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I was led to 2 Corinthians, chapter 1, verses 6-10.
I didn't start with this text this week, but this is eventually the place where I felt
like the Lord wanted us to spend a little time.
Second Corinthians, chapter 1, verse 6, the apostle Paul writing:
"If we are afflicted, it is for your comfort and salvation…"
Everything I go through serves a purpose.
"…and if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which you experience when you patiently
endure the same sufferings that we suffer.
Our hope for you is unshaken, for we know that as you share in our sufferings,
you will also share in our comfort.
For we do not want you to be ignorant, brothers [and sisters], of the affliction we experienced
in Asia.
For we were so utterly burdened beyond our strength that we despaired of life itself.
Indeed, we felt that we had received the sentence of death.
But that…"
Even when it got so hard I felt helpless and hopeless.
"That was to make us rely not on ourselves but on God…"
I found my foundation when I went through a shaking so that I would trust him who raises
the dead.
"He delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us."
He's still God.
"On him we have set our hope that he will deliver us again."
I want you to give your neighbor my sermon title, but I want you to have a little conversation
with them to set the context for it.
Tell them, "Neighbor, it's kind of crazy in the world these days.
There's a lot going on.
The stakes are high."
Now I want you to answer what they just said to you.
Look at them and give them my title.
Tell them, "I know, but I'm not nervous."
Try your other neighbor out.
Tell them, "I know.
I watch the news.
I saw what your cousin Jimmy said on Facebook about a conspiracy theory."
Tell them, "But I'm not nervous."
I am not nervous.
I refuse to be, not gonna be, not about to be.
God is too great, and he has been too good for me to be nervous.
Paul would like to set the record straight.
There are too many rumors circulating.
There's too much noise and not enough signal.
Come on, somebody.
We are drowning in opinions, and we don't have a drop of truth.
Such was the case in Corinth.
They're talking about poor Paul.
All he ever did was preach Jesus Christ and help them and minister to them.
These other preachers are seizing a political opportunity to run a smear campaign against
poor Paul that the NRA would have been envious of, that the Democratic Party couldn't even
come up with.
Neither one on the right or the left could do any better than these opponents of Paul
were doing to discredit him.
He wants to talk to the church he loves from his heart and set the record straight.
In other words, he wants them to hear it straight from the source.
It does make a difference where you get your information.
It really does.
It's a strange thing that we live in an age where all information is deemed equal because
it takes up the same amount of space on our timeline.
We don't know whether we're listening to somebody who knows what they're talking about or whether
there is a commercialized interest that is manipulating the information.
It is safe to assume that most of what we are hearing is diluted (watered down) or polluted
(added to).
It's really hard to even trust what you hear these days.
Paul was frustrated about that.
In much civil turmoil, under oppression, not only political oppression but religious oppression,
he writes back home to the church, and he wants to tell them not what others say about
his situation but to allow them to see the situation and to hear it straight from the
He says in verse 8 (this could be a whole sermon in and of itself), "We do not want
you to be ignorant."
He's setting us up here a little bit.
His assumption is that there are some things we think we know that we don't really know
and some things we need to know.
He uses here a Greek word, agnoeo.
It's translated in my Bible ignorant.
On the screen, it's translated in a more updated version unaware.
It's translated different ways because it's a difficult concept to pin down.
Paul is speaking to a group of people who have heard a lot, but in spite of all the
information they have received, they still know very little about the facts.
In spite of all the access they have, in spite of all the blogs they've read, in spite of
all the 24/7 news stations, what they're hearing isn't very true to reality, because they're
not getting it from the source.
He explains the situation, sourcing it with the reality, because he doesn't want them
to be ignorant.
However, agnoeo doesn't necessarily mean uninformed.
Rather, it means, more likely, given the Greek shade of meaning, misinformed.
Could I teach a little bit today?
I figured that you would be excited to hear the Word of God, because you have to hear
everybody else talk all the time.
So let's take a little time and talk about the Word of God.
He said, "It's not that you haven't heard things or that you have not been exposed to
statistics that concerns me.
It's just that I'm afraid that what you're hearing and seeing is so far removed from
the source that it is not pure in its essence.
I don't want you to be ignorant."
All ignorance is not created equal.
There are different levels of dumb.
