 people.

  • >> But then if you want to figure out who's a friend of a friend,

  • or what the closest connection is there, then you kind of

  • have to look at the 100 or 200 friends of each of those friends.

  • So it becomes at each level there's another factor of n multiplied n, where

  • n is the number of friends that each of your friends has.

  • So you can see that this kind of becomes exponentially

  • difficult to solve for the shortest path between people.

  • So if you're just looking for a friend of a friend, that's n squared.

  • If you're looking for a friend of a friend of a friend, that's n cubed.

  • And that's something that traditionally was

  • pretty difficult for a lot of the predecessor sites to Facebook.

  • And for example Friendster had large problems with this

  • because they were trying to compute paths six degrees out,

  • or like seven degrees out.

  • >> And that's something that when you're doing like n seventh,

  • that just is really very hard and it took down their site for a while.

  • So one of things that we kind of had in mind when we were figuring out

  • how to do this was how do you distribute the database in such a way

  • that this computation becomes manageable.

  • >> So what we decided was that everyone on the site

  • does most of their activity at the school that they're kind of based at.

  • So if you're at Harvard, then most of the people

  • who you're going to be seeing and transacting with on the site

  • are going to be at Harvard.

  • It's actually probably like 90% of the stuff that you do on the site.

  • >> So we decided to split up the databases and create

  • one instance of MySQL database for each school in the network.

  • And in doing that, if you notice the paths that we compute

  • are only within the school.

  • So instead of say, like now we're at six million users,

  • and instead of having to do n cubed over some portion of six million,

  • it's just n cubed over 10,000, which is a much more

  • manageable type of computation.

  • >> So that was sort of the first big architectural decision

  • that we had to make that contributed to us not dying a few months later.

  • And it was probably a pretty important one.

  • >> So when we first set up the site we had just one computer that we were running.

  • It wasn't in our dorm room.

  • We were renting it.

  • I kind of learned my lesson for trying to run a site out of my dorm

  • room a few months earlier, and Harvard almost tried to kick me out.

  • >> So I ended up renting a server off site this time.

  • And I guess running originally the database and the web server.

  • So Apache is what we were using in this instance

  • to serve the pages from the same machine.

  • And because we distributed the databases in the way that we did,

  • we were able to, as time went on, just add more machines linearly and sort of

  • grow the site without having any kind of exponential expansion

  • on the amount of machinery that we had.

  • >> But after we hit about like 30 or 50 schools,

  • we started realizing that we could start getting more performance out

  • of MySQL or Apache.

  • Some of the way that stuff was set up just wasn't as optimal as it could.

  • >> So for example, when you have MySQL machines and Apache

  • running on the same server, then if something happens to that server,

  • then not only does the database for that school or the schools

  • on that server just stop kind of responding

  • in a way that will get you anything useful,

  • but you can't even load any web pages.

  • So you get page not founds.

  • And that kind of sucks.

  • >> But another issue is that the variance and the use from school to schools

  • is also not going to be perfect.

  • So some schools are always going to have heavier use.

  • We have schools now like Penn State that have 50,000 users.

  • And then the majority of the schools still have less than 2000 users.

  • Because there's a lot of small schools and a lot of schools

  • that don't have complete ubiquity.

  • >> So in trying to deal with this issue and make it

  • so that you could deal with the fact that Penn State had

  • 50,000 people and just a ton of users all the time,

  • and then you have some schools that don't, what we decided to do

  • is separate out some of the web servers from the database servers.

  • And make it so that we just had a pool of Apache web servers

  • that we could load balance between.

  • And make it so that you can use those uniformly

  • while just having the database layer be sort of consistent.

  • >> So I don't know if this stuff is interesting to you guys at all.

  • Or if this is anything that matters to what you guys are studying now.

  • So if there's more stuff that you guys would rather

  • know about in terms of the architecture, then I'll leave that open to questions

  • later.

  • So I don't spend a lot of time just talking about random applications

  • that you guys might not ever care to use.

  • >> Let me try to find some interesting examples.

  • So I mean, I guess one of the things that was pretty interesting

  • was when we got to a point in terms of traffic

  • where we started maxing out the performance of some

  • of these open source applications that are generally pretty performant.

  • >> So for example, MySQL is a really good open source database.

  • I don't know if any of you guys sort of in your own time mess

  • around and make anything with MySQL or have used it in any way.

  • But it's pretty easy to use.

  • It's also decently quick.

  • Indices work pretty well.

  • It's not as fully featured as something like Oracle, but it's pretty good.

  • >> And we got to a point where, I think around

  • when we started doing like maybe 100 million pages a day,

  • that we started running into some bottlenecks on that.

  • So for example, a typical query on MySQL might take two to four milliseconds.

  • And that's not that much.

  • But when you're doing 100 billion page views a day,

  • and each page view might have 30 to 50 queries,

  • especially if you're doing something like a profile view that

  • queries all kinds of different information, then that starts to suck.

  • >> So we started to develop a caching layer that

  • allowed quicker access to some of the information.

  • And originally we were using another open source application Memcache,

  • which I don't know if any of you guys have any experience with that.

  • But it was pretty quick.

  • It got access times down to I guess the 0.3

  • to 0.5 milliseconds, which is pretty good.

  • >> But it also has a bunch of distribution issues.

  • It's supposed to be a distributed hash table sort of application,

  • where you can just attach any number of Memcache boxes in a cluster

  • and be able to hook it up and have it go.

  • But we ran into a lot of issues there where

  • different Memcache boxes would go down.

  • And there was no redundancy on the information.

  • So when a Memcache box went down and you had a cache miss,

  • then all of a sudden you had a lot more traffic

  • going to a specific set of databases.

  • And that would suck.

  • >> So as time went on, we even outgrew Memcache and the indices on MySQL.

  • We still use that stuff.

  • But we had to build on top of that extra redundancy.

  • And I think that's something that's probably maybe a little interesting.

  • But I'll let you guys ask me more questions about that later.

  • >> I'm not really sure what would be interesting to talk about right now.

  • Maybe you guys could help out a little?

  • Go for it.

  • >> AUDIENCE: I'm curious about, thinking of [INAUDIBLE]

  • going into an online business like this, how you felt the atmosphere was

  • with big players all bringing it to market and other big players

  • who you thought might [INAUDIBLE] to mark,

  • or what your experience was with that.

