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  • ♪ (punk rock music) ♪

  • ♪ (saxophone intro) ♪

  • - (Michael) This is my song! - (Miracle) This is my song.

  • ♪ (saxophone intro) ♪ - The harmony.

  • ♪ (saxophone intro) ♪

  • - ♪ Give it to me, I'm worth it ♪ (beatboxing along)

  • - I really kind of dig this song.

  • - ♪ Uh-huh, I'm worth it

  • - Why are they dancing in front of a giant stock market board?

  • - (rapping) ♪ Okay! ♪

  • ♪ I tell her bring... ♪ - I don't know who you are,

  • but we need mandatory rapping in this song apparently.

  • - Kid Ink looks like the great value of Chris Brown.

  • - ♪ Whatchu acting shy for? ♪

  • - ♪ Just gimme, just gimme you... ♪ - (scandalously) Oh.

  • - That's all I wanna do ♪ - Very touchy.

  • - (singing along) ♪ Just gimme you, that's all I wanna do

  • - It's so, like, sexual.

  • - ♪ Uh-huh, you see me in the spotlight ♪ - That's... right here.

  • Right here. - ♪ "Ooh, I love your style" ♪

  • Uh-huh, show me what you got

  • Come and make it worth my while

  • Give it to me, I'm worth it ♪ (mouthing lyrics)

  • ♪ (saxophone interlude) ♪

  • - Don't what it has to do with the stock market.

  • Maybe she's literally worth it.

  • - ♪ Give it to me, I'm worth it ♪ - What is this woman? Is she a real person?

  • How is someone so pretty?

  • - I am jealous of her hair.

  • - ♪ So whatchu wanna do? ♪

  • And if you don't wanna... ♪ - It's so-- they're so hot.

  • - ♪ I'll tell you what to do-o-o ♪

  • - They're very different than I'd expected. - ♪ I don't like it, like it too soft

  • - What's with the pushing?

  • - See, I feel like they're just bullying the guys.

  • They're like kicking them and pushing them out of the way.

  • - ♪ Uh-huh, show me what you got

  • - It's funny, no one realizes how sexual the song is.

  • ♪ (saxophone interlude) ♪

  • My little sister sings along to this.

  • Like, come on! - ♪ Uh-huh, I'm worth it

  • - ♪ Give it to me, I'm worth it

  • - (rapping) ♪ Okay, I tell her bring it back ♪ - Look at this guy.

  • - ♪ Like she left some ♪ - Who is this guy?

  • - It's you again, buddy!

  • - ♪ Uh-huh, you see me in the spotlight

  • ♪ "Ooh, I like your style" ♪ - I think it's a good music video

  • - I'm glad they're doing good with their career.

  • I feel like they're really nice girls.

  • - ♪ Uh-huh, you see me... ♪ - If you compare this video

  • to their first music video, it's so different.

  • - ♪ Show me what you got now

  • Come on, make it worth my while

  • Give it to me, I'm worth it ♪ (mouthing lyrics)

  • Uh-huh, I'm worth it

  • Give it to me, I'm worth it ♪ - They're, like, perfect.

  • - (singing along) ♪ Give it to me, I'm worth it

  • (music ends) Oh, what a great way to end it.

  • I love choreographed dances.

  • - I love them.

  • - Hoo! Got a hardcore kid with pop music.

  • It's good music. I'm a fan of good music.

  • ♪ (punk rock music) ♪

  • - (Finebros) Do you know who the girl group is

  • or what the name of that song is? - No.

  • - No clue.

  • The guy rapping for about ten seconds of that whole thing was Kid Ink.

  • - I wanna say Little Mix, but I know that's a different band.

  • Fifth Harmony! Yes!

  • - That was Fifth Harmony, and it was "Worth It."

  • - Fifth Harmony, Worth It.

  • - (Finebros) So how do you know about Fifth Harmony?

  • - I mean, how do you not know about Fifth Harmony?

  • - We're doing a dance to that song.

  • - I'm obsessed with X Factor and I saw them

  • when they all started off individually, then they grouped up together.

  • - They started off on The X Factor, similar to One Direction,

  • so since because I like One Direction I know of them.

  • - Austin Mahone-- I'm a Mahomie.