Am I right?
There's an innocent ignorance.
Some things you haven't had the opportunity to learn yet.
I hate when somebody tries to correct my 5-year-old Abbey from the way she says certain phrases
that I think are adorable.
She has the rest of her life to get it right.
Would you shut up and let my daughter call it a "vancuum" cleaner?
I prefer "vancuum" cleaner.
She can call it a vacuum cleaner the rest of her life.
She only has a few years to call it a "vancuum."
Get off my girl's speech and let her say it how she wants to say it.
It's cute.
It's beautiful.
It's adorable to me.
I like it.
That's fine.
There is another type of ignorance, agnoeo.
This would be when you have an indifference that leads to ignorance.
You don't care enough to find out.
Personally, this is the way I feel about all of the people who eat super healthy.
They come to me and want to tell me all of the chemicals that are in my food.
I know I probably shouldn't address this.
There's enough controversy in the world today as it is without me adding to it.
I know somebody is going to email me or send me a book about the 17 foods that cure cancer
and the foods that are rotting my brain, but I need to let you know if the steroids will
make the chicken bigger before Holly fries it, I am for the steroids.
That might make me a horrible person.
I might burn in hell for saying this in church, but I just don't care.
Touch somebody and say, "I just don't care."
There are some things I just don't care about.
I just want to eat.
I do not care.
Some things, I just have to be honest with you, I just don't care.
I am amazed at some of you men with your Fantasy Football.
I am amazed how much you know about another man's ankle and whether or not he's going
to play and how that is going to affect the $100 you might win.
Twelve hours a week studying it, and you've been to church once in the last six weeks.
Crazy stuff.
Ignorant about the things of God, but you can tell me statistics on somebody in some
tight pants.
That's what Paul is talking about.
He said, "I don't want you to be ignorant.
I don't want you to be those kinds of Christians who just don't care, who don't even take time
to find out."
When they talk about climate change, you won't even look into it, "Because Jesus is coming
back on a horse anyway, and he's gonna nuke this whole place, and there ain't nothing
we can do."
You know you sound crazy when you talk like that.
You sound so ignorant.
Paul says, "I don't want you to have that kind of hope.
I don't want you to have this cotton-candy Christianity, where you are ignorant of the
No, I want you to know some things."
The most dangerous kind of ignorance is not innocent ignorance or indifferent ignorance.
Who I'm really scared of are the people who have that confident ignorance.
Not uninformed…misinformed.
They think they know everything about something they know nothing about.
Perhaps half of maturity is coming to the place where you know that you don't know what
you don't know.
Am I preaching all right?
I love my children, but when Elijah said to me yesterday…
I've heard a lot about the teenage years, and Elijah is 11.
A lot of people have tried to create a sense of fear and dread in me regarding the teenage
I'll say, "I really enjoy being a dad," and they laugh.
"Get back to me on that when they're 14, and we'll see how much you love it, big boy."
I get it, and I'm not planning on preaching my parenting series until I'm about 75.
I got a taste of what this rebellion may look like when we were pulling into the garage
the other day and this boy looks at me confidently and says, "Daddy, I need you to know," as
one of the greatest albums from the 1990s plays on my car stereo, Counting Crows, August
and Everything After, with the soothing, soulful lyrics of Adam Duritz blaring on the speakers.
He has the nerve to look at me and say, "Daddy, I hate to break it to you, but the music from
your day really isn't very good."
He said it with swagger too, like he worked for Rolling Stone magazine.
"It's really not that good."
I hit the brakes.
We weren't even in the garage yet.
I hit the brakes.
I said, "What?"
You can question me as a preacher.
You can tell me I'm getting too old to wear my jeans kind of tight.
You can say a lot of things to me, boy, but when you talk about my music…
I said, "What?"
He said, "Yeah, the music in your day didn't have loops."
I said, "Well, let's take a little lesson.
Do you remember…?"
I gave him some history.
"Do you remember when I took you to see 'Weird Al' Yankovic at Ovens Auditorium and he was
singing 'Amish Paradise,' that song you thought was so clever?"
Then I had to let him know that before there could be an "Amish Paradise," there had to
be a Coolio.
So I played him…
I took him to the source material.
