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  • Hey guys, so today I'm going to be doing the "draw my life" video,

  • which is basically me drawing my life!

  • Really crappy, because I am not an artist.

  • I thought it would be really cool if I shared with you guys my story, so let's get started.

  • So my name is Joseph Michael Graceffa

  • and I was born May 16th 1991

  • and I remember I hated my name growing up,

  • I think I had my parents call me Cody for a week,

  • but I hate it, so I made them call me Joey again.

  • When I was brought into this world, my family consisted of my dad, my mom, and my sister Nicole, who is five years older than me,

  • and then of course me!

  • When I was really young my parents got divorced

  • so ... it didn't really affect me because I didn't really know of anything else.

  • So, it was just me, my mom, and my sister for the majority of the beginning of my life

  • and my mom was the most loving mom I could ask for.

  • I remember she put me on her hip and we danced around the living room listening to music.

  • I was such a mama's boy, like whenever my mom would go out at night and she wouldn't come home till late

  • the babysitter would have to give me her picture for me to be able to fall asleep,

  • so, yep! Mama's boy alert!

  • My, my sister and mom lived in a really old apartment complex growing up

  • and some paint chips had fallen off the window and got on my toys

  • and me being the child I was decided to eat the chips

  • and it gave me a lead poisoning which ended up causing me to have a learning disability

  • and I spent most of my school life in special education classes.

  • I lived just with my mom and my sister for a few years

  • I just looked up to my sister so much, she was my role model

  • and she was the coolest person ever and I wanted to be just like her

  • so I would do what she would do, like wear dresses and play with dolls,

  • but this ended up getting me teased a lot by my cousins and they called me "Josephina"

  • which really hurt my feelings.

  • I also had a pretty tough time at school

  • I mostly only hung out with girls because it's who I felt most comfortable

  • and a lot of guys would make fun of me, call me "gay"or "faggot", or call me a girl

  • and this made it really hard for me to make friends with guys for most of my life

  • because I just figured that they are all mean.

  • When I was five years old, my mom met my step-dad Bob who I actually called "the Chinese man"

  • because he would always bring over Chinese food for dinner, even though he wasn't Chinese.

  • But he became one of my biggest role models and taught me that anything in life is possible as long as I work hard enough.

  • When I was seven years old I actually fell of my bunk bed and cracked my head open

  • because I was trying to bring my two little kittens to the top bunk in a blanket

  • and I dropped the blanket on the way up

  • and in attempt to save them, I fell off the top bunk and landed on my head, on a bird house that I created.

  • I just remember reaching up and feeling the blood come on my head and I started screaming

  • and my parents rushed me to the hospital and I got five staples in my head

  • and for me being a good boy I got two Pokémon booster packs and one of them actually had a Charizard in it

  • so, yeah, I know. It's a really good Charizard, isn't it? [laughs]

  • But I guess it was worth getting my head cracked open, right?

  • No, it freakin' hurt.

  • At 12 years old, my mom started heavily drinking and soon became an alcoholic.

  • which was really hard growing up because I didn't feel like I had a mom that I could rely on.

  • My mom and my step dad's relationship wasn't doing that well and they decided to separate

  • so they sold the house and once again it was just me, my sister and my mom,

  • and my sister and my mom got into some pretty heated arguments on almost every single day

  • because my mom was drinking

  • so my sister decided to move out and live with my dad.

  • My dad was definitely very hard on me growing up,

  • he didn't like that my only friends were girls and he wanted me to be more of a masculine son

  • but when I got into 8th grade I think he just gave up and finally accepted my for who I was

  • and he's also my biggest fan now and I can tell that he is very proud of me.

  • In 8th grade, I wanted to become an actor, so I auditioned for my high school play

  • and I actually ended up getting the lead role

  • and this was definitely one of my favorite memories of high school.

  • When I was 15, my mom and step dad's relationship started getting better and my step dad moved in

  • and my mom sobered up for two years.

  • And then they had a baby named Jed and I was super excited because I'd always wanted a younger sibling

  • that I could boss around and tell them what to do.

  • But as time progressed, he was diagnosed with a form of autism

  • which meant that he wasn't able to communicate with us verbally

  • which of course has been really hard because I know he would say some of the craziest and funniest things

  • In my first year of high school I met a girl named Britney Joel

  • and we became best friends immediately

  • we just had so much fun together and we clicked so well.

  • We would hang out every single weekend and play video games

  • and we would annoy the crap out of people on Call of Duty Xbox LIVE

  • because we would sing Aly & AJ and Jonas Brothers' songs

  • and we called ourselves DJ Joey and DJ Britney. People hated us.

  • At 16 years old, we decided to start a YouTube channel called WinterSpringPro and just made little sketches

  • and tried to build up an audience, and it eventually started taking off

  • and after a few months we became YouTube Partners,

  • which meant that we could start making money on our videos.

  • College time came around and I really wanted to major in film,

  • so I applied to my dream school Emerson and ... was denied.

  • I was so heartbroken but I ended up going to the stupid crusty state school

  • and I was so miserable. I became very lonely and the most depressed I think I've ever been in my life.

  • But I found my comfort in YouTube and the majority of my friends were online friends.

  • So I decided to drop out of college.

  • When I turned 19, I decided to move to L.A. and follow my dream of being an actor and

  • and make YouTube a full-time job, also to escape my mother who had now been drinking heavily again.

  • So Britney and I packed up her car and drove cross country from Boston to Los Angeles for four days straight.

  • When we arrived in L.A., we made a ton of YouTube friends and I immediately felt like I belonged in

  • I now have the best group of friends that I could ever ask for.

  • They all accept me for who I am and I don't feel like I have to be anyone but me.

  • After living in L.A. for a year, I decided to branch off from WinterSpringPro and start my Joey Graceffa channel.

  • and eventually made the decision to vlog every single day

  • I worked really hard and was really passionate about YouTube again

  • and I started getting recognition and had a really cool story that got me noticed by the TV show "The Amazing Race".

  • which has seriously been the coolest experience of my life.

  • Today I'm still making videos on a daily basis and trying to make my dreams of being an actor come true.

  • Although I went through a lot of struggles in my life growing up,

  • it's made me into the person I am today.

  • I know that this is just the beginning of an even more epic journey ahead of me

  • and I want to thank you guys so much for supporting me

  • and if there's anything that I want you guys to take from this video

  • it's that you don't have to be a victim of your environment

  • and just know that life gets so much better

  • and you can truly achieve anything in life as long as you work hard enough.

  • So yeah, keep your head up and no dream is too crazy!

  • So, yeah, I love you guys, thank you so much for supporting me

  • and I will see you guys tomorrow!

  • May the odds be ever in your favor!

  • Good bye!

  • Anyways, headed to Target,

  • gonna get that whiteboard, probably some other stuff

  • and I'm gonna make this draw my life video, I already scripted it all out

  • just the drawing which I'm a little worried about

  • because I am not the best artist

Hey guys, so today I'm going to be doing the "draw my life" video,


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    Sandy Mo 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日