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  • The Holy Tales

  • Hi my name is Tubby, I live here in this wonderful library and I love to eat books. I live here with my friends Gumbo and Freckles.

  • Gumbo and Freckles come out come out wherever you are.

  • Over there on that great book is Grand Old Holy.

  • She is really old and wise and tells us wonderful stories when she is awake that is.

  • Oh and we love to sing!

  • "O when the saints go marching in O when the saints go marching in. I want to be in that number When the saints go marching in."

  • Hi Holy, now that you are up can you please please tell us a story from the great book?

  • This book is called The Bible. I will tell you the story only if you promise to listen carefully and answer a question at the end.

  • Yes yes we promise!

  • Millions and millions of years ago, God created Earth and the Heavens.

  • At first, it was completely dark and covered with water. That would make life difficult wouldn't it?

  • So Earth did not have any life. This worried God.

  • So on the very first day, God said, "Let there be light," and there was light! He called the light "day" and the dark "night".

  • Then he decided to make the sky. So, on the second day God made the sky.

  • The very next day God wanted land so he said, "Let there be land," and the land came out of the water.

  • God then called the land "Earth" and the water "sea".

  • With the light, the sky, the land and water, the Earth looked so beautiful.

  • But he wanted it to look even better.

  • So, on the third day he created plants and trees.

  • On the fourth day God created the sun to shine in the day, the moon and stars to come out at night.

  • On the fifth day, God filled the sea with fish and plants. He also wanted birds to fly in the sky.

  • He also filled the Earth with animals big and small.

  • And finally his biggest creation of all "Man". He said that unlike animals, Man would stand up tall and also have a soul.

  • So, God took some dust from the ground and created Man out of it. He made Man to take care of his creation.

  • This was all done in just six days, and on the seventh day God said, "I need rest." and he rested.

  • Now, there is a question for all of you. How many days did God take for his creation?

  • I know I know! Seven days!

  • That's correct! Excellent Tubby! Ok now I am off to sleep again. See ya'!

  • "O how I want to be in that number When the saints go marching in."

  • The Holy Tales

The Holy Tales


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A2 初級 美國腔

創世記 I 創世記 I 動畫兒童聖經故事大全 (The Story of Creation I Book of Genesis I Animated Children's Bible Stories)

  • 102 9
    唐玉玲 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日