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Hello! It's me. Today we are talking New Year's resolutions
您好!是我。 今天,我們正在談論新年的決議。
Every year the story goes something like that. After Christmas I get kind of depressed. We
每年這個故事是這樣的。 樣的聖誕節後,我得到抑制。我們
start prepping for Christmas already in November. Some even in October, not me though.
十一月展開預備聖誕節了。 有些人甚至在十月,不是我雖然。
we make all this decorations put up Christmas trees , buy presents a lot of work goes into this
我們要把這些裝飾,掛上聖誕 樹,買禮物 - 大量的工作去
We're so excited and we have all these high hopes! Then Christmas comes and
這個!我們很興奮,我們都 這些寄予厚望!然後,聖誕節來了,
what happens? We open presents! And then? We're happy! Until you realize it's over,
怎麼了?我們打開禮物!接著? 我們很高興!是的,直到你意識到它已經結束了,
two – three months went into this and it's gone. Bye! You have to wait an entire year
二 - 三幾個月過去了到這一點,這是 不見了。再見!你必須等待了整整一年
有什麼問題問謝裡? 這一切,我的生命是一個爛攤子,聖誕
What's wrong mon cheri? It's everything, my life's a mess, Christmas
結束後,學校開始不久,我恨它, 我沒有朋友,沒有男朋友。我很難過。
is over, school starts soon and I hate it, I have no friends, no boyfriend. I'm so sad.
哦,親愛的,你看,這是一個明天元旦, 使一些目標自己 - 這是一個完美
Oh sweetheart, look, it's a New Year tomorrow, make some goals for yourself – It's a perfect
時間改變。開始工作了,弄了 男友,學習,吃的健康。使這個
time for change. Start working out, get a boyfriend, study, eat healthy. Make this a
完美的一年!因此,我們在新的一年步驟 在我們的眼睛閃閃發光,充滿高
perfect year! And so we step in the New Year with sparkles in our eyes and full of high hopes
Oh my god!! im so excited, ten seconds until my new life woohoo 3, 2, 1 WOOHOO!! New Year! Yay!
OMG太激動了,十秒鐘,直到我的新生活 嗚呼! 3,2,1嗚呼新年好!好極了!
但新年後真的發生?這裡 我是典型的新年的決議,
But what really happens after New Year?! Here are my typical New Year's resolutions and
早起。如果我醒得很早,我可以 做這麼多事情一天甚至開始之前。
how they end up!
我可以更富有成效。我將開始 我的日子都是快樂和積極的。第一天。
Waking up early. If I wake up early I can do so many things before the day even starts.
I can be much more productive. I will start my days all happy and positive. Day one.
Day two.
但是你知道它為什麼這麼難 很早起床?為什麼?因為我總是去
One hour later...
Back to reality!
飲食健康。 在新的一年裡沒有更多的垃圾食品。我要去
But do you know why is it so difficult to wake up early? Why? Because I always go to
對待我的身體好!我只打算吃 健康,營養的食品。維生素,粗纖維,
bed too late! This is how my energy level looks during the day.
歐米加3。 我們要成為BFFs。第一天。
I give up.
我猜 我們只是命中註定的!
Eating Healthy. In the new year no more junk food. I am gonna
節省金錢。生活是不容易的這些日子。 真?我奶奶說相反。別
treat my body well! I'm only going to eat healthy, nutritious food. Vitamins, fiber,
聽她的。 每兩個月有新的智能手機,
omega 3. We're gonna be BFFs. Day one.
片,東西你絕對需要有, 地方你完全需要訪問。但是,你是打破
所以你會怎麼做?你問媽媽! 忘了說了!她會說。哦,親愛的
Day two.
你不需要這些東西,當我是你的 age..Told你 - 只是不打擾。
所以,你做了什麼?您省錢。開始 有前途的。
I'm so sick of this salad.
Day three
而你的積蓄付之東流。但最糟糕的是 你還在說我一無所有
I guess we are just meant to be!
工作了。 特別是如果你訪問你的媽媽或奶奶
Saving money. Life isn't easy these days. Really? My grandma says the opposite.
Don't listen to her. Every two months there are new smart phones,
tablets, things you absolutely need to have, places you totally need to visit. But you are broke
哦!親愛的你是那麼消瘦,幸運的是我做 你一個蘋果派。不,謝謝,我才吃了
So what do you do? You ask mom! Forget that! She's going to say. Oh darling
我來到這裡,也許以後。但是,這是你最喜歡的, 只是一個小小的棋子。好吧,真的很小,
you don't need these things, when I was your age..Told you - just don't bother.
