字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 - Korea is a highly competitive workplace. 韓國的工作環境相當競爭 It's super competitive for students. 尤其對於學生來說 - You have to have perfect grades, the perfect looks. 你要有好成績與亮眼的外表 - Everyone there talks about beauty constantly, 在韓國,美貌是必談的話題 and they tell you straight to your face that you're ugly, 他們會直接告訴你,你有臉部缺陷 or that you should get plastic surgery. 或你應該要去整形 - That's why people feel like it's a good 他們覺得人都必須整形 career move to get plastic surgery. 未來才會發光發熱 - What we're doing today is sort of recreating 我們今天要做的是,模擬整形 this practice that's very common in Korea, 在韓國很常見 but in a way that's not permanent. 但那只模擬的情況 Really, a sort of sliding door's potential second reality 就像是任意門裡面的虛擬世界 if I had chosen to alter the way I look. 可以模擬改變後的外貌 - So, I am a quarter Korean and I lived in the south 我有25%韓國血統,住在南韓南部 of South Korea in a city called Daegu for a year, 一個叫做大邱的城市已經一年了 and I saw a lot of shit when I was there. 我看到了令我不屑苟同的文化 All of the subways are plastered with banner ads 所有的地鐵都充滿了廣告看板 that say you should get plastic surgery. 暗示你應該去整形 I actually had an article that I wrote about on BuzzFeed 我老早就有在BuzzFeed發表一篇文章 that also went viral on The Daily Mail 並在 The Daily Mail造成轟動 where the headline was literally 新聞標題很白話 "Too fat, too tall, and too dark 胖子、漢子、黑人 "To be beautiful in South Korea." 應該來南韓美化一下 and that's honestly how I felt. 那是我住在那邊,最真實的感受 - When I was a kid I felt like my eyes were small 當我還小時,我覺得我眼睛很小 because I didn't have double eyelids. 因為我沒有雙眼皮 I had a couple of relatives suggest 我得到來自四面八方的建議 that I get a double eyelid surgery. 我應該要去做雙眼皮手術 In some ways, I think about it, and I'm like, 有時候,我會去思考要不要手術,但是心裡卻有個聲音 "That's messed up." 「那樣會更糟吧」 In other ways it was an act of concern and love. 換個說法,那是愛與關心的表現 - To grow up in a society and a culture that's very 生長在非常注重外貌的社會和文化當中 frank about the way you look, changes the way you perceive 你會時常去思考 your personal relationship with beauty. 你和美貌的關係 First time I went to Korea, all of my mom's friends there 我第一次去韓國時,我媽的朋友 looked at me right when I got off and they said, 看到我下車並對我說 "Well, your son could get the eye surgery, and a nose job, 「嗯,你的兒子應該去做眼睛和鼻子的整形手術 "And get his face smaller." 另外還要瘦臉」 I had a lot of insecurities about that. 我感到非常沒自信 I thought, "Oh, maybe it's because I am ugly. 我心想「哦,大概是因為我長太醜」 "Maybe it's because they want me to look a certain way." 「或者他們想要我跟隨主流」 Fast forward to now when my mom, to the same friends, 直到現在我媽向同一群朋友 shows videos of me and they all say, 秀出我的影片,然後他們居然說 "Oh, your son is so handsome. 「你兒子帥到掉渣」 "Oh, there's nothing wrong with his face." 「你的兒子有個帥氣的臉蛋」 Do you know why the fuck they changed their minds? 你們知道他們為什麼他媽的改變心意嗎? Because I'm successful now. 因為我現在事業有成 So, if you think about it, a lot of Koreans 想想看吧,很多韓國人 don't necessarily say you will look better because 並不全然地以貌取人 you're white-looking, they're thinking you can survive 他們只想看你逆境中求生存 and succeed more if you change certain things 改變自我而更靠近成功一步 because that is what's happening in society. 