字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 friendship should be one of the high points of existence 友誼關係在生活上的存在感很高 and yet it's also the most routinely disappointing thing we have to deal with. 常常也是個我們需要解決的頭痛問題 Too often you're at supper at someone's house, 例如你經常到某人家裡吃晚餐 there's an impressive spread and the hosts have evidently gone to a lot of trouble. 你不但對餐桌上的滿漢全席留下深刻印象,還有主人口中滔滔不絕的麻煩事 But the conversation is meandering and 話題不但漫長而且 devoid of any real interest it flits 乏味無趣 from an overlong description of the 話題從長篇大論的故事 failings of the in-flight service on a 關於某個航空公司的飛行服務不周到 particular airline to a strangely heated 再提到一個異常水深火熱的話題 discussion about the tax code. The 關於稅法問題 intentions of the hosts are hugely 主人邀吃飯一事 touching, but as so often we go home 著實令人感動,但是常常我們回家後會很疑惑 wondering what on earth the whole 全世界的運作方式 performance was really about. The key to 到底是如何 the problem of friendship is to be found 朋友之間產生的大問題,通常會在 in an odd sounding place: a lack of a 異常吵雜的環境中被發掘: sense of purpose. Our attempts at 缺乏談話的目的,我們在友情下的功夫 friendship tend to go adrift because we 常常付諸流水 collectively resist the task of 因為我們集體抗拒以下這個任務 : developing a clear picture of what 拓展具有意義的友誼關係 friendship might really be for. 找出友誼的核心價值 The problem is that we're unfairly 問題在於我們對友誼 uncomfortable with the idea of 缺乏安全感 friendship having any declared purpose, 常常聚焦在交朋友的淺規則上 because we associate purpose with the 我們把這種淺規則定義成 least attractive and most cynical of 一種乏味又厭世的動機 motives. Yet purpose doesn't have to ruin 但這個淺規則並不會去毀掉 friendship and in fact the more we 友誼,事實上 define what a friendship might be for 我們越去定義友誼關係 the more we can focus in on what we 越可以集中注意力 should be doing with every person in our 去對待在我們人生當中,出現的每個人 lives, or indeed the more we can 也或許可以 helpfully conclude that we shouldn't be 導出一個有益的結論,例如 with them at all. 我們根本不需要朋友 There are at least four things we might 目前大致上有四個方法 be trying to do with the people we know. 我們可以試著跟熟識的人產生互動 Firstly, networking. It's an unfairly 第一點,組織人際網絡 maligned idea. We're small, fragile 但這顯然不是很好的方式,因為我們在這龐大宇宙裡 creatures in a vast world. Our individual 是如此的渺小與脆弱 capacities are entirely insufficient to 個體的能力完全不足以 realize the demands of our imaginations. 去完成我們想像中的需求 So of course we need collaborators, 所以我們一定需要和別人合作 accomplices who can align their 與夥伴一起團結彼此的力量 abilities and energies with ours. 發揮各自擅長所能之處 This idea of friendship was given a lot 這種創建友誼的方式在 of space in classical literature. 古典文學中很常見 Take the Argonauts, the legendary ancient 以古希臘故事阿爾戈英雄為例 Greek tale, which traced how a heroic 其中有一位英雄船長名叫傑森 captain called Jason networked in order to 他呼朋引伴召集了一群人 assemble a band of friends to sail on 為了要航行至 the Arkham, in search of the Golden Arkham找金羊毛 Fleece. Later, the same idea emerged when 之後,耶穌也抱持 Jesus networked, to put together a band of 類似的想法,將12位門徒聚集在一塊 twelve disciples with whom he could 他灌輸門徒 spread one or two world-changing ideas 一些改變世界的想法 about forgiveness and compassion. Rather 有關於寬恕和憐憫 than diminish our own efforts as we hand 與其以交換名片的方式來交朋友 out our business cards, such prestigious 不如運用這些實際的例子 examples can show how elevated an 來學習如何利用合作的概念來展現 ambitious networking friendships could 氣度不凡又理想的友誼 ideally be. Secondly, reassurance. The 第二點,營造安全感 human condition is full of terror. We're 人性涵蓋許多恐懼 always on the verge of disgrace, danger 我們經常走在恥辱、危險、失望的邊緣 and disappointment and yet, such are the 因此那些世俗規定 rules of polite conduct that we're 我們總是想像 permanently in danger of imagining that 盡可能地打破規則 we are the only ones to be as crazy as 幻想我們會是唯一的瘋子 we know we are. We badly need friends 瘋到不行的那種,因此我們的確非常需要朋友 because with the people we know only 如果你只有泛泛之交的朋友 superficially, there are few 那你就不太有機會得以 confessions of sexual compulsion or of 表達自己內心的情感想法 regret, rage and confusion. These 包含性衝動、後悔、憤怒與困惑 superficial acquaintances refuse to 這些表面朋友也會選擇 admit that they, too, are going slightly 不去表露自己內心的感覺 out of their minds. Yet the reassuring 而漸漸地封閉自己的心 true friend gives us access to a very 因此真誠且能相處自然的朋友給我們一扇通往 necessary and accurate sense of their 處理情緒的大門 own humiliations and follies, insights 像是丟臉或愚蠢的感受 with which we can begin to judge 也讓我們開始反思自己的情緒 ourselves and our sad and compulsive 諸如悲傷或不甘願的感受 lives slightly more compassionately. 