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  • The term modern art sounds like it means art that is popular at the moment,

    現代藝術這個詞聽起來像是 目前最流行的藝術,

  • but in fact, modern art is a style that originated over 150 years ago,

    但事實上,現代藝術是一種藝術風格, 開始於 150 多年前,

  • and includes artists that by now have attained classic status,

    至今包括許多 已獲得一流藝術家地位的人,

  • such as Picasso, Matisse, and Gauguin.


  • And what's even more ironic is that the movement they pioneered,

    更諷刺的是他們提倡的運動 ──

  • considered revolutionary and even scandalous at the time,

    在當時被視為一種革命 甚至是不成體統 ──

  • was inspired largely by an object of a traditional and ancient design.

    主要是受到 古代傳統圖案的物品所啟發。

  • As far back as the Renaissance,


  • the primary European art movements emphasized conventional representation


  • and adherence to classical forms.


  • But that began to change in the late 19th century


  • as artists like Van Gogh andzanne expanded the boundaries of painting.

    一些藝術家例如 文森•梵谷 及 保羅•塞尚 擴展了繪畫的範圍。

  • Soon, a movement arose that sought to create an entirely new style of art,

    很快地,興起一股追尋 創作全新風格藝術的運動,

  • and one way of doing so was to look beyond Western civilization.

    其中一個做法 就是將視野超越西方文化。

  • For example, Paul Gauguin moved to the island of Tahiti in the 1890s.

    例如 保羅•高更 在 1890 年代 搬到大溪地島,

  • There, he found inspiration in the island's inhabitants, landscape, and culture

    在那裡,他從島上居民、 景觀及文化得到啟發,

  • to create artwork that intertwined European themes and Polynesian lore.

    創作了交織著歐洲主題 與波利尼西亞的傳說的藝術作品。

  • Others looked the cultures of the Islamic world,


  • but the most influential inspiration would come from Sub-Saharan Africa.

    但最具影響的啟發 則是來自撒哈拉以南的非洲。

  • As European empires expanded deeper into the African continent,


  • its artifacts and artworks made their way into the hands of museums and collectors.

    那裡的文物及藝術品 落入了博物館及收藏家手中。

  • One such collector was Henri Matisse,

    一位這樣的收藏家 亨利•馬諦斯

  • who showed his friend Picasso a mask he had acquired

    將他獲得的面具 給他的朋友畢卡索看,

  • made by the Dan tribe of the Ivory Coast.


  • The mask awoke Picasso's curiosity,


  • leading him to visit the Trocadéro Ethnographic Museum in Paris in 1907.

    促使他在 1907 年到巴黎 夏樂宮人種博物館參觀。

  • Founded to house acquisitions from colonial conquests,

    博物館是因收藏許多 征服殖民地的戰利品而建立,

  • the museum boasted a collection of African art,


  • with stylized figures and masks made of wood


  • and decorated with simple colors and materials.


  • The visit was a revelation for Picasso,


  • who proclaimed that African masks were what painting was all about.


  • At this time, Picasso had been working on a painting of five nude women

    此時,畢卡索一直在繪製 一幅五個裸體少女圖,

  • in a style that would later come to be known as Cubism.


  • And while three of these ladies show facial features

    雖然少女中三位 有遠古伊伯利亞藝術的面部特徵

  • found in ancient Iberian art,


  • a nod to Picasso's Spanish heritage,

    但右邊兩位少女的面孔 則與非洲面具極為相似。

  • the faces of the two on the right closely resemble African masks.

    經過數百張草圖試畫, 完成於 1907 年,

  • Created in 1907 after hundreds of sketches and studies,


  • "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon"


  • has been considered the first truly 20th century masterpiece,


  • breaking with many previously held notions in art.


  • It was at once aggressive and abstract,


  • distorted yet primal in its raw geometry,

    一種新形式、色彩及意義的 新藝術語言。

  • a new artistic language with new forms, colors, and meanings.


  • And these avant-garde qualities caused a sensation


  • when the painting was first exhibited almost ten years later.


  • The public was shocked,


  • critics denounced it as immoral,

    就連畢卡索的朋友也為他魯莽行為 感到驚訝、生氣與迷惑。

  • and even Picasso's own friends were simultaneously surprised,


  • offended,

    巴黎的 康斯坦丁•布朗庫西 和 亞美迪歐•莫迪里安尼

  • and mesmerized at his audacity.


  • More artists soon followed in Picasso's footsteps.

    都在他們作品中 採用非洲雕塑的美學。

  • Constantin Brâncuși and Amedeo Modigliani in Paris,


  • as well as the German Expressionists,

    英國雕塑家 亨利•摩爾 的許多半抽象鑄銅雕塑

  • all drew on the aesthetics of African sculptures in their work.

    是根據 查克穆爾 的複製品,

  • Others looked to a different continent for their inspiration.

    這是一種來自 托爾特克─瑪雅 文化 獨特的斜倚雕像。

  • British sculptor Henry Moore based many of his semi-abstract bronze sculptures

    前哥倫布時期的藝術 也對 約瑟夫•亞伯斯 有重大影響,

  • on a replica of a chacmool,


  • a distinctive reclining statue from the Toltec-Maya culture.

    例如幾何系列 ─ 《向正方形致敬》系列,

  • Pre-Columbian art was also a major influence for Josef Albers.

    其靈感來自他多次拜訪墨西哥時 所遇到的金字塔及當地藝術。

  • He created a series of compositions,


  • such as the geometrical series Homage to the Square,

    開啟了藝術史上 最具革命性的運動之一,

  • that were inspired by pyramids and local art

    但是否這些藝術家 扮演探索者或征服者的角色

  • he encountered on his frequent visits to Mexico.

    從自認為的原始文化中 掠奪其想法並受益呢?

  • Inspiration from ancient cultures

    當藝術家不斷重訂標準時, 這類問題值得去探索。

  • initiated one of the most revolutionary movements in art history,


  • but were these artists playing the role of explorers or conquistadors,

    現代藝術大膽的創新 會變成了無生氣的正統,

  • appropriating ideas and profiting from cultures they considered primitive?


  • Questions like this deserve scrutiny, as artists continue to redefine standards.

    而他們是從另一個不太可能的來源 汲取靈感。

  • Perhaps not too long from now,

    翻譯:Helen Lin

  • the bold innovations of modern art will seem like stale orthodoxies,

  • ready to be overturned by a new set of radical trailblazers

  • drawing inspiration from another unlikely source.

The term modern art sounds like it means art that is popular at the moment,

現代藝術這個詞聽起來像是 目前最流行的藝術,


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