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Hi everybody, I'm gonna do something a little different with this video. Last week a couple
of mine, who's wedding I actually photographed a couple of years ago, they brought in their
nine month old son to do some baby portraits with.
I did this session with constant lights as opposed to strobes, which is a lot of times
better for babies.
So you are gonna see behind the scenes of how I created the images, the equipment, as
well as the settings I used on my camera, as well as basically my interaction to get
the response that we wanted and the photos that we were looking for. So take a look!
What ya think there bud?
Uh oh, I recognize that sound! I know what that means!
So, I'm using continuous lights instead of strobes, cause strobes often tend to be distracting
or even frightful to small children.
The constant lights basically allow me to see exactly how the lights gonna look, and
do so in a way thats gonna work better with a small child or baby.
The disadvantage with them is that they are not as bright as a strobe. So consequentially
you're going to be using longer shutter speeds, or higher ISOs, or larger apertures, or a
combination thereof.
In this particular case I was using an aperture of about 2.8, 800 ISO, and still using a shutter
speed around of 1/125th of a second.
So that's kind of one of the drawbacks a little bit on the constant lights.
In this particular case I'm using Westcott Spiderlite TD3s, with a large soft box as
my main, and then I've got another TD3 in a small soft box on a boom overhead.
The background is just seamless white paper, its really my go to set up. I like to keep
things very clean, very simple, and you can change how the background looks depending
on how you light it.
And so, just unlit the background is actually gonna be kind of grayish, whereas if I put
strong light on it, it will go to pure white.
In this particular case I was going for that slightly gray look as opposed to being just
pure bright white. I wanted to have the light look just a little more dramatic than it would
have otherwise.
Get in right behind me so he will look right at me.
you go.