字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Did you hear that? 你聽唔聽到? They've shut down the main reactor! 他們把主反應器關閉了 We'll be destroyed for sure! 我們今次死梗啦 *beepoobeeepbooobeee booop booop!* *beepoobeeepbooobeee booop booop!* What do you mean, "Not if I have anything to say about it!"? 你是什麼意思“有我在佢們就諗都唔洗諗” *screams* *screams* *screams* *screams* *screams* *screams* *screams* *screams* *screams* *screams* *screams* *screams* *screams* *screams* *screams* *screams* *screams *screams* *screams* *screams* *screams* *screams* That little droid did it! 隻小機械人成功左 Such a Mary Sue. 個外掛開太大了 Whoa Whoa Whoa! Whoa Whoa Whoa! *screams* *screams* Who's shooting up all my storm troopers in here?! 到底係邊個殺曬我的風暴兵? *boop beep* boop beep R2? R2? Is that you? 係咪你? Whaaaaoh! Whaaaaoh! Wait! Come back! 等陣 返黎啊 Nooooooo! 不 There goes another one! 又有一個飛出去了 Hold your fire! 唔好開火 There aren't any life forms. 入面冇任何生命跡象 Are you sure, Sir? 你確定嗎?長官 I feel like if we let this slide... 我覺得如果我地就咁放佢要出去 And that escape pod ends up being the one thing we're looking for... 結果最後發現個逃生艙 入面藏有我們揾既東西 Everyone is gonna call us out on it. 所有人都會怪我地 I said HOLD your FIRE! 我話唔好開火 *pew* *pew* Jenson... Jenson... May I speak to you in my office? 你可以去我辦公室傾下? oooooo He's in trooouble. 佢大獲啦 How did my father die? 我老豆點死架? Oh he's not dead. 喔 佢冇死到 He's Darth Vader. 佢係黑武士 What!? 什麼? Darth Vader's my dad!? 黑武士是我老豆 Unfortunately yes. 好不幸 冇錯 Help me Obi-wan Kenobi. 請救救我 歐比王肯諾比 You're my only hope. 你是我唯一的希望 Well that's convenient. 真方便 Princess Leia is also your twin sister. 莉雅公主仲是你的雙胞胎妹妹 Wha?! 下? You just watch yourself! 你同我小心啲 We're wanted men! 我們可是通緝犯 I have the death sentence on twelve systems! 我在十二個星系裡都被判死判 Awe... Awe... Yep. Shouldn't have said that out loud. 好 唔應該講咁大聲 I would've just shot that guy. 早知就開槍打佢啦 Put that thing away or you're gonna get us all killed! 將這東西移開 你會害死我地架 Absolutely your worship! 當然啦 公主殿下 Look I had everything under control till you lead us down here! 原本一切都在我的掌控之中 直到你害我地掉落黎 You know it's not gonna take them long to figure out what happened to us. 你地都知 唔洗好耐 佢地都會發現我們的下場 They went down the garbage shoot! 他們掉倒垃圾彈射場入面 What do we do now? 我們應該點做 We could let the trash monster eat them. 我們可以等垃圾怪食左佢地 NO that's no fun! Just turn on the trash compactor... 唔好 咁唔好玩 直接將垃圾壓縮機打開就得 And we can you know not verify if they get out or not. 然後我地...你知啦 唔好去檢查他們有冇逃出黎 Sounds good to me! 聽起黎唔錯 This place is dead anyways. 反正依個地方死氣沉沉 Really guys. 認真架 咁多位 What? 做咩? Get down stairs and eliminate them! 快啲落去消滅他們啦 Okay fine! 好啦好啦 Suprise rebel scum! 驚喜 反抗軍混蛋 Oh no! 不 Aaaaagh! 小心 OH! Look out! 我做左咩 What have we done! 我等左你好耐啦 歐比王 I've been waiting for you Obi-Wan. 我們終於又見面 We meet again at last. 你係點得到新腳架 How did you get new legs? 我明明記得我砍左佢地 I seem to remember chopping those off. 當我離開你的時候 我只是個學徒 When I left you I was but the learner... 而依家...我... Now I am the... 那些是金屬做的嗎 Are those made of metal? uuuugh Uuugh! 那些是金屬做的嗎 What is this? A breathing device? 不 我需要這個 No I need that! 做咩戴頭盔?等我睇你個樣 傻瓜 What's with the helmet? Show your face, silly. *gasp* *gasp* 天啊 Oh my! 睇黎有人長歪了 Someone has not aged well. 我真係好憎你 I hate you so much. 老天...一般黎講 有左依啲資訊 我們就有時間諗出更加複雜的攻擊計畫了 Men. Normally with this information we'd take time to make a more intricate plan of attack... 然後 與其將這些帝國戰鬥太空站的資訊傳出去 However, rather than transmitting the technical readouts of the imperial battle station... 並讓我們反抗軍基地保持安全 And keeping our hidden rebel base SAFE! 莉雅公主堅持要親自遞交計畫 Princess Leia insisted on delivering the plans herself... 佢明明知道自己的飛船會比人追蹤 knowing full well her ship was being tracked. 多謝你 莉雅公主 Thank you Princess Leia. 我是在幫你擦屎忽 I'm picking up on your sass. 非常好 因為你活該 That's good... because you deserve it! 所以...長話短說 So. In short... 我們只有一次機會能改正一切 We have one chance to make this right... 而這都是莉雅公主的錯 And it's all Princess Leia's fault. 長官 我們已經到達雅文星 Sir. We have reached the planet, Yavin. 反抗軍基地在星球的另一邊的衛星軌道上 The rebel base is orbiting on a moon on the other side of the planet. 我們將會在十三分鐘內到達射擊範圍 We will be within firing range within thirty minutes. 或者 你可以現在用一之超光速 將太空站移動到星球的另一邊 Or... You can lightspeed this battle station to the appropriate side of this planet the first time... 然後他們就在射擊範圍內 and be in range now! 喔... 對...我的錯 長官 Oh... uhh... yes... My mistake sir. 準備好 Stand by. mmmm hmm mmmm hmm! 我們進入了死星的射擊範圍 The death star is in range! 我的天 Oh MY! 進入了死星的射擊範圍 The deathstar is in range! 好 真係個好注意 Well... so much for that idea. Raaagh Raaah! 你講得冇錯 Chewy Boy you said it, Chewy! 我們差少少就可以及時趕到拯救所有人 I was this close to going back and helping those people. 你必須讓他打敗你 Let him beat you, you had too. 那我現在要做咩 你講下 What will I do now? Tell me. hmm? Hmm? 我會發瘋 Go crazy I will! 好好振作一下 Oh get over yourself! 快用原力 路克 Use the force, Luke. 放手一搏 路克 Let go, Luke! 好 我放手 Okaaaaay I'm letting gooooooooo 不 不 我不是這個意思 你這個白癡 No! No! Not like that you idiot! 天行者一家 *sigh* Skywalkers.
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 公主 射擊 反抗軍 長官 範圍 太空站 星球大戰應該如何收場(特別版 (How Star Wars Should Have Ended (Special Edition)) 469 27 韓澐 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字