這就是現實社會 - I'm really terrified of what this surgeon 我很害怕外科醫生 is gonna say to me because I feel like 等等要對我說的話,因為我覺得 he's going to be my worst critic ever. 他會在我心上用力地開好幾槍 I've worked so hard to be okay with my body 我跟我的身體處的很好 and to feel like a Dove commercial inside 而且多芬的廣告(你比你想像的還要更美)深深烙印在我心裡 and I know this man is gonna tell me 我知道我等等一定會被批評 that I'm so ugly and I'm terrified. 長得太醜啦,我的很害怕 - Hi, it's very nice to meet you doctor. 嗨,醫生請多指教 - Nice to meet you. 你好 - I would love to see what I think is sort of the standard 我想知道,我的想法是否為年輕帥氣的韓國男子 for a hot, young Korean guy. 追求的外貌主流 - I'd love to know what I could do to make my face 我想知道,該怎麼做才能讓我的臉蛋 as close to the mainstream beauty ideal currently in Korea. 更接近韓國主流的審美觀 - Okay, why don't you go ahead and put your hair 好的,先把妳的頭髮 behind your ears a little bit. 往耳後塞 - Oh, here we go. 噢,來囉 Here we go, y'all. 我準備好了 - It'll be fine. (chuckles) 不用擔心啦 Nothing to be nervous about. 沒什麼好緊張的 Let's have you turn to me a little bit. 先轉向我一點點 - This is my potato face, y'all. 我的臉型是馬鈴薯,你們瞧瞧 - There is sort of a stereotypical Korean beauty standard 很多人都遵循韓國典型的 that people try to adhere to. 審美標準 There's a big focus on beauty around the eyes, 第一大特點就是眼型 they're looking for noses that are a little bit 再者就是鼻子 sharp and pointed at the end, 要高挺 and finally, they're looking for a facial shape 最後是臉型 which is more V-line and kind of has a slimmer look. 追求瓜子臉,看起來會比較瘦 So, those I'd say would be the most 以上我所說的 common facial aesthetic procedures. 是比較常見的臉型審美準則 - This is very intimate. 好怪的感覺 I just made it weird, sorry. 抱歉,氣氛有點尷尬 - Yeah, let's not make this weirder than it is. 好的,回到正題 Overall, very good-looking face. 整體而言,臉型是好看的 Pretty girl. 美女 I'd say your face looks very nice. 我想說,你有美麗的臉蛋 Great skin. 健康的皮膚 Good-looking guy. 帥哥 You have good facial features. 你的臉蛋很有個性 Starting sort of from the top, down, 臉部整體而言 I think your brows look very good. 眉毛非常漂亮 I think for your eyes, very common to get 至於眼睛,可以做典型亞洲人經常做的 the typical Asian double eyelid surgery. 雙眼皮手術 I think your distance between your brow and your eyelash 我覺得你的眉毛和眼睫毛的間距 looks pretty normal and healthy, 不多也不少,非常漂亮 so I think a standard double eyelid would look nice. 如果有雙眼皮的話會更漂亮 Eyelids, I think double eyelids would be reasonable. 雙眼皮,我覺得雙眼皮很加分 Maybe just make the eyes look a little bit bigger. 可以讓眼睛變得更大 And your distance between your eyebrows 你的眉毛和雙眼皮線的距離 and your lash line here, little bit on the shorter side. 可以更短一些 Going from there I would say your nose 再者,你的鼻子 from the front view looks a little bit wide to me, 從我的視線看過去,是有點寬的 and so I think narrowing it could also 因此縮鼻手術 give you a nice aesthetic. 可以使臉部看起來更和諧 For the rhinoplasty there would be two key things I would do 至於整鼻手術,我會做兩件重要的事情 One would be to shave down that hump on the top, 第一,削除一些頂部的山根 and the second one would to work on that tip a little bit. 第二,將鼻端向上推一點 For the cheeks, either some fat grafting, 至於臉頰部分,可以做脂肪移植手術 or even a cheek implant if you want to have 或是拉提臉頰,如果妳想要讓臉部的輪廓 a little bit more profile. 