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♪ (punk rock music) ♪
♪ (saxophone intro) ♪
- (Michael) This is my song! - (Miracle) This is my song.
♪ (saxophone intro) ♪ - The harmony.
♪ (saxophone intro) ♪
- ♪ Give it to me, I'm worth it ♪ (beatboxing along)
- I really kind of dig this song.
- ♪ Uh-huh, I'm worth it ♪
- Why are they dancing in front of a giant stock market board?
- (rapping) ♪ Okay! ♪
♪ I tell her bring... ♪ - I don't know who you are,
but we need mandatory rapping in this song apparently.
- Kid Ink looks like the great value of Chris Brown.
- ♪ Whatchu acting shy for? ♪
- ♪ Just gimme, just gimme you... ♪ - (scandalously) Oh.
- That's all I wanna do ♪ - Very touchy.
- (singing along) ♪ Just gimme you, that's all I wanna do ♪
- It's so, like, sexual.
- ♪ Uh-huh, you see me in the spotlight ♪ - That's... right here.
Right here. - ♪ "Ooh, I love your style" ♪
♪ Uh-huh, show me what you got ♪
♪ Come and make it worth my while ♪
♪ Give it to me, I'm worth it ♪ (mouthing lyrics)
♪ (saxophone interlude) ♪
- Don't what it has to do with the stock market.
Maybe she's literally worth it.
- ♪ Give it to me, I'm worth it ♪ - What is this woman? Is she a real person?
How is someone so pretty?
- I am jealous of her hair.
- ♪ So whatchu wanna do? ♪
♪ And if you don't wanna... ♪ - It's so-- they're so hot.
- ♪ I'll tell you what to do-o-o ♪
- They're very different than I'd expected. - ♪ I don't like it, like it too soft ♪
- What's with the pushing?
- See, I feel like they're just bullying the guys.
They're like kicking them and pushing them out of the way.
- ♪ Uh-huh, show me what you got ♪
- It's funny, no one realizes how sexual the song is.
♪ (saxophone interlude) ♪
My little sister sings along to this.
Like, come on! - ♪ Uh-huh, I'm worth it ♪
- ♪ Give it to me, I'm worth it ♪
- (rapping) ♪ Okay, I tell her bring it back ♪ - Look at this guy.
- ♪ Like she left some ♪ - Who is this guy?
- It's you again, buddy!
- ♪ Uh-huh, you see me in the spotlight ♪
♪ "Ooh, I like your style" ♪ - I think it's a good music video
- I'm glad they're doing good with their career.
I feel like they're really nice girls.
- ♪ Uh-huh, you see me... ♪ - If you compare this video
to their first music video, it's so different.
- ♪ Show me what you got now ♪
♪ Come on, make it worth my while ♪
♪ Give it to me, I'm worth it ♪ (mouthing lyrics)
♪ Uh-huh, I'm worth it ♪
♪ Give it to me, I'm worth it ♪ - They're, like, perfect.
- (singing along) ♪ Give it to me, I'm worth it ♪
(music ends) Oh, what a great way to end it.
I love choreographed dances.
- I love them.
- Hoo! Got a hardcore kid with pop music.
It's good music. I'm a fan of good music.
♪ (punk rock music) ♪
- (Finebros) Do you know who the girl group is
or what the name of that song is? - No.
- No clue.
The guy rapping for about ten seconds of that whole thing was Kid Ink.
- I wanna say Little Mix, but I know that's a different band.
Fifth Harmony! Yes!
- That was Fifth Harmony, and it was "Worth It."
- Fifth Harmony, Worth It.
- (Finebros) So how do you know about Fifth Harmony?
- I mean, how do you not know about Fifth Harmony?
- We're doing a dance to that song.
- I'm obsessed with X Factor and I saw them
when they all started off individually, then they grouped up together.
- They started off on The X Factor, similar to One Direction,
so since because I like One Direction I know of them.
- Austin Mahone-- I'm a Mahomie.
They were doing shows and I actually saw them on tour.
- (Finebros) Do you like the song? - Not really.
- It's all right. It's got a catchy beat.
- I liked the song, just not the music video.
- Yeah, I love that song.
- It's a really hype song.
- I jam to it in front of the mirror all the time.
- (Finebros) What do you think they were trying to say
with the visuals in the music video? - They make a lot of money?
- The women are above the men.
The men are working for them.
They're in powerful positions.
- Girls can do anything guys can do.
- I know that's one of their biggest, biggest things,
is equality and feminism.
- Well, there is a lot of sexual dancing,
so it's not like, "Oh yeah, we're a girl group
and we're gonna talk about positivity and all that stuff."
It's like, "No. I want to do nasty things with you."
- One ways they're worth it, literally, you're gonna see their names
going by on the NASDAQ,
or they're more than just a body and a pretty face.
They're actually intelligent people who are worth it
in many more ways than just physical attraction.
- (Finebros) So, of course, we're gonna ask you
who your favorite member of Fifth Harmony is.
- (Miracle) I already know. - (Michael) Oh, okay.
- (Finebros) All right, here we go. Who's your favorite?
- I'd say Lauren.
- Ally. She's all of this.
- Camila?
- Camila.
- Camila just 'cause she had that cute little suit on in the video.
- Lauren. I follow her on social media and stuff.
Not only is she just really pretty and sings really well,
she's a good person.
- I think I like Normani the best, just because she's so pretty.
- Camila.
- Camila 'cause I love her hair.
- Ally 'cause she's short and I'm short.
- Normani. - Ally.
I can see my genes and her genes making a beautiful baby.
