字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Alright, so it has been a few hours since we last ate and tonight we're going out for 好的,離我們的上一餐已經過了幾個小時然後今晚我們將要去嘗試 Taiwanese street food (台灣街頭食品). 台灣的街頭食品(夜市) So we're heading to the Shilin Night Market (士林夜市) and we're going to take the 我們正在要搭捷運前往士林夜市 MRT to get there. 我們快走吧! Let's go eat. Sam現在一定覺得有點餓了 Sam may be feeling a little bit hangry right now. 也許就真的這麼點吧 Just a little bit hangry. 讓我來問問吧 Let's ask to be sure. 嘿Sam Hey Sam? 怎麼了? What? 以一到十分來說說看你多餓吧? How hangry are you on a level from one to ten? 我覺得我早就爆表了,我評為11分 I think I've burst through ten. 要到士林夜市就要搭紅線到劍潭站 I'm eleven. 然後在一號出口出去 So to get to the Shilin Night Market (士林夜市) you want to take the red line to Jiantan Station 我們剛到了士林夜市不過還是算有點早 (劍潭站) and then take exit 1. 現在是下午4點半 So we have just arrived at the Shilin Night Market (士林夜市) and it is still quite 大部分的攤位在五點左右就開始營業了 early. 然後只會越夜越熱鬧 It is 4:30 PM. 顯然這個夜市甚至可以營業到凌晨1或2點 Most of the stalls start opening closer to five o'clock and things will only continue 所以現在還是相當早的 to get busier as the night goes on. 我們也已經餓到不能再等了 And apparently this market can run until like one or two in the morning. 我們打算吃有些青蔥的BBQ So yeah, still very early. 是的我們正要買今晚的第一個小吃 We were hungry so we couldn't wait any longer. 如果你有多看幾眼的話會發現這基本上是豬肉捲著青蔥 So we are having some kind of Barbecue roll with green onion (黑胡椒豬肉卷) in it. 老闆娘也撒了些胡椒粉在問過我們要不要辣之後 Okay so we are having our first snack of the night. 為何不呢 And if you have a look over here it is basically a pork roll and it is filled with green onions 對啊 and she also asked us if we wanted it spicy so she put some powder over it. [笑聲] Of course we said yes. 一定要的啊 Yes. 你看看 Haha. 哇 看起來真棒 Always. [滿足聲] 天啊 So look at that. 你喜歡嗎? 對啊 真的好好吃 Oh that looks good. 我現在超餓 Mmmm. 他吃起來怎麼樣啊? 我從來沒吃過這類的東西 Oh man. 那來看看一下吧 Do you like that? 這裡面包滿了青蔥 That is really nice. 看起來中心就是都綠的 Yeah. 所以吃起來就像烤豬肉與青蔥一起的味道 I'm so hungry right now. 好 現在換Sam嘗試看看 What does it taste like because I've never had anything like this before? 我的時間到啦 Well, have a look at it here. 這真的很棒 It is filled with green onions. 我喜歡青蔥帶出來的一些多汁感 That is like the main ingredient in the middle. 是啊 So you taste both the pork and the green onions. [附議] Okay, so Sam's going in. -並且豬肉感覺稍鹹不過也沒我想像的這麼辣 -是啊 Time for me to try it. 我們付了相當於五元美金買這香蔥肉捲 Mmmm. 是有些貴 That is really good. 是有點貴啦 I like that the green onions give it like a bit of juiciness. 換算台幣約150元 Yeah. 不過還是很好吃啦 Yeah. 從我到臺北市後有個飲料是我一直想試試看的 And the pork is a little bit salty but it is not too as spicy as I thought it would 我愛珍珠奶茶而且顯然這裡就是它的發源地 be. 所以瞧吧(法文Voila) Yeah. 你看看 And we paid the equivalent of five dollars for this. 我點了一杯有黑糖的 也可以看到我正在攪拌它 It was a bit expensive. -你們可以看到黑糖 -太棒了 A little bit pricy but I mean. -黑糖在這邊也可以看到一些在底部的珍珠 -是啊 It was 150 Taiwanese Dollars. 喔天啊,看起來真棒 So yeah. 真的好喝? But it is good. 真是太美妙了 So there is one drink I've been wanting to try ever since we got to Taipei (臺北市). 我超愛這個飲料的 I love bubble tea (珍珠奶茶) and apparently it originated here so voila. 又甜又好喝嗎? Look at that. 你感覺到什麼口感呢? Look at that. [吞嚥] 不想被珍珠嗆到不過感覺得出來大部分是 I got one with brown sugar so you can see me mixing it. 黑糖漿的感覺 You can see the brown sugar. 滿厚的 So good. 所以可以完全的喝到黑糖的味道而且我也喜歡它用牛奶混合的味道 On the sides and then you can see the like the pearl tapioca jellies at the bottom. 當然你也可以只喝茶 不過當下我想說不不不,我們還是喝經典的味道吧 Man, that looks good. 加些牛奶在這 Oh man. 看的出來 Oh man. 是啊所以這超棒的 Mmmmm. 太棒了 Real deal? 然後Sam當然也要來嘗一口啦 That is so amazing. 當然啊 I love this drink so so much. 我很慷慨的 Is it nice and sweet? 謝謝分享啦 Mmmm. 所以這嘗起來怎麼樣呢? What can you taste? -好,我要先說這有多甜在我們進入主題前 -[笑] Don't want to choke on the tapioca balls but it is almost syrupy. 是啊 The brown sugar. 真的可以喝到非常甜的黑糖 Like it is quite thick. 