更明顯 I would recommend considering some fat grafting, 我建議你做脂肪移植手術 which is to remove a little bit of fat 可以抽掉一些身體其他部位 from other parts of your body, and put it into your cheeks 的脂肪,再移入你的臉頰 to make the cheeks a little bit softer-looking. 讓臉頰看起來白白嫩嫩 For the lower part of your face I think down here 你的臉部下緣部分 you do have a little bit of fatty tissue in this area. 涵蓋一些脂肪組織 It's common for a lot of people, also. 很多人都有這種情況 So, I think that one thing you consider would be 因此我覺得你可以考慮 to take out a little bit of buccal fat, which is to make 消除一些口腔附近的脂肪 a small incision on the inside of the cheek. 讓臉頰內部有小切口 Finally, for your jaw here. 最後,來到你的上下顎 Overall face shape is a little bit more on the round side. 整體上來說,妳是圓臉 Very typically, a lot of women in Korea are looking 韓國女生都在追求 for something that's a little bit more V-line. 典型的瓜子臉 So, a combination of botox and this, too, 肉毒桿菌和V臉手術後的合圖 kind of shrink that muscle, as well as potentially 兩種手術都可以收縮肌肉,以及些微的 shaving down this jaw a little bit, 消除上下顎 I think would kind of give you 如此一來 a little bit more of a V-shape. 妳就可以擁有瓜子臉 - That wasn't as scary as I thought it would be. 好像沒有想像中可怕啦 It seems like a lot of the changes would be subtle. 似乎改變也不大 - That was a long list of procedures to get me to point B. 整形的過程好冗長阿 - I'm glad to know that my face is mostly great. 很開心我沒有長歪 I thought it would be like let's just do everything. 我的臉就任你宰割吧 - But it is kind of scary for me to think that I might see 其實我很害怕看到整形之後的我 a better version of myself, so we'll see. 一起瞧瞧吧 Got to get rid of this neck fat, y'all. 脖子脂肪消除後的我 (upbeat music) (節奏上升的音樂) Holy shit, I'm scared. 他媽的,我嚇死了 I'm mainly worried that I'm gonna like it. 我還很擔心,我會愛上整形後的我 - Am I gonna look at it while it changes? 我會目睹整形的過程嗎? Oh, shit, okay, wait, wait, don't do it. 馬的,等等啦,我不想看啦 I'm really nervous now. 我超緊張的啦 (ding) (叮) (laughs) (笑聲) - There's just something about it that's so derpy. 看起來好愚蠢喔 It definitely doesn't look like me. 根本就不是我啊 It looks like an evil doppelganger. 看起來像我壞壞的分身 So, I see how they gave me double eyelids, 嗯,我看到,多了雙眼皮的我 but I'm surprised at how much I don't like them. 但我超驚訝,我居然超討厭雙眼皮 I like the defined jaw line. 我喜歡顴骨線 I could probably achieve that by losing a couple pounds. 或許我減個幾公斤,就可以變成那樣 Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of the eyes. 嗯,雙眼皮不怎麼吸引我 Maybe it's just the Photoshop, but I just look dead. 可能是數位影像處理的關係吧,我看起來很死板 I look dead inside. 眼神空洞 - And. 來吧 (ding) (叮) Huh. 嗯 It's kind of weird because it looks 有點怪耶,勉勉強強才看得出她是我 vaguely like me, but not really. 但又不像 It's not as drastic as I thought it was gonna be, 沒有我想像中的那樣大幅的改變 which is a little bit scary. 反而有點令人害怕 The subtlety of it is like no one would really know 像這樣微小的改變,應該沒有人知道 that I had plastic surgery. 我做過手術吧 To be honest, I thought I'd be hotter, 老實說,我覺得我應該要更性感 and now that I'm not that hot, it's like I don't really 但成品和想像中的有差,我才不想 want to risk going under the knife to be 5% more hot. 為了5%的性感去動刀 5% more hot is not worth it. 5%太少了啦 25%, fuck yeah. 25%的話就他媽的放馬過來 You know what would improve this is just if I had abs. 如果我有腹肌的話,看起來就會像這樣吧 That would be better. 那會更好 (ding) (叮) - Holy shit! 他媽的 Oh, my God. 