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  • M: Welcome, to Emma Pickles... Favourites...

  • E: What we can do, we can hide you like a secret

  • M: Like nobody will know

  • E: Wait, we can do this M: I'm just a sweater!

  • E: Hi guys, welcome back to my channel! Today I have special guest...

  • M: It's me! E: Mario!

  • E: Today, we're gonna share our favourites. We spent all of October?

  • E: October, November, was it October? M: It was November, it was November only

  • M: We left the 30th E: Ok so we spent some of October and some of November together

  • E: So I figured we could do it together M: Together

  • Both: Together

  • E: So, my first item is the Pretty, Fun & Fearless palette by Chloe Morello M: Wait, is that the Youtuber?? Ohhhhh

  • E: Yeah it's really exciting, I love Chloe. M: Wait so they did it with Ciate?

  • E: Yeah M: Coooool

  • E: How cool is that? What a cool collab. Why do I keep doing this?

  • M: Wooooah E: Yeah exactly, right? They're really good!

  • E: Finger some of them, oh god

  • E: But like, I took it with me to LA like fresh, because I just wanted to get to know it

  • M: Woooah that's beautiful. E: Right? M: Very Nice

  • E: So then I've come away from LA absolutely in love with this thing. I'm wearing like, how many of these? 5 of these on my lid today

  • E: And it's kind of a heavy look but also not really, like it just kind of M: Yeah yeah yeah, it's very nice

  • E: They all work really nicely together M: And it has a mirror!

  • E: A huge mirror! M: That's always a plus.

  • M: Oh my god you do it as well that you don't remove it? E: You do?

  • M: It gets so cloudy that I can't and then eventually I peel it off and it's like a new mirror!

  • E: I've just realised these are ostriches. No... M: Wait aren't those? We call those fenicotteri

  • E: They're called flamingos M: Flamingos! There you are, yeah E: I'm just stupid

  • M: So my favourite is this Yes to lip oil, I didn't think lip oils were a thing E: I've never heard of a lip oil

  • M: Right? So look at this, woooaaahh it's so nice E: Can I smell it?

  • M: Yeah, I don't even know if it smells... It smells bad E: It smells like an oil

  • M: But it's really good, because I have super dry lips and if I put the... Chop... Chap... E: Chapstick not chopstick

  • M: It kinda gets caught in the dead skin, so this one kinda just stays on top and it feels very moisturizing

  • E: Does it absorb or just sit there? M: It absorbs, but it sits there for a while

  • E: You could wear it underneath a product? M: Yeah that's what I do, I put this before I put anything else on

  • E: Is it compatible with liquid lipsticks? M: You mean the one that gets dry? Yeah yeah, I put this on before

  • M: And it's really nice because otherwise I wouldn't be able to wear this today so it's pretty nice.

  • M: I have a few at home if you wanna try. Yeah E: I'll take one

  • E: I tried the Yes to, I actually got it from you, the lip balm? But I have the same issue like you said

  • E: Like it just gets caught and then it just looks white? M: Yeah yeah yeah, I don't like those but I like these ones a lot

  • E: Can I put some on the back of my hand? M: Yeah! So they have 2 different 'flavours' of oils

  • M: There is the rose and then the argan, I only have tried this one but I like it

  • E: Oh it's really sticky, I thought it would be like really watery M: No

  • E: Ok so my next item is actually one you gave me, so is another one I have actually but don't look! It's a spoiler!

  • E: These are the Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-on Eye Pencils, what a name. M: Is that what you're wearing?

  • E: Yeah, can you see? M: Wooah, oh my god, it's amazing!

  • E: So I wear Pandemonium all over, and then I use Psychedelic Sister in the corner M: That's cool, how are they so sharp?

  • E: Right? They're really soft though so, you know like when you usually apply a pencil, you can't get like a really crisp edge

  • E: These are so soft that you can just have like a really sharp pencil and it transfers really nicely

  • E: You don't have to press and get that kinda smokey edge, they're really good

  • M: Do they not transfer to your eyelid though? E: No! M: That's amazing!

