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  • So, I want to get you all involved in my talk today.

  • and we are going to test out a little experiment.

  • but in order for me to do that, I need somebody to come up here

  • and join me on the stage.

  • So please, can I have a volunteer?

  • Don't all run at once.

  • So, you can come and join me up here with Ted.

  • We can have a little cup of tea together.

  • Anyone? Come on!

  • You just come up, whoever wants, I am not going to pick anyone.

  • Someone has to come up,

  • and there are volunteers down here, to bring you up onto the stage.

  • Oh, here's somebody.

  • (Applause)

  • It's a bit of an obstacle course, I think,

  • but I promise it's worth it.

  • (Laughter)

  • Poor person.

  • Woo, thank you.

  • What's your name?

  • Volunteer: Ian.

  • Carrie Green: Ian, thank you so much Ian

  • I have something for you, you just won £20.

  • There you go, thank you so much, you can go, sit back down now.

  • A big round of applause!

  • (Applause)

  • So, my question to you is this:

  • Why didn't you volunteer?

  • What stopped you from coming up here?

  • (Laughter)

  • My guess is that was probably for one of these reasons;

  • Fear.

  • Fear of coming up here in front of nearly 1000 people.

  • It's pretty damn scary.

  • Or maybe it was fear of the unknown, because you had no idea

  • what I was going to get you to do.

  • Maybe you thought,

  • "She might ask me to do something I'm not able to do,

  • and I'll look like a complete prat."

  • Or maybe it was because of obstacles.

  • There are a lot of obstacles in this room.

  • Maybe you're at the back, and you just thought,

  • "I'm so far away, it's dark, there're a lot of tables in my way,

  • I'll probably fall over some of them like a fool,

  • and I just can't do it, it's too difficult,

  • someone else will have to volunteer for me."

  • Or maybe it was just lack of motivation.

  • Maybe you just couldn't be bothered to move and come up here.

  • But no matter what your reason was, your decision started up here;

  • in your mind.

  • Because the moment I said, "Please, can I have a volunteer?"

  • Thoughts will have started flooding into your mind.

  • That little voice inside your head would have started talking to you,

  • and maybe for some of you, it was saying,

  • "Oh god, what is this girl going to get us to do?

  • I don't want to go up there,

  • please, don't make us do anything really stupid."

  • And then, maybe for some other people,

  • maybe for some other people you were thinking,

  • maybe down at the front you were like,

  • "Oh gosh, I don't want to do this, look away,

  • avoid eye contact, avoid eye contact, then she won't pick me!"

  • And then maybe for some of you the moment I said,

  • "Please, can I have a volunteer?"

  • Maybe, fear, doubts, and worry just flooded through you

  • at the prospect of actually coming up here,

  • of coming up here in front of so many people.

  • And then, for those of you that did volunteer,

  • you were thinking something entirely different.

  • You were thinking things maybe like, "Oh, she wants a volunteer,

  • I wonder what she's going to get us to do, how exciting, I'll do it"

  • Or maybe some of you thought,

  • "Oh my gosh this is really awkward, no one is volunteering,

  • so I'm going to have to step up and do it"

  • But for those of you that didn't volunteer,

  • you missed out on the chance to win £20.

  • But this experiment isn't about the money.

  • This experiment demonstrates the power of your mind.

  • The fact that what is going on up in your head

  • has such a huge impact on the actions that you take,

  • on the decisions you make, and the things that you experience.

  • And it's not just in silly situations like this,

  • when people miss out amazing opportunities.

  • People are missing out on incredible opportunities all of the time.

  • because of what is going on their head,

  • because they are making bad decisions based off a really bad frame of mind.

  • You know, those kind of self-limiting thoughts like:

  • "I can't do that",

  • "I'm not good enough",

  • or, "I don't have the time or the money".

  • Or maybe it's that you think,

  • "I can't be bothered; I'll just do it tomorrow".

  • But then, you never do it,

  • and so these wonderful ideas, and these incredible potentials

  • stay locked up inside, and you never do anything with them.

  • and that is exactly what was happening to me a few years ago.

  • It was the summer of 2005, and I had just finished studying

  • my full first year of law at the University of Birmingham.

  • I had completely run out of money, and I was like, what am I going to do?

  • So I started to look around for jobs,

  • and I was looking around and found absolutely nothing appealing.

  • So, I was looking around for more opportunities,

  • and eventually found this opportunity.

  • It was to start my very own mobile phone unlocking business

  • which basically meant that if you have a mobile phone,

  • and it was locked to a certain network,

  • and say you want to go travelling to Australia

  • and use an Australian sim card,

  • you could come to the website and unlock your phone.

