字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hey this is MatSan 嘿我們是MatSan and welcome to our.. 歡迎來到生活篇 what's this? 這是什麼 who is this? 這是誰 this is actually Leo 這位是Leo our new friend 我們的新朋友 and this is Ryan 而這位是Ryan they are buddies 他們是好朋友 as we mentioned before 我們之前就提過 we bought them together 我們是同時買這兩隻的 so right now we are having the whole... 現在我們的收集已經完整了! family of these toys 有整家的玩具 they are not toys 他們不是玩具 they are family 他們是家人 just family 對 家人 so many of them 好多喔 and they are all sleeping next to Sansan 而且他們全部都睡在Sansan旁邊 yea really 沒錯 they are watching me when we are sleeping 他們都在我睡覺時盯著我 we want to wish you... 我們要祝你 2016!! 新年快樂!!!! our channel is one year old officially 我們的頻道正式成立一年了 happy birthday MatSan channel! 生日快樂MATSAN頻道! one of the first video we made 我們最一開始拍的第一支影片 wasn't even on YouTube 根本也沒上傳到YouTube we just made it on Facebook 我們只有傳到Facebook hello! 哈囉 hey there everyone 哈囉大家 this is Sansan 我是Sansan and this is Mateusz 我是Mateusz this is the last day of December 今天是12月的最後一天 in 2014 2014年的最後一天 so we would like to wish you 所以我們要祝你 happy new year! 新年快樂! just to our friends 這支影片那時只有拍給我們的朋友看 we just take a look at this yesterday 我們昨天才在回顧這影片 and we look very very shy 我們看起來超害羞的 especially him 特別是他 especially me 對 特別是我 I was like... 我就.. I was just keep talking 我就一直講話啊 and he just like... 他就默默地 not even looking at the camera 連鏡頭都不怎麼敢看 stupid 笨 yea 對 after that video 那支影片上傳之後 we decided to make videos on youtube 我們就決定要開一個YouTube頻道 because we got pretty nice feedback on that video 因為那支影片得到滿不錯的迴響 and everybody thinks it's pretty funny to see us talking 大家都說看我們聊天很好玩 so we are like, why not 所以我們就想說,那為何不要開個YouTube頻道 and it will be very cool to make a video channel 而且拍影片真的是滿酷滿好玩的一件事 and even right now 甚至現在 since it's the holiday time 因為還在假期中 and we are more active recently 所以我們比較有空上傳新影片 so we start to gain more subscribers once again 所以我們又重新開始有新的訂閱者了! we are really happy about that 我們真的很開心 welcome our new friends! 歡迎!!我們的新朋友!! and still love you our old friends! 也持續的愛你們哦,我們的老朋友!! Ryan give a kiss Ryan親一個 we want to talk about what we have done 我們要聊聊我們昨天做了什麼事 yesterday at the new year's eve 昨天就是跨年夜啦 as we mentioned 我們在之前的 on the previous video 影片有提到 we wanted to stay in Warsaw 我們會留在華沙 and spend the new year's party in Warsaw 在華沙跨年 so we did 所以我們就照做啦 we went to the national stadium 我們去了國家體育館 but firstly 不過一開始 we just spent the time at home 我們幾乎整天都在家裡 yea we just spent most of the day time at home 對 都待在家 HAPPY NEW YEAR! 新年快樂!! we are going to celebrate the new year of 2016! 我們準備要去慶祝跨年啦! we actually take some things with us 我們準備了一些煙火 to just fire them up 要來放 because I like things 因為我喜歡 like guns 槍砲類 and stuff (??) 的東西 so we just bought this simple fireworks for us 我們買了些簡單的小煙火 Just this 像這些 I was very scared of this because I thought it's hot 我以前很怕仙女棒,因為我以為他燒到手會燙 but actually not hohahohaho 不過其實根本是冷的,哈哈哈 And just one... this ACHTUNG! 還有名為「危險!」的鞭炮 Arround 22 we just went out 大概晚上10點我們就出發去 We firstly went to the centre 先去了市中心 just to eat something 吃點點心 and then... because our original plan was to find some bars 本來我們之後的計畫是找間酒吧 to grab a drink and... everything was closed 喝點小酒...結果每間酒吧都關了 so... we just decided to buy it in alcohol shop 所以只好跑去商店買 and then straith away go to the stadium 之後就直接去體育館啦 It was so cold, SO COLD! 外面真的好冷!超冷! That was really bad, so cold 真的...無敵冷 It was -8 right? 