  • E: Right? It's like 24/7 wear and it really is, it's really good.

  • M: I've gotta look into my Urban Decay bag E: Yeah you've got loads of these! You gave me all the purple ones

  • E: But like, you don't have to set it, like the lightest one I didn't set at all.

  • But to make the edges of the wing a little bit sharper

  • E: I use this guy just on a little angle brush to get that little point M: That's very nice

  • M: So, next favourite, again E: AHHH

  • E: Are you trying to make me go blind?

  • M: Smell it E: It does smell really good...

  • E: Oh my GOD M: Can you tell what the scent is? Because I can't. It's just really sweet

  • E: Marzia... M: It's pistachio brulee

  • M: I don't smell the pistachio although I love pistachio E: Isn't that a nut?

  • M: *weird sounds* Yeah

  • E: *Copying sounds*

  • M: It smells so good! And it's green, and it's tiny E: It doesn't smell like nuts

  • M: No it doesn't smell like nuts E: No one wants that

  • M: But it's also eau du parfum which means its stronger, like it stays on better

  • M: Did you know that? E: Is that what that means?

  • M: If it's toilette it's kinda like, watered down so it goes away faster

  • M: If it's perfume it's like the essence. At least that's what I read years ago E: NO?

  • M: Yeah E: My life just changed

  • M: You're welcome E: Thanks mom

  • M: I mean I have so many fancy perfumes, but then I found this one that was relatively cheap

  • M: And I love it. Look at it, it's almost gone! E: I was gonna say, you've used a lot of it! You got that while we were away?

  • M: Yeah, cause it's tiny you can just put it in your bag and just pssh pssh pssh. All the others are like big, so. Great!

  • E: Which one do you want next, one, two, or three. M: Three. Do you know three is my favorite number?

  • E: Really? Mine's seven. I don't trust three. Three seems evil.

  • M: Seven seems evil E: Seven is evil

  • E: So my next item is the Real Techniques eye mini eraser sponge thing

  • M: Like a beauty blender for your eyeball? E: Yeah like a baby one

  • E: This is the clean one, mine's disgusting

  • E: But it's cool you get two and I don't think it was that expensive?

  • M: So how do you use a beauty blender E: You're supposed to wet them, you like run them under water

  • E: But my bathroom is so far away M: Uh huh, what if you like spray the makeup setting?

  • E: I think you have to like... The whole point is you get it like full of water, so it doesn't absorb the product

  • E: But because I'm using creams, because I use it underneath my eye with like the Tarte cc corrector thing

  • E: You know the peach one? It's like a creamy formula. So it doesn't really absorb it anyway

  • E: And I don't find it really messes with the finish too much M: Nice

  • E: It's good! I like it M: I've never used a beauty blender

  • M: Cause I always forget the first step of the water and then I press the makeup but it's like, where did it go?

  • E: It's in the middle of my sponge now, gathering mold!

  • E: 10/10 M: My makeup stuff, I mean I only had one makeup thing, but now we're going to fashion!

  • E: Marzia's favourite! M: Yeah it's this sweater!

  • M: Everybody on the internet is like 'where did you get it?'. I included it in a haul so people should know

  • M: But now you can know it at Emma Pickles's website, I mean...

  • M: It's by Line & Dot and it's a size L, cause that's how I roll

  • M: I get bigger sweaters because I want that like, chunky look

  • M: So that's what you do! If you want oversize you just you actually buy something oversized

  • M: That's how you do it. But yeah, it's really red

  • M: I used to hate red, I never wore red. But then this year I got this one and I was like, it kind looks good on me?

  • M: And then I started wearing red lipsticks E: You really suit it!