  • There were just a few massive problems with this;

  • first, I didn't know much about mobile phones

  • beyond the fact that they made calls and sent texts,

  • let alone mobile phone unlocking.

  • And I had no idea how to build an online business.

  • But the only other opportunity was to sell sweets at Cirque du Soleil.

  • so I was like sell sweets at Cirque du Soleil,

  • or start my own business.

  • So, I went with the idea of starting my own business,

  • it sounded a way more adventurous.

  • So, I got started, and I realised really quickly,

  • that when you don't have a clue of what to do,

  • the only thing you can do is ask for help, and that is what I did.

  • So, I asked for help and within a few short weeks,

  • I put together probably the world's worst website.

  • I discovered Google AdWords as a way to drive traffic to the website,

  • and with a credit card and spending a limit of £30 a day,

  • my business was officially up and running.

  • Then over the next couple of years, when I wasn't studying for my degree,

  • I was learning how to build this business;

  • I was reading books,

  • I was listening to audio programs,

  • and in my final year, I went to night school

  • to learn more about web development.

  • I graduated in 2007 with an amazing degree

  • and a business that was flying.

  • And I decided that being an entrepreneur

  • was going to be way more fun than being a lawyer.

  • So I set my sights high and I decided to build,

  • - to take the business global -

  • to build a successful global business.

  • So, we got a new supplier based in America

  • who can unlock practically every phone under the sun.

  • We redid the website, we expanded the team,

  • we got real good at online marketing,

  • and within a few years, we were receiving

  • over 100 000 hits to the website every month.

  • And we were selling thousands and thousands of codes every single month,

  • and I had reached my goal to build a successful global business.

  • But there was one massive problem.

  • I was miserable.

  • I was running this business predominantly from my home office,

  • where I lived in an apartment; my second bedroom was turned into an office.

  • And I felt completely lonely, totally isolated and lost.

  • Something that I think so many people experience

  • but not very many of us talk about.

  • And I crumbled.

  • I started to question everything and I started to think questions like:

  • What am I doing?

  • What is the point of all of this?

  • The more I thought about those questions, the more confused I felt.

  • And the more confused I felt,

  • the more these negative thoughts which cloud my mind,

  • the more I began to doubt everything, and worry about everything,

  • and just question everything.

  • And as the months rolled by, I became more and more negative,

  • more and more self-defeatist,

  • and literally, this positive optimistic and "go get it "person that I once was,

  • had just disappeared.

  • I'd become totally negative and self-sabotaging.

  • I'd come up with ideas,

  • I'd shoot them down, I'd talk to myself out of it.

  • Then it got to 2010 and I felt like I was in complete despair.

  • And so I packed my bags and I went travelling to Australia

  • in the hope of having an epiphany.

  • Spent three months traveling around Australia, no epiphany,

  • and I was just like: what am I supposed to do?

  • So then I came back to the UK, and well, even more miserable than before,

  • because all of my problems were still waiting for me,

  • and the weather was rubbish.

  • Then I was like, "What am I going to do?"

  • So the next few months, I found myself being suffocated by my problems.

  • you know where you feel like you can't get rid of these doubts

  • and these worries and it was all I'd focus on.

  • I'd come up with ideas, I'd find opportunities,

  • and I'd just talk myself out of it, thinking that I couldn't do it.

  • And then finally, in 2011, I figured out where I was going wrong.

  • And I believe I was going wrong for two massive reasons:

  • the first reason was that yes, I wanted to be successful,

  • and quite frankly,

  • doesn't every single person in this room wants to be successful?

  • But mobile phone unlocking was not my dream.

  • At the time, I was reading this book by Michael Gerber called "The E-Myth",

  • and in "The E-Myth", there is a chapter on primary aims.

  • Michael Gerber says: Imagine walking into a room;

  • sat in the room, are your friends and family,

  • and as you walk down the center of the room, you see a box.

  • And as you get to the front of the room you realize that you are in the box,

  • and it's your funeral.

  • And he says, "What kind of things do you want people to be saying

  • about the kind of life that you lived,

  • about the kind of person that you were,

  • and the kind of things that you achieved?"

  • And I realized, I had no idea.

  • So there was no wonder that I felt so off track.

  • I had never ever been on track

  • And the second reason why I think went wrong,

  • is because of what was going on up here; what was going on in my head.

  • All these doubts, all these worries, all this self-limiting belief.

  • I came across a quote by Anthony Robbins that said,

  • "Your destiny is determined by the choices you make. Choose now. Choose well."

  • And I realized that I was responsible for this misery;

  • I was responsible for the fact that I was stuck in a rut.

  • I remember looking at my life thinking I am waking up every single day

  • and focusing on my problems.