大概是零下8度對吧? Yea -8 but it feels horrible 對 零下8度但體感溫度更低 I wear a lot 我穿超多 I remember I wear like double, triple clothes 我記得我穿了好幾層的衣服 and it was still super cold, I was freezing 但還是好冷,我都要凍僵了 I was taking tissues from Sansan so many times 一直跟Sansan拿面紙擤鼻涕 and even our fingers 然後我們的手指頭 On our hands 整雙手 and our feet 還有腳 They were frozen 都凍僵了 And I was so afraid that if you just smash it it will be broken 我超怕如果我敲一下我的手指,他們會直接碎掉 I hate this feeling 我超討厭這種感覺的 I don't know about you guys but 我不知你們是不是也一樣 when my feet are getting frozen 每次我的腳趾頭凍僵時 on my hands and everything 或是我的手凍僵時 I imagine myself just crashing my hand 我都會想像如果我不小心敲到手指 on the brick or something 敲到磚頭之類的 and destroy my whole fingers 我整雙手會直接碎掉 I don't know why but I just imagine that all the time when I got frozen 我不知道為何, 但我每次凍僵時就會開始想這件事 So you got a great imagination 那就是說你有很好的想像力 Like me 跟我一樣 It was pretty funny because in the beggining 一開始很好笑的是 he felt very uncomfortable 他超級不自在的 Like an angry child 像個愛生氣的小屁孩 Like the only child 愛生氣的獨生子 because we were spending the time near the National Stadium 因為我們這次在體育館跨年 so there were lots of people that I don't even know 所以旁邊有很多我不認識的陌生人 and I just know Sansan 我只認識Sansan and Sansan was like: 然後San就問我說 is everything ok? And I was like: YES 你還好嗎? 我馬上說: 沒事 EVERYTHING IS FINE 很好,完全沒事 and he looks super sad so I was like... 可是他表情就是超低落的阿, 我就說: I don't know what is wrong with you, I feel very happy that I am near the stadium 我不知你到底是發生什麼事, 我現在很開心,因為我終於在體育館 and spending time with everybody, listening to the concert 跟大家一起跨年,開心聽演唱會 and the view is fantastic so I don't know what is the problem 整個景超美的, 所以我不知道你到底在不爽什麼 Maybe you can tell me the problem 不然你跟我說嘛 I don't want our last day in 2015 to be spend with miserable emotions 我不想要我們2015的最後一天, 在這種悲慘的情緒中度過 and he is like: I'm ok I'm ok 他就說:我很ok,我沒事 I'm just to sober at this hour 只是都這個時間了我還沒醉.所以... You know I'm not so up to this kind of events 你也知道我不是那麼習慣這種場合 I just don't understand what's going on in here 我就是不知道我到底要怎樣嘛 And then I started to drink 結果,我開喝之後 second beer I was happier 大概喝完第二輪後, 我就變比較開心了 starting to be happier, yes 開始變開心了 and then I was like: Ultra Happy 喝到後來我根本就變超級開心 that was the concert 基本上跨年就是演唱會 just normal concert 就像一般的跨年演唱會 and then the fireworks just started 之後午夜時就開始放煙火啦 for pretty long time 煙火放得滿久的 They were very big and beautiful 很大的煙火,很漂亮 and near the stadium itself the wole panorama is fantastic 加上體育館,所以整個全景很美 Awesome! 好酷 After the fireworks - we went to the beach 看完跨年煙火後, 我們去了沙灘區準備放煙火 near Wisła Wisła的沙灘區 We bought some small fireworks 結果我們買的小煙火 and... it's shitty 很爛 It's really shitty 真的很爛 we bought it in the centre 我們在市中心買的 There were some people selling it 一些路邊的攤販賣的 and I don't know why we choose those huys like very sporty men 我不曉得為何我們要選那攤買, 老闆們看起來像是一些很運動型的小流氓 and they just sold this to us 就賣了這些爛爛的煙火給我們 and for sure these fireworks were already not up to date 我很肯定這些煙火已經放一陣子了 pretty humid propably 還滿潮濕的 because it was really hard to light them up 所以超難點燃的 I was lighting one up 我試著點燃那些煙火 Nothing 完全沒動靜 No spark, nothing 一點火花都沒有 It takes us ages to light one up 要點燃一支就要花好久時間 this feeling of -8.C is like 話說零下8度的感覺 if you expose your hand under this temperature for... 就像是如果你的手暴露在這個環境下 1 minute 一分鐘 and it already feels like frozen 你就開始有結凍感了 I really couldn't feel it 我手真的開始沒什麼知覺 and when I want to make picture 因為我想要拍照 I don't even know if I'm clicking it 我根本不曉得我到底有沒有按到拍照鍵 is it because my phone is not working? 我就想說是我手機沒反應嗎? or it's because my hand can not feel it 還是我的手根本沒按到? and it's very scary in my opinion 我個人覺得真的是滿可怕的 and it's gonna be colder and colder 而且再來會更冷更冷哦 oh yes... 哎是阿... I already feel very cold 我已經覺得很冷了現在 let it snow, let it snow, let it snow 下雪吧!