- Ally or Camila. They had good voices and they're hot.
I know my girlfriend's just gonna be like, "(angrily) Adam!"
I'm like, "I'm sorry!" (Finebros laughs)
- (Finebros) So Fifth Harmony in the last year have really blown up
and are starting to win awards and have a lot of success,
and their loyal fanbase are pretty intense, called:
- Harmonizers.
- (Finebros) They call themself "The Harmonizers."
- (muttering) Oh god.
God, the Harmonizers, the Directioners.
- (Finebros) One of the most dedicated fandoms in all of music.
- (laughing) I haven't said anything wrong, have I?
- (Finebros) What is it about Fifth Harmony
that makes people love them so much? - I don't know.
Like, I don't see anything to obsess over.
Usually a fangirl fangirls over guys.
- Because we haven't really seen successful girl bands
since The Spice Girls.
- They all started off as regular girls on X Factor
and they just have that appeal to them.
- I think they're just really, "We're strong females."
And everyone's like, "Hey, I'm a strong female too."
- Girls are tired of looking up to people
that end up becoming, or end up kind of objectifying themselves,
and these girls are finally taking it the other way
and not really objectifying themselves.
It's just singing and showing up in suits
and the song is called "Worth It," so they're showing
how worth it they are.
- What everyone seems to be telling me about this band,
they're really for feminism and standing up for yourself
and doing stuff like that, so that's something
A) to get behind already, B) their songs are [bleep] catchy!
"Man, I like this song. Oh, they're about feminism? YES!"
- (Finebros) So this song was a Top 15 hit,
the first time that happened for a girl group since 2009.
- Really? Oh my gosh. Wow, good for you, girls.
- (Finebros) Why do you think girl groups
aren't as popular as boy bands year in, year out?
- Well, yeah, no. The girls definitely like the boy bands more.
- There's more, like, I would say fangirls than fanboys.
- More girls want to see boys taking off their shirts
and singing and dancing.
- The girls find the boys hot,
but then girls get jealous of other girls.
- You won't really catch, like, let's say a bunch of guys
listening to an all-girl group, but you can catch girls and guys
listening to a boy band. - Mm-hmm, that's true.
- (Finebros) Why do you think they don't create girl groups
that are targeted to try to get young guys to like the music,
and instead both boy bands and girl bands target girls?
- That's true.
- It's kind of weird because you would think,
"Oh, girls like One Direction. Guys should like Fifth Harmony,"
but that's not the case at all.
- (Finebros) Why do you think that is?
- Hmm, the music industry knows something nobody else does.
- I think they know that the young girls are easier targets.
- Maybe it's because guys are harder to market to.
- It's a stereotype that fangirls will be fangirls,
and will get on that Twitter. I know because I do it.
I'm a fangirl.
- Back to The Beatles, it was always the girls
always pushing these stars to success.
They don't really wanna change that now
because it's so sacred and they have it set.
Like, that is their algorithm.
- With a girl, you're feminine so you can listen to whatever you want,
but a boy, it's like, "(butch voice) Oh, like, you're gay
or stupid for listening to that and stuff,"
(normally) so it just might be they're a lot more self-conscience.
- It would be kind of weird if a guy was on Twitter like,
"Oh my god, Nicki Minaj!" You know what I'm saying?
- Yeah, you don't see that often!
- (Finebros) So back to Worth It, people have debated this.
It's been controversial.
Some people think that this is telling a man she's worth it
with a sexual connotation.
Others think that this is more of the feminist way of looking at it,
that it's telling young girls they can believe they're worth it
and be anything they wanna be.
- See, that's nice and I would see that
if they weren't shaking their bum everywhere.
If they didn't do that, I probably would've seen the message
and been like, "Wow, they're so cool."
- I am all for woman power. - Shut up.
- Like, all for it, but I really don't agree,
like, the way that they did it.
- They are saying, "You're worth it.
You don't have to dress a certain way."
But yet, they are dressing in a way that's like--
- (chuckling) - Wait, that's not what you just said.
- Just because they dance and gyrate, that's fine.
Like, let's be real. Everybody and their mother does that, literally.
They're trying to show that they're more than just physical attraction.
- They're doing this dancing and all this because they want to
and they're taking hold of their own sexuality
and they're not doing things just to please men.
- They're, like, dancing around and wearing less clothes than normal.
It kinda shows that you're doing it in a sexual way,
but I think probably the thing they're trying to show is that
girls can have their sexuality and do that,
but they can still be in power
and they can still be worth being in that position.
- (Finebros) So all of the girls of Fifth Harmony
are very active on social media, and very well may end up
seeing this episode, so what would you say to the girls of Fifth Harmony
as their career's now beginning to skyrocket?
- Keep going with the feminist thing. It's really working.
- Keep up the good work! I love you guys so much.
- You're all amazing singers, amazing musicians.
I love you guys.
- I love you!!! - (scoffs)
- Oh my god, you're my girls!
- If all you five are doing this to show society
that women can be much more than objectified
pieces of physicality, then that's amazing.
Just don't fall into the same trap as every other female celebrity.
- I love you guys.
You guys really help me, especially on social media.
You could be like, "You're wonderful."
And just, overall, you guys are really talented
and I'm proud of how far you've made it
and you guys deserve to be here.
- Thanks so much for watching another episode of Teens React.
- (both) Let us know in the comments what we should react to next.
- Be sure to subscribe. We have new videos every week.
- Goodbye from Teens React-- for the last time, tear.
I'll see you guys next time on Adults React.
♪ (punk rock music) ♪