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  • I'm Georgina Durnford and I've been at Twinings for the past 10 years. I've specialised in

  • most of the areas that we buy from so, Kenya, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, China, Vietnam and latterly

  • India which includes Assam and Darjeeling. A Darjeeling tea is a very light tea compared

  • to for example an English breakfast. It's quite clear in the cup and it has an amazing

  • light delicate character which is so unique. Due to the terrain in Darjeeling the production

  • is relatively low. There around 87 tea gardens but because the low oxygen level at that high

  • altitude means that there is a lower yield from the crop. But because of that you get

  • such an intense character which is produced from the tea leaves which you cannot get anywhere

  • else. In a really good Darjeeling you are looking

  • for a very good leaf. In the dry leaf form an attractive well twisted tippy leaf and

  • taste profile that is sweet muscatel in flavour, has an exquisite floral aroma and is really

  • awakening to the senses. The tea that we have selected for this product

  • is from a garden that we know well. We've spent a lot of time tasting and knowing the

  • gardens in Darjeeling because we recognise that depending on their unique location and

  • their unique weather conditions which they have they will produce quite different qualities.

  • And that is what we are looking for when we are selecting the teas. We really want to

  • get the correct nuances and the correct flavours. The tea season in Darjeeling is unique because

  • during the winter months the tea bush is dormant. So it's resting and then suddenly as the temperature

  • starts to increase in the spring, so February, March, the temperature is starting to go up.

  • And the plant itself starts coming alive again and the teas that are picked from that from

  • that new growth, it's just that is the start of the season and it creates a very unique

  • character. We've chosen a second flush Darjeeling tea

  • rather than a first flush, because the second flush hits around May-June by which time the

  • new growth has come and gone and the new growth can be quite green, quite pungent. But by

  • the time you get to the second flush the character is slightly more rounded and you get this

  • wonderful muscatel character which is really I would say the best quality Darjeeling tea

  • you can get. It's best enjoyed in its purest form on its

  • own, so that you can really enjoy the delicate character that it has. And that's probably

  • without milk but having said that if you add a splash of milk to the Darjeeling tea, I

  • think it just gives it another nuance. I think that this range demonstrates the breadth and

  • depth of experience that Twinings has for tea. It highlights all of the best teas that

  • you can buy and enjoy. And I think it really sums up our eye for quality and for detail

  • and ensuring that the consumer has the best experience they possibly can. And I really

  • hope that they enjoy these teas.

I'm Georgina Durnford and I've been at Twinings for the past 10 years. I've specialised in


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B1 中級 美國腔

精緻的大吉嶺--川寧招牌混搭組合。 (Delicate Darjeeling - Twinings Signature Blends)

  • 77 2
    Wei Tian 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日