  • They were doing shows and I actually saw them on tour.

  • - (Finebros) Do you like the song? - Not really.

  • - It's all right. It's got a catchy beat.

  • - I liked the song, just not the music video.

  • - Yeah, I love that song.

  • - It's a really hype song.

  • - I jam to it in front of the mirror all the time.

  • - (Finebros) What do you think they were trying to say

  • with the visuals in the music video? - They make a lot of money?

  • - The women are above the men.

  • The men are working for them.

  • They're in powerful positions.

  • - Girls can do anything guys can do.

  • - I know that's one of their biggest, biggest things,

  • is equality and feminism.

  • - Well, there is a lot of sexual dancing,

  • so it's not like, "Oh yeah, we're a girl group

  • and we're gonna talk about positivity and all that stuff."

  • It's like, "No. I want to do nasty things with you."

  • - One ways they're worth it, literally, you're gonna see their names

  • going by on the NASDAQ,

  • or they're more than just a body and a pretty face.

  • They're actually intelligent people who are worth it

  • in many more ways than just physical attraction.

  • - (Finebros) So, of course, we're gonna ask you

  • who your favorite member of Fifth Harmony is.

  • - (Miracle) I already know. - (Michael) Oh, okay.

  • - (Finebros) All right, here we go. Who's your favorite?

  • - I'd say Lauren.

  • - Ally. She's all of this.

  • - Camila?

  • - Camila.

  • - Camila just 'cause she had that cute little suit on in the video.

  • - Lauren. I follow her on social media and stuff.

  • Not only is she just really pretty and sings really well,

  • she's a good person.

  • - I think I like Normani the best, just because she's so pretty.

  • - Camila.

  • - Camila 'cause I love her hair.

  • - Ally 'cause she's short and I'm short.

  • - Normani. - Ally.

  • I can see my genes and her genes making a beautiful baby.

  • (silence)

  • Whoa!

  • - Ally or Camila. They had good voices and they're hot.

  • I know my girlfriend's just gonna be like, "(angrily) Adam!"

  • I'm like, "I'm sorry!" (Finebros laughs)

  • - (Finebros) So Fifth Harmony in the last year have really blown up

  • and are starting to win awards and have a lot of success,

  • and their loyal fanbase are pretty intense, called:

  • - Harmonizers.

  • - (Finebros) They call themself "The Harmonizers."

  • - (muttering) Oh god.

  • God, the Harmonizers, the Directioners.

  • - (Finebros) One of the most dedicated fandoms in all of music.

  • - (laughing) I haven't said anything wrong, have I?

  • - (Finebros) What is it about Fifth Harmony

  • that makes people love them so much? - I don't know.

  • Like, I don't see anything to obsess over.

  • Usually a fangirl fangirls over guys.

  • - Because we haven't really seen successful girl bands

  • since The Spice Girls.

  • - They all started off as regular girls on X Factor

  • and they just have that appeal to them.

  • - I think they're just really, "We're strong females."

  • And everyone's like, "Hey, I'm a strong female too."

  • - Girls are tired of looking up to people

  • that end up becoming, or end up kind of objectifying themselves,

  • and these girls are finally taking it the other way

  • and not really objectifying themselves.

  • It's just singing and showing up in suits

  • and the song is called "Worth It," so they're showing

  • how worth it they are.

  • - What everyone seems to be telling me about this band,

  • they're really for feminism and standing up for yourself

  • and doing stuff like that, so that's something

  • A) to get behind already, B) their songs are [bleep] catchy!

  • "Man, I like this song. Oh, they're about feminism? YES!"

  • - (Finebros) So this song was a Top 15 hit,

  • the first time that happened for a girl group since 2009.

  • - Really? Oh my gosh. Wow, good for you, girls.

  • - (Finebros) Why do you think girl groups

  • aren't as popular as boy bands year in, year out?

  • - Well, yeah, no. The girls definitely like the boy bands more.

  • - There's more, like, I would say fangirls than fanboys.

  • - More girls want to see boys taking off their shirts

  • and singing and dancing.

  • - The girls find the boys hot,

  • but then girls get jealous of other girls.