  • I'd be interested, just on a technical side, [INAUDIBLE] just ramping

  • up and technically how you [INAUDIBLE].

  • >> MARK ZUCKERBERG: Yeah, so that's not a technical question at all.

  • But I guess I'll just like go into question time now.

  • Because I'm not really sure what's relevant stuff for me to be discussing.

  • So I'll just answer this.

  • Then anyone else who wants to ask me questions can just go for that.

  • >> I guess I'd never really spent a lot of time worrying about stuff like-- I

  • mean, there are companies out there like Google

  • that could just get into your space and do whatever you want at any time.

  • And I think one of the cool things about this time in technology

  • is that individuals are leveraged and able to do way more than they've really

  • ever been able to do before.

  • >> And even four years ago when Google was started,

  • now they have hundreds of thousands of machines

  • and probably billions of dollars spent on equipment.

  • I think the generation before Google, you couldn't even

  • make a site without some big piece of hardware.

  • I think eBay, for example, ran off of two $50,000 machines.

  • You just can't start doing that if you're just a kid in a dorm room.

  • >> So I think the fact that we could rent machines for $100 a month

  • and use that to scale up to a point where we had 300,000 users

  • is pretty cool.

  • It's a pretty unique thing that that's going on in technology right now.

  • It makes it so that instead of worrying about who is the big player

  • and what is Google going to do next, you can do more of-- you

  • can just get a lot of stuff done.

  • >> And instead of having to go out and have some of the traditional business

  • problems, like you have to raise capital before you can make anything,

  • that's no longer an issue.

  • So you're leveraged to do a lot more on your own now.

  • I don't know if that answers the question that you're asking.

  • >> But I mean, it's one of the reasons why I think that, at this point,

  • it makes a lot of sense to be studying this stuff.

  • Because at no point in the past could you leverage such a small amount

  • of money to get powerful enough technology

  • to really touch people in the way that you can today.

  • Google does about 250 million pages views a day.

  • They have hundreds of thousands of machines and 5,000 employees.

  • >> Facebook does 400 million page views a day.

  • That's a lot more than Google does.

  • And we have hundreds of machines.

  • And we just passed 50 employees.

  • And that's just a technical generation of three or four

  • years in the architectures that were created.

  • >> And then you go three or four years back before that from like eBay to Google,

  • and it's just completely different.

  • Because at least Google is running off of a lot of distributed equipment

  • that they have hundreds of thousands of machines,

  • but the idea there was to get a lot of shitty machines that are really cheap.

  • I mean, that's a big step up.

  • >> Because then it's like, OK, that's more redundant.

  • They're not losing information.

  • They don't expect stuff to always work.

  • It's a much more mature attitude than eBay's, which

  • was the only thing that they could do at the time.

  • >> AUDIENCE: I have a question about the DHT stuff.

  • >> MARK ZUCKERBERG: The what?

  • AUDIENCE: The Distributed Hash Table stuff.

  • MARK ZUCKERBERG: Yeah, which one?

  • AUDIENCE: I was just wondering if you [INAUDIBLE]

  • all your extensions for Memcache, because one thing I've noticed

  • is that, yeah, there aren't really good available libraries for DHT stuff.

  • There's all this wonderful research, but in terms

  • of implementations that actually deal with all the redundancy issues and all

  • those things--

  • >> MARK ZUCKERBERG: Yeah, a lot of the stuff-- we

  • didn't necessarily extend Memcache.

  • We built a bunch of stuff ourselves.

  • Right now, it's not open source.

  • We considered doing it.

  • And I mean, there's a lot of work that goes into making stuff open source.

  • And it's on top of whether or not you want to lose the competitive advantage.

  • It's kind of unfortunate.

  • >> Because I think that if it we were just easier to make something like that,

  • then you could do it.

  • You could just release the code.

  • But then there's a lot of support and licensing and all that stuff.

  • We found that it's been annoying.

  • >> One of the things that we actually considered making open source

  • was this search server that actually that guy sitting right there

  • made while he was still out in California.

  • And I guess we got to a point where MySQL was lagging a little on some

  • of the searches that we were trying to do.

  • And we decided that it would be a cool thing

  • to do to make a series of distributed machines

  • that could-- he doesn't use a hash table.

  • What's the structure that you use, McCollum?


  • MARK ZUCKERBERG: So, yeah, we thought about making that open.

  • But that's when we kind of had to do all this work to come up with a license.

  • And we're just like, all right, screw that.

  • Yo.

  • >> AUDIENCE: What do you spend most of your work time doing these days?

  • >> MARK ZUCKERBERG: Hiring people.

  • I guess when, as you grow, the most important thing

  • is to have smart people.

  • If you think about how, the technical leverage stuff that I was talking about

  • in answering that guy's question, as technology becomes

  • more generic and less expensive, the leverage point

  • becomes more in the people.

  • So if you think about this from a perspective

  • of a person to people time spent or user time spent, or page view

  • analysis, because of technology now, people

  • are much more leveraged to do more things

  • and be more important in the equation.

  • >> Because of that, it's really important to get the most intelligent people.

  • And also, I mean, when you're a small company, you can be really nimble

  • and get a lot of stuff done.

  • And there's relatively little bureaucracy.

  • So if you have smart people who can take advantage of that to build cool things,

  • then that's awesome.

  • >> I guess, besides that, designing new things.

  • There's not much corporate bureaucracy yet.

  • So I don't have to waste much time on that.

  • Keep on going?

  • >> AUDIENCE: Yeah, how much have you spoken and consulted with lawyers so far?

  • >> MARK ZUCKERBERG: I have a lawyer who works for me full-time.

  • >> AUDIENCE: OK, it is a big part of running a business?

  • Would you recommend working on [INAUDIBLE] early on?

  • >> MARK ZUCKERBERG: We didn't.

  • And that, I guess, provided some annoyance later on.

  • Getting stuff set up really well is good.

  • Getting stuff clean is really good.

  • >> And, I mean, no one's ever going to tell you a lawyer is bad.

  • It's all just a question of opportunity cost and what you prioritize.

  • I guess that, in our case, we now have to deal with a bunch of stuff that

  • wasn't set up properly in the beginning.