Before there could be a Coolio (this is where some of you are ignorant) there had to be
a Stevie, because those strings on "Gangster's Paradise" would not have been there without
Stevie Wonder.
See, there's always something before what you enjoy that enabled what you're a part
That's why I can't stand people who complain about this country, who don't even know the
first thing about the price that was paid for you to have the right to express your
opinion that you don't like it.
Come on, touch three people and say, "Get in the know."
Paul said, "I don't want you to be misinformed about the price that was paid.
I don't want you to be misinformed about the situation.
I don't want you to think the hope you enjoy came cheap.
It didn't.
It came hard."
For an ignorant hope is no hope at all.
There's nothing stable about a hope that has its head buried in the sand.
I hear you, Pastor Rod Parsley.
"Anyone can sing a tune on a clear day at noon.
God, give me a song at midnight."
That's what Pastor Rod Parsley used to say.
I like that.
Paul said, "My hope came the hard way."
If you just read verse 10 of this, it sounds a lot like some kind of campaign slogan.
Do you know the slogan and sound bite kind of mentality people get over time?
It's when we don't understand the source of our hope that we begin to sound kind of silly.
This is when people say, "You Christians, you're just waiting on the apocalypse.
You Christians, you don't even vote.
You just pray."
It's an ignorant imitation of hope.
It's not confidence; it's complacency, that you don't know.
Paul wants them to know.
He wants them to know what he went through.
He wants them to know what he has been through.
When he comes out on the other side…
You might know this one.
I read the text.
I shouted real good, and you were getting fired up here at Ballantyne.
I can't speak for the other campuses.
We almost took off when I read verse 10.
"He delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us."
It got us excited to think about that.
"On him we have set our hope…"
Does anybody have a hope, by the way?
Regardless of the polls, regardless of the platforms, regardless of the pundits, does
anybody have a hope?
Does anybody have a hope, a living hope?
I have a hope.
I set my hope on the fact that he will deliver me again.
He's been with me the last 40 years.
Why not 41?
You can only say that if you know where this hope comes from.
It only means something if you know.
Not if you heard.
Not if you thought.
Not if you wish.
I have a hope.
"He will deliver us again."
So let's make the campaign hats.
"He will deliver us again."
If we're representing the kingdom of God and if Jesus Christ is our candidate, "He will
deliver us again."
The world looks at that and they say, "Really?
You believe that?
"Yeah, I believe that.
I totally believe that."
"How do you know?
Why aren't you nervous?"
Do you notice everybody is so nervous right now?
Just incredibly nervous.
They're either ignorant or nervous.
They're either in Canada or they're nervous.
"What if she…?" and "What if he…?"
"I'm going to go press that button, but I might press it with a blindfold on just to
press it.
I don't even know."
"They might take my guns."
"They might not take my guns."
"He might really build that thing."
"She might take away our civil liberties."
Paul says, "Hey, I have a hope, but it's a hard-boiled hope.
It's not an unaware hope.
I see what's going on out there.
I know."
I'm not uneducated.
I'm not backwoods.
I'm not waiting for the clouds to split so I can go to glory land and shout, "My troubles
are over."
I have troubles right here, and I'm in them.
It concerns me about our communities.
It concerns me about our schools.
It concerns me about our police officers and the way they're treated.
It concerns me about certain communities and the way they're treated, and it concerns me
that people are marginalized.
I'm concerned about abortion.
I'm concerned about many things.
Some people get frustrated because you won't get nervous.
"What are we going to do?
What are we going to do?"
They sound like Elisha's servant.
"We're surrounded.
Look out there, man.
What are we going to do?
You'd better call down something.
You'd better curse somebody.
You'd better pray something.
You'd better shoot something.
You have a bow?
You have an arrow?
What are we going to do?
What are we going to do?
We can't just stand by.
What are we going to do?"
Paul steps into all this and says, "I was beaten 39 times by the Jews.
Don't talk to me like you know something when you don't know anything."
Don't talk to me about Twenty One Pilots when you don't appreciate Nirvana.
Don't talk to me when you haven't seen the source of my hope.
This is a hope that has been through hell, and it comes from heaven.
The world didn't give it, and the world can't take it away.
It doesn't come from the right, and it doesn't come from the left.
I have set my hope on one who is above it all.
