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  • There we are! That was easy. Just a little grub on a jig head. Ooh, he wants to play

  • today. This is candy man, they just cannot resist this, cannot resist it. Come on, don't

  • go under the boat. It's light line, you gotta take your time getting them in. Look at this,

  • look at this. Here we go.

  • Fell victim to a grub here on a jig head. That's were talking about today. Today I'm

  • gonna show you how to rig it, what type of equipment to use. And then I'm gonna take

  • you on the water and show you what techniques you can use for fishing a grub on a jig head.

  • Hey folks, Glenn May, here with Today I want to talk to you about fishing

  • grubs. Grubs on a jig head to be specific.

  • If you're not sure how to rig this, I’ve got a video on how to rig grubs, It's linked

  • underneath this video here, you can take a look at that later, but right now you talk

  • to you about the different equipment and terminal tackle to use and then I'm going to take you

  • out and show you how to fish it.

  • So first off, what I'm using here is a ball head jig and it's got a wire guard on there.

  • It's a real light wire hook. It's about a 1/0 hook, thin for finessing but the guard

  • on there keeps some of the weeds and gunk off of it and prevents it from getting hung

  • up and stuff.

  • Tied to it I'm using 6 pound fluorocarbon line. The fluorocarbon gives me gives me that

  • sensitivity I need to feel those light bites plus it's clearer in water and doesn't get

  • to be seen as much. It's a little more invisible, if you will. I fish in real clear water so

  • that's important.

  • Because we're using real light line we need to match it up with the right rod. So a medium,

  • light action rod. . . that's the kind that you want, because if you have anything heavier

  • than that you risk breaking the line or straightening out that hook during the fight and during

  • the hook set. So medium light action spinning outfit is what we are doing.

  • Let me tell you little bit about the weight here. This weight is just an eighth ounce

  • weight. That's a great starting point. Good all round size to use. A lot of the bites

  • come on the fall, so you want a nice slow fall. You can go up to a quarter ounce weight

  • if you want. If you're fishing really deep that's not a problem, but I wouldn't really

  • want to go any higher than that. So you don't need a whole bunch of jig heads. Just get

  • yourself an eighth ounce, quarter ounce, maybe a three eighth but no, that's even too much.

  • That's all you need. Simple set up. Now we're ready to go. Now you know the equipment. Now

  • you know the gear. Let's go out fishing.

  • All right, so what I'm fishing here is kind of a rocky point, some underwater boulders,

  • with no weeds, which is a great place to fish this rig. Even though I have a wire guard

  • here for weeds, I don't have to worry about it because I don't have any weeds.

  • Really all it takes is a nice light cast you don't want to throw it out really far. Just

  • throw it out, and then let it sink a little bit and then you're going to reel it back.

  • That's the first technique I'm going to show you here.

  • So you just cast that grub out there. Let it fall. I flip the bail, and then all we

  • are going to do is a steady retrieve. Point the rod tip down towards the water and slowly

  • bring it back. And try to follow the contour of the bottom. So you might want give it a

  • little pause, let it sink a little bit and then reel again. And that's all we are going

  • to do, is follow this point on out and see if there are any fish hanging out on the bottom.

  • Now the bite sometimes is real subtle, so you have to pay real close attention to feeling

  • that. So I like to put the rod at a little bit of an angle here. It's a little bit easier

  • to detect the bite.

  • Now to set the hook, because this wire, light wire hook it's exposed and you're only using

  • 6 pound test, you don't have to set the hook really hard. Matter of fact if you really

  • pop it hard, you're just going to break the line or straighten out that hook. So instead

  • just reel a bit harder, just pull back on it and you will set the hook. It doesn't take

  • much effort to get that light wire hook to go past the barb in the fish's mouth and then

  • you have them.

  • So let me show you one other way I like to fish this. And that is, you throw it out there

  • and let it fall. In this case you are going to let fall way to the bottom, so when you

  • do pay real close attention to that line. If there are any fish that hits it while it’s

  • falling the line will pop, twitch, jump, jerk, do something like that. If that happens you

  • want to set the hook.

  • Now it's at the bottom, all you're going to do it point the rod tip down towards the water

  • and now lift it up to about the 11 o'clock position and then let it fall. And all I'm

  • doing is I'm letting, I'm following the drop with the rod tip and I'm reeling up the slack

  • as I do it. I'm not moving the bait ahead with the reel, I'm doing that with the rod.

  • So just lift up, slowly, and just let it fall, flutter right back down. A lot of times those

  • bites occur right as the bait is falling.

  • And that's really all there is to it to fishing grubs, it’s very simple, straightforward.

  • The thing about though, here's a little tip, if you're catching fish on crankbaits, matter

  • of fact this is a really good place to . . . anywhere you throw crank baits, that's where you want

  • to throw this, but if you are catching fish on crankbaits and the bite dies off. Pick

  • up a grub and go back through those areas and you will start catching fish again. So

  • you can cover a lot of water doing it this way, too. Great way to catch a lot of fish.

  • Now, I'll fish a little bit differently in the summer than I do in say the spring. In

  • the summer I'm fishing a little bit deeper. I'm fishing main lake points, I might fish

  • humps, that sort of thing. Whereas in the spring I will go shallow, I will go back to

  • coves, flats, secondary points, those are the things I will be targeting. Great bait

  • to use during those times of the year especially when the fish are active and feeding on bait

  • fish.

  • For more tips and tricks like this visit

There we are! That was easy. Just a little grub on a jig head. Ooh, he wants to play


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如何在魚鉤上釣蠐螬|鱸魚釣 (How To Fish Grubs On A Jighead | Bass Fishing)

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    王宸毅 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日