下雪吧!下雪吧! but so bad that there is no snow in Poland 不過可惜的是目前波蘭的雪下的很少 yea this year there's no snow 恩現在沒什麼雪 there's a bit of frost 只有一點霜 on the rooftop 屋頂上會結霜 this morning 今天早上有看到 that's it, but no snow 就這樣,沒有雪 after those retarded fireworks 在很白癡的煙火之後 we just went home 我們就回家去了 and during the way 在回家的路上 Mateusz was pretty wasted Mateusz真的是喝得滿醉的 he kept reminding me don't get wasted Sansan 他一直提醒我說, Sansan你不要喝太醉哦 because last year I got super wasted 因為去年跨年我喝太多 and I was puking 導致後來就一直吐 and doing everything at the same time 還宿醉阿,什麼都來了 so this year I'm reminding myself 所以今年我就提醒自己說 I will be responsible to myself 我會對自己負責 so funny about me 我就很蠢阿 because I was like 因為我就一直說 Sansan don't get wasted Sansan你不能喝醉 you know 你也知道 you shouldn't get wasted 你不該喝醉 I'm reminding you, you know what happended last time 你還記得去年發生什麼事吧? and then I was the one who was... 結果這次反而是我... and he was bullying cars 他還霸凌車子 bullying cars 霸凌車子 哈哈 because there were some frost on the car 因為車上就有結霜嘛 and he was drawing some sports logo on it 他就一直去人家車窗畫那些足球隊的logo or singing the national song 再來就是一直唱國歌 or singing the rhythm of the sports team 不然就是唱那些球隊的隊歌 soccer team 足球隊 the most famous one in Poland 波蘭最厲害最有名的足球隊 no, I'm not even up to any sport 其實我根本沒在看任何的運動球賽 but anytime he gets drunk 但是每次只要他喝醉 and he is starting to sing those sporty songs 他就會莫名開始唱那些球隊隊歌 you know because there was one sporty guy 因為稍早有一個足球迷 he was shouting it 就在那裏喊跟唱那首隊歌 and I was like 所以我就想說 I will be the same 我也要一樣 I was so asamed 我覺得超丟臉的.... actually about us 關於我們 (us 跟英文的屁股ass一點點相似) actually about us 關於我們... sorry 對不起 hmm actually about us together 恩,關於我們的感情 actually about me and Sansan 關於我跟Sansan we compare each other to South Park characters 我們常常把自己比喻成South Park裡面的人物 about this whole behaviors 就是關於我們兩個的行為模式啦 so I am Randy, and she is Sharon 我是Randy,她是Sharon yes 沒錯 because all the time 因為每次 I behave like Randy 我的行為舉止就超像Randy的 so much 超級 and I'm like Sharon 我就像Sharon like this 就是這樣 like I can't stand him 無法忍受他 it was really a fun time 不過昨晚真的很好玩啦 and we had a really great, great day 我們玩得很盡興 and we also want to wish you 我們也要祝你們 very very nice 2016 有個非常棒的2016 and we want to wish you 另外也要祝你們 have a very, very.. 有個非常非常 one more time 豐碩 szczęśliwego Nowego Roku (Happy new year in Polish) 絢爛 szczęśliwego Nowego Roku 超棒的新年 am I right? 再一次跟大家祝賀 szczęśliwego Nowego Roku 新年快樂 (波蘭文) wszystkiego najlepszego!!! (everything the best in Polish) szczęśliwego Nowego Roku wszystkiego dobrego (everything good in Polish) 我講的對嗎 both are good szczęśliwego Nowego Roku one more time, happy new year 一切都超棒 (波蘭文) szczęśliwego Nowego Roku 一切都安好順遂 (波蘭文) wszystkiego dobrego (everything good) 兩個都對 wszystkiego najlepszego (everything the best) 再一次,新年快樂 yes szczęśliwego Nowego Roku 新年快樂 manage that wszystkiego dobrego 一切都安好順遂 I learn it, in one year wszystkiego najlepszego 一切都超棒 新年快樂 (shin nien quai leh) /Happy new year in Chinese 沒錯 happy new year 耶 成功 樂 (leh) / happy 終於學會了,花了我一年 because you are like...lol 新年快樂 新年快樂 (shin nien quai leh) 樂 which means happy new year 因為你的發音像是漏 so enjoy the time 新年快樂 and a happy new year 意思就是新年快樂啦 please like, subscribe, and comment below 希望大家都過得開心 please also visit our Facebook fanspage 也有個很棒的一年 we love you 請別忘了按讚,訂閱,和在底下留言哦 see you next time 也歡迎到我們的Facebook專頁逛逛 byebye! 我們愛你哦 BYEBYE! papa! 下次見了 (where is Leo?) byebye!!! what's this? BYEBYE!!再見!!
A2 初級 中文 煙火 快樂 體育館 開心 影片 足球隊 MatSan。2016年快樂!!! (MatSan: Happy 2016!!!) 365 20 鄭伃庭 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字