  • - You won't really catch, like, let's say a bunch of guys

  • listening to an all-girl group, but you can catch girls and guys

  • listening to a boy band. - Mm-hmm, that's true.

  • - (Finebros) Why do you think they don't create girl groups

  • that are targeted to try to get young guys to like the music,

  • and instead both boy bands and girl bands target girls?

  • - That's true.

  • - It's kind of weird because you would think,

  • "Oh, girls like One Direction. Guys should like Fifth Harmony,"

  • but that's not the case at all.

  • - (Finebros) Why do you think that is?

  • - Hmm, the music industry knows something nobody else does.

  • - I think they know that the young girls are easier targets.

  • - Maybe it's because guys are harder to market to.

  • - It's a stereotype that fangirls will be fangirls,

  • and will get on that Twitter. I know because I do it.

  • I'm a fangirl.

  • - Back to The Beatles, it was always the girls

  • always pushing these stars to success.

  • They don't really wanna change that now

  • because it's so sacred and they have it set.

  • Like, that is their algorithm.

  • - With a girl, you're feminine so you can listen to whatever you want,

  • but a boy, it's like, "(butch voice) Oh, like, you're gay

  • or stupid for listening to that and stuff,"

  • (normally) so it just might be they're a lot more self-conscience.

  • - It would be kind of weird if a guy was on Twitter like,

  • "Oh my god, Nicki Minaj!" You know what I'm saying?

  • - Yeah, you don't see that often!

  • - (Finebros) So back to Worth It, people have debated this.

  • It's been controversial.

  • Some people think that this is telling a man she's worth it

  • with a sexual connotation.

  • Others think that this is more of the feminist way of looking at it,

  • that it's telling young girls they can believe they're worth it

  • and be anything they wanna be.

  • - See, that's nice and I would see that

  • if they weren't shaking their bum everywhere.

  • If they didn't do that, I probably would've seen the message

  • and been like, "Wow, they're so cool."

  • - I am all for woman power. - Shut up.

  • - Like, all for it, but I really don't agree,

  • like, the way that they did it.

  • - They are saying, "You're worth it.

  • You don't have to dress a certain way."

  • But yet, they are dressing in a way that's like--

  • - (chuckling) - Wait, that's not what you just said.

  • - Just because they dance and gyrate, that's fine.

  • Like, let's be real. Everybody and their mother does that, literally.

  • They're trying to show that they're more than just physical attraction.

  • - They're doing this dancing and all this because they want to

  • and they're taking hold of their own sexuality

  • and they're not doing things just to please men.

  • - They're, like, dancing around and wearing less clothes than normal.

  • It kinda shows that you're doing it in a sexual way,

  • but I think probably the thing they're trying to show is that

  • girls can have their sexuality and do that,

  • but they can still be in power

  • and they can still be worth being in that position.

  • - (Finebros) So all of the girls of Fifth Harmony

  • are very active on social media, and very well may end up

  • seeing this episode, so what would you say to the girls of Fifth Harmony

  • as their career's now beginning to skyrocket?

  • - Keep going with the feminist thing. It's really working.

  • - Keep up the good work! I love you guys so much.

  • - You're all amazing singers, amazing musicians.

  • I love you guys.

  • - I love you!!! - (scoffs)

  • - Oh my god, you're my girls!

  • - If all you five are doing this to show society

  • that women can be much more than objectified

  • pieces of physicality, then that's amazing.

  • Just don't fall into the same trap as every other female celebrity.

  • - I love you guys.

  • You guys really help me, especially on social media.

  • You could be like, "You're wonderful."

  • And just, overall, you guys are really talented

  • and I'm proud of how far you've made it

  • and you guys deserve to be here.

  • - Thanks so much for watching another episode of Teens React.

  • - (both) Let us know in the comments what we should react to next.

  • - Be sure to subscribe. We have new videos every week.

  • - Goodbye from Teens React-- for the last time, tear.

  • I'll see you guys next time on Adults React.

  • ♪ (punk rock music) ♪

♪ (punk rock music) ♪


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A2 初級

青少年反應第五和諧 - Worth It英尺。孩子墨水 (Teens React to Fifth Harmony - Worth It ft. Kid Ink)

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    林沂璇 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日