  • M: Thank you! Yeah everybody's like, you're a brunette you should suit like a red lipstick, but I never saw myself in it

  • E: You also have dark eyes as well, I love brown eyes with red lipstick, red clothes, it just works

  • M: Yeah! So I don't know, this gave me the confidence to try red stuff!

  • E: I feel like I should have a fashion one. Here we go!

  • E: This is where I keep my clothes!

  • M: Is it the one we got at the store? E: Yeah, oh what was it called?

  • M: It says no! E: Exactly!

  • M: NO! E: My attitude towards everything

  • M: Don't talk to me! E: NO!

  • M: Nice, did you fix them? E: No yet I need to. But do you see how I need to make these shorter at the front?

  • E: So if I just attach it here and I think maybe put in a loop there it's gonna be really easy to get it

  • E: Because they were like below my boobs, it just looks really weird

  • E: But this is gonna be so cute! I'm gonna wear it with a turtle neck, you're gonna be so proud of me!

  • E: And my timbs, I'm gonna look so cute! M: Wow nice, they're called overalls right? Dungarees?

  • E: Dungarees, overalls I guess M: Shorts dungarees?

  • E: The only issue I have with this is this weird poop stain on the back. Do you see it?

  • M: Did you try to wash them? E: I've cleaned it but there's just a weird... It looks like a blood stain to me.

  • M: Mhmmm. It's ok, you should dye it on top E: See here's the thing though

  • E: There's like, yeah there's these weird paint stains as well, like bleachy stains

  • M: Maybe you should go for it! E: So maybe I should just bleach the butthole

  • E: That was unplanned and now I have too many things M: Oh no!

  • E: Should I do another one? Should I... M: No it's ok! So, the song

  • E: You have to show it to me M: Ok, so while I was in LA I got like an ad running before my videos

  • M: And it was like this song, and I was like, what is it? So I looked it up and it's called Brooklyn by Fickle Friends

  • M: Have you heard it? It's kind of like... Do you listen to Chvrches, the band? E: I've never heard of them

  • M: Ok, well, it's kind of like that 80s indie vibe, at least that one song

  • M: I like it cause it's so weird but it's beautiful to look at

  • E: See, I like this kind of music I just don't know where to find it

  • M: Coolest thing though, about it, it's that I was like well I'm gonna have to speak about the song

  • M: So I wanted to look up the band, and they are from 2013 so they are not necessarily new

  • M: But they are British, and they are from Brighton E: Wooah! Small world

  • M: Yeah, supporting my brothers... I'm not even from here

  • E: Ok so my music favourite is of course a Korean song M: I had no doubts

  • E: From EXO-CBX, which is EXO's I guess first official sub-unit

  • E: So you have EXO which is the main group, there's many of them

  • E: And this is like their sub-unit which is like 3 people M: Ohhhh, let's see if I like them

  • M: It's always so beautiful to look at E: Right?

  • M: He looks nice

  • M: He kind of looks like G-Dragon right? Is he the one? He does! E: This is my boy

  • M: Next favourite, let me think what was it

  • M: Oh! Over the Garden Wall E: What is that?

  • M: It's a cartoon! It was made for Cartoon Network and it's like a mini-series of 10 episodes of 10 minutes each

  • M: And it's so good.. I don't... You guys have to watch it

  • E: How did you find it? M: Well my subscribers on my blog were just like, you have to watch it

  • M: So I looked up the trailer and it looked really cool, but then I forgot about it

  • M: And then PJ was like 'we just saw it, it's amazing' I was like OHHHH

  • M: So we gave it a go, we watched it, absolutely incredible. It looks so beautiful to look at

  • M: And some episodes have like a really old Disney style? Like it reminded me of old cartoons that I used to watch

  • M: And it has some songs but they are very short, I usually don't like when cartoons they sing

  • M: But it's really good! And like, all the characters are super cool, the setting is like creepy and magical

  • E: I was gonna ask if it was creepy, cause it's... You M: Yeah every episode has like a creepy twist

