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<Blair>How deep are we now?
<Chris>Right here we're about sixty feet.
>>So we're still fairly shallow? Deep for the Gulf huh?
>>Yeah they like the high spots on the reef definitely. They get up on top of them.
[Drag screaming]
>>Now that one feels like a permit there.
>>Come on baby. That's sixty-five pound test so...
>>Put the hammer to him, there are a lot of predators here. Don't be scared to pull on him.
>>This is always good after doing the tarpon yesterday.
>>Yeah are you still a little sore from yesterday?
>>Oh yeah, just a wee bit. What other predator sharks you got?
>>There are some giant bulls here. You'll see a hammer here every now and then but the
bulls kind of run this show here.
>>Oh, this one took me in the rocks.
>>Or a sea fan, there's sea fans down there?
>>Yeah it's pretty reefy bottom, really live.
>>Well folks, we're out here on the Star brite boat today, we got Capt. Pete Dorneau, Greg
Dorneau. We got a boatload of people on the Starbrite boat today. Old K2, Kevin Cote,
is somewhere around here too. But the main guy we're fishing with today Captain Chris
Trosset right here. Saw him last year on the show, pulled up to the spot y'all saw what
happened. Instant fish. Y'all ever get a chance, book that Captain Chris right there he will
put you on the fish. Tell me where we are what we're doing Chris. Tell everybody out
there I know I'm working my butt off so-
>>Better you than me.
>>Today we're fishing a little west of Key West. We're just on some reefy bottom here
where these permit spawn. There's quite a few of them here. We saw a big school roll
up right when we set the anchor. See if we can't catch a few.
>>Trying to get him up quick because there's a lot of men in big grey suits down there.
>>I think we're getting pretty close here.
>>Some color!
>>That one is full-grown.
>>That's a full grown one there bro.
>>That yellow belly lets you know they're pretty large. The little ones don't get that yellow-
>>That's a Key West workout there bro.
>>I like it.
>>What are we going to do with this one, land him or let him go?
>>Alright, ugh. Got rigged up with the offshore rods- I think you can land him. ...rigged
up with the offshore rods today.
>>I haven't held one that big in a couple years. Got one almost that big in Islamorada
>>I ain't held one like that in a couple years.
>>got one almost that big in Islamorada this year.
But man what a fish. Want to see if you can get that hook out?
>>I think we can get that one. He inhaled that crab.
>>Didn't take him long. Permit right off of Key West, come get ya some with Captain Chris
Trosset right here.
>>Nice one, old rubber lips.
>>Thanks to the Star brite boat, we're going to let him go.
<Blair>Well welcome back folks, we're still sitting off the Dry Tortugas. We're yellowtailing,
we got the chum out. Few fish showing up waiting for the big guys to show up what you call
the flags right?
<Chris>Flags and hopefully a grouper after that.
>>Well hopefully all them chubs out there aren't going to eat all of our chum up before
it brings them yellowtail up cause there's a ton of them out there.
>>Getting a little fat there.
>>Just keep the chum slick going huh?
>>Yup it's pretty important we keep a pretty consistent slick going. Don't let it stop
and keep fishing in it. As we continue to fish throughout the day, we're building a
bite up. The yellowtail show up and some muttons will roll into the chum and all the grouper
feed in off that action
>>And we do have the two grouper rods out now.
>>Yup and even though we really want the groupers it's important to catch the little stuff to
bring everything else in. Building a bite we call it.
>>Live begets life.
>>Oh yeah and it might not seem like much but even catching the little stuff- Here's
a bite right here!
>>That would be the grouper on a goggle-eye huh?
♪♪ ♪♪♪
[Blair struggling]
>>Work him out of that hole Blair.
>>He's going for the rock.
>>Yes he is, but he ain't going to get there.
>>Get this one out of your way, oh that's a nice one.
♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪♪
>>Ugghhhaaaaahhh! Don't let them get in their hole.
>>Look like you're struggling a little bit with that one.
>>Yes sir.
>>He's got you grunting. That's how we like 'em.
>>Get him up that first fifteen feet.
>>Got some shoulders on him.
>>How deep are we?
>>About ninety feet still got seventy-nine to go. Look like you're breaking a sweat now.
>>Man I can't talk again.
>>What was it you asked me when I was catching that fish - Don't you like to talk when you're
fighting big fish?
>>Yeah but that was a little bitty fish. This one is full grown.
>>That grouper last time, that big forty-pounder we caught.
