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  • Alright I'm done messing about.

  • [Mike] Is it time? [Rengar] Tonight we hunt [Mike] It's time

  • Ok I'm bot lane let's see it team. Let's see it, let's see what you're made of

  • Go go go what are you guys doing? [Mike] Let me see the Rengar plays. Get in there!

  • There we go there we go there we go

  • What kind of choppers oh, Ok That's not bad

  • Ooooh, we got the rooterino [Mike] Nice [DJ Khaled] Another one And another one, let's go!

  • [Mike] Niice She is fed dude

  • "My birthday is exactly one week from today"

  • Happy birthday, happy early birthday dude. "What are you gonna get me?" I'm gonna get you a...

  • Moby huge

  • What?

  • [Mike] That's so terrible

  • Why are they doing drake? Y'know what? I realise people overvalue drake

  • In this elo, in this elo dude, people overvalue drake, get off dragon.

  • Ye, Oh my gosh [Mike] RIP

  • "No" I don't think you have a choice now do you?

  • [Mike] I think they made the decision for you, young kemosabe.

  • "I don't know why your doing gromp" You're*

  • You mad bro, why you mad bro

  • Can I do this?

  • [Mike] I don't know? Can you? Oh yeah.

  • [Mike] Well Eve is there in twenty minutes so careful.

  • [Mike] And Morg is next to you. Nice dude. [Nightblue] (Monkey noises) [Mike] You ok?

  • No. That's my... that's my mating call

  • Oh oh. He's not happy, he's not a happy panda.

  • [Mike] What did you do? Nothing.. [Mike] Did you? Did you tax... did you take all his farm?

  • No, oh no, he's not a happy panda at all. [Mike] Oh, what a sad Panda.

  • Uhm, Dude I actually don't like killing.

  • Um, I'm a, I'm a, I'm not a fighter dude. I'm a lover not a fighter.

  • [Mike] I uh feel that. So I'd appreciate it if we could actually maybe talk it out with him?

  • You wanna have a conversation with him? [Mike] Yeh, let's have a conversation with him.

  • Yeh ok, just talk it out man. Why fight?

  • Let's fight with our pens instead of our... wait our pens? Yo, ready? Let's go! Let's talk to him.

  • Let's talk to him. [Mike] Dude I have no health. What was that purple thing? What was that purple thing, Mike?

  • Talk to him! Talk to him Mike!

  • Hey man we can talk it out we, can talk this out. [Mike] Why would you do that to me? Awhhh

  • [Mike] Why would you do that to me? Awh, look at you cuties. Look at 'em, kappa pride.

  • Look at them. Awh they're having a little sleepover.

  • Look at 'em.

  • Dude, you know what I'm just done.

  • I want to show you something. Mike, Mike look at me. Mike, look at me real quick.

  • Just look at me!

  • [Mike] I'm watching it. Just look at me mom.

  • Get outta my jungle.

  • We actually like met in bed while camping by the way.

  • You see what I did? [Mike] Yes I was actually. You were not. You're the worst boyfriend ever dude.

  • That's it, you know what, I'm no longer kappa pride. Mike has actually

  • turned me non kappa pride. Can you get out of my face.

  • Trying to step up to the Rengo, trying to tango with the Rengo? Don't think so.

  • I'm gonna need you to uh...

  • to do a countdown Mike. [Mike] K. Starting from uh.. starting from five please

  • [Mike] Ok 5... 4... 3... 2... 1

  • Oooooh, you counted a little too quick there. [Mike] wow, wow...

  • A little too quick Mike, little slower next time okay?

  • That's what she said!

  • Ulti, Mike! Ulti! [Mike] It's ok.

  • [Mike] Not even upset. Can I get a klappa in the chat for Mike? He's such a nice guy.

  • Like he's trying to end world hunger this game and [Mike] I'm not even upset.


  • Yeh, complain about your jungler, tell 'em. Tell 'em, tell 'em. Mhm.

  • [Mike] They probably think we're serious

  • [Mike] Oh no! Help me! HELP ME!

  • If you die to her, you're actually bad.

  • [Mike] You helped me!? I'm actually like disrespecting but I should stop huh?

  • [Mike] Wait yeh, because if she kills me I'm gonna lose it

  • [Mike and Nightblue] Nooooo! Why did I just not kill her?

  • [Mike] See that's what you get man, you playing with your food and now the kitties dead in the street got hit by a bus

  • [Mike] Kitty got hit by a mack truck because he had to play with food.

  • [Mike] Lesson learned, what did we learn today kids? Okay okay okay you're right.

  • Y'know what, you make a good point. [Mike] Not to be a boosted bonobo.

  • It's time to shine, like optimus prime.

  • I'm coming in.

  • Don't mind me.

  • I'm just gonna kill your ADC.

  • [Mike] Oh that rhymed.

  • Ooooh, block it for me, block it for me. I'm coming in.

  • Oh is that Mike? [Mike] I'm here, I'm here.

  • With the most boosted ulti I've ever had to witness?[Mike] No, no, it was actually pretty good.

  • [Mike] Wait, where's our ADC? Jinx?...Jinx?

  • "Are you mad? because you're going to be because as I said before, throwing this game. You can report because I cba"

  • [Mike] Wait he said he's purposely throwing the game? Why's he mad?

  • [Mike] These people get so butthurt over this game man.

  • She thinks? she thinks that she's gonna? I WOULD LIKE TO SEE YOU TRY TO THROW THIS GAME.







  • [Mike] Ooooh, kill 'em.