我想要吃的健康。在這裡,你去糖果。 AAAAA!這真的並不重要,如何
So what you do? You save money. It starts promising.
多少你的體重。 但低調的身體是男孩,女孩 - 我們
But ends up quickly.
所有總得有肌肉。 Hoooo。周圍的人都 我們正在抓緊所以它的時候加入的人群
每週兩次。是的,時間做 鍛煉。 Siri的,什麼是外面的溫度?
And your savings are gone. But the worst is that you still say I got absolutely nothing
BRRR,這是一攝氏度之外。 BRRR, 這是這樣寒冷出去。
to wear.
Working out. Especially if you visit your mom or your grandma
留學 你總是學習像瘋了似的1天
you put up a few kilos over the holidays.
在考試前。 不睡覺,不吃飯,只是學習到死
Hey mom, merry Christmas!
你對自己說。明年我打算 經常從學校開始學習
Oh! Sweetie you're so skinny, luckily I made you an apple pie. No thanks, I ate before
年。哈哈你是誰在開玩笑吧?沒人!本 將是我的!你是誰在開玩笑吧?沒人!
I came here, maybe later. But it's your favorite, just a tiny little piece. Ok, really tiny,
這將是我的! 星期一!有趣。星期二!我喜歡這個
I am trying to eat healthy. Here you go sweety. AAAAA! It really doesn't really matter how
聲音。星期三!星期四!星期五!星期六! 星期日!
much you weigh. But toned bodies are in. Boys, girls – we
all gotta have muscles. HAH! Everyone around us is working out so it's time to join the crowd
看起來是這樣的。 星期一!星期二!星期三!星期四!星期五!
Week one.
星期六!星期日! AAAAA!
Week two
改進作風。 我喜歡舒適的服裝。但舒適的衣服
Right, time to do the workout. Siri, what's the temperature outside?
不一定是最瀟灑和激烈的。 我們看到高大的Instagram的這些驚人的衣服
Brrr, it's one degree Celsius outside. Brrr, that's way too cold to go out.
和博客在女孩似乎生活的華麗 好萊塢的生活。
Story of my life.
Studing. You're always studying like crazy one day
所以每年我說。沒有更多的flanels,沒有更多的 帽衫。你是不是十姑娘。穿得像
before the exam. No sleeping, no eating, just studying to death
and you say to yourself. Next year I am going to study regularly from the beginning of the school
year. Haha who are you kidding? Nobody! This is gonna be me! Who are you kidding? Nobody!
This is gonna be me! Monday! Interesting. Tuesday! I love this
更加舉辦 當我的房間是一個爛攤子我覺得我的生活
sound. Wednesday! Thursday! Friday! Saturday! Sunday!
是一個爛攤子。所以,我喜歡乾淨整潔 我的房間,每週一次 - 每週六。您
But when school starts the reality
去的女孩,好工作。但我不知道為什麼出來 在一周的七天我的房間整潔
looks something like this. Monday! Tuesday! Wednesday! Thursday! Friday!
只是有一天 - 在星期六。 所以,我總是對自己說,我今年會
Saturday! Sunday! Aaaaa!
每天保持我的房間整潔。 第一個星期六早上在那一年我開始
Improving style. I love comfy outfits. But comfy clothes are
打掃我的房間,我認為:從現在開始 我會盡最大的一天,我的床,沒有樁
not always the most chic and fierce. We see tall these amazing outfits on instagram
在地板上的衣服,當我停止使用的東西, 我把它右後衛上的位置。一個
and blogs where girls seem to live that glam Hollywood life.
幾個小時後。啊我愛我的潔淨室。 嗨!電影院今晚?好了,接我在15分鐘內。
And we want that life too!
So every year I say. No more flanels, no more hoodies. You are not a ten girl. Dress like
a lady! So I try!
忘記前,繼續前進 我是一個幸福的關係,但我猜
And I forget I live in Norway.
我們一直都在那裡在一些點。 你有好感,但他表現得像一個真正的
So the next day, I'm back to usual.
傻瓜,你不知道你的立場。 難道我們在一起嗎?沒有?是?是她那是誰?
Being more organized When my room is a mess I feel like my life
啊算了吧。所以在除夕你 決定就這麼簡單!我受夠了!我會做什麼,
is a mess too. So I like to tidy and clean my room once a week – every Saturday. You
我應該早就 - 前進。
go girl, good job. But I don't know why out of the seven days in a week my room is tidy
only that one day – on Saturday. So I always say to myself, this year I'll
keep my room clean every day. The first Saturday morning in the year I start
午夜過後。 OMG他也愛我!還有 是一個吻!哦,不,我很抱歉。
cleaning my room and I think: from now on I will make my bed every day, no piles of
我很抱歉。 AAAAH ...
clothes on the floor, when I stop using something, I will put it right back on it's place. A
few hours later. Ahh I love my clean room. Hi! Cinema tonight? Ok, pick me up in 15 minutes.