>>I be this one is going to rival him.
>>Yeah he's full-grown whatever it is...
>>It's not feeling like an AJ.
>>No? He kind of quit fighting there. Can see a little color down there.
>>A little color down there.
>>Looks a little shiny.
>>Shiny? As in what?
>>Like a big old AJ. Donkey to end all donkeys.
>>A Donkey baby! ♪♪
[Panting] Holy moly!
>>That's a real one.
♪♪ ♪♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪♪
>>Amberjack. Holy moly. How's that for a fish! What do you think, grown one?
>>That's a grown one.
>>So just throw him straight in, head down? >>We're going to let some air out of him first.
♪♪ ♪♪♪
>>And that helps them get the air out right?
>>Yup, helps him swim down. ♪♪
>>That's a nice one. What do you do when you throw him back in, just head down?
>>Yeah just put his head down and send him on his way.
>>Thanks brother.
>>Thanks for getting that one out of the way.
>>Lordy! That is a fish and a half. If y'all never fought an amberjack, that was a full-grown
one. They do get bigger, but that one there on a spinning rod brother. Woo- I'm gonna
regroup. We'll be right back with some more Addictive Fishing Captain Chris Trosset right
here. Holy-
<Chris>There you go.
<Blair>Oh jeez! Well pay attention Blair.
>>More nibbles. I got nibbles.
>>Had that one about doubled over didn't it?
>>There he is!
>>Uh oh, fish on!
>>He's giving the weebass a shot.
♪♪♪ ♪♪
>>He's not too big.
>>Not too big? Welcome back folks we've changed spots now we're fishing about a hundred and
seven feet of water. Just dropped down getting set up and everything and what happens. Chris
hooks up.
>>I like that a quick bite.
>>A real quick bite is it looking grouper-ish?
>>Looks like a grouper.
>>Oh yeah! Nice red! Nice red grouper. Oh yeah!
>>That'll work. That should work for a nice couple grouper sandwiches right there.
>>Look at that circle right in the corner.
>>Works well. What's that Captain Pete? (Capt Pete: We get to eat tonight!)
>>Well lets throw him in the box, now this is a red grouper not a black grouper - speckled, it's
pretty common out here?
>>Yeah real common fish here. We get them in the Gulf side, Atlantic. All the way out
to about two-hundred feet of water.
>>And the size limits on them?
>>Twenty inches in the Atlantic.
>>Cool beans, well let's put him in the box and get another one in there.
>>Ice him down.
>>He needs some company in there. Good job brother.
>>Alright, we got some grouper!
>>Current really picked up huh? Well we've changed positions, the weather is starting
to get a little rough and came in what a little shallower this time?
>>Yeah came inside the reef a little bit
>>Came inside the reef a bit let's see what happens here. What do you got down?
>>I got a pinfish on the bottom.
>>Two pinfish on the bottom. We just started chumming waiting for maybe some yellowtail
to come up so y'all stay tuned and stick around we got chubs behind the boat It's getting kinda chubby.
>>Lots of chubbies. I'll get a a chubby when I catch a big grouper.
>>Let's leave the chubs out of it. [Laughs]
>>Uh oh! What is it? Now if it's another one of them beautiful groupers you know, we could
take one home then
>>I think Pete might leave us here if we let another one of those go.
>>I think he would. ("Why'd ya let him go for") I don't think I could have kept that
fish. That was too pretty of a fish. There's the weight what do we got?
>>Another red!
>>Still got your bait down there if you want it. Nope it went away. Another nice red grouper.
We'll take him.
Take them all day long. Now do these have any worms in them or anything?
>>Occasionally you'll get something around the stomach but they're pretty clean.
>>That's still a beautiful fish right there but I've eaten these guys before, these are
pretty tasty. Pretty darn tasty, we got a lot of folks to feed. We'll be staying in
the Tortugas overnight tonight and anchor up right there in the harbor and cook it up.
Cook it up brother.
>>Can't wait. We'll lets get him on ice and get another huh? Y'all stay tuned with some
more Addictive Fishing Capt Chris Trosset and some beautiful fish.
<Narrator>Rig it Right by Wright and McGill.
