字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hello I’m Crown 哈囉我是滴妹! Today, I’ll be doing common Internet abbreviations! 今天要來介紹網路上流行的英文縮寫第二彈! Basically we can see abbreviations everywhere on the Internet 網路上的縮寫到處都可以看到 We’ve mentioned some in the first episode 那第一集裡已經有教大家一些常用的英文縮寫 but there are still a lot more we haven’t talked about 不過因為還有很多沒有講到 So here we are, episode two 所以今天就做了第二集~ This video will mainly be in English 那這個影片主要會是用英文來去呈現 so remember to turn on the Chinese or English subtitles if needed 所以如果有需要的話,記得開中文或英文字幕喔! People are really lazy sometimes 人們真的有時候超級懶惰的 we want to spend the least amount of time 我們都想要花最少的時間 to convey as much as possible 去傳達最多的內容 Thus, I present to you, abbreviations and acronyms 因此,今天要教大家的是,常用網路流行英文縮寫 In our last episode 在上一集呢 we covered a lot of really popular online abbreviations 我們討論了許多受歡迎的縮寫 However, social media and language is always changing 然而,社群網路和語言不斷的在變化 and evolving so fast 以及快速的演進 that is why we have an endless list to talk about 因此,我們有一~大~堆~永遠講不完的字 But of course, as usual 但是當然,和往常一樣 I’ll be talking about the most popular and commonly-used ones 我會挑選幾個最受歡迎及最常用的縮寫 Best Friends Forever 永遠的摯友 Best Friends Forever 永遠的摯友 Your BFF will be what you call your best friend BFF是拿來叫好朋友好閨蜜的縮寫 Because you love them so much 因為你超愛他們的 you’d want to be friends with them for all eternity 所以你想要和他們做永遠的朋友~ Be Right Back 馬上回來 Be Right Back 馬上回來 Normally seen when one has to leave a chat for a short while 通常是當有人需要離開對話一下 to do something else 去做其他事情時就會看到 They are promising that 他們保證說 they will be absent for a little while 他們要離開一下下 but what they’re gonna do wouldn’t take too long 但是不論是要去做什麼,都會馬上回來和你聊天 Got To Go 先走了 Got To Go 先走了 This is somewhat similar to BRB 這個其實和 BRB 有一點點像 but GTG, means leaving the chat for good 但是 GTG 代表像變了心的女友男友一樣不會回來惹 When you say GTG 當你說 GTG 時 it’ll normally mean when you need to do something else 通常代表你需要做某件事 be somewhere else 或是去某個地方 and therefore need to end the conversation 因此你必須要結束這段對話 I Don’t Know 我不知道 I Don’t Know 我不知道 People asks questions all the time 大家都很喜歡問問題 Sometimes you know the answer to it 有時候你知道答案 sometimes you don’t 有時候你不知道 So IDK can be pretty useful 這時 IDK 就超好用 der when you wanna prevent other people 當你想要阻止別人 from asking too many questions 問太多問題時,就可以考慮用 IDK I Know Right 是不是 I Know Right 是不是 This is often said 這個常常用在 when you absolutely agree with something someone else said 當你超級無敵同意別人說的話的時候 Personally, this is one of my favorite(s) 這個是我個人的最愛 You can’t say it as, “I know, right.” 你不能夠用這種語氣說 “I know, right.” you have to say it like “I know right www~~~~” 專業點,要用這種“I know right www~~~~” Shake My Head 無言傻眼 Shake My Head 無言傻眼 SMH is normally used SMH 通常用在 when someone does something so stupid 有人發表了太蠢的言論時 you’re either disgusted, in disbelief 你要嘛不是很厭惡,就是不可置信 or so annoyed that you’re at a loss for words 或者感到太煩了因此就無言了 SMH would be to do this SMH 就是這個動作 *shakes head* *搖頭* And you could also add in a facepalm for effect 你還可以加個遮臉,效果更讚 *facepalm shakes head* *遮臉搖頭* In Real Life 在現實生活裡 In Real Life 在現實生活裡 IRL basically means in the real world IRL 的意思就是在現實世界中 and not like online, on social media 所以就不是在網路上、不是在社群網路裡 or in books and movies 也不是在書裡或電影裡 You may be commenting on how someone acts in real life 你可能會拿某人在現實生活的言行舉止 compared to their online persona 和他們在網路上的感覺做比較 Or how an actor or actress really is like 或者是某個演員的真實個性 outside of the characters they play in their movies 而非他們在電影裡所飾演的角色個性 In My Opinion 我的看法是 In My Opinion 我的看法是 IMO in other words mean IMO 換句話說 what I think about something or someone 就是你對某人或某事的個人意見 You can also add an H in there 你也可以加個 H making it IMHO 就會變成 IMHO which stands for “in my humble opinion” 就代表著我個人卑微的意見 But be careful about using IMHO 但用 IMHO 要特別小心 because purposefully stating something as humble 當你越刻意表示卑微時 makes it