I set my hope on him.
I wouldn't put my hope on a party's platform right now.
I don't think it can hold the weight of your hope, but if you're looking for a rock…
Paul says, "I have a hope."
Don't be confused.
I'm concerned, but I'm not nervous.
I have this peace that passes understanding.
I called Tina last week.
Her son might die.
She said, "I'm broken.
I'm devastated."
He's 23.
"I'm uncertain."
She said, "But somehow I have peace."
That's what Paul is talking about.
"We're taking him to every doctor we can.
We will spare no expense to try to get him well.
I can't imagine what life would be like without him.
I'm a mom.
There's nothing I want to protect more than the life of my son, but there's a certain
element of this where I just have to turn it over."
It doesn't mean I'm disengaged.
I'm engaged.
I will cast my vote.
I am not going to be apathetic and abstain because I don't like the options the culture
that I'm a part of creating has presented to me.
But I'm not nervous.
I'm hurting.
There are some things that broke my heart.
"I was utterly burdened," Paul says.
His words.
"I'm burdened, but I set my hope, and my hope isn't shaken, although my heart is hurting."
It sounds kind of crazy, right?
"I'm utterly burdened."
Watch how bad.
Not "I lost a night of sleep."
"I was beyond my strength."
Have you ever been there before?
"I don't know what to do.
I don't know which way it's going to go.
I have no idea how to rebuild this one.
I don't think I can get this one back.
It's been too much time.
This one is beyond my control.
I didn't see this one coming."
"I was so far out there, beyond what I knew to do, that I despaired of life itself.
I didn't even think I was going to make it to see another day.
I wondered, would I ever preach again?
I wondered, can we bounce back from this one?
I'm burdened, but I'm not nervous.
I'm concerned.
I'm involved.
I'm praying, doing my part, but I'm not nervous."
I love it.
I love it so much that I went all up and down the Bible.
I wanted to interview some other people who might be able to corroborate Paul's theory
of hope, that you can be burdened and not nervous, that you can be broke and not be
nervous, that you can lose your job and not be nervous, that you can find drugs in your
kid's room and be concerned and be involved and beat them half to death but not be nervous.
So I asked David, "Really?
You have to fight Goliath?
David, nobody wants to fight Goliath.
He is the Philistine champion from Gath.
His body armor weighs more than you, boy.
As a matter of fact, you have no fighting experience, nor a military title.
If you were smart, you'd go back home.
Goliath has been defying these people for 40 days.
There's a good reason they haven't fought him yet.
He's bigger than you."
Do you know what David said?
He said, "I know.
I see him.
I know he's big.
I know everybody else is standing back, waiting on God to do something, but I didn't come
looking for help from somewhere up there.
I come in the name of the Lord God, and I'm not nervous.
I know he's big.
I know he's strong.
I know I'm a shepherd.
I know I have nothing but a sling and five rocks, but I might only need one, if I can
steady my hand and stand my ground.
I'm not nervous."
"Hey, Shadrach, they're about to throw you and your buddies in the fire.
Now you understand you have a little bit of time left.
If you will bow before this statue that Nebuchadnezzar has erected…"
I mean, we talk about crazy leaders.
They ain't got nothing on "Nebby."
Nebby was so arrogant.
Nebby lost his mind.
They said, "You'd better bow to King Nebby."
They heated up the furnace.
They turned it up seven times hotter.
"Don't you feel the flame?
Can't you see there's a situation in front of you that's too hot for you to handle?"
Shadrach looked back at Meshach.
Meshach looked at Abednego.
They all looked back at Elevation Church and said, "We know, but we're not nervous.
See, the God we serve is able to deliver us from the fire, and we believe he will.
We know he can, but even if he doesn't, I'm not nervous."
Somebody shout, "I'm not nervous!"
I went down in the lions' den with Daniel.
Daniel was looking at a lion, y'all.
He was looking at something that could have snapped him in half in a split second.
"Daniel, don't you see that lion?
Don't you know your life is on the line?
Don't you know you have a wicked king?"
Daniel said, "I know, but somehow, someway, the God I serve will deliver me.
I'm not nervous."
Be not afraid.
"Hey, Jesus, these people are hungry.
It's getting late.
You've been preaching a long time."
