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The Holy Tales
Hi my name is Tubby, I live here in this wonderful library and I love to eat books. I live here with my friends Gumbo and Freckles.
Gumbo and Freckles come out come out wherever you are.
Over there on that great book is Grand Old Holy.
She is really old and wise and tells us wonderful stories when she is awake that is.
Oh and we love to sing!
"O when the saints go marching in O when the saints go marching in. I want to be in that number When the saints go marching in."
Hi Holy, now that you are up can you please please tell us a story from the great book?
This book is called The Bible. I will tell you the story only if you promise to listen carefully and answer a question at the end.
Yes yes we promise!
Millions and millions of years ago, God created Earth and the Heavens.
At first, it was completely dark and covered with water. That would make life difficult wouldn't it?
So Earth did not have any life. This worried God.
So on the very first day, God said, "Let there be light," and there was light! He called the light "day" and the dark "night".
Then he decided to make the sky. So, on the second day God made the sky.
The very next day God wanted land so he said, "Let there be land," and the land came out of the water.
God then called the land "Earth" and the water "sea".
With the light, the sky, the land and water, the Earth looked so beautiful.
But he wanted it to look even better.
So, on the third day he created plants and trees.
On the fourth day God created the sun to shine in the day, the moon and stars to come out at night.
On the fifth day, God filled the sea with fish and plants. He also wanted birds to fly in the sky.
He also filled the Earth with animals big and small.
And finally his biggest creation of all "Man". He said that unlike animals, Man would stand up tall and also have a soul.
So, God took some dust from the ground and created Man out of it. He made Man to take care of his creation.
This was all done in just six days, and on the seventh day God said, "I need rest." and he rested.
Now, there is a question for all of you. How many days did God take for his creation?
I know I know! Seven days!
That's correct! Excellent Tubby! Ok now I am off to sleep again. See ya'!
"O how I want to be in that number When the saints go marching in."
The Holy Tales