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  • What's up, it's Damon!

  • It's Jo and it's Damon and Jo.

  • Today we're here to talk to you about...

  • Jo: What you think? What the video is called?

  • Damon: What you think? What'd you click on?

  • Damon: So here's the deal.

  • Damon: You know that we make videos in French, Portugese, English, sometimes Spanish.

  • Damon: We're trying to expand to Italian and German and you're like...

  • Both: How?!

  • Jo: How do you speak so many languages?

  • Damon: "Damon and Jo, how do you keep your languages 100?"

  • Jo: Or like 90...

  • Damon: or 90.

  • Jo: "Are you guys doing language classes?"

  • Jo: No!

  • Damon: I haven't taken a language class...

  • Damon: Two years! You, it's been longer!

  • Jo: I have not taken a language class, in like 5 years.

  • Damon: 1) I don't wanna spend money on an archaic textbook

  • 2) I don't want homework

  • and 3) your class is boring

  • Damon: So here we are Damon and Jo to show you how to learn a language from your home.

  • Jo: I'm excited!

  • Damon: Where are they watching this video, Jo?

  • Jo:!

  • Damon: Did you know that there are tons of youtuber's in different countries who have millions of followers...

  • Damon: who speak different languages?

  • Jo: Just the other day, I'm like...

  • wow, I kinda wanna listen to some Italian because it's been a while

  • so I googled, "Top Italian Youtubers" and guess what?

  • lists of people that are actually entertaining

  • Damon: Those youtubers might put subtitles on their videos, in English

  • so you can hear in Spanish and watch what they're saying in English

  • Jo: Sometimes when I'm bored, I go back and watch the videos that you submitted subtitles for.

  • Both: Y'all so smart!

  • Jo: and so the next part is, is that

  • you can actually find these famous youtubers and follow them on Twitter

  • anytime you do your morning scroll, 'cause I know you be doing those morning scrolls to get out of bed...

  • Damon: I do it every morning.

  • Jo: You can see different languages without even having to look for them

  • Damon: 140 characters...

  • Jo: a short bite-sized content

  • Damon: What's even better is that you can change your trending topics, to a different country

  • so instead of seeing the United States, or wherever you're watching this video from

  • I can change it to France, and I can see all the hashtags that are trending in French.

  • Jo: This is like a really good video right now...

  • I'm proud of us!

  • Jo: Next!

  • Damon: Another super easy way to learn a language without doing much is to

  • change your phone or your Facebook or your email

  • into a different language

  • Just looking at my phone now

  • Did i know how to say Lockscreen?

  • Jo: Déverrouiller?

  • Damon: Déverrouiller.

  • Did i have to pay for that? No.

  • Jo: It's free, it's all in the palm of your hands, people!

  • So the next tip is something that is super, super, super like

  • Why didn't anybody ever think about this before?

  • That's how i feel about this tip.

  • Damon: Now listen, I'm sure you've heard of

  • And really, how can we apply this to language learning?

  • And now we're like: IT'S EASY!

  • This morning i'm brushing my teeth,

  • and I'm-

  • Jo: Good!

  • Damon: Great!

  • Damon: Brushing my teeth, and i was listening to this book by Paula Hawkins

  • It's a book in English that i've seen it's like "the latest book"

  • Okay, it's called "La Fille du train"

  • I forgot what it was called in English

  • It's about this woman, who sees, this couple from her train everyday

  • And then all of a sudden, something happens.

  • I listened to portion of it this morning

  • Jo: So it's like a, left with a cliffhanger?

  • Damon: WHAT?

  • Jo: That's why we're like, breezin' through this video so that you can get back into your audiobook.

  • Damon: That's why we're talking so fast.

  • Damon: Or i was just listening to this one it was about self help and motivation,

  • and i'm just like writing on our blog and all of a sudden, i'm like

  • YES, YES

  • And so it's really good.

  • Jo: So if you start seeing, like, really really well-written articles from this point on, it's all thanks to audible

  • Basically if you're trying to get on the podcast wavelength like we are,

  • you need to click on the description box below, and go to:

  • Damon: That's the link!

  • Jo: You're listening to books, you sound so educated!

  • Damon: Sign up for foreign magazines, or foreign newsletters.

  • You have that one magazine, called Biba

  • Jo: Yeah, every time we travel or anytime i see a foreign magazine i buy it

  • So i open the magazine, and within the first three pages i already had a list of vocab that i had not learn before.

  • Damon: Almost every magazine you read here in the states has a foreign version, so you have Vogue

  • in french, and it's a perfect way to keep your attention, and also learning the language

  • Jo: And get some style tips!