<Blair>On today's Rig it Right I'm going to show you what Capt. Chris and I were using
out there today. Trokar hooks we were using all sorts of different sizes depending on
what fish we were targeting and in the Gulf side you have to use circle hooks when you're
dropping down on the reef out there. On the Atlantic side you can use basically any type
of hook that you want to use. But I highly recommend you using a circle hook just because
of the release rate the fish are going to live if you have to release them. >>Look at
that circle right in the corner. Works well. >>And was using the 7' 6" this is the offshore
Flats Blue model and had the 7000 Sabalos reel on there rigged with sixty-five pound
test Smackdown by Seaguar. Some of the best braid I've ever used in my entire life it's
like silk I can barely feel it go through the guides. Fifty to eighty pound test Seaguar
Fluorocarbon leader and this is the premiere It is a little bit more limp than the regular
blue label and was getting the job done out there. You just saw Chris kind of get a work
out, this is the conventional style rod. This one actually has a gimbal on the bottom so
you can put a conventional reel on it like this and you can really torque on the fish
with that one right there. So if you make it down to the Florida Keys make sure you
look up Captain Chris Trosset. He is a legend in the making down there. Will do anything
to find you fish. Remember one thing though, every fishing season starts right at Dick's.
>>Rig it Right by Wright and McGill.
>>This guy is getting nervous down there like something is fixing to inhale him.
>>You know Chris another thing we were talking about that Star Tron earlier they got a new
product out called Ring Clean and it compliments the Stat Tron that we use in the gas engines
out there. It even works in Diesel too- Oh I'm getting a bite. Eat it baby, eat it. Start
talking about Star Tron and getting a bite. There he is!
[Laughs] Anyway what it does, if you got a boat and you idle a lot. That Ring Clean just
helps keep it clean.
>>Yeah that stuff would be good for me when we're sailfishing you know drifting a long
you always keep the motors in gear sometimes would be nice on my center console.
>>Well you get so much carbon build up around the rings when you're sitting there idling
and not really getting on it and with that Ring Clean will do is get rid of all that
built up carbon.
>>Got any color yet?
>>Not yet. Wondering what it is. It's fighting like a grouper.
>>Pulling pretty good.
>>There's some color no it's a giant mutton. A Giant mutton. Woo, hoo, hoo!
>>Nice one! Another stud muffin.
>>I think I can grab that one. Oh there he goes! Get the gaff, get the gaff!
>>Drop back! (Capt Pete: Jump over the side.)
>>Kevin: Want me to go get it?
>>Yeah go get it.
<Kevin>Oh is it sharky?
>>Take the gaff! You wont be able to grab him.
[Intense moment music]
>>He got him.
[Cracking up laughing] I didn't want to lose that mutton.
>>We got a line back here?
>>Yeah where's the line at?
>>Grab the line. Reach with your right hand and grab the line.
>>Reach with your right hand and grab the line.
>>Look I got a K2! (Kevin: I got one!)
[Hystirically laughing] (Gregor: Hold on I got him.)
>>Get him in the lip, get him in the lip. What's that big brown thing under you?
Got him. Got him. The mutton that didn't get away. You must really want to eat one
of these things pretty bad huh? [Laughs]
>>Thanks to K2 here I got my mutton and I think that about closes it out for the day.
It's getting late in the day we got about an hour and a half, two-hour run back to the-
back to Key West. Wow! Beautiful mutton baby.
>>That's so nice. So worth it!
>>It matches your shirt too.
>>Holy smokes did you see that current?
>>I saw it pulling you away. You'd be in the Tortugas here before long.
[Laughing] Kevin Cote. Extraordinaire. I seen him swim around big bull sharks for some mutton
snapper we were cleaning around Bimini one time he was saying, I don't want to get in
the water, I was like there's nothing around here about fifteen minutes after we got cleaning
the fish y'all can look up, it's Bimini Boys right? Go check it out on Youtube and you'll
see those big sharks we got to play with around the dock there at the Bimini Big Game Club.
Awesome! Thank you sir!
>>You're welcome.
>>We'll see you next time on Addictive Fishing who knows where we're going to be. Want to
say thanks to the Starbrite guys. One awesome day out here on the boat with Captain Kevin
Cote. This guy over here Chris Trosset.
>>The guy that didn't jump in after the mutton snapper.
>>The guy that didn't jump in after the mutton so. Anyway don't forget about the website
Addictive Fishing dot com and we will see you next week. Later.
[Laughter] ♪♪
>>Check out more footage from this show by logging onto Addictive Fishing dot com for
outtakes and bloopers
>>Got about an hour and a half to ahh! Woo! Hows this, we'll fish like this. [Laughs]
It didn't break baby!
[In your face laugh] Ehh, doh, uhh!
[cracking up laughing]