  • Most of the stuff is dealt with.

  • It's not even a big deal anymore.

  • >> But instead of talking to lawyers early on, we were making stuff.

  • And I think that that was probably the right use of our time.

  • I think that one cool characteristic of a lot of the companies that end up

  • being really successful, not that we are really successful,

  • but I guess we also fall into this bucket,

  • is that they started off as someone trying to make something

  • cool and not someone trying to make a company.

  • You kind of have-- Google came out of Larry and Sergey's PhD Dissertation

  • at Stanford, and Yahoo came out of just, I guess, also some Stanford guys

  • just kind of screwing around in their dorm room.

  • And eBay came out of some guy trying to build a marketplace for his girlfriend

  • to exchange PEZ dispensers.

  • Amazon was a little more calculated.

  • >> So I can't imagine that any of those people really had that much advice,

  • and it seems to have worked out OK for them.

  • But, I mean, at the same time I'm not going to sit here

  • and tell you not to get advice on stuff.

  • And a lot of times people are just too careful, too.

  • I think it's more useful to make things happen and then apologize later

  • than it is to make sure that you dot all your I's eyes now and then

  • just not get stuff done.

  • Yeah.

  • Go for it.

  • >> AUDIENCE: When do you think that Facebook will reach the point where

  • it could become that big company [INAUDIBLE] new idea, [INAUDIBLE]?

  • Do you think it will reach that point any time soon?

  • How would you keep it from [INAUDIBLE]?

  • >> MARK ZUCKERBERG: Well, I mean, I think that-- I

  • think you're kind of always at that point.

  • I mean, most companies are started on like a couple of ideas,

  • and those are a few things that they do well.

  • So, I mean, Yahoo's was like we're going to organize all this information

  • in the world like by directory.

  • And that was what they started off doing,

  • and then they kind of diversified out as time went on and built more stuff.

  • And a lot of that stuff is like the core of their business now.

  • I mean, it's like they didn't originally do search.

  • And now directory just doesn't exist.

  • It sucks.

  • There's no utility for it.

  • >> I mean, Google's big thing was just like they did PageRank.

  • And then, I guess, out of PageRank, they have search.

  • And now they kind of extend that to do other similar type of algorithms,

  • searching in other spaces.

  • But, I mean, you can kind of tell how all the other stuff that they're doing

  • is sort of tangential.

  • And it's like they're trying really hard to make PageRank

  • and other types of algorithms that are very

  • similar to that work in their spaces, and it's just not as elegant

  • or pure of an idea as the original one was.

  • >> So in Facebook, for example, when it just got started,

  • what I thought was the most interesting thing was just

  • to be able to type in someone's name and find out information about them.

  • And there was hardly any of the stuff that was there now.

  • There was no groups.

  • There was no messages even.

  • There was poking.

  • >> Yeah.

  • I mean, so it's like you kind of get started on some kind of core idea.

  • And generally, the company will do well, because I

  • guess the people who are starting off working on that core idea

  • kind of understand that single core idea in some sort of unique way.

  • But that doesn't imply that they have any better understanding of anything

  • else, than anyone else.

  • So that's why surrounding yourself with a lot of smart people

  • is really important.

  • >> AUDIENCE: What was-- was there any sort of model

  • that was [INAUDIBLE] photo features [INAUDIBLE] on Facebook?

  • Was there any sort of [INAUDIBLE]?

  • MARK ZUCKERBERG: I mean, there's a lot of applications on the internet

  • now that do that stuff.

  • So, I mean, Flickr's a pretty photo application.

  • Although I think in three weeks we passed them in the number of photos

  • that we had on our site.

  • I mean, I think that the coolest thing about photos

  • is that you can tag them and the way that

  • makes them link to people's profiles.

  • And I think that that's something that you can really

  • only do if you have the context of everyone around you on the site.

  • That kind of requires the ubiquity of usage.

  • So I don't know if any of the other guys would have done that if they have that

  • kind of use, but they didn't.

  • >> I don't know.

  • Don't any of you guys have any CS questions?

  • >> AUDIENCE: I'm curious.

  • How do you decide as you're moving forward with the company

  • to pursue a technology or not pursue a technology?

  • MARK ZUCKERBERG: What's an idea?

  • What's in the example?

  • >> AUDIENCE: Well, I actually don't know much about Facebook.

  • What's the next thing you want to do with pictures

  • and linking people together?

  • How do you know about figure out which technologies are good ones?

  • How do you mine to find technology?

  • Do you have any processes in place today that

  • are directed towards those sorts of things,

  • or does technology just come into the company

  • because you're out someplace and somebody

  • mentioned something you might want to do in terms of Facebook?

  • >> MARK ZUCKERBERG: So I think that our process for filtering what technologies

  • to use are trust the smart people.

  • So we definitely have some people at the company who are just really smart,

  • and I think that most of the people at the company are generally pretty smart.

  • >> But there area a few guys in particular-- I'm

  • not one of them-- who I think that when they say that something is a generally

  • good practice to go at it, then it's relatively-- then

  • they can get support for that pretty easily.

  • And I think that a lot of the engineers sort of build a consensus around that.

  • I'm trying to think of a good example.

  • >> I think it's somewhat goal oriented.

  • So then with photos, we knew that we wanted

  • to support just people uploading unlimited photos.

  • So, I mean, there's no real concept of unlimited.

  • It's just you have to keep on adding stuff, keep on adding storage.

  • And you want to make it so that it kind of works as seamlessly as possible.

  • So the first thing that we were trying to do

  • is, well, let's evaluate these companies that

  • just do large storage for a living.

  • Or it's like NetApp or something, Network Appliance.

  • So we talk to them for a while.

  • And then we're like, all right.

  • Well, we don't really want to go with this single, big box approach.

  • We want to go with having just a series of distributed smaller

  • boxes with a lot of hard drive and a lot of RAM.

  • >> And so I think that the architecture that we first built

  • was one where we had a bunch of those machines

  • with relatively slow but very stable disk behind a level of-- a layer

  • of caching boxes with a ton of RAM that could hold most of the thumbnails

  • and the most frequently accessed images in-- I guess in RAM at any time.

  • And then right before we launched, it occurred to us

  • that we were going to have some issues with this.

