字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hey this is MatSan 哈囉我們是MATSAN and welcome to our challenge section 歡迎來到挑戰篇 this week we are gonna play a challenge 今天我們要來挑戰的 which is... 就是 I will be showing somthing to Sansan 比手畫腳!! like a full sentence 我會開始比 by hands gesture 整個句子 and body gestures 他要猜我想表達什麼 and she has to guess what I'm trying to say 開始吧! let's go! 我先開始 me first 從簡單一點的開始好了 let's start with something simple 我 I 你 you 你是 you are 那什麼啊 what's that? 我不是,你才是 I'm not, you are 你 you 我 me 鏡子 mirror Sansan Sansan 跑,在跑步 run, is running Sansan天空漫步 Sansan skywalk 走路 walking Sansan在走路 Sansan is walking 走去教堂 to the church 去十字路口 to the cross 去教堂吃東西 to the church to eat 去......阿! to the .... ah Sansan正在去醫院的路上 Sansan is going to the hospital 太多資訊了啦 too much information Sansan Sansan 正在走去 is walking 藥局 to the pharmacy 對啦,我只是想表達 yea I just want to say that 你要走去藥局,就這樣 you're going to pharmacy, that's it 換我了 now me 鬍子 beard 不是 no 吸東西 sucking thing 不是啦 nooo 老 old 是個角色 it's a chraracter 阿公 grandpa 阿公在吃 grandpa eats... 吃藥 drugs 沒錯! yes! 好蠢哦 so stupid 可能是你比較會比 so I don't know, maybe you're better at showing 我比較會猜吧 or I am better at guessing 我也不知道誰比較厲害 I don't know who is better 下一題! next 我 I 是 am Mateusz Mateusz 很怕 is scared 坐飛機 of flying 好簡單 so easy 而且還是事實 and that's true 下一題 next 飛機 plane 墜毀了 crushed 這什麼阿!!! WHAT IS THAT! 我不喜歡這題 Ay I don't like this one 真的不喜歡 I don't like this one 一樣 Sansan again, Sansan 揍 hits Mateusz Mateusz 我才沒有哩 I didn't 你被揍死了 you're dead 不是啦 no Sansan.... Sansan... 揍成昏迷狀態 to coma 這樣 like... Sansan揍Mateusz Sansan hits Mateusz 揍到他暈倒 that he pass out 不是.... no... 如果Mateusz去工作,Sansan就揍他 If Maeusz works, Sansan hits him 不是不是 no no 我意思是說 what I mean is 如果Mateusz太懶惰,Sansan就會揍他 Sansan hits/beats Mateusz when he's too lazy 我剛剛比工作,然後比一個叉叉 I was showing work, and then NO 你 you Sansan Sansan 我 I 在想 am thnking 著 of... 你 you 不是 no 想著Mateusz of Mateusz 我 I 在想 am thinking 你 you 你的腳很臭! your feet stink 才怪!! NOOOO Jozef Józef 睡覺 sleeps Jozef正在作夢 Józef is dreaming 想著 about 變成一隻大烏鴉 being a big bird 沒錯 yes! 簡單 easy 好可愛哦 that's so cute! 企鵝 the penguin 企鵝先生 Mr. Penguin 他的腦袋 he's brain 他在想著 he's thinking 上天堂 of going to heaven 不是啦 noooo 想著變成王者 of being the lord 變成國王 like king 他的子民 of 是鳥.... of birds.. 大烏鴉 big birds 沒錯! yes! 我突然發現 I just realize that 我們的句子都好詭異 our sentences are very weird 你不覺得嗎? don't you think so? 你還猜得出來國王 and you understand... 因為我們很適合彼此阿 I think because we suit each other 太適合了 too much even 所以就算你沒講話 that's why I understand what you are talking about 我也知道你想表達什麼 without even speaking to me 太可愛了吧 that is so cute Sansan最近生病了 Sansan is pretty ill recently 我現在無法進食 right now I can't really eat 我其實非常驚訝.... (屬於每次生病仍舊大吃的人) which is like a very surprising fact 他會好起來的 she will be ok 很快就會好的 she's gonna be fine 我很快會康復的 I'll be fine 我有個很長的句子 I have a very long sentence 好 ok Mateusz Mateusz Sansan Sansan Mateusz跟Sansan Mateusz and Sansan 跳 jump 騎著馬 drive horse 沒錯 drive horse yes Mateusz跟Sansan騎著馬 Mateusz and Sansan drive horse 跟著 with 跟著....我們好不會表達... with...we suck 大烏鴉 big birds 然後殺了.... and kill 大烏鴉 big birds Mateusz跟Sansan騎著大烏鴉 Mateusz and Sansan drive big birds 不是啦 No! 騎著馬 drive horses 然後旁邊跟隨著 drive horses with 大烏鴉手中握著劍 big birds holding swords 所以他們是 which is 戰士 warriors 對,大烏鴉戰士 big birds warriors, yes 前往 to... 天堂 heaven 不是 no 教堂 church 前往... to..... 房子 to house 城堡! to castle 沒錯 yes 阿~~~~ 好難喔 ahhhh it's so hard 那個地方 where 的國王 the king 是Jozef Józef 住在裡面 lives Jozef是那裡的國王 is Józef 這是個故事啦 吼唷 that's the story 很難耶到底是什麼啦 that's so hard, what s that 就是 Mateusz跟Sansan means that Mateusz and Sansan 騎著馬 drive horses 旁邊跟著 including 士兵 soldiers 大烏鴉士兵 big birds soldiers 前往Jozef國王的城堡 to the castle where Józef is the king 他每次都說 she always say that 我的國家會有大烏鴉的 My country would have a big bird 國徽 coat of arms 我的國家 in my country 大烏鴉會是鞭刑者 big birds would do the lashes 處罰那些犯人 to punish bad people Ryan Ryan 跟著Leo is going with Leo 這什麼阿 what's this 騎著Leo on Leo 不是 no 騎著 driving 重機 by motorcycle 跟著Leo一起騎 with Leo 再來是目的地 and then the destination 去阿爾巴尼亞? lol to Albania? 對! yes! 天啊 OMG 然後活動 the activity 抽大麻? smoke weed? 不是大麻啦 no, not weed! 抽.... to smoke the.... 那個土耳其的... this Turkish... 水煙? to smoke Shisha? 對! yes! 很好! good! 希望你們喜歡這一集 hope you guys enjoy this video 這個小挑戰 this small challenge 下一集我們會來點不一樣的 and next time we are gonna do something more special 下次見囉 see you neet time 愛你哦 we love you! BYEBYE!!! cześć! 我放屁了
B1 中級 中文 烏鴉 國王 藥局 句子 表達 阿公 松山:猜猜這個挑戰是什麼! (MATSAN: Guess What's This Challenge!) 187 19 鄭伃庭 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字