字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Humans have existed for millions of years, as part of nature. 人類與大自然已經共處了百萬年之久 But then, something changed. And in an incredibly short amount of time 但在極短的時間內,某些事發生了 We terraformed this planet and designed it to fit our needs. 人類改變了這顆星球,以符合我們的需求 As far as we know, we're the first beings to awaken and completely take over a planet. 就我們所知,人類是第一個覺醒並主宰這顆星球的生物 The transition from hunting and gathering, to farming and building, was so breathtakingly fast that many of our ways of thinking about the world are no longer useful. 人們從打獵 採集 一直到建設的轉變是如此的快以至於許多對於世界的認知已經過時 One of our most outdated ideas is that the most commonly used calendar in the world insists that we live in the year of 2016. 其中一個過時的想法是由於我們所使用的曆法而認為我們生活在2016年(公元) This distorts our view of our own history, and makes it harder to understand who we are as a species. 但這會讓我們難以理解更久之前(公元前)的歷史,並讓人們更難以理解以前發生的事 and just how far we have come in an incredibly short amount of time. 尤其是我們是在多短的時間內發展到現今的狀況 so maybe it's time to choose a Year Zero for humanity 因此 是時候來決定一下人類真正的初始紀元 A Year Zero that truly represents us as a species and includes all cultures, 一個真正能表現人類所有文化的最初紀元 a Year Zero that marks when we began building our new world on top of the old one. 一個能展現出人類在舊世界上造出新世界的一年 [ Kurzgesagt intro ] 潮好聽的音樂 Twelve thousand years ago hundreds of humans came together in the hills of southern Anatolia. 一萬兩千年前 數以百計的人類聚集在安那托利亞高原上(今土耳其) They were hunters and gatherers without the knowledge of agriculture or metalworking. 他們是沒有任何農業知識和金屬器具的最原始的獵人 All they had were tools made of stone and wood, 他們只有木頭與石頭做成的工具 but they built humanity's first big construction project 但是他們建造了自人類發展以來第一個大型建築 seven thousand years before the pyramids were built in Egypt. 早在埃及金字塔建造前七千年前就完工 Spread over 300 meters our ancestors erected circles of massive stone pillars, each of 蔓延達三百公尺,我們的祖先立起了這些巨大的石塊 them up to 6 meters high and 40 tons in weight. 每塊高六公尺高,並重達四十噸 Decorated with art for pictograms and stone carvings of animals and mythical creatures. 並用了刻有謎樣生物的象形文字裝飾 We have no idea how they were able to do this. 我們至今仍然無法得知他們是如何辦到的 It was probably a project of epic scale for the Stone Age, requiring a level of organization we didn't know 也許是我們尚未發現的某個石器時代文明所做出來的 史詩級建築,在我們發現這座遺址之前 early humans were capable of until we found this site. 根本不知道早期人類有這等組織能力。 So, why did they build it? 所以 他們為何建造它? The most popular theory is that this was the first temple of humanity dedicated to long-forgotten Gods. 最被廣泛接受的說法是這是第一座人類用以紀念遠古神明的神廟 We only know that this construction project, the first-of-its-kind marks the beginning of a new era. 我們只知道這個建築 也就是把人類推向另一個紀元的建築物 It's in this area, around that time, that humans truly began to build their own world. 大約在同個時間 這個地區的人類開始建造屬於他們自己的世界 Which would make it a fitting milestone in our history, for the start of our calendar. 也是個適合當作人類文明起源的里程碑 This moment in time is so distinct, that scientist Cesare Emiliani proposed that humanity 這個獨特的分歧也就是科學家Cesare Emiliani認為人類 should switch to what he called the Holocene calendar, by adding ten thousand years to our current Gregorian calendar. 應該切換到他提出的"全新世紀年(人元)" 也就是現今的公元年再加上一萬年 We don't need to change our well-established days and months, 我們並不需要改變現今所使用之日與月的系統 and religious calendars could stay the same as well. 並且西元立法也不需要做改變 But for all official purposes, our current year will be the year twelve thousand and sixteen of the human era. 但就正式的目的而言 真正的全新世紀年應該是12016年 This would drastically alter how we think about history, and how it feels. 這樣的改變將會大大的改變我們對於歷史的感覺和看法 Let's take a very brief look, and move through our new history, from our New Year Zero. 讓我們用簡單的方式以全新世紀年的角度從第一年來看我們的歷史 12,000 years ago saw the beginning of the first construction project, kicking off our history. 一萬兩千年前首先出現的是人類第一個大型建築物 揭開了歷史的序幕 It would be in use for about 2,000 years. 大約使用了2000年之久 It took nearly a millennium until Jericho, probably the first city on Earth, 在將近千年之後 杰里科(可能是目前已知最古老的城市) was founded in the year 1000 after the start of the human era. 在全新世紀年過了一千年以後出現 Progress was still very, very, slow at this point. Over the next thousand years more and more 在此階段仍然過得非常非常慢 又過了幾千年以後 permanent settlements appeared around the world, 許多定居的遺址出現在世界各地 and more and more plants and animals were domesticated as agriculture spread. 並且有更多的動物及植物被馴養及種植 Evidence for trade over thousands of kilometers has been found from this period. 在這個時代 已經有許多長達數千里的貿易已經被證實 Around five million humans were alive at this point in history, fewer than live in London today 並且有超過五百萬個人類生存 大約比現今倫敦的總人口數還要少 Technology advanced constantly, at a slow pace. 