  • And the issues that we were going to have

  • were going to be network issues, not hardware issues.

  • >> So, for example, if you take a photo album of 30 photos

  • and each of your photos is three megabytes,

  • then you can upload 90 megabytes to Facebook.

  • And that kind of sucks.

  • All right.

  • I mean, it sucks because people tend to have not optimal connections

  • and because our router-- I guess most routers are set up

  • to only be able to handle a gigabit at a time,

  • and routers are kind of expensive.

  • Thy are big pieces of equipment.

  • I don't think that there is a distributed version of that yet.

  • >> So we couldn't, in the time frame that we wanted to launch it,

  • just get a new router and get it set up.

  • So what we ended up doing was building a Java applet and an ActiveX control that

  • coupled the choosing of the photos that people wanted

  • to upload with compression on the client side to make it smaller,

  • and then that way people can just upload their photos relatively quickly.

  • We also saved CPU on our side because we don't

  • have to do the decompression on our side,

  • although that wasn't that huge of a bottleneck.

  • So that worked.

  • >> And then we got it to a point where we were

  • having uploads at a rate of 100 a second,

  • and people were using the feature way more than we thought we were going to.

  • And even though we had this caching tier setup,

  • it just still wasn't fast enough.

  • I'm sure you guys remember this.

  • A few weeks ago, the site was not having a good time.

  • >> So what we ended up doing at that point was

  • using edge caching, like Akamai type of stuff

  • to make these photos which are static content just be closer to people.

  • So that way we can sort of offload some of the equipment and the-- sort

  • of having to transfer these still somewhat large files to people.

  • So that's where we are now, and it seems to be working pretty well.

  • >> It wasn't that we had any upfront technical genius about it.

  • It was just sort of that at each point we sort of anticipated the issues

  • or picked them out pretty quickly and then

  • had enough competence to evaluate, I think,

  • what the options were that we had and make

  • what I think were decent decisions about how to execute on them.

  • What's that?

  • >> AUDIENCE: Take that to the next level, too, in terms of the problems

  • you just talked about.


  • >> AUDIENCE: Students get one year of-- you know, one computer science working

  • with, like, I go sit in the corner, type on my [INAUDIBLE].

  • How did the company work through-- what do the software engineers do

  • when you guys all have to put curly braces in the same place?

  • >> MARK ZUCKERBERG: What's that?

  • AUDIENCE: Curly braces for the programmers in the same place.

  • How is the structure of the software engineering actually done [INAUDIBLE]?

  • >> MARK ZUCKERBERG: So the way that-- I guess the methodology that we have is

  • that I wanted to be sort of-- as much of a meritocracy as possible

  • where the people who can come up with the coolest solutions

  • and implement them the quickest and have like the fewest bugs get

  • to work on the stuff that they think is the most interesting

  • and go off and have the most influence in the company.

  • >> So we're also on-boarding a lot of people,

  • because we're hiring relatively quickly.

  • And in doing so, we sort of have-- we pair up

  • new people who are coming in with some-- like the better people

  • who are sort of at the top of the chain, and then we

  • have them sort of work with those people when they first come in,

  • to learn the stuff that they're working on that-- so

  • that the new guys, like the incoming class,

  • can sort of learn what some of the people that are currently

  • at the company are working on.

  • And I think in doing that, they pick up the style and the methods that we

  • use for doing stuff.

  • >> But I think that it changes pretty quickly.

  • I think one difference between the way stuff works in a company

  • and the way stuff works in school is that this is a very iterative process.

  • And it's nice when you get stuff right the first time, but we don't need to.

  • And I think that a lot of companies go through phases, or stages,

  • where they don't get stuff right the first time.

  • >> Like Microsoft-- I mean, I don't know when

  • the last time was that they had a good product before Version 4.

  • But by the time they get to Version 4, it's

  • like always good for the most part.

  • And I think that works out pretty well for them.

  • And, I mean, Google always releases their stuff in beta.

  • >> So I guess we try to have multiple people work on the same thing,

  • so everyone can learn from each other and kind of pick off

  • some of the mistakes that might be made that we can reduce pretty quickly.

  • But like, I guess in general, the idea is

  • that it doesn't have to be perfect the first time around.

  • And as long as you get the architecture as right as possible,

  • then a lot of the other implementation stuff

  • isn't going to be as big of a deal, and you can sort of

  • work that out at any time.

  • I know if that's sort of answering the question that you asked me.

  • >> AUDIENCE: So now, when you find something

  • that you want to do that you don't know so much about,

  • you can ask some of these people that are working for you,

  • or you can get new people.

  • But when you started, it was just sort of you and your roommate as a student.

  • And obviously, there were domain knowledge issues of computer science

  • that you had to deal with and you didn't know about.

  • >> I mean, how did you go about figuring out how to do things?

  • Did you decide to take certain classes?

  • Did you get books?

  • Did you go hire or get involved with some more people?

  • How did you work through those issues of learning

  • computer science as you worked through this?

  • MARK ZUCKERBERG: The internet is a pretty good tool.

  • I think that that's how we did most of it.

  • I mean, we kind of make a point of not hiring people for skills,

  • because I guess the theory is if someone has skills in an area

  • and has been doing it for 10 or 15 years,

  • then that's probably what they can do.

  • And that's good, and that mean that they can do that.

  • >> But if you hire someone, say, right out of college,

  • or someone younger who you're just hiring them for raw intelligence,

  • then the idea is that they're going to be able to learn stuff really quickly.

  • And there's a lot of information available all over the place,

  • and now, withing recent years, there's good tools for sorting through that.

  • And I think that the most performant people we have

  • are sort of younger people, who didn't necessarily know that much about

  • anything specific coming out of college.

  • >> I mean, a good example is-- Dustin, my roommate at Harvard

  • wasn't even a CS major.

  • He was an economics major.

  • And he's just a really smart dude, and was able to pick it up.

  • Some of the other good people we have are

  • EE majors out of Stanford or Berkeley.

  • And they aren't even CS all the time.

  • Like math people-- if you studied math, you

  • can learn the stuff relatively quickly a lot of the time.

  • Yeah?

  • >> AUDIENCE: I guess, since you have the infrastructure in place, right now,

  • when you focus on your hiring, so you still look for tech skill people?