天啊 So you really get that flavor coming through and I love that it is made with milk because 然後吸上一些珍珠 apparently you can just get straight up tea and I was like no no no let's go with the 天啊那真的很棒 classic. 好,這杯飲料花了50元台幣 換算為美金約1.5元 Give me some milk here. 所以是啊,這是個相當不錯又負擔的起的飲料 The milk in there. -也很值得 -[附議] So yeah, it is so good. 你知道還有什麼很酷的地方嗎? So good. -他們給你真的非常粗的吸管才能讓你吸起珍珠 -是啊 So Sam just had to get a taste of it as well. 然後我們下一站要吃的夜市小吃是台式鹹酥雞 Of course. 可以看出這真的加工精緻 I'm sharing. 第一眼可看出雞塊灑滿了麵包屑,油炸過 然後也用平底鍋煎了些醬汁 Sharing is caring. 我們點了甜辣口味並且在上面油煎了些糖 So how much was this one? 那旁邊是年糕嗎? Mmmm. 這些看起來應該是年糕 Okay, before I talk about that I just have to say how good and sweet that is. 是啊 Yeah. 哇 You really taste the brown sugar. 然後在上面也撒了許多花生還有芝麻 Oh man. 這看起來真好吃 And then you get sucking up all of the jellies. 是吧 Man, that is good. 然後這花了100元台幣 以美金來說約3塊錢 Okay so that was 50 Taiwan dollars which is about a dollar fifty US. 會比三元在多一些 So yeah that is a nice affordable cheap drink. 應該是一些些 And so worth it. -吃起來怎麼樣呢? -天啊 So worth it. -吃起來又嫩又多汁 -那醬又如何呢? And you know what else is cool. 甜啊 They give you a really thick straw so you can get at your bubbles. 超甜的 Yep. 不過是非常棒的那種 Exactly. 今天這道菜是Sam選的 Suck them bubbles. -所以我相信你一定會非常的開心 -我想我會的 So for our next Taiwanese street snack we are having Taiwan fried chicken (鹹酥雞) -哇 這真的好吃 -是吧是吧 and this was quite the process. 就像你說的很嫩 Like first he took the chicken breaded it, deep-fried it and then he took a pan and added 是啊 the sauce. 然後我喜歡花生和芝麻混和在外的味道 We got sweet chili and then pan-fried the chicken even further in the glaze. 然後我喜歡花生和芝麻混和在外的味道 And are those rice cakes beside it? 咬起來喀滋喀茲的 These look like these could be little rice cakes. 對啊 Yeah. 完美組合 Oh wow. 然後這也有點辣 And then on top of that he sprinkled peanuts and sesame seeds. 然後我可以給一個建議 It looks amazing. 然後我可以給一個建議,等晚一些再來夜市 Yeah. 大約在傍晚後 And that was one hundred and ten Taiwanese dollars so you're looking at about three US 我們到的時候大概4點 你們也知道比較不熱鬧 bucks for that. 夜市內雖然漸漸開始營業 不過我們吃的選擇 A little bit more. 變得比較限制 因為店家們都比較晚才開始出現 A little more than three US. 所以傍晚再晚一些是最好的時間 How is that? -謝謝 -現在Sam帶我們來吃這家 Mmmm. 我們接下來要吃的是什麼? Oh my gosh. 真相時刻到啦 Good? 我們從剛剛一直挑溫和的吃 It is so tender but so juicy at the same time. 吃些比較保守的 How about the sauce? 不過我們現在要直入進經典台灣夜市小吃了 Sweet. 我們這裡有臭豆腐 So sweet. 我的天 Which is really good. 滿好笑的是我們看到這時還在想說這倒底臭不臭,我們也不知道 So this was Sam's pick tonight. 所以我就走向前買了一份 And I think you're going to be very pleased. [用力吸] 歐耶 I think I will. 這次是來真的 Oh that is so good. 這真的很臭 Isn't it? 這鐵定是來真的 Like you said really tender. 如果你從沒試過的話 Yeah. 我今天下午有上維基查過 And I love the combination of nuts and sesame seeds on the outside. 有人說像是香港腳或垃圾味 Yeah. 有人說像是香港腳或垃圾味 It gives it a crunch. -爛掉的垃圾 -天啊 Yeah. 是啊味道真的很濃 Mmmm. 我想在這咬一小口看看 Perfect combination. 好啊 And it is a bit spicy too. 我想裡面好像有些白菜 So if I can offer one piece of advice when visiting this market it would be to come a 你可以看到有二串臭豆腐在這 little bit later in the evening. 是啊 二串臭豆腐夾著白菜 We arrived around four thirty and it was you know pretty quiet. 看起來就像三明治 看看這 Things are starting to pickup a little bit but our food options have been a little bit 有一些非常撲鼻的氣味 limited because people are just you know showing up and opening their stalls. 吃起來像其他的東西 So later in the evening is best. 喔 Thank you. 這真辣 So Sam is leading the way with this one. Um What are we having next? 我的天 Alright moment of truth. 我要離你遠點 We've been playing it kind of tame. 只是你真的可以嘗到一些酸味 Playing it kind of safe so far. 類似發酵這樣 We're going right in to the classic Taiwanese street food (台湾街头食品) here. 這會是一個我需要長時間去適應的食物了 We are having Stinky Tofu (臭豆腐). 我得老實說我不會太享受這個 Oh my. 那再咬一口看看吧? And it is funny because we saw this tofu stand and we're like is this stinky or not we don't 好啦 我在吃看看 know. -就一口 -這味道要卡著你了 So I walk up to it and I go. 我其實想要你吃多一點 這樣我只要吃一些就好 Sniff. 所以快吃吧 Oh yeah. 感覺有種味道