  • I really like cooking foreign meals, with recipes that are in different languages, so

  • maybe it's time to cook pasta, with an italian recipe

  • or maybe it's time to cook Brigadeiro with a Brazillian recipe

  • You'll start learning about basic products that you probably use everyday,

  • but what that is in the language that you're trying to-

  • Damon: Yeah, i mean, again, i'm going to let you talk this one

  • 'cause I, somehow i think it's okay to just leave the oven on, after i'm done cooking.

  • Jo: He always does this!

  • Damon: But, i'm telling you, like when you read a cookbook in a foreign language that you start learning, that like

  • Oh, wait! Sauté, we use that word in English, that's a french word!

  • Jo: Or like Al Dente pasta, what does that mean, to the tooth.

  • So you start looking these things up,

  • Damon: Really?

  • Jo: Yes! Al dente, cause it's like to the tooth

  • Damon: Cause you're like, you really gotta use your teeth

  • Jo: It's good

  • Jo: You need your teeth to eat the pastas!

  • Damon: Y'all know you're addicted to TV.

  • Jo: Odds are you have a favourite TV show, you have a favourite Netflix series,

  • and the best part is you can probably find those equivalent in foreign languages, people!

  • We recommend, like, cooking shows, House Hunters, The Voice,

  • these things that you don't really need to have a high level of language to follow along.

  • Jo: like smiles and expressions, always translates.

  • You always watch that French House Hunters show

  • You know what i love more than House Hunters? House Hunters International.

  • But you know what i love even more that House Hunters International?

  • Jo: House Hunters International in French.

  • Damon: Exactly!

  • So it's called Recherche Appartement ou Maison

  • Jo: It's weird i never watch TV, but when i do, it's usually cartoons, and i watch different language versions of cartoons i already know.

  • So i'll watch an episode of Hey Arnold!

  • (french accent) Hey Arnold! in French, because i know what happened in English in that episode

  • Damon: It's not like you're completely lost, if you were to watch a crime scandalous series

  • Damon: You're not gonna-

  • Jo: I don't even understand that in English, i honestly don't.

  • Damon: I really hope you're not scared of looking dumb.

  • Jo: Because when you're trying to learn a language, number one rule is that you cannot be afraid of looking or sounding like a crazy person.

  • Damon: Here's the thing, how do we learn language as a baby?

  • We babble, we don't have a choice of translating to our native language, you just have to do it!

  • Jo: Sometimes, i'm in the bathroom, i just have a full blown conversation with myself in Italian,

  • and i'm like Damon is going to think i'm crazy, or like somebody is in the shower with me

  • Just me, being crazy!

  • Damon: Next tip

  • Jo: One time i was at the gym, you know how in the gym there is like a bunch of TVs?

  • I happen to stand in the middle of the Spanish speaking television, and the English speaking television.

  • So i'm like, running on the treadmill, and then i look up

  • and i'm seeing the same exact news story, the headlines were like polar opposites, for the same story.

  • That is like, absolutely crazy. You start looking at the news from a different country, or a different language,

  • you start realising that the thought processes are often different,

  • Damon: Totally!

  • Jo: which is a big piece of learning a language.

  • Damon: Why is it that you can memorise every song lyric to the latest rap hit, but you can't remember languages?

  • Jo: Because you're not making the languages make sense in a rap lyric form!

  • Damon: Exactly, bring the rap bit to it,

  • You gotta have a rhythm behind your language learning, memorising lyrics in a foreign language

  • is an awesome way, to get it flowing

  • Jo: The bonus to this is that you get to show off at parties if you're with your foreign friends.

  • Damon: And it's just, like fun.

  • Jo: And it's fun.

  • Damon: And it's not like i'm doing, "exercises five through A, i need three sentences by tomorrow."

  • Like, nobody wants-

  • That's not how you learn a language

  • Jo: Think we just exhausted all of our language tips

  • Damon: I think i gotta get back to "La Fille du Train"

  • Jo: We're going to leave you with that, hopefully you learnt something, we're not trying to sound like textbooks up in here!

  • Damon: If you like these language learning tips, please subscribe. We do videos about Travel, Languages, random stuff, life problems.

  • Comment below if you have any language learning tips from home.

  • Damon: Clearly, it is a better idea to go travel and study in the country but sometimes, it's just not possible.

  • Jo: Sometimes you just gotta chill, like stay your booty at home.

  • Damon: But it's not an excuse.

  • Jo: But it's not an excuse.

  • Damon: Don't get too comfortable.

  • Jo: Like get out of bed, everybody!

  • Damon: Can you at least get out of bed please!

  • Jo: That's it, we'll see you later.

  • Both: Love you, Bye!

What's up, it's Damon!


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    VoiceTube 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日