Jesus said, "I know."
"We don't have any bread."
Jesus said, "I know."
"The people are on edge."
Jesus said, "I know, but I'm not nervous, because I have hands.
If you put what you have in my hands, I don't care how little it is.
Everybody is going to be filled.
I'm not nervous."
A little bit.
But I'm not nervous.
"Jesus, wake up.
There's a storm raging on the sea.
How can you sleep in the stern with a storm on the sea?"
They asked him, "Don't you care if we perish?"
Jesus said, "Yeah, I care if you perish, and I know there's a storm, but I'm not nervous,
because with one word, the one who spoke the storm into existence by virtue of the elements
that created it can tell it to shut up."
"Jesus, this is it.
They're going to kill you now.
They have you on trial.
Pilate might send you to the cross.
Don't you want to say something?"
"No, I don't need to say anything.
I am the Word.
I was there in the beginning.
I am Alpha and Omega.
I'm not nervous.
This is the reason I came: so they could bury me low so I could reign forever."
Find five people and say, "Don't be nervous."
That's what sets us apart as the people of God: that we can know how bad it is and not
be nervous.
If we get nervous, what hope is there?
If we start operating in the same spirit of the world that caused the fear that created
the division and dysfunction we're a part of…
If the salt loses its saltiness, how will it be made salty?
If you get nervous, if you lose your cool, what's the distinctive of your Christian faith?
What kind of hope did you even have if one election cycle can threaten it?
"I set my hope," Paul said.
"I tried to put my hope on how I felt, and I felt like I was going to die.
I tried to put my hope on what other people would do for me, and they…"
God, other people.
That's like me asking you to hold this pulpit while I preach.
That thing is too heavy for you.
Some of the stuff you've been putting on people…
Platforms, even the economy is too heavy.
I know.
I see you in Babylonian captivity.
But I know Jeremiah 29:11.
I know.
This is God speaking, so the inference is, "You don't know, but I know the plans I have
for you."
"And we know that in all things…"
This is Romans 8:28.
"…God works together, the good and the bad, for the good of those who love him and are
called according to his purpose."
I'm not nervous; I have purpose.
I'm not nervous; he has a plan.
I'm not nervous; I have a purpose.
I'm not nervous; he has a plan.
I'm not nervous; I have a purpose.
I'm here to glorify God.
I'll glorify him in a lion's den, in a fire, on a ship with a storm, or even in a borrowed
Jesus said, "I'm not nervous.
I came for this.
I'm God of the storm.
I'm God of the grave, and beside me there is no other."
So I set my hope when it got really bad, when it seemed like it was going to be the bottom…
I set my hope on the one who is higher.
I'm not nervous.
I tried nervous.
I didn't like it.
I tried nervous.
It made me irritable.
I tried nervous.
It made me eat more.
I gained 35 pounds being nervous.
I tried nervous.
It didn't make me part of the solution.
I tried nervous.
It made me a critic rather than a contributor.
I tried nervous.
It didn't change anything.
I tried nervous.
I'm going to show up to my job, do what I can, cast my vote, be the dad God has called
me to be.
I'll be the preacher God has called me to be.
I'll be the mom God has called me to be.
I'm going to do my part, but I'm not nervous.
I'm going to do my part, but I will not panic, because I lift my eyes and I set my hope.
I lift my eyes.
We used to listen to that song all the time.
It was the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir.
I memorized all of Psalm 121 just listening to that song in the King James.
That lady who sang it…
I can't sing it like she sang it, but she would say…
I will lift up mine eyes to the hills From whence cometh my help
My help cometh from the Lord The Lord which made heaven and earth
He said he would not suffer thy foot Thy foot to be moved
The Lord which keepeth thee He will not slumber nor sleep
Oh, the Lord is thy keeper The Lord is thy shade
Upon thy right hand Upon thy right hand
Oh, the
sun shall not smite thee by day Nor the moon by night
He shall preserve thy soul Even forever more
My help, my help, my help All of my help cometh from the Lord
My help, my help, my help All of my help cometh from the Lord.
You are the source of my strength You are the strength of my life
I lift my hands in total praise to you.
I have a hope.
I lift my eyes.
Psalm 121 is called a song of ascent.
