字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 in preparing for an interview it's 準備一場成功的面試 important to know how you're going to 你要能知道如何 answer what's often the very first 去回答面試官問你的第一個問題是很重要的 question they ask you an interview 那就是─ tell me about yourself well there are 請向我介紹你自己 many schools of thought and how to 針對這個呢有非常多種想法還有 answer this question so let me share 方式去回答這問題 因此我將 with you three of the most popular 向你們分享三種最常見的方法 approaches so that way you can choose 你們可以從中選出 the one that best matches your 最適合你的個性以及面試型態 personality and interview style know the 來做修正 first approach is what i call the volley 第一個方式我稱它叫「迸射齊發」 that when the interviewer asks you tell 當一個面試官請你 me about yourself 介紹你自己時 you respond with a question which 你用一個鞭辟入裡的問題 immediately puts that ball right back in 來當作回答也就是又將球 the interviewers court so for example 丟回給面試官,舉例來說 let's say you've just finished small 假設你剛和面試官完成 talk with the interviewer and then they 一段談話然後他們 transition to the interview by asking 轉而問你 tell me about yourself 向我介紹你自己的時候 well at that point you could volley back 你就可以用 with a question which is where would you 「請問我要從何談起呢?」 like me to start now while this might 來反彈回應 sound a little bit rude 乍聽之下似乎是有些不禮貌 it also allows the interviewer to direct 但同時也讓面試官更能切入到 you to what's most interesting to them 他們對你最有興趣的部分 so the benefit to this approach is that 那麼這方法的優點就是 if it fits your personality style he 如果它能符合你的面試型態 quickly helps you align your background 便能快速地讓你的背景條件 to the employers goals 和雇主的目標做結合 alright let's move on to the second way 好的來到第二個方式 the second way to respond which is 第二個回應的方式 probably more common so what I call the 可能更較為常見所以我稱它叫 pitch the pitch is a very well-rehearsed 「投其所好」。「投其所好」是一個需要準備齊全 answer to this anticipated question now 去回答預先設想問題方法 the pitch does three things and it 「投其所好」法須具備以下三件事 doesn't very well first it connects your 首先,你的回答必須與 work experience to the needs of the company 你自身的工作經歷和公司的需求做結合 secondly it needs to be memorable and 第二,必須是令人難忘的回答 third it takes about one to two minutes 然後第三,設定長度大約在一到兩分鐘 in length to say so to prepare your 因此要如何去準備你的回答 answer you're going to first want to 你需要再把關於工作的描述 read that job description again in great 詳細熟讀一遍 detail and then list out the company 然後列出公司的工作要求 needs then you want to write your 以及從你的工作經驗中 matching accomplishments from your own 寫出你自己能最符合要求的 work experience so that way you can 人格特質,這樣你就能 relate to what the job is asking for now 找出自身與工作要求的相關性 you're ready to begin your story so 現在你已經準備好說出你的故事了 let's just say that the company you're 讓我們來假設現在你所 applying for is looking to launch a new 應徵的這公司正在研發一項新的、 product to share that's their big need 前途無量的產品要做分享 and you've got expertise in sales and 正好你有市場及行銷策略上的專業, marketing so your story might sound 因此你的描述應該會像這樣── something like this your last year my 去年,也就是我的前一份工作 previous job we were behind in the 我們正全力發展 development of a new product and our 此項產品之時, competitor took advantage of this 我們的競爭公司卻搶先一步 opportunity and launched their latest 發表他們的最新產品以及取得 product and started meeting our clients 與我們客戶面談的機會 to position themselves as the leader 來展現他們才是龍頭 now our sales decreased by twenty 造成我們公司上半年的銷售量降了20趴 percent that quarter and several of our 同時,也造成一些重要小組的核心 key team sales leaders left now in 領導人的離開, response i led two small teams of six 對此,我讓兩個小組各六個組員 persons each one representing marketing 一組負責市場部分 in the other one in sales to develop a 另一組則是負責行銷 strategy to both protect and grow our 我用這項策略來同時保護並促成 existing business in the following 我們下半年的現有市場 quarters so what we ended up doing was 我們推出了一些 rolling out some fresh marketing 新穎的行銷方式 approaches we were used personalized 利用客製化的行銷 video and emails content marketing and 影片、郵件和 live webinars that revealed features of 組織網路研討會來展現我們品的 our product that we're about to be 特色,並昭告我們即將上市的消息 released now the combined effect of 連鎖效應之下, these new marketing approaches is got 這些新穎的行銷手法促使 our customers to wait for our product to 我們的顧客願意等待我們公司的產品 be launched and they didn't buy from our 上市,而且還不會去購買他家競爭公司的產品 competitors and because we had engaged 因為我們建立起我們 them in a way that was very personal and 獨特又客製化的買賣關係 unique the relationships that we built 讓我們的稅收 help drive our revenues fourteen percent 也因此增加了十四個百分點 higher than our previous best quarter 擁有比上半年更驚人的收入。 