  • M: So it's two brothers, half brothers, and they are like young. There is a teenager and a really chubby tiny one

  • M: With a frog on his head, so cute! And they just basically get lost in the woods

  • M: And they have to get back home, and in doing so they meet this tiny little bluebird and she kinda like walks them through the forest

  • M: But they go and meet like with a bunch of weirdos through the way, and so there's all these things

  • E: It sounds like the kind of thing you wanna be doing in a forest M: Yeah! It's amazing, you should put up the trailer, you should watch the trailer

  • E: Oh I always link the things like down below M: Ok, watch it, also Emma will watch it

  • E: Oh it's cute! M: It's very cute

  • M: It's really great, watch it! Don't wait like I did

  • E: How long has it been out, are you like really irrelevant? M: A few years! No, it's been out for a few years

  • E: Woah M: Yeah, 2014. November 2014, so

  • E: So my favourite is also something that has been out for a thousand years, you're not gonna be excited

  • E: It's The Walking Dead M: Oh ok E: Right

  • E: Everyone is so mad about The Walking Dead now, how zombies aren't the biggest threat anymore

  • E: They're not as scared of them anymore M: Yeah yeah, like the people is the threat

  • E: Exactly, but I think it makes a lot of sense because it's been going on for so many years now

  • E: They would be used to it, they would know how to deal with it, there would be communities

  • E: And I love that this season is focused on... M: Wait what season are you on? E: Whatever the latest one is

  • M: Oh ok, I'm not there E: Like the human threat, I LOVE it

  • E: I'm not gonna like spoil it or anything, but, there's a character that has been introduced who is fucking fantastic

  • E: And I spend, like I'm watching Westworld at the moment which just finished, but that's very good and almost like my favourite of the month?

  • E: Because it's very clever, it's very different, but I just... This is the one I'm excited about.

  • E: This is the one that I just can't wait to watch M: So should I keep watching? E: You have to. I love The Walking Dead

  • E: I was gonna rewatch it on the plane, but then it only starts at season 6 M: Rewatch it... Emma Pickles

  • E: I don't rewatch anything... M: She rewatches EVERYTHING before moving onto the next season

  • E: I have to, I have to like refresh my memory. It has to feel real, I have to be in the moment!

  • M: That's why they put 'previously on'

  • E: I've just realised I'm like this, I'm just melting into the corner

  • E: I'll be like this soon M: Bye!

  • M: So, movies. I watched Big Eyes on Netflix, I don't know if it's UK Netflix but it was in USA

  • M: It's a Tim Burton movie so that's a plus E: Oh is this the one?

  • M: Yeah, it's based like around the 50s-60s so that's another plus

  • M: And then it's in San Francisco so that's another huge plus

  • M: And then it's about art, another plus!

  • M: So it's beautiful to look at, it's like I don't wanna spoil anything but it's about this artist that became famous

  • M: But she didn't... I don't know if it's a spoiler to say it. She didn't get the recognition of her work

  • M: Until later on, and like, I don't know it's a really... It takes a lot of turns and you just really like the character

  • E: Is it a journey? M: Yeah, kind of thing. I mean, not too intense but I found it very interesting, so give it a go!

  • E: Recommending stuff is so hard without being like, this is the bit I really like at the end of the film

  • E: I feel like I should do more TV and things... M: I wanna go to the cinema

  • E: Can we finish this video first? Jesus

  • E: What do you wanna see? Is there anything out? M: I don't know, just haven't been E: You just wanna go to the cinema

  • M: Woah! What is this! E: The camera didn't stop recording what are you talking about?

  • M: This is Play 101 stick by Etude House E: This is my favourite, not Marzia's

  • M: I'm assuming this is for your cheeks? E: Mhmm, it's a little chubby sticky thingy

  • E: I got this in Koreatown M: Does it smell? E: No

  • M: And it was $19.99 E: How much is that in English moneys? M: £15

  • E: That's excessive! Do they up the price though? M: Maybe, cause it's imported

  • M: But also you have to consider that this probably costed even more than $20, cause they add afterwards E: Ugh the tax

  • E: I got this as well, have you seen this? The wine bottle thing I got M: The what? Oh yeah yeah yeah, yeah!

