字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 You may have heard the news... 你可能已經聽到消息... That's right! 沒錯 I'm broke. 我破產了 But thanks to many fellow Patreons, 但感謝許多Patreon的參與者 we managed to gather four thousand dollars 我們集資到四千元 to help... 去幫助 myself! 我自己 Although for leagal reasons, 雖然因為法律上的原因 I couldn't keep any of the money... 我不能拿這筆錢... which means, I'm back on square zero. 這意味著我又要從零開始 I got nothing, 我一無所有了 nada, 虛無縹緲 ingenting! 啥都沒有!(瑞典文) So what do you do when all hope fails? 因此當所有希望落空,你會怎麼做? What do you do 你會怎麼做 before I was PewDiePie? 當成為PewDiePie之前(的工作)? That's right, selling hot dogs. 沒錯,賣熱狗 A lot of you have known this, some of you may have not, 很多人都知道了,可能有些人還不知道 but before I did YouTube I sold hot dogs. 在我沒有做YouTube之前我是賣熱狗的 It is in fact my specialty. It's the best and only thing I know besides screaming and acting like a retard on the Internet. 這是我的專長, 是我除了尖叫和在網路上耍腦之外唯一擅長的事情。 (funky music plays) 布萊頓海灘 (shakes his metal fannypack) 有人會覺得對烤肉來講風有點太大了 Little windy for a grill some would say. 說我是業餘的 (continues shaking fannypack) 我會回答他們 Amateurs! 你要有點男子氣概才可以像這樣子烤肉 I would say back... 阿嘶 ... 啊! You gotta grill like this you gotta have balls. 不不,別弄到熱狗,會弄髒的 (啊啊~) Ssss... aaahh! Oh boy. No, no, not the hot dog, they will be contaminated! (aaargh) 來拿熱騰騰的熱狗~ Oh boy. 熱狗狗狗狗狗狗~ Get them while they're hot! 熱狗,想要一個熱狗嗎? Hot doooooooooogs! 喜歡嗎? Want a hot dog? 好吃嗎?好吃嗎,是嗎?非常穴穴泥~ (funky music plays) $**&@##%@&&##&%& Do you like it? 態度好冷淡 It's good? It's good yeah? Thank you very much!. 熱狗? (funky music plays) 熱狗? - 謝謝。 (unaudiable) 熱狗? (晃~晃~晃~) That shit cold! ♪ 熱狗~熱狗~ 熱狗~你要不要熱狗 ♪ Hot dog? 熱狗! Hot dog? - Thank you. 喔~~~這真是美好的一天 (wiggle wiggle wiggle) 最適合吃熱... Hot dog! Hot dog! Hot dog! Do you want a hot dog? 你在做什麼? Hot dog! 給我回來! (Brad啊wwwww) Ooooh, it's a wonderful day! 熱狗? To do a hot... 小姐,要一條熱狗嗎? WHAT ARE YOU DOING? 寶寶要一條熱狗嗎? Come back here! 沒有人想要熱狗嗎 ??????? Hot dick? 新鮮熱狗 !!!!!!!!!! Lady, want a hot dog? 老兄要熱狗嗎?你看起來餓囉。晚餐時間到了 Baby want a hot dog? 我覺得糟透了,沒有人要買Felix的爛熱狗 (kickthepj,成功的youtuber) No one wants a hot doooooog? 所以,我得幫幫他 買個熱狗。 Fresh hot doooogs! 嘿~Felix,PewDiePie ... 呃...我要買條熱狗 Hot dog man? You lookin' hungry. Dinner time. 好的,熱狗這就來 I feel really bad that nobody's buying Pewds's putrid hot dogs. 謝謝 So, I'm gonna humour him and gonna buy a hot dog. 那麼,生意如何? Ey-hey Felix, PewDiePie... Eh... I'll buy a hot dog. 哦,不,這......不太..... I'll buy a hot dog... I have money, I'll buy a hot dog. - Okay, you can have a hot dog. 我做這是為了.... Thank you. 現在這是你的正職? So, how's the business goin'? 這......這只是業餘愛好而已 Oh, no, it's... I... this is... not a... 其實啊 - PJ。你是我的忠實客戶 I'm just doin' it for... 你將得到我特別的熱狗 Is this like a full time thing now? (當天稍早) It's a... it's a hobby. Slippy? Oh, actually - PJ. I have a... since you're a loyal customer. 他還活得好好的。 You get my special hot dog. - Okay. 這是一隻有毒的蟾蜍 (magical music) 我能借你一點毒液嗎 Slippy? 這是性騷擾嗎 There he is. He's alive. 然後把它放回去...... It's an alive poisonous toad. 給VIP的 Can I borrow your poisonous glands? 來PJ這你的 Is this sexual harrassment? 哇,你真的放了好多番茄醬 And I put it back where it belongs... 謝謝,我真的很感激。 For the VIP's. 等等,你能留下好評嗎? (magical music) 呃,可以啊。最佳好評。 Here you go PJ. 祝你好運 Hey thanks man, wow, you really did it with the ketchup. 好好享受 Thanks, I really appreciate it. (五分鐘後) Wait... 熱狗? Can you leave a good review? 有沒有人要熱狗? Best review alright thank you. 非常感謝 Good luck. - Enjoy. 你現在是VIP了 (disco music plays) 我不得不賣掉我最珍貴的寶物 Hot dog? 我的黃金播放鍵 Does anyone want a hot dog? 有人想要嗎? Thanks very much! 這是真的黃金播放鍵。是我最後一個的 You're a VIP now! 一英鎊。(約40台幣) I have to sell my most prized possession. 我買。 -讚啦。 My golden plaque. 謝謝。 - 我給你五英鎊。(約200台幣) Want it? Anyone on the bus? 非常感謝你,我很感激。是你的了。 This is a real golden plaque. It's my last version! 非常感謝你。 It's yours for a pound. 感謝Felix! - 祝你有個美好的一天! I'll buy it. - Okay, cool. 我得到了五英鎊啦! Thank you. - I'll give you £5. 是張新鈔,我真的很喜歡。很棒 Thank you very much, I appreciate it. It's yours. 他起笑喔!他真的買了 Thank you very much. 我不知道他一直走(路人回家了www) Thanks Felix! - Have a good one! I got £5! It's a new bill too, I really like these. This is great. He's actually going! He actually bought it. I don't know he keeps walking. Bag... (music plays)
A2 初級 中文 PewDiePie 熱狗 想要 黃金 布萊頓 播放器 我的新工作 (MY NEW JOB) 1351 44 Amy.Lin 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字