更自然 正如我們加強在新的一年,我喜歡思考
Yeah, bye!
對發生在過去的事情 12個月。有什麼回憶我做了
I give up!
我可以跟我的生活嗎?有多少瘋狂 當你吃早餐,在昨晚的派對
Forget ex and move on I am in a happy relationship, but I guess
連衣裙?多少令人難忘的公路旅行 最好的朋友?多少人在床上吃晚上
we've all been there at some point. You have a crush but he's acting like a real
爆米花和觀看Netflix的?歡呼!傷心 如果你覺得這樣的說法。
fool and you don't know where you stand. Are we together? No? Yes? Who is she then?
所以你決定改變這種狀況。明年我 將是冒險的。我會全力以赴
Ah forget it.. So on the New Year's eve you decide that's it! I'm done! I'm gonna do what
出。我要去結交新朋友和我 去嘗試新的事物。是啊!
I should have long ago – move on.
嗨!今夜派對?不,今晚為什麼,我真的 想看維京人的最後一集,和
I hate you!
如果我出去我必須做的化妝,衣著 起來......是啊,我在這裡,你知道我在寫的
I mean what was I thinking. A few minutes
文章現在,是的,我把它拖到明天。 我知道,它吸收。好了,有樂趣,是啊,再見!
after midnight. OMG he loves me! And there was a kiss! Oh no I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry. Aaaah...
花一些時間為你的親人 在所有這些智能手機,平板電腦的世界
There we go again!
和社交媒體,我們覺得我們需要 被告知絕對一切我們
Be more spontaneous As we step in the new year I like to reflect
朋友,前男友,泰勒·斯威夫特,薩拉 美容角也最多。
on the things that have happened in the past 12 months. What memories have I made that
因此,我們花幾個小時滾動Facebook和Instagram的 我們忘記抽出時間為我們的朋友
I can take with me for life? How many crazy parties when you eat breakfast in last night's
在真實生活中。你知道其實說話,不 發送snapchats。是啊,讓我們改變了!
dress? How many unforgettable road trips with best friends? How many evenings in bed eating
花時間與朋友們總是那麼多 好玩的,我們可以講故事,玩棋盤遊戲。
pop corn and watching Netflix? Hurray! Sad if you think of it that way.
So you decide to change that. Next year I'm going to be adventurous. I'm going to go all
嗨!所以 很高興見到你,進來吧你好,謝謝
out. I'm going to make new friends and I'm going to try new things. Yeah!
Hi! Party tonight? No, why tonight, I really wanna watch the last episode of Vikings, and
If I go out I have to do make up, and dress up... Yeah I am here you know I'm writing an
essay right now, yeah I have it until tomorrow. I know, it sucks. Okay, have fun, yeah, bye!
I can go out next time.
今年你有什麼決議?讓我 知道樓下!我的是:上傳視頻更多
Take time for your loved ones In the world of all these smart phones, tablets
經常,你怎麼想的? 希望你們喜歡的視頻,別忘了
and social media, we feel like we need to be informed about absolutely everything our
給它一些愛,如果你訂閱 是新的我的頻道。謝謝你這麼多
friends, ex boyfriends, Taylor Swift, Sara Beauty Corner are up to.
看,我祝你一切順利在新 年,並會跟您的到來!再見!災難片...
So we spend hours scrolling facebook and instagram and we forget to take time for our friends
in real life. You know actually talking, not sending snapchats. Yeah let's change that!
Spending time with friends is always so much fun, we can tell stories, play board games.
I am going to invite my friends over!
Hi! so good to see you, come on in. Hello, thanks
for having us. It's been a long time.
One hour later.
Shall we play some board games?
Awkward. Whatever.
What are your resolutions this year? Let me know down below! Mine is: Upload videos more
frequently, how would you like that? Hope you guys liked the video, don't forget
to give it some love and subscribe if you are new to my channel. Thank you so much for
watching, I wish you all the best in the New Year and will talk to you soon! Bye! Bloopers...
Work out, work out!
Work out people!
Carrots are healthy!
Who cares
Typical... Boo!
Oh Sweetheart, it's a new year tomorrow, make some goals for yourself
it's a perfect time for a change...