  • E: I haven't used it yet, but I've used this a bunch M: What do you mean? How do you not? What?

  • M: I thought you had it while we were in LA? E: I didn't use it, can you even believe it?

  • M: Really? I'm touching it E: Do it M: Wooooah! The perfect stroke

  • E: It's very fancy, that's such a pro swatch

  • E: I like this because I don't like to set my base so much anymore, I like my skin to look really dewy

  • M: Don't you find it harder to apply? I never know how to use those, like how do you blend it?

  • E: See with this I just tap it, which is why I haven't used that much of it, it looks really new

  • M: So it comes, even if you don't drag it? E: I don't drag it because then it's gonna take off the product underneath

  • M: Yeah, that's my problem E: Because I use a BB cream and then I don't set the BB cream

  • E: I just kind of blend it into the BB cream and it becomes like one product

  • M: But it's really pretty I'm wearing it today but like not a lot though M: It's very natural

  • M: Yeah it's nice right? You wouldn't think like a peachy colour would be natural, but it looks cute

  • M: Try to guess my favourite E: Me! M: Yeah!

  • E: My butt, probably M: I don't have anything else. Yeah, that outfit you wore the other day...

  • E: I didn't mention these! Have you tried these yet? M: No

  • E: You know what these are, I've shown you these M: What is it?

  • E: These are the Urban Decay Razor Sharp Liquid Eye Liners M: Oh so you like them?

  • E: Yesss. Which one do you wanna look at? Choose!

  • E: The magical blue one. Swatch me

  • E: So like it's really watery right? It looks really weird, but if you do like a few layers it is so solid

  • E: And like so intense, but it's kind of like plastic-y, it feels like you're applying plastic

  • M: Is it comfortable? E: Yeah, like you can kind of feel it to begin with, but then like with any makeup you're kind of yeah, whatever

  • M: I'm building it E: Exactly but if you build it a bit it's just, it doesn't come off, it is so incredibly waterproof

  • M: So does it come out all at once? E: Yeah, you just peel it off, it's so weird and satisfying M: That's amazing!

  • E: I guess it's supposed to work like that? M: That's cool!

  • E: That swatch there that I peeled off, before I like licked my finger and did this, and it wouldn't come off

  • E: It's so waterproof, so if you have an issue with like transferring

  • E: I only have these weird colours, I have silver and gunmetal and purple, but do you have the normal ones? They have normal ones?

  • M: Yeah, I have a brown and a black E: There you go, I think they're really good if you have like issues with transferring

  • E: The only thing I hate is that they're liquid. I don't like liquid eyeliners really M: Really? You prefer the pot ones?

  • E: I prefer gels, like the tarte clay pot, they're my all time favourites M: Those are great

  • E: Or, like eyeshadow. Just like wet eyeshadow. Eyeshadow and spit M: I like eyeliners because they're fast

  • M: Like you don't have to put it on and apply E: See I think with the liquid ones they're like, if you mess them up that's the end

  • E: And like because I have such little eyelid space anyway, I don't wanna keep just building it up or I end up with like CL eyeliner

  • M: This is what happened today, but hey E: That looks really good though

  • E: Is that everything? Did we do it? M: I think so

  • E: How do I end this?

  • M: Thank you for watching! E: Thank you for watching!

  • M: Leave a comment down below! E: Leave a comment down below with your favourite things!

  • E: Why are we so awkward? M: I don't know

  • M (Pretending to be the plant): Byeeeee E: Oh my god. Bye

M: Welcome, to Emma Pickles... Favourites...


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10月/11月最愛與Marzia ♡一起分享。 (October/November Favourites with Marzia ♡)

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