科技也不斷的以緩慢的步調進步著 Pottery became widespread. 陶器開始普及 The first cultural communities appeared in China, India, and the Fertile Crescent. 最初始的文化社群在中國 印度及兩河流域出現 Around the Year 4000, 8,000 years ago from today, humans started to use metal for the first time, 大約在全新世紀年4000年,也就是8000年前 人類開始使用金屬器具 learning to mix tin and copper and kick-starting what we know as the Bronze Age around the year 5000. 混合錫跟銅 在全新世紀年5000年時揭開青銅器時代的序幕 The first proto-writing emerged, and the wheel was invented. 最早的楔形文字及輪子的發明 也大約在此時期 In South America, the Chinchorro culture started to artificially mummify humans, 在南非,辛克羅文明開始製作木乃伊 2,000 years earlier than in Ancient Egypt. 比古埃及還早兩千年 The first high cultures began emerging around the year 7000. 第一批高度開發的文明在全新世紀年7000年出現了 The Indus Valley Civilization, Ancient Egypt, the Minoans in Greece, and the Sumerians in Mesopotamia . 古印度文明,古埃及文明,希臘的邁諾安文明 以及美索不達米亞的蘇美文明 Stonehenge was built in Britain, and the first dynasty in China began. 英國的巨石陣和中國的夏朝相繼出現 Ötzi the Ice Man lived around this time. 奧茨(Ötzi)冰人也大約在此時出現 What we consider history now started and things began picking up pace, as the world population rose to over 30 million. 我們所熟悉的歷史開始加快腳步 大約在世界總人口達三千萬時 A number of new high cultures appeared around the world, many writing down their legends. 數個高度開發文明在世界各地出現 不計其數的著作及史詩被撰寫 More and more cities were founded. 更多城市的出現 In South America the Olmec culture emerged. 在南美洲 奧爾梅克文明出現了 Around this time, the legendary siege of Troy is supposed to have happened. 大約在同時 傳奇的特洛伊戰爭也正在如火如荼的進行中 Soon after in the eastern Mediterranean in the Fertile Crescent, the bronze age ended in violence. 在不久之後 地中海東部及兩河流域的青銅器時代在戰爭中謝幕了 Every Bronze Age culture, except Egypt, was destroyed by mysterious invaders. 幾乎所有的青銅器文明 除了埃及以外 都被未知的侵略者消滅了 Writing and progress froze for hundreds of years. 文字等發展延遲了好幾百年 Around the Year 9500, what we consider Western culture began. 大約在全新世紀年的9500年 也就是我們所熟悉的西方文明拉開了序幕 The Greek city-states beat off the persian invasion, and triggered their golden era, 希臘城邦聯合起來擊退了波斯人的入侵 並建立了屬於他們的黃金年代 ended by Alexander the Great around 9700. 最終在9700年時為亞歷山大大帝所滅 100 years later, Rome destroyed Carthage, and became a dominant force in the world. 一百年之後 羅馬政權摧毀了迦太基 成為了當時世界上的主宰勢力 Caesar was murdered in the year 9956, while the world population had risen to about 300 million people. 凱薩在9956年遭到暗殺 同一時間全世界的總人口數也來到了三億人 And it's only now around the year 10,000, that we've reached the point where the Gregorian calendar 然而這一萬年的全新世紀年之後才剛遇上現今的公元紀元 and our current method of marking human history begins. 也就是現今紀載人類歷史的曆法的開始 A mere two thousand years from now, humans will walk on the moon. 在短短的兩千年之後 人類已經能在月球上漫步 If we think about history as we do now, we are underplaying 10,000 years of human progress and development. 如果我們仔細思考現在的成果 將會發現這是建立在這10000年中人類所發展的精華 Including all of it in our calendar makes our past more impressive. 包括所有發生在這個曆法中令人感到驚豔的過去 It shows how progress became exponential with time, and it incorporates all humans from 它展現出指數增長的進步,並結合了所有人類 all cultures into our calendar. 的所有文明到全新世紀年的曆法中 A New Year Zero for our history could reframe how we think of ourselves. 全新世紀年可以讓我們重新反省對於人類這個物種的定義 As a building project that started 12,000 years ago when for the first time, 從一萬兩千年前有史以來的第一座建築開始 our ancestors came together to carve a temple out of bedrock with tools made of stone; 我們的祖先同心協力用石頭從岩床刻出一整座神廟 not knowing what they would set in motion, 不論他們建造的動機為何 where it would lead us as a species. 他們帶領了人類整個物種 From building the first temple, to ships flying beyond the sky. 從第一座神廟 到 能飛上天空的船艦 We've made a Kurzgesagt version of the human era calendar 我們製作了Kurzgesagt版本的全新世紀年年曆 that you can buy here if you want. 如果你想要可以購買 It's a calendar for 2017, but with one important difference. 它是2017年的年曆 但最特別的是 It's for the year 12,017, the year we think we should be in right now. 它是12017年年曆 也就是我們認為應該正確使用的紀元 There are only a very limited amount available, but if we sell enough of them, 這個年曆是限量的 但如果銷量夠好 we'll make this a regular thing, and maybe produce more print products in the future. 我們將會把它作為固定商品 The calendar is illustrated, and we put in a few fun facts. 這個年曆是手繪的 並有一些有趣的小知識在裡面 Also as always, if you like what we do, please consider supporting us on Patreon, 如果你喜歡我們的影片 可以在Patreon支持我們 or buying things we made. It really helps! 或購買我們的商品 Thanks, and have a happy 12,017! 感謝收看 祝有個快樂的12017年
B1 中級 中文 英國腔 人類 文明 世紀 全新 曆法 神廟 人類的新歷史--人類的時代。 (A New History for Humanity – The Human Era) 539 59 Kristi Yang 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字