now what will the interviewer infer from 現在面試官就能從此故事推論出 this story well one I can handle myself 我是個能在面對極大壓力之下 under pressure i can craft and execute a 仍能沉著冷靜並提出一個 product launch strategy and I was an 能夠保護產品上市的策略 effective team leader this second 而且我還是個有效率的團隊領導人 approach the pitch is a very effective 這第二種方式「投其所好」是一項 approach when outlined and rehearse in 為了面試要短時間內組織並排練 advance of the interview now it's no 非常有效的方法 surprise that this is a favorite amongst 好的,這第三種方式無疑是面試官 interviewers the third way to respond is 最喜歡的方式叫──「群策群力」 the and when I've seen this used 利用這種方式的通常 it makes the candidates stand out from 能讓面試者能夠脫穎而出 all others it requires a bit of preparation for the 這種方式需要一點面試前的 interview but the candidate and the 準備工作,一般面試者或者更高招的人 advanced has created three to six cards 就會製作出三到六張備置卡 each one about half the size of a sheet 每一張大概一張紙的一半大小 of paper which is then printed on stiff 我建議之後 paper is what i recommend and on that 印在較厚的紙板上 card was a need on the top that this was 在紙卡上,各寫下標題是關於工作 found in the job description for example 描述中的需求和要件 lead international growth innovate new 譬如說像引領國際成長、 products merge accounting systems each 研發新產品、整合會計系統諸如此類 one of these is a need that's found in 每一項都是你從工作描述中 the job description now under each of 找到的需要條件。在每一個標題下面, those headlines you could put a couple 你可以寫下一些 of bullet points that relate to the 能夠跟你如何替他們 value that you bring to solving this 去解決這些議題的連結性要點及價值 issue for them so when they asked this 因此,當他們問起 question tell me about yourself 「向我介紹你自己」這題目時, well you can respond with I'm happy to 你就能夠游刃有餘的回答:我很樂意 tell you a little bit about myself but 能夠向你介紹關於我的一些事情, first let me ask you what's most 但首先,請容我問您什麼對您來說 important 是最重要的? to you and that's when you lay out these 這時候,你就能擺出這些 cards on the table and ask them to pick 卡片在桌子上,並要求他們來選 which topic is the most important to 一個對他們來說最重要的標題 them and which one they would like to 以及他們現在最想要討論什麼樣的 talk about now when you do this it shows 議題。當你做這項動作的時候, that you're well research prepared and 這就表示你是有備而來而且 focused on the company's priorities i 注重公司的優先考量 like to call it the huddle because like 我喜歡叫它「群策群力」是因為 in a sports game this is where you get 在運動比賽中,這就是一種 together and strategize the next move 球員聚集在一起商討研議下一步的方法 so in this example you've got your 6 因此在這範例中,你就會有六項 suggestions on the table and then you 提議在桌子上,而你只要 let the interviewer decide which 讓面試官去決定 direction to go now this approach blends 面試走向就好。這項方法完美的 the best of the two approaches that i 融合的前面我稍早 mentioned earlier so no matter which 所描述的方式。無論你最後 approach you choose you should keep this 選擇什麼樣的方式,有些點你必須銘記於心, in mind when answering the question 就是當在回答 tell me about yourself first you should 「向我介紹你自己」你首先必須 keep the answer focus on the company 將答案緊扣在公司的需求 needs and goals 2nd keep the answer 以及目標上。第二,將回答時間 within about one to two minutes three 設定在一到兩分鐘 use facts stories examples or questions 第三,用你事實為基礎的故事範本或問題 even visuals to make your answer 又或者意象來讓你的回答 standout. And four, prepare prepare 能脫穎而出。然後第四點,準備準備再準備 prepare all right what we've covered 好的,在此介紹的是 here is the three approaches to 如何回答面試的問題── answering the interview question 「向我介紹你自己」的三種方式 tell me about yourself now no matter 無論你選擇什麼樣的方式 which one you choose you'll be able to 去準備面試,相信你都能 answer with confidence and stand out 胸有成竹的回應並 from the crowd if you'd like to stay 從中脫穎而出。 如果你想知道 up-to-date on the latest job hunting 更多最新的求職訊息 videos to help you land your next job 影片來尋找你的下一份工作的話, faster then click on the subscribe 請按下訂閱鍵 button and if you've got any questions 如果你有任何問題想尋求解答, please leave them below if you'd like to 請留言在下方。 如果你想知道更多 have more free tips and techniques to 能在一週內擄獲六個 help you land up to six interviews a 面試官的免費的小提示和技巧, week then click on the link in the 請點選下方描述欄中的連結 description below thanks for watching 感謝您的觀看
A2 初級 中文 英國腔 面試官 回答 介紹 公司 產品 行銷 面試技巧 (Interview Questions And Answers - Tell Me About Yourself) 5594 565 jh 發佈於 2016 年 12 月 20 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字