  • She thinks she can throw this game. She thinks she can throw this game. She thinks that she has the ability that

  • she has contr- [Mike] I was confused, because we would've won that fight if she was there.

  • Hold on Mike, I'm focussing dude. [Mike] Hold on, we got a situation here. I'm focussing, I'm focussing...

  • Do not let it control your emotions, exactly. Tell 'em Bob Ross.

  • Did Morg zhonya? Did Morg zhonya? [Mike] I heard a zhonya go off.

  • No! I'm bad! It's ok though.

  • Yo, I thought she was gonna throw, what happened?

  • [Mike] Ummm, I'm not sure?

  • Um, I'm actually looking to uh, blow some booty as well here.

  • We have view of that.

  • Yeh, go go go go, Mike go, Mike go in, Mike just go in. Lead the charge. [Mike] I have no vision.

  • Lead the charge, Mike. Mike! Mike do it.

  • [Mike] Oh

  • Mike! Lead the charge!

  • [Mike] This is free hang on. Mike are you even doing anything?

  • [Mike] Yeah Are you being boosted again?

  • [Mike] No, that was free? HELP HELP HELP HELP

  • Ahhh

  • Ohhh

  • [Mike] OOOH He's dead!

  • Can I get a thank-you or something?

  • [Mike] For what? Or a good job?

  • Some sort of gratification like something? [Mike] What you did you do?

  • [Mike] I saw you in there with your 3D glasses


  • [Mike] Yeah you were in the background like, "Oh this a really cool team fight man."

  • Since when did I turn indian?

  • [Mike] What'd you say?

  • You had an indian accent? Since when did I turn indian?

  • [Mike] (In an attempted indian accent) I didn't not have an indian accent my friend.

  • That's racist. [Mike] That's not racist. That's racist

  • Are you saying that all indians sound like that or something?

  • [Mike] No Yo, mess her up! mess her up!

  • Take her to town! Take her to town!

  • That's a lag, that's a lag. [Mike] Are you ok? I'm fine. I'm fine.

  • I'm just taking nap, just taking a catnap. Get it? get it?

  • Get it? HAHA catnap. Do you get it?

  • Mike, you get it?

  • [Mike] I get it. Mike laugh at my joke, please. [Mike] I get it, I'm sorry. Haha, lol. Whatever dude.

  • [Mike] What would you have done without me? I might- My CC and my ults have been so spot-on what

  • What would I have done without you? I probably would've been rank one without you.

  • [Mike] End this game 15 minutes ago without me. Probably would have been ranked 1 without you. [Mike] Look at Jinx's dead body.

  • I probably would be tasting, tasting victory. I would be tasting-

  • [Mike] You would be at the top with a trophy in your hands above your head.

  • You're holding me back from greatness dude. [Mike] I'm like cinderblocks on your ankles. Cinderblocks?

  • You're like solid cement dude. [Mike] U-hauls on my feet.

  • [Mike] Oh no, what are we doing? Just follow me, follow me chipmunk. Alvin follow me.

  • [Mike] Ok Follow me Alvin

  • [Mike] I am your chipmunk. Alvin follow me. [Mike] I am your chipmunk.

  • I'm doing the loop-de-loops we're gonna go over here. [Mike] I am your chipmunk.

  • We're gonna walk past her. You deal with her.

  • [Mike] I got you. Ok can you go in? [Mike] Yes

  • Can you just go in? [Mike] I got 'em

  • [Mike] Hello? Help me?

  • [Mike] Help me? Help me? Help you with what?

  • [Mike] You told me to go in and you didn't help. Took my wolf, I'm afk. [Mike] You're garbage.

  • You drunk rito?

  • The math is that my ulti is going to be up before look ready, look ready?

  • Seven seconds you see that calculations calcumalation

  • need to do is you just deal with her and we're gonna do is I'm gonna all go now

  • because I can, and I'm gonna look for Evelynn cause Everlynn right now is

  • invisible she's all sneaky. [Mike]No, she's in base man. she's all sneaky you know what

  • I'm actually ignore Evelynn I'm just going to go straight for the ADC hello

  • Goodbye.

  • [Mike] Yo, are you ready for my plays? Evelynn is here... 99% chance of her being here.

  • [Mike] You ready? Oh, I'm ready.

  • Ooh, get exhaus- get exhausted.

  • [Mike] Help me, I'm stuck! Zhonya

  • [Mike] I did

  • [Mike] Nooo Oh no.

  • Oh no

  • Wait, Mike died?

  • [Mike] Yeah. Awh

  • Mike, I'm sorry... I'll kill Lucian in your honour. 6 seconds.

  • [Mike] My purpose, was to help the team man. Here we go, here we go.

  • [Mike] I'm ready, I'm ready. This is for you dude.

  • Good game.

  • [Mike] Wow Just taking a catnap that's all.

  • Just taking a catnap. [Mike] Poor thing.

  • I thought that Jinx was gonna throw the game huh. [Mike] Oh I did more damage than Jinx I just want you to know that.

  • Yeh but she tried to throw the game, but y'know what?

  • She wasn't heavy enough.

Alright I'm done messing about.


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B1 中級 美國腔

最強悍的載具|最強悍的餵食者!?| 永不放棄 (100% CRIT RENGAR JUNGLE) - Nightblue3 (THE MOST INTENSE CARRY | INTENTIONAL FEEDER!? | NEVER GIVE UP (100% CRIT RENGAR JUNGLE) - Nightblue3)

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    156484 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日