There were 15 of them recorded in our canon of Scripture for us to read, but they were
originally intended for the pilgrims who would make their way to Jerusalem so they would
have a song to sing on the way.
How many know you need a song to sing on the way to where you're going?
Jerusalem, city of peace, was set in the hills.
The hills represent hope, but the hills also represent hidden enemies.
When the psalmist is saying, "I lift my eyes to the hills," he might have felt like a tenth
grader in a new school, or he might have felt like a nervous father on election day in America,
or he might have felt like a refugee in another part of the world who would love to be a part
of our democratic process.
He's on his way somewhere.
He's on a journey.
As he progresses, he lifts his eyes to the hills, the place where his destination is,
the place where his peace is, the place where his hope is.
He's going to Jerusalem.
On his way, he lifts his eyes to the hills and asks a question.
"From where does my help come?
Where is it coming from?"
I'm not looking over here or over there.
I'm not looking to the Hills or the Donald.
I'm looking above all of that.
I always read the verse like this.
I always looked at it like he was saying, "My help comes from the hills, because God
is above and he's a great King."
When Isaiah saw the Lord in the year King Uzziah died, he was seated on a throne, high
and lifted up.
Isn't it funny he was seated in the year the king died, in the year where the nation was
wondering what to do?
God wasn't pacing the marble floors of heaven wondering what he was going to do next.
He was still seated.
I came with an announcement today.
He's still seated.
He had a vision.
The throne wasn't vacant, and the one who sat on it was seated.
I always thought he was looking up.
That's true.
God reigns above.
Did you know that the same God who reigns above sustains beneath?
That's why I'm not nervous.
He said, "I lift my eyes to the hills.
Where does my help come from?"
I have hope in the hills, hardship in the hills.
Paul said, "I despaired of life, but I set my hope.
Both were happening at the same time.
My hope came from my hardship."
Watch this.
This is so powerful.
"My help comes from the Lord, Maker of heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot be moved…"
Who is he talking to?
He's talking to himself.
He's having a conversation with himself, telling himself, "Don't be nervous.
I know you see what's in those hills and you imagine what might be in those hills.
There are boogeymen in those hills.
There might be real danger in those hills, but the Lord is your keeper."
Watch this.
He's not sleeping.
He's not asleep.
He knows.
He sees.
Not one hair of your head falls to the ground that he doesn't count it.
Not one sparrow falls from the sky that he doesn't have a funeral.
He knows.
It's all about what you focus on.
"…he who keeps the people of God will neither slumber nor sleep.
For the Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your shade."
For there to be shade there must be heat.
For there to be hope there must be hardship or else it won't really be hope.
How can you know he will deliver you if you don't know that he can, and how can you know
that he can if there isn't an enemy in the hills for you to run to him seeking refuge
I know.
I know you're worried about your teenager.
I know you're worried about the state of things.
I know you're worried.
I know, but the Lord is on your right hand.
This is what spoke to me.
"I lift my eyes to the hills."
That means he's above it.
"And God is keeping me and sustaining me."
That means he's beneath it.
"And he's on my right hand."
That means he's beside me, no matter which way it goes.
So I'm not nervous.
He's great and he's good.
He's big and he's near.
He's omnipotent and he's immanent.
He is God, and I'm not nervous.
His name will be exalted.
He is God, and I'm not nervous.
The writer of Hebrews said, "We have this hope."
What kind of hope?
This hope.
The same hope that went down into a grave, that hit rock bottom and still stayed strong.
We have…
No, let me personalize it.
You have this hope, and it's not out there and it's not over here and it's not over here.
It's an anchor for my soul.
It's in me.
Christ in you, the hope of glory.
You are the hope of the world.
We are the church.
An anchor for the soul.
What does an anchor do?
Floats around at the surface and looks pretty?
No, sir.
It goes down all the way to the bottom and makes sure that whatever it's holding on to…
I have this hope, this hope that kept him on the cross, this hope that spoke the worlds
into existence.
I feel the spirit of hope coming over the church of Jesus Christ.
I lift my eyes to the hills.
I have this hope in my soul.
My hope went down to the bottom and three days later rose to reign forever.
I'm not nervous.
I know whom I have believeth and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I entrusted
to him.
We trust you, Lord, until that day.
He is good!