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  • According to the RAND Corporation, corruption in Europe comes with a price tag of nearly

  • a trillion euros every year.

  • Three quarters of Europeans surveyed in 2013 said that corruption in the continent was

  • widespread and many of them said it was increasing.

  • So we wanted to know, what is the most corrupt country

  • in Europe?

  • Well, ranked at number 130, out of a worldwide 168, and alongside countries such as Cameroon,

  • Iran, and Nepal, the most corrupt country in Europe appears to be Ukraine.

  • With a score of just 27 out of 100, Ukraine has long been one of the least transparent

  • states in the region, even ranking two full points below neighboring Russia.

  • One of the biggest sources of corruption is bribery, which is most often used in day-to-day

  • interactions to speed up the very inefficient government bureaucracy.

  • A 2008 survey found that the highest rates of corruption occurred in vehicle inspections,

  • police interactions, health care, the court system, and higher education such as universities.

  • This culture of bribery is so deeply ingrained that former President, Viktor Yanukovych,

  • allegedly paid a total of $2 billion dollars in bribes to various officials just over the

  • course of his four years in office.

  • Much of this money was spent paying election officials to ensure his party’s majority

  • in Parliament.

  • According to one Ukrainian anti-corruption advisor, more than $12 billion dollars a year

  • disappears from the budget

  • In fact, Ukraine’s elections have long been marked by well-known and widespread fraud.

  • In the 2004 election, multiple foreign observers noted voter intimidation and direct electoral

  • fraud in favor of Yanukovych, prompting countrywide riots known as theOrange Revolution”.

  • In the face of these riots, the Ukrainian Supreme Court nullified the results of the

  • election and ordered a second vote to be taken, which Yanukovych’s opponent ultimately won.

  • Another area of corruption is Ukraine’s court system, which unlike most developed

  • countries, does not, in practice, operate under a separation of powers.

  • Judges are regularly pressured by high ranking government officials to vote in their favor,

  • or to pass down lenient sentences to their associates.

  • And despite an anti-corruption push in 2010, leading to hundreds of criminal cases against

  • active officials, very few were ultimately prosecuted.

  • A 2009 poll found that fewer than one in three Ukrainians believed it is possible to get

  • a fair trial.

  • Ukraine has an enormous number of problems, from widespread alcoholism, to a deeply insufficient

  • health care system, failing infrastructure, and as of 2016, seemingly no reduction in

  • corruption.

  • WikiLeaks revealed that the US considered the country a “kleptocracy”, that is,

  • government by thieves.

  • Ukraine’s newest President, Petro Poroshenko, is an oligarch and businessman, who is known

  • as the Chocolate King for his ownership of the largest confectionery manufacturer in

  • the country.

  • Despite his promises to crack down on corruption, many believe that Ukraine will continue to

  • be the most corrupt country in Europe.

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According to the RAND Corporation, corruption in Europe comes with a price tag of nearly


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歐洲最腐敗的國家是什麼? (What Is The Most Corrupt Country In Europe?)

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    BH 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日