even less so 看起來其實越是相反 and instead a little bit sarcastic 甚至會讓人有諷刺的感覺 Away From Keyboard 不在電腦前 Away From Keyboard 不在電腦前 AFK is often used in a gaming context AFK 在電玩相關內容裡還蠻常用的 written to let people know you’re not available right now 目的是讓別人知道你現在沒空 When you say you’re AFK 當你說 AFK 時 you are literally away from your keyboard 就代表你真的不在鍵盤前面 which equally means you’re away from your computer 也就是你現在不在電腦前面 This is to let your friends and teammates know 這個是讓你的朋友或是隊友知道 that they should wait for you to come back 他們應該要等你回來 Also Known As 又稱為 Also Known As 又稱為 AKA is used when there are two or more names to someone AKA 用於當有個人有不止一個名字時 and you will use it to make a reference to all the other names 你可以用 AKA 來告訴別人你的其他名字 I don’t know why 我不知道為什麼 but the usage of AKA sounds very chuunibyou to me 我覺得 AKA 這個還滿中二的 Perhaps it’s because every time people like to put strange names behind AKA 或許是因為大家都喜歡在 AKA 後面放超級怪的名字 something like 像是 Hey, it’s Crown 嘿,我是滴妹 AKA, Sapphire Goddess AKA 像藍寶石如此閃耀般的超完美女神 Oh!!! It’s kinda like Game of Thrones! 有點像是權力遊戲 You know how they like to put 他們都超級愛 tons of AKAs behind their name 在名字後面 AKA 加上一大堆名字 Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen 坦格利安家族的 "風暴降生" 丹妮莉絲 the first of her name 第一位擁有此名的君王 AKA Queen of Meereen AKA 彌林的女王 Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea 多斯拉克大草原的卡麗熙 The Unburnt 不焚者 Breaker of Chains 打碎鐐銬者 and the Mother of Dragons 以及龍之母 Phew 累死寶寶了 Just Kidding 開玩笑 Just Kidding 開玩笑 This is pretty easy 這個還蠻簡單的 and I think most of you know what this means 大部分的人應該都知道什麼意思 I think this abbreviation is very complicated 但是這個縮寫我覺得其實有點複雜 because it has various meanings 因為他有相當多的意思 1. You really were only joking 1. 你真的在開玩笑 2. When you were actually really serious but people didn’t take you seriously 2. 當你很嚴肅時,別人不認真看待你 3. When you said something stupid 3. 當你說了蠢話時 4. When you said something you regret and you wanted to take it back or cover it up 4. 當你說了某件事,你後悔了想要找個台階下 Laugh My Ass Off 大笑 Laugh My Ass Off 大笑 We use this all the time 我們經常用這個 and can be seen as a higher leveled “LOL” 你可以把他看成 LOL 2.0 When you laugh your ass off 當你笑掉屁股時 don’t take it literally 不要按照字面上的意思去翻 but just see it as laughing really, really hard 就把他看成真的笑到不行 You can add in a F for more effect 你可以加個 F 更添加效果 making it LMFAO “laughing my fat ass off” 就會變成 “笑到我肥肥的屁股都要掉了” 的感覺 Roll On The Floor Laughing 笑到在地上滾 Roll On The Floor Laughing 笑到在地上滾 Similar to LMAO, ROTFL 就像 LMAO 一樣, ROTFL is also used to express great amusement or exaggerated laughter 也是用來表達真的超爆笑或是笑的很狂 To take it to a degree higher 要在更進一步 you can combine ROTFL with LMFAO 你可以把 ROTFL 和 LMFAO making it ROTFLMFAO 合體變成 ROTFLMFAO "roll on the floor laughing my fat ass off" 變成笑到在地上打滾然後屁股就掉了滿地 But this is so long 不過這...也太長了吧 you can hardly call it an abbreviation anymore... 這算是哪門子的縮寫啦 So, the above are the acronyms and abbreviations 以上,是我幫大家整理的 that I’ve compiled for you today 網路流行英文縮寫 I hope you learnt something new! 希望大家有學到新的東西~ Are there any others that you’ve seen before but don’t know what they mean? 大家有沒有看過其他看不懂的英文縮寫呢 If yes, be sure to tell me in the comment section down below! 如果有的話,記得要在留言區跟我說唷 If you like this video, please give me a thumbs up! 如果你喜歡這個影片,請幫我按個喜歡和分享! Please click on the button to subscribe to our YouTube channel 也記得要訂閱我們的頻道 We have new videos up every Monday and Thursday at 9PM 每個禮拜一跟四的晚上九點都會有新影片喔 Search 阿滴英文 on Facebook and Instagram and follow us 追我們的的IG及臉書請搜尋阿滴英文 And that’s a wrap, thank you guys for watching as always 那影片就到這邊結束,謝謝你們一直以來的收看 and I’ll catch you guys next time! See ya! 那我們就下次再見!掰掰一~
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 阿滴英文 縮寫 網路 名字 屁股 流行 【阿滴英文】常用網路英文縮寫分析! #2 (Decoding Common Internet English Abbreviations #2) 15303 1423 梁蕎庭 發佈於 2016 年 12 月 19 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字