  • Or do you look for people who might have the business knowledge to help grow you

  • further and make more money?

  • What's actually the priority right now in growing the company?

  • MARK ZUCKERBERG: I never really hire people

  • just because they have business skills.

  • It's actually kind of funny, but knowledge of a lot of core CS stuff

  • is really important in business, too.

  • One of the main things that you learn when you're studying CS

  • is complexity and scale, and that is a huge issue in business, too.

  • How do you go from having five people to 100 people,

  • and what's the change in the dynamic there?

  • And like, how are certain processes-- how

  • is a sales force going to scale from five people to 100 people?

  • >> It's like the same type of intelligence that

  • can figure out both of those problems.

  • And it might be a different type of person who cares to solve the problems.

  • >> But I think that the second part of my answer to what you said

  • is that I think we're sort of continually

  • in the process of building out infrastructure,

  • and I don't think you ever get out of that process.

  • And we're kind of focusing not on just building something

  • and figuring out how to make money off of it

  • and sort of maximizing the value of our business in the short term--

  • but instead, sort of always looking to maximize

  • what the long term value would be.

  • And I think that in doing that, you kind of

  • need to always just be building out your base, and not at any time

  • be worried about maximizing your money.

  • >> AUDIENCE: This is sort of back to the [INAUDIBLE]

  • Facebook, but do you guys have issue like the day after college,

  • maybe something like that, with everybody uploading pictures

  • all at the same time, [INAUDIBLE]?

  • MARK ZUCKERBERG: Our peaks are pretty strong.

  • So like at 5:00 in the morning, no matter

  • how many users we have signed up, there's always like 5,000 people,

  • and that's it.

  • And then if you get to 9:00 PM Pacific-- so like midnight here--

  • which I guess is like the peak across the country,

  • it's close to 400,000 people using it simultaneously.

  • >> And it's actually kind of interesting, because we monitor these graphs

  • and we have this huge LCD in our office, and whenever

  • there's a blip in the traffic, we're like, oh crap, what happened?

  • And a lot of times it's like Laguna Beach.

  • >> [CHUCKLES]

  • >> But usually it doesn't swing that far the other way.

  • >> AUDIENCE: With your archive [INAUDIBLE], if someone deletes something

  • from their profile, do you keep a cache of that, and how long?

  • MARK ZUCKERBERG: Right now, we don't.

  • But we may at some point in the future.

  • >> AUDIENCE: To follow up on that, what kind of issues

  • do you talk about at the company in terms

  • of privacy and security, all those things?

  • Are you worried about it at all?

  • You've put your [INAUDIBLE] privacy and security statement online.

  • So you just put it up and then not worry about it?

  • >> MARK ZUCKERBERG: Well, I think that what makes Facebook fun

  • and useful is that there's a lot of information about a lot of people

  • that you can get.

  • But what's more important is that the information

  • is available to the people who that person wants that information

  • to be available to.

  • And the flip side of that is that the information

  • is available to the people that want to have access to that information.

  • >> So one of the kind of core decisions that we made

  • was only to let people at the same school see each other's profiles.

  • And I guess the idea behind that was that you're at Harvard.

  • You probably wouldn't have that hard of a time just letting

  • someone else at Harvard see your information.

  • But at the same time, it's like only people at Harvard,

  • who you're probably going to see on a day-to-day basis and maybe meet,

  • who are ever going to want to look you up.

  • It's not like some kid out at Stanford who you will never

  • talk to is going to be interested in knowing what your cell phone number is

  • or what you're interested in.

  • >> So by limiting the scope of the information

  • to sort of as narrow as makes sense, I think

  • that we've solved a lot of those issues.

  • And then, we also give people complete control

  • over what parts of their profile get showed.

  • So we don't force anyone to show anything,

  • and we give people granular control over some of the more sensitive stuff.

  • >> So like, right next to the cell phone field,

  • there's another field that's like, who do you want to show this to?

  • Just your friends, just people at your school, what?

  • We care about it, because if people stop--

  • if people feel like their information isn't private,

  • then that screws us in the long term, too.

  • >> AUDIENCE: Just furthering on that, I guess even though you

  • put the information up yourself, what's the recourse in case,

  • say, you have a photo, and somebody puts that photo up

  • on some message board or some Hot or Not type site.

  • How do you control what users do with the information that's

  • input onto your servers?

  • MARK ZUCKERBERG: It's very hard to control what people do with information

  • that they have access to.

  • Right?

  • I mean, the best that we can do is give people control over their information

  • and who can see it.

  • And then once they let someone see it, it's sort of out of anyone's control.

  • >> AUDIENCE: I'm curious a bit about [INAUDIBLE] Wall feature.

  • It seemed to start out maybe more like blackboard type of thing, and then it

  • completely changed around. [INAUDIBLE] like one or the other,

  • or if there was something that you were thinking of?

  • Or was there a design change in the process of doing [INAUDIBLE]?

  • >> MARK ZUCKERBERG: So I originally threw that together in like a half an hour.

  • And I guess it was pretty complicated, because-- or it

  • was more complicated than I thought it was going to be.

  • And I think part of the reason why we changed

  • it was because it didn't work as well as we wanted it to.

  • I mean, the original goal was to sort of make it

  • so that you can have this wiki type thing on people's profiles,

  • that when you moused over something, it showed who added that part of it.

  • >> But I guess there were a lot of cases that we missed,

  • or it just wasn't well designed by me.

  • And I don't know if you guys remember, but you used to mouse over stuff,

  • and it just wasn't as good.

  • And like, it might tell you the wrong person,

  • or it might highlight more than it was supposed to.

  • >> So I kind of coupled that with thinking, this isn't even the best feature.

  • It would be much more interesting if instead of having to mouse over stuff,

  • people could just see the picture and the name of the person who

  • posted everything, without having to go through the whole wall.

  • So over the summer, we just kind of went through

  • and wrote a better parser for the walls and tried to decompose them.

  • And then, going forward, we made it so that you just added a post,

  • and it went to the top of the wall.

  • >> AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] question.

  • Where'd you get the idea from, for creating Facebook?

  • >> MARK ZUCKERBERG: I just wanted to make something

  • where people can type in someone's name and get

  • some information about a person.

  • I thought that would be cool.

  • Oh, yeah?