我的天啊 My jaw is much smaller, the nose is thinner. 顎變小了,鼻子變挺了 He's got a cute little face. 有可愛的臉蛋 It looks good, it doesn't look bad. 看起來不差 He's the way nicer version of me, 他看起來比我帥 I think, in terms of the face. 就臉而言啦 My biggest take-away is that I'm comfortable with looking 令我開心的是,看到整形後的我,我覺得很舒服 at this now without feeling shitty about myself. 沒有任何厭惡之感 But I also am not looking at this and thinking that I'm 但我也沒有覺得 more beautiful than this picture. 自己比這張照片好看 It's nice to see that this is a somewhat 我喜歡那個自然的我 natural option that I don't think people would look at 雖然別人可能不會想看我一眼 and think I looked like a freak or weird. 或覺得我是個怪咖 So, hopefully, if someone feels like this 所以希望有人看到,那個自然的我時 will make them more confident and they get it, 會增強他們的自信心 if they're recognizable as a person, 其實每個人都是人啊 I don't see the problem with it. 根本沒什麼問題或差別 Maybe the one thing that's a little problematic is 或許唯一的問題在於 we have to think as Koreans if we are ever so slightly 我們太崇尚韓國人的想法 changing the way we think we should look. 我們一心想改變我們的外貌 I don't think that we should necessarily think 我們不應該一直有這樣的觀念 this looks better than this, right? 這個(整型前)比這個(整形後)還好看,是吧? And I think that's what a lot of people 我覺得很多人 are currently suffering from is this idea that 都被這個觀念給誤導 I have to look more this way to be accepted. 我要跟隨主流才不會被排擠 - I don't think I'd want to adhere to a trend 我才不崇尚主流文化 and then not be able to go back on it. 也不想跟隨它 You can even remove a tattoo, you can't remove a nose job. 刺青可以被清除,整鼻手術卻一去不復返 - When I was in Korea I thought at some point 在韓國時,我想說 that if I got more plastic surgery I could 如果我做整形手術的話 maybe look more Korean and fit in, 看起來會更韓、更能融入當地人 but now that I'm seeing what the plastic surgery 但我現在看到術後成果 would be, I'm realizing that the parts of me that 我了解到,那部分無法融入當地人的我 don't fit in are the parts that make me unique. 是我最大的特色 - I think what it really comes down to is 我覺得總結一句就是 we just need more this, right? 我們會更需要這個,對吧? We just need more of our own natural faces in media. 我們需要在媒體前展現最真實的我 And not to shit on or diss on people 而不是不知道何方神聖 who get plastic surgery. 做過整形手術的妖魔鬼怪 As Asians we just need to diversify what we're seeing. 身為亞洲人,我們的眼界應該要放遠 And it's not saying that this is bad, 並不是說整形不好 it's just saying that only seeing this is bad. 而是審美的標準令人厭惡 - And everybody deserves to feel okay about who they are. 每個人都應該對自己的外表有自信 I guess I just like my face better than I thought. 我比想像中的我還要愛我的臉蛋 - I don't need that to feel good about myself 我不會為了美貌 or to make other people feel good about how they look. 或是為了要傳承主流而去整形 So, I'm gonna keep my little eyes, 我要繼續保有我的小眼睛 and my big nose, and my big face. 大鼻子和大餅臉 It's what my mama gave me, and she's hot. 這些都是媽媽生給我的,她辣翻 (laughs) (笑聲) - Why you sad? 為什麼難過? Why you crying? 幹嘛哭? Why you cry, sexy Ashly? 哭啥阿,小辣椒 Ashely? Don't cry. 別哭 (jazz music) (爵士音樂)
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 BuzzFeed 手術 韓國 脂肪 臉頰 臉部 用美圖修修來看看自己整形後長什麼樣子! (Koreans Get Photoshopped With Plastic Surgery Ideals) 11319 713 Ricky Chang 發佈於 2017 年 02 月 03 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字