能更體諒他人的感受 Thirdly, fun. Despite talk of hedonism and 第三點,找樂子,儘管人生就是要知足常樂 immediate gratification, life gives us 但是人生也常常給我們 constant lessons in the need to be 另一個課題,那就是 serious. 需要認真看待每一件事情 We have to guard our dignity, avoid 我們必須保有尊嚴 looking like a fool and pass as a mature 避免看起來像個傻子,行為舉止要像個成熟的大人 adult. The pressure can become onerous 這壓力其實不小 and in the end even dangerous. That's why 最後還可能導向不好的結果 we constantly need access to people we 這就是為什麼,我們都需要在一些值得信賴的朋友面前 can trust enough to be silly with them. 盡情的搞笑,來當成釋放壓力的窗口 They might most of the time be training 他們可能把大部分的時間投資在 to be a neurosurgeon or advising middle 如何當一個精神外科醫師或是 sized companies about their tax 替中型企業做稅額債務的分析服務 liabilities, but when we're together we 但是當我們同在一塊 can be therapeutically daft. We can put 我們可以藉瘋狂因子治療彼此 on accents, share lewd fantasies or doodle 我們學其他口音,大談黃色笑話 on the newspaper, adding a huge nose and 在報紙上塗鴉,在總統肖像上畫個大鼻子 a missing front tooth to the President 塗黑他的門牙 or giving the fashion model distended 或是給時尚名模加個 ears and masses of 巨耳和爆炸捲髮 curly hair. The fun friend solves the 有趣的朋友幫我們 problem of shame around important but 解決內心的不快也讓我們釋放 unprestigious sides of ourselves. 重要卻鮮微人知的一面 Fourthly, clarifying our minds. To a 第四點,刺激思考以釐清問題 surprising degree it's very hard to 你可能很難相信 think on our own. 我們很難獨立思考 The mind is skittish and squeamish. As a 因為我們的心脆弱又很吹毛求疵 result, many issues lie confused within 因此,很多大問題我們經常想不通 us. We feel angry but are not sure why. 我們感到憤怒但卻找不出原因 Something is wrong with our job but we 工作上好像出了問題 can't pin it down. The thinking friend 但又不確定問題在哪 holds us to the task. They ask gentle 因此幫助思考的朋友很重要 but probing questions which act as a 朋友關心我們的同時,也思考著問題的癥結點 mirror that assist us with the task of 他們就像是一面鏡子 knowing ourselves. One side effect of 幫助我們看見自己 getting a bit more precise about what 我們在經過無數社交生活的洗禮之後 we're trying to do with our social lives, 有時難免會遇到瓶頸 is that we're likely to conclude that in 也就是人際關係中所產生的不良影響 many cases, we're spending time with 我們花時間跟人相處 people for no truly identifiable good 卻找不出一個合理的理由為什麼要這麼做 reason. These proto friends share none of 新朋友和我們根本沒什麼交集 our professional ambitions or interests, 沒有共同志向和興趣 they aren't reassuring and may indeed be 也不值得信任 secretly really very excited by the 說不定還會因為別人的失敗 possibility of failure. We can't be 而歡欣鼓舞 catharticly silly around them and they 我們絕對不能肆無忌憚的耍蠢 aren't the least bit interested in 他們對於拓展自己和幫忙他人未來的道路 furthering our or their path to self 壓根兒沒興趣 knowledge. They are, like so many of the 更別說是自己的內涵 people in our social lives, simply in our 他們是社交圈中常常會出現的人 orbit as a result of some unhappy 常帶來一些不快的經驗 accident that we've been too sentimental 讓我們不知所措,甚而心裡蒙上陰影 to correct. We should dare to be a little 我們對於這一塊交友圈 ruthless in this area. Culling 必須要展現人性的殘酷 acquaintances isn't a sign that we've 割捨朋友並不代表 lost belief in friendship, it's evidence 我們對友誼失去信心 that we're starting to get clearer and 而是象徵我們更明白友誼的界線 therefore more demanding about what a 因此我們更會去要求友誼中 friendship could really be. In the best 應該遵守的規範 way the price of knowing what friendship 或許在家獨自度過午後的時光 is for may be a few more evenings at home 就能夠參透出友誼的核心價值 in our own company 與真諦也說不定呢
B1 中級 中文 友誼 朋友 問題 規則 門徒 話題 友誼的意義 (The Purpose of Friendship) 17226 1687 Jeremy 發佈於 2017 年 03 月 29 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字