  • >> AUDIENCE: I'm interested in the feature that you

  • could SMS some [INAUDIBLE] information if you wanted and send it back.

  • I didn't know about people using it.

  • So I'm just wondering if there actual considerations [INAUDIBLE]?

  • >> MARK ZUCKERBERG: So the SMS Gateways also have an email counterpart,

  • so if your phone numbers is x and you have Cingular as your provider,

  • then you could email or some variant of that,

  • and the text message would go to your phone.

  • And that's a free gateway.

  • So, you know when you text message people, a lot of times

  • depending on what your cell phone plan is, it will cost you money.

  • If you do it through email, it actually doesn't cost any money.

  • So that's how we chose to do it.

  • We were doing a high volume of them and we

  • decided that it would just be a better thing for us to-- to actually do it

  • the legit way and send a text message directly to the cell phone,

  • as opposed to going through the email gateways.

  • So we're kind of the process of getting that set up now.


  • >> MARK ZUCKERBERG: I think that we're always looking for more stuff to do.

  • I don't think that we're competing with Myspace.

  • And I think it's kind of a different type of application.

  • Yeah.

  • AUDIENCE: I'm just curious.

  • Is there a particular reason why on a person's profiles and school emails

  • and stuff [INAUDIBLE] and not as text can be copied and pasted?

  • Is that [INAUDIBLE]?

  • >> MARK ZUCKERBERG: So I did that so that people

  • couldn't go through and scrape the pages.

  • We have a lot of stuff that we put in place

  • to make sure that people don't aggregate information off of Facebook.

  • You obviously, you can't see profiles of people at other schools.

  • But also if you try to view a lot of profiles,

  • it picks up that you're just viewing an abnormal number of profiles.

  • >> And we also sort of-- just by analyzing user activity,

  • we've built these Bayesian filters that I guess just let us pick out

  • abnormal activity, like really quickly, and just kind of show

  • very limited information to those users.

  • But one of the things that we wanted to do,

  • we want to make sure-- we want to make it especially difficult for anyone

  • to try to scrape email addresses, because that's

  • really annoying-- if people get spammed.

  • So we figured that by making it an image,

  • instead of plain text, that just added an extra level of complexity

  • in terms of scraping.

  • >> AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] pretty valuable resources that [INAUDIBLE].

  • Do you do anything [INAUDIBLE]?

  • >> MARK ZUCKERBERG: Well, we can use it to target posters to you, for example.

  • I don't know if any of you bought posters off of that.

  • But we sort of-- we're trying to figure out what we can do that,

  • but we're obviously really sensitive to people's privacy.

  • And what's that?

  • >> AUDIENCE: Not so much for individual [INAUDIBLE],

  • but just as a whole [INAUDIBLE]?


  • I think we're actually going to be releasing something

  • in late this week or next week that shows some aggregate statistics that we

  • think are interesting.

  • I mean, this is the stuff is kind of cool, but it's not the type of thing

  • that you come back to every day.

  • No CS questions?

  • MICHAEL D. SMITH: Do you have any questions for Mark?

  • He might be willing to stay around for a couple of minutes,

  • in case people want to not ask you in public, but have a--

  • >> MARK ZUCKERBERG: AUDIENCE: I'm especially

  • disappointed that Will Chen didn't ask me any questions.

  • >> MICHAEL D. SMITH: We'll work on Will later.

  • That's it?

  • No more?

  • We've got a couple more.


  • AUDIENCE: Do you ever procrastinate on Facebook,

  • like everyone else in the room?

  • >> MARK ZUCKERBERG: What's that?

  • >> AUDIENCE: Do you ever procrastinate on Facebook?

  • >> MARK ZUCKERBERG: Of course.


  • >> MARK ZUCKERBERG: I mean, I think that there's

  • a value to what people do on the site.

  • >> AUDIENCE: I just know that probably many of us

  • would feel that the hours [INAUDIBLE].


  • >> MARK ZUCKERBERG: Yeah, of course.

  • AUDIENCE: I don't know if you can say this, but what kinds of features can

  • we expect in the future?


  • >> MARK ZUCKERBERG: Well, I can tell you what we're going to do next two weeks.

  • There's the thing that I just mentioned before,

  • where we're aggregating a bunch of stats, and just show what's hot

  • and what's changing.

  • And also surprising statistics that we've

  • found, like 2% of people at Harvard are Libertarian, for example,

  • or something like that.

  • I think another thing that we're going to launch hopefully

  • sometime either late this week or next week,

  • is something that allows people to clarify

  • their relationships with other People.

  • >> So a lot of the problems that we kind of deal with at Facebook

  • aren't always technical, but there are sometimes like they're social problems.

  • And it's like-- one thing that I think is

  • really interesting is-- if you have 100 or 150 friends, how well do

  • you know each of those people, and who are maybe like the five people

  • who you actually care about, like a lot.

  • And that's not something that you can really

  • answer right now, because the connections are binary.

  • You either are connected or you're not.

  • So I've been trying to think for a while about how we could design something

  • that would make it so that people could express how close they were

  • to people, in sort of an unbiased way.

  • >> So you can imagine, if you made a feature that was just like-- rate

  • your friendship on a scale of 1 to 10, that would not work.

  • Because first of all, no one would want to do

  • that because you're insulting someone if you're like, you're a three.

  • But it's also kind of boring, and so no one

  • would want to do it because of that.

  • And it would just be skewed by social pressure in the same way

  • that the friends are.

  • Some people have a different sense of what a friend is to them,

  • then another person would.

  • So if someone has 30 friends and another person has 150 friends,

  • does that person actually have more friends in real life?

  • Maybe or maybe not, and maybe the person with 30 just

  • has a higher threshold for making someone on a friend on Facebook.

  • >> So I mean, I guess that the solution that we came up with for this

  • was to make-- to judge relationships based

  • on bi-directional, factual statements.

  • So for example, I took CS50 with this person.

  • Or I lived in a house with this person.

  • And there's just kind of a bunch of different ways to do stuff like that.

  • But I figured that that would probably be a little more accurate,

  • because no one is going to-- there's no pressure

  • to lie about something like that.

  • It's not like, what are you talking about?

  • I didn't take CS50 with you.

  • But if someone aggregates a lot of different connections,

  • then that kind of means something.