  • I am waking up every day and giving so much focus and attention

  • to all of these awful thoughts, these doubts, and these worries.

  • I am coming up with ideas and I am shooting them down,

  • I am talking myself out of doing anything whatsoever.

  • And I realized that if I wanted to live an incredible life

  • and achieve amazing things, - and I really did -

  • that I had to get my mind to be on the same wavelength as me.

  • I realized that I had to figure out what it was that I wanted to achieve;

  • why I was wanted to achieve it, why it actually meant something to me.

  • I had to figure out the kind of person that I needed to become,

  • in order to make it happen.

  • And then, I had to program my mind to make it happen.

  • I had to program my mind for success.

  • And that is exactly what I ended up doing,

  • "Mission Success" began.

  • And so I started this off by thinking about: what do I actually want?

  • And so I looked at my life and I thought, "I love being an entrepreneur,

  • I love coming up with ideas and turning them into reality

  • it is so much fun."

  • And then looked at my problems and thought,

  • "I feel really lonely and lost as an entrepreneur."

  • And I looked at them with a different perspective.

  • Rather than feeling bad about it, I thought, "What can I do about it?

  • There must be other people out there that are in exactly the same position as me."

  • So I came up with this idea to create the Female Entrepreneur Association,

  • and it sounded so official.

  • And I was doing it, and I had this massive idea,

  • I would create this global network

  • of thousands of women from all over the world

  • and help to inspire them and connect them

  • and just help to empower them to build successful businesses.

  • But I had no idea, how I was going to do this.

  • Then I was like, "Right, I need to program my mind to make this happen."

  • So I started by becoming consciously aware

  • of the things I was thinking every day,

  • and whenever I caught myself thinking of something like,

  • "Carrie, who is going to come to this website?

  • Who are you to give advice to anyone?

  • This is rubbish, this is a ridiculous idea,

  • you're never going to be able to do it."

  • Every time I caught myself saying something like that,I would stop myself,

  • and I realized that I had the power to take control over my thoughts

  • rather than letting them control me.

  • I knew that I could stop myself from thinking these things.

  • And I did,

  • I replaced the negative rubbish annoying thoughts,

  • and told them to shut up,

  • and I replaced them with positive thoughts that were empowering me,

  • thoughts that were actually helping me to move towards my goal.

  • I also started to listen to guided visualization,

  • to program my subconscious mind for success.

  • And I got really into doing visualizations

  • vividly picturing what I wanted to achieve, seeing it happen,

  • and then feeling it happen, like it was happening right then and there,

  • just like all the top athletes do.

  • I got so clear on what I wanted to make happen,

  • and since then my life has totally changed.

  • I've built one of the largest online networking groups of female entrepreneurs,

  • with over 100 000 women involved.

  • And then I came up with this crazy idea to launch a digital magazine,

  • which then became the fastest growing digital magazine for female entrepreneurs.

  • When I created it, I made this wish list in my mind

  • of all the people I wanted on the front cover;

  • these best-selling authors, these incredibly successful entrepreneurs.

  • I had no idea how I would make it happen, but I was so convinced it would.

  • I then put their faces on mock-ups of the front cover,

  • printed them off and stuck them on my goal board,

  • and just visualized them being on the front cover;

  • visualized what it would feel like the moment

  • I'd send out an email to my network.

  • And I could say to them, "Hey everyone,

  • this person's on the front cover this month, how exciting!"

  • I got so unbelievably clear about what I wanted to do.

  • People would come up to me and say,

  • "How are you going to make this happen?"

  • I was like, "I don't know, but I am going to make it happen."

  • And it did happen,

  • So then I thought,

  • "What other crazy goals could I make happen?

  • What else is possible?"

  • So I set more crazy goals for myself.

  • I was like, "I want to go to Buckingham Palace,

  • I want to go to the House of Lords, I want to speak at the House of Commons."

  • And I set more crazy goals for myself.

  • And last year every single one of them happened.

  • And I realized that if I could get my mind to be certain,

  • that I could make something happen,

  • that somehow I would figure out a way, and I always have.

  • Because success is no accident.

  • Living an incredible life is no accident.

  • You have to do it on purpose.

  • and it starts by knowing exactly what is it that you want to achieve,

  • knowing why you want to achieve it,

  • knowing the kind of person that you need to become in order to make it happen,

  • and then programming your mind to make it happen.

  • Because you just have one life in which to achieve everything,

  • that you are going to achieve, so you have to act accordingly.

  • Thank you so much.

  • (Applause)

So, I want to get you all involved in my talk today.


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TEDx】為成功而編程的心態|Carrie Green|TEDxManchester (【TEDx】Programming your mind for success | Carrie Green | TEDxManchester)

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