  • So when you take someone like Dustin, who's my roommate here,

  • and it's like OK, well we lived together at Kirkland House.

  • Then we worked on Facebook.

  • Then we moved out to Palo Alto, and now we're still working on Facebook-- then

  • maybe that's enough connections to say OK, well this person clearly

  • has a lot to do this person.

  • Whereas if the only category that you know someone through is,

  • this person's my Facebook friend, then that also means something.

  • So I don't know.

  • We'll see how it works.

  • Nothing is for sure.

  • What's up?

  • >> AUDIENCE: Do you actually [INAUDIBLE] people typing in information


  • >> MARK ZUCKERBERG: It's a combination.

  • So I think that another thing that's pretty important for each

  • of these events is the date at which they occur.

  • So if you had, for example, a date on each person's friendship

  • with each person then that would give you a more accurate representation

  • of what that meant, because right now you

  • don't know what friend means to each of the people on the network.

  • And because you don't know when that friendship was formed,

  • you don't know what has changed in that relationship

  • since that friendship was formed.

  • >> I mean if the person-- if friendship means very little to someone

  • if you know that that happened yesterday, that they became friends,

  • you still know that there's some-- that there's some strength.

  • It's like a certainty thing.

  • There's a lower certainty that their relationship

  • has diverged since that point if the date at which the action occurred

  • was sooner.

  • Sorry, more recent.

  • So I think that's one of the things that we're focusing on here.

  • So I took a course-- I took CS50 with someone

  • this term is a lot different than saying I'm a senior now

  • and I took CS50 with this person when I was a freshman.

  • >> A lot of these-- the analysis of how people look at this

  • and see the relationships isn't necessarily--

  • Facebook isn't going to rate the relationship.

  • It's sort of-- people have an implicit understanding

  • of what the difference is between having taken CS50 with someone this term

  • and having taken CS50 within three years ago.

  • And I think that will kind of help out.

  • What's up?

  • >> AUDIENCE: When you get a new idea and you

  • think it's pretty cool, how [INAUDIBLE] with how you go about it?

  • >> MARK ZUCKERBERG: Not too.

  • Because I think that a lot of the stuff, we sort

  • have a very unique platform for building it.

  • I don't think there's any other company or group of people

  • in the world who could develop this right now.

  • I mean even Google, with their like 5,000 engineers

  • is not in the place to make an application that sort

  • of characterizes people's relationships like this.

  • >> And it's like the same thing with the photo tagging.

  • We can do that because photo tagging only works if everyone around you

  • is on the site.

  • Because otherwise you're going to get a type of use

  • for it where you go and you upload a photo

  • and you go to tag a bunch of people, and they're not there, and that sucks.

  • So even if 50% of the people at Harvard were on Facebook, then the tagging

  • and the way that we set up would still suck.

  • So it only works because 97% of the people at Harvard are on Facebook,

  • or whatever.

  • So because of that, it's like not that big of a concern.

  • Yeah?

  • >> AUDIENCE: So from sort of a software engineering,

  • sort of dynamic [INAUDIBLE] way, when somebody

  • has one of these ideas-- like let's aggregate this [? wider ?] statistic

  • and tell people, or I have a way to measure this, that, and the other

  • about these people and mark up this thing on people's profiles--

  • how do they go about getting the go-ahead from everyone

  • else in the company to spend some of their time technically working on that?

  • Or get other people to work on it with them, and stuff like that?


  • I think that a lot of people-- I mean, the people who work at Facebook really

  • like working at Facebook, I think, for the most part,

  • and spend a lot of their time doing that.

  • And like, a lot of the time that they're spending,

  • they spend working on stuff that might be

  • sort of strategically important to what we're trying to do at that point.

  • But also, a lot of people just mess around with the code base,

  • and kind of put if-statements in there that's like, if the user is me,

  • then put this in there.

  • >> And so I walk around to different people's places during the day,

  • or people come and talk to me.

  • Like, I hold CEO office hours as a joke, like from 2:00 to 4:00 every day--

  • not today.

  • And people just come and show me different stuff that they're doing,

  • and a lot of it is relatively cool, and stuff

  • that I wouldn't have necessarily thought of.

  • >> So I mean, you asked before if we were saving,

  • if we were archiving, old profile information, and one of the reasons

  • why I said that we might start doing it is

  • because one of the guys at the company came up with something where it's like,

  • so you go to your friend's page, and it shows your recently updated friends.

  • And then you click on that, and it shows their new profile.

  • But there's no indication of what changed.

  • >> So one of the guys made something that keeps an old version of his profile,

  • and then makes it so that when you go to his profile when he updates it,

  • it highlights in yellow the parts of it that were changed.

  • And I think that that's pretty cool.

  • And it's not a huge project-- I mean, it actually kind of is,

  • if we have to start storing everyone's information.

  • >> But I mean, it's somewhat cool.

  • It's not the type of thing that you necessarily are bound to come up,

  • but I definitely think it's a pretty big improvement over what we have now.

  • Now, it's really hard to go to someone's profile and tell what changed.

  • And that's just the most recent example that I have.

  • >> AUDIENCE: Do you have time to allow people to change the look of each page?


  • >> MARK ZUCKERBERG: So, I don't want to do that.

  • And the reason is because I think that Facebook is a directory,

  • and the primary purpose is to look up someone.

  • Right?

  • Like type in their name and get some information about them.

  • And one of the things that's really useful

  • is that everyone's page is structured in the same way.

  • >> So if you want to see if someone's single,

  • you don't have to scan down the columns until you get to relationship status.

  • You just know where that is.

  • So you click, go-- your eyes just go to that thing.

  • But if you had different people changing their CSSes in different ways,

  • then that could become annoying-- especially

  • if people are doing stuff like dark blue text on black backgrounds.

  • It just gets kind of obnoxious.

  • >> AUDIENCE: How successful has the Facebook [INAUDIBLE] been,

  • and what do you see as differences in the purpose [INAUDIBLE]?

  • >> MARK ZUCKERBERG: The purpose-- for me, the high school one was the same.

  • I think that the application-- this is going to probably

  • sound pretty stupid-- but wanting to look people up, I think,

  • is kind of a core human desire.

  • Right?

  • I think that people just want to know stuff about other people.

  • So I think that providing an interface where people can just

  • type in someone's name and get some information about them

  • is generally a pretty useful thing.

  • So growth has been pretty good.

  • >> It was tough to figure out exactly how to gauge it,

  • because when we did college, we opened it up at Harvard.

  • Then we opened it up at a couple colleges around Harvard.

  • And the idea was always, we were really short on money and equipment.

  • So while getting as little equipment as possible,

  • we want to maximize our growth.

  • So we want to launch at the schools that we

  • think are going to grow the quickest, based on the fact

  • that the people at those schools are going to have the most

  • number of friends at the schools that we're already at.

  • We took a different approach for high school,

  • because we could just launch it everywhere at the same time.

  • So we didn't really know how it was going to grow.

  • I think it's growing at more than 5,000 people a day, which is pretty good.

  • Yeah?

  • >> AUDIENCE: When you started Facebook, did you

  • intend for it to become this full-fledged business?


  • AUDIENCE: Well, how did you [INAUDIBLE]?

  • >> MARK ZUCKERBERG: I remember thinking that it would be cool

  • if you could have a directory of everyone.

  • I remember arguing with my parents about this, because after I almost

  • got kicked out of school for this project that I did before Facebook,

  • they were like, what good could possibly come of doing something new?

  • And I'm like, no, this is pretty cool.

  • Just imagine how cool it would be if you could just type in someone's name

  • and get some information about them.

  • And they were just like, I don't see it.

  • And I'm like, well, we'll just do it at Harvard for now,

  • but imagine what happens if one day, you can just type in anyone's name

  • and get some information about them.

  • And like, that would be kind of cool, right?

  • So they didn't buy it, but now they do.

  • >> [LAUGHTER]

  • >> Yeah, so I don't know.

  • I guess at each phase, we're just kind of looking at a natural way

  • to preserve the integrity of the network,

  • and also to make it so that it's more useful-- I

  • guess is the answer to that question.

  • Yeah?

  • >> AUDIENCE: Are there certain skills, particularly [INAUDIBLE],

  • that you [INAUDIBLE] or you would suggest for someone to study?

  • MARK ZUCKERBERG: I just suggest that you take the hardest courses that you can,

  • because you learn the most when you challenge yourself, right?

  • So like 161 just ruined my life, and I learned so much from it.

  • 121 I also found pretty hard.

  • 124 kind of changed the way I thought about stuff.

  • >> What 124 taught me that I think was really useful

  • was that there are-- I think a lot of people focus

  • on how to do stuff as well as possible, and how

  • to make the most efficient algorithm.

  • But what has always gotten us by isn't doing stuff in the most efficient way,

  • but laying the framework in a pretty efficient way.

  • So I mean, it kind of teaches you both sides of the problem,

  • like data structures and algorithms, and how the setup is really important.

  • And that's definitely saved our ass in scaling a lot of times.

  • >> I don't know.

  • Work with smart people.

  • Learn from people.

  • AUDIENCE: One of the things that I've noticed about Facebook, compared

  • to other social networking space, is that it's actually a lot easier to use.

  • Do you have people-- like your employees just putting whatever pieces they think

  • are cool.

  • Do you have separate stability people to ensure it all works all together?

  • >> MARK ZUCKERBERG: People can make whatever they want,

  • but that doesn't mean they can put it on the site.

  • So I think that before stuff goes on the site, a lot of people see it.

  • I mean, I definitely check off on it before it can go live.

  • But I mean, I think that people have a lot of creativity to do cool stuff.

  • And a lot of times, it's like someone can come up with a cool idea,

  • but that doesn't mean it's the final way that it would happen.

  • >> So for example, people highlighting in yellow what the changes are

  • in their profile-- I think that just the concept of highlighting

  • stuff that has changed is really good, but the interface

  • that that guy used for it isn't what I think is the best one.

  • And the way that he's storing the old profile information

  • isn't optimal either.

  • And that kind of is cool, because he was just doing it for himself.

  • But if we were ever going to make something live out of that, which

  • I want to, we do in a different way.

  • And it's more just like a mock-up.

  • >> AUDIENCE: So like, the ideas come from the ground, up,

  • and then [? it's just ?] [? tossed ?] [? down the line? ?]

  • >> MARK ZUCKERBERG: I mean, it goes both ways.

  • And I'm not completely unopinionated.


  • >> AUDIENCE: I actually have a question about the [INAUDIBLE].

  • So, going back about the [INAUDIBLE] and [INAUDIBLE] privacy.

  • And it's a different platform?


  • >> AUDIENCE: So college people are over 18 and allowed

  • to post whatever pictures they want, and they're not really

  • incriminating themselves, except possibly for drugs and alcohol?

  • I've seen pictures on Facebook where my younger

  • cousins are drinking and stuff like that.

  • But when you go to the high school kids, they're 15 and 16 and younger.

  • >> And are you guys just saying, it's the internet,

  • and if they want to incriminate themselves and things like that,

  • is that OK?

  • Or do you guys filter the pictures that high school students put up

  • and the information they write?

  • Or do you just [INAUDIBLE]?

  • MARK ZUCKERBERG: So a lot of the solutions that we come up with stuff

  • aren't technical or organizational, but just applying social pressure

  • in good ways.

  • So Myspace has-- almost a third of their staff

  • is monitoring the pictures that get uploaded for pornography.

  • We hardly ever have any pornography uploaded,

  • and I think that a lot of the reason is that people

  • use their real names on Facebook, and your real email address for school.

  • And if you have that, then you're not going to upload pornography.

  • And I think that that's a really simple social solution

  • to a possibly complex technical issue.

  • >> So that said, we changed some of the features around for high school.

  • For example, we took parties out, because we

  • figured that parents would get pissed off

  • or they would just break up all the keg parties really quickly,

  • and that would suck for everyone.

  • >> [CHUCKLES]

  • >> I don't know.

  • We deemphasize contact information in high school.

  • Yeah.

  • AUDIENCE: All right, we end here.

  • If you have other questions, feel free to come down and talk to Mark.

  • Thank you very much.



MICHAEL D. SMITH: This afternoon I have the pleasure


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馬克-扎克伯格的CS50講